Requirements for Diabolist For PFS play

Pathfinder Society

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On Page 18 of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play it states:

Prestige Classes
Roleplaying requirements for prestige classes (such as
particular ceremonies or killing a devil) are waived in
Pathfinder Society. Please make the following adjustments
if you wish to take levels in Loremaster or Pathfinder
Chronicler. Additional prestige class options (and any
minor adjustments needed) are found at
Loremaster: This prestige class’s requirement of “any
three metamagic or item creation feats” changes to “any
three metamagic or Spell Focus feats.”
Pathfinder Chronicler: This prestige class does not
require an item creation feat to access it.

The Requirements for the Diabolist


To qualify to become a diabolist, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Alignment: Lawful neutral, lawful evil, or neutral evil.

Language: Infernal

Skills: Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks

Special: Must have conjured a devil using lesser planar ally or lesser planar binding (or a similar spell) and successfully coaxed the fiend into performing a task longer than 1 day.

Is the special requirement here waived? If that is the case, Could a fighter now take this Prestige Class? There is no reason for him to, because of loss of hp's, feats, still doesn't have any spells to cast, and so forth...

But could he?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Prestige Classes
Roleplaying requirements for prestige classes (such as particular ceremonies or killing a devil) are waived in Pathfinder Society. Please make the following adjustments if you wish to take levels in Loremaster or Pathfinder Chronicler. Additional prestige class options (and any minor adjustments needed) are found at paizo.

Guide to society organized play page 23

BigNorseWolf wrote:

Prestige Classes

Roleplaying requirements for prestige classes (such as particular ceremonies or killing a devil) are waived in Pathfinder Society. Please make the following adjustments if you wish to take levels in Loremaster or Pathfinder Chronicler. Additional prestige class options (and any minor adjustments needed) are found at paizo.

Guide to society organized play page 23

I am assuming that you would agree that it is waived, so basically anyone can meet the prerequisites for this particular prestige class with the appropriate skills, alignment, and language?

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Well, that's funny, 'cause a Diabolist is supposed to be a spellcaster, able to conjure up outsiders. And if you waive the special requirement, a 5th-level Rogue or Ranger could take levels in the prestige class, and I'm not sure that's what the campaign coordinators intend.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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That is not our intent. Please do not abuse the system because role playing requirements are currently waved. All abuse does is cause us to reevaluate the way things work and it generally hurts the players that play in the spirit of the game.

I assume you want your fighter or rogue to have an imp companion. If so, then just make it easier for everyone and multi class into something instead of abusing the "role playing requirements are waived" clause.

Dark Archive

Michael Brock wrote:

That is not our intent. Please do not abuse the system because role playing requirements are currently waved. All abuse does is cause us to reevaluate the way things work and it generally hurts the players that play in the spirit of the game.

I assume you want your fighter or rogue to have an imp companion. If so, then just make it easier for everyone and multi class into something instead of abusing the "role playing requirements are waived" clause.

Very clear common sense answer, I love it. I hope everyone in the society reads this. We don't need another summoner synthesist type build.

Michael Brock wrote:

That is not our intent. Please do not abuse the system because role playing requirements are currently waved. All abuse does is cause us to reevaluate the way things work and it generally hurts the players that play in the spirit of the game.

I assume you want your fighter or rogue to have an imp companion. If so, then just make it easier for everyone and multi class into something instead of abusing the "role playing requirements are waived" clause.

Awesome and quick reply! Thanks Michael!

Silver Crusade 5/5

There is some ambiguity here, though. Are all "special" requirements considered roleplaying requirements, or just some of them? For example, some prestige classes have a special requirement to spend some gold. Do you still have to spend that gold?

As I said in my post, there isn't a reason to play this as a straight martial because you would completely gimp your character. In theory, this could legitimately be used by a rogue who had a high enough UMD and charisma using a scroll to cast appropriate spells. But again why would you? To have a viable imp companion, you would need multiple levels in a caster class. Imp could flank but in a single stroke imp would be dead.

Dark Archive

Wait, previous campaign staff rulings was that this requirement was not waived for Diabolist, and the spell had to be cast by the character and not off of a scroll. Is this ruling being reversed? Because I'd really like for my Cheliaxian Sorceror to be able to take this class before level 11, even if it require me to spend a ton of money on a scroll, or spend PP on the Cheliax faction ability to have an imp bound into your service for a game.

It would be awesome if I could take this cool prestige class around the same time that by buddies start taking Hellknight or Hellknight Signifier.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Victor Zajic wrote:

Wait, previous campaign staff rulings was that this requirement was not waived for Diabolist, and the spell had to be cast by the character and not off of a scroll. Is this ruling being reversed? Because I'd really like for my Cheliaxian Sorceror to be able to take this class before level 11, even if it require me to spend a ton of money on a scroll, or spend PP on the Cheliax faction ability to have an imp bound into your service for a game.

It would be awesome if I could take this cool prestige class around the same time that by buddies start taking Hellknight or Hellknight Signifier.

