Choon |
Ok a Couple misconceptions here.
Per the rules in Beastiary which are based on teh CR you can buy back up to HALF your CR round down.
This means CR 1 or CR 2 will cost you 1 level.
CR 3 or CR 4 will cost you two levels.
CR 5 or CR 6 will cost you three levels.
Cr 7 or 8 wil cost your 4 levels.
CR 9 or 10 will cost you 5 levels.
Cr 11 will cost you 6 levels.
Cr 12 will cost you 7 levels (though if you get to 30 you can buy it down to 6 levels)Remeber you can only buy off a level every 3 levels past your CR.
With that said I would play an Advanced Majaraja (CR 21) Beastiary 3. I would take sorceror levels after that cause I think it woudl be fun :)
I had missed that you don't round down. Thanks for clearing that up. :)
Sissyl |
Serisan wrote:Without an INT score, how does a Gelatinous Cube become an adventurer?
1. I'm assuming that the thread is for generating adventurers, and not, like, just gladiator pit fighters or something. Correct me if I'm wrong.
2. I am not trying to be snarky. I honestly am intrigued by the notion of a gelatinous cube being a hero. I'm sure we can come up with something more interesting than "wish spell" or "polymorphed fighter".
Lovely idea. The cube, naturally, ate a brain golem, and now has fragments of brain floating alongside the mandatory half-digested skeleton, the coins and the items. With this brain tissue came... understanding. Sentience. And a vague idea that there might be an elder brain with a grudge against it somewhere...
Hubris |
Oceanshieldwolf |
Yay for gelatinous cube heroes!
With that in mind I'm all for a Chuul or Charda Antipaladin or a heavily armored chaosbeast Inquisitor/Witch. Because asking for custom splintmail is fun! And screw the ASF, she's got hexes! (Wait, do chaosbeasts even have a gender?)
Vegepygmy Summoner. Telepathic link to eidolon helps with the whole mute thang...
Arbane the Terrible |
Yay for gelatinous cube heroes!
Hm... I can't help thinking that a Succubus with Leadership and Oracle or Sorcerer levels could do a lot of damage.... Being 11 levels behind on casting would hurt, but you'd just have to console yourself with your massive horde of minions, at-will Charm and Suggestion to 'recruit' more, teleport, shapeshift, and spells to patch up weaknesses. Could be fun in an evil game...