Class levels vs cool hit dice

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Ughbash wrote:

Ok a Couple misconceptions here.

Per the rules in Beastiary which are based on teh CR you can buy back up to HALF your CR round down.

This means CR 1 or CR 2 will cost you 1 level.
CR 3 or CR 4 will cost you two levels.
CR 5 or CR 6 will cost you three levels.
Cr 7 or 8 wil cost your 4 levels.
CR 9 or 10 will cost you 5 levels.
Cr 11 will cost you 6 levels.
Cr 12 will cost you 7 levels (though if you get to 30 you can buy it down to 6 levels)

Remeber you can only buy off a level every 3 levels past your CR.

With that said I would play an Advanced Majaraja (CR 21) Beastiary 3. I would take sorceror levels after that cause I think it woudl be fun :)

I had missed that you don't round down. Thanks for clearing that up. :)

joeyfixit wrote:
Serisan wrote:


Without an INT score, how does a Gelatinous Cube become an adventurer?

1. I'm assuming that the thread is for generating adventurers, and not, like, just gladiator pit fighters or something. Correct me if I'm wrong.

2. I am not trying to be snarky. I honestly am intrigued by the notion of a gelatinous cube being a hero. I'm sure we can come up with something more interesting than "wish spell" or "polymorphed fighter".

Lovely idea. The cube, naturally, ate a brain golem, and now has fragments of brain floating alongside the mandatory half-digested skeleton, the coins and the items. With this brain tissue came... understanding. Sentience. And a vague idea that there might be an elder brain with a grudge against it somewhere...

I would probably play a Doppelganger with as many levels of Paladin as possible. There's some really good synergy between the two, oddly enough.


Yay for gelatinous cube heroes!

With that in mind I'm all for a Chuul or Charda Antipaladin or a heavily armored chaosbeast Inquisitor/Witch. Because asking for custom splintmail is fun! And screw the ASF, she's got hexes! (Wait, do chaosbeasts even have a gender?)

Vegepygmy Summoner. Telepathic link to eidolon helps with the whole mute thang...

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Yay for gelatinous cube heroes!

Rusty and Co.?

Hm... I can't help thinking that a Succubus with Leadership and Oracle or Sorcerer levels could do a lot of damage.... Being 11 levels behind on casting would hurt, but you'd just have to console yourself with your massive horde of minions, at-will Charm and Suggestion to 'recruit' more, teleport, shapeshift, and spells to patch up weaknesses. Could be fun in an evil game...

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