Do you have a link?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Do you have a link?

I assume he means this.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Thanks for pointing that out Paz. It makes sense, it is what has been in place, and it seems to have worked well thus far. So, I will reiterate it.

The assumption is that you have the ability to cast it and have then used that ability to cast it in the way the class dictates. So for Pathfinder Society, you'll need to be able to cast 5th level Wizard spells or 4th level Cleric spells. The "get the summoned devil to work for you for a more than a day" bit is hand-waved but the monetary cost associated with that part of the spell is not--it's assumed you summoned him and succeeded at getting him to work for you for more than a day, but you have to have spent the money to do it, in other words.

Dark Archive

Beat me to the link.

Is there any way this ruling could be looked at a second time?

Spending a lot of money on a 5th level scroll gives my sorceror the ability to cast the required spell. The requirement does not say "Lesser Planar Binding/Ally must be on the characters list of spells known." To me it seems very arbitrary to increase the requirements for this class beyond the rules as written, especially when the rest of Pathfinder Society adheres so strictly to the rules as written.

If I'm willing to spend the money on a scroll of lesser planar aly, on a scroll of magic circle vs evil, and on a scroll of dimensional anchor in order to meet this prerequirement, it's very frustrating that I still can't take the class, when classes like Hellknight's "Must defeat a more powerful devil in single combat" type requirements are just hand waived.

I would even be fine if I had to play out the entire binding scenario, and buy new scrolls if I messed it up. Binding my future imp companion into my characters service for a module would be a lot of fun, actually.

5/5 *

It seems the intent is you need to be able to cast 5th level wizard spells or 4th level cleric spells. All Prestige Classes have an "intended level" of when you can take the class. Looks like Diabolist is 10 for wizards and 8 for clerics.

That seems to be the RAI for it, so I would suggest you go with that.

The hellknight special prereq has no true implications on character level, which is why it is waved. I could do it at level 1 by killing a Lemure?

Dark Archive

I disagree. The skill rank requires for both classes have no skills higher than rank 5 required. If there was a level requirement implied, I think the skill ranks are a better way to judge it. If having those spells in your spellbook or spells known was the intended requirement, it would not have been difficult to simply list that as being the requirement.

In a normal game, the GM would make the call on how the Rules were intended to work. But in Pathfinder Society, in the gross majority of classes, they stick to the rules as written, even when they don't necassarily match up to what I think the rules as intended are.

We can probably argue about the author's intent until we're blue in the face.

5/5 *

Victor Zajic wrote:
In a normal game, the GM would make the call on how the Rules were intended to work.

Mike is the "GM" for PFS, and he ruled it above.

Of course, you are welcome to request a reconsideration if you wish.

Dark Archive ss#1

I'm terrible at formating links. Above address includes creative director of the book's thoughts on entry into the prestige class.

TL:DR - the creative direct suggests that a scroll could be used to gain entry to the class at level 6, but it was pretty cheesy and he understood that some GMs might not allow it.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Victor Zajic wrote: ss#1

I'm terrible at formating links. Above address includes creative director of the book's thoughts on entry into the prestige class.

TL:DR - the creative direct suggests that a scroll could be used to gain entry to the class at level 6, but it was pretty cheesy and he understood that some GMs might not allow it.

For PFS, the ruling to gain entry for the prestige class is as follows:

The assumption is that you have the ability to cast it and have then used that ability to cast it in the way the class dictates. So for Pathfinder Society, you'll need to be able to cast 5th level Wizard spells or 4th level Cleric spells. The "get the summoned devil to work for you for a more than a day" bit is hand-waved but the monetary cost associated with that part of the spell is not--it's assumed you summoned him and succeeded at getting him to work for you for more than a day, but you have to have spent the money to do it, in other words.

Dark Archive

Okay, so the answer to my question "Is there any way this ruling could be looked at a second time?" is no, got it.

Scarab Sages

Michael Brock wrote:

For PFS, the ruling to gain entry for the prestige class is as follows:

The assumption is that you have the ability to cast it and have then used that ability to cast it in the way the class dictates. So for Pathfinder Society, you'll need to be able to cast 5th level Wizard spells or 4th level Cleric spells. The "get the summoned devil to work for you for a more than a day" bit is hand-waved but the monetary cost associated with that part of the spell is not--it's assumed you summoned him and succeeded at getting him to work for you for more than a day, but you have to have spent the money to do it, in other words.

By this, do you mean that the caster needs to have spell slots for 5th level wizard or 4th level cleric spells, or do you mean they need to obtain a 5th level wizard or 4th level cleric scroll AND have the spell on their spell list?

I've always read the Diabolist to mean the ladder, but I'm not sure within your PFS ruling what you intend.

Silver Crusade 2/5 5/5

Murdock Mudeater wrote:
Michael Brock wrote:

For PFS, the ruling to gain entry for the prestige class is as follows:

The assumption is that you have the ability to cast it and have then used that ability to cast it in the way the class dictates. So for Pathfinder Society, you'll need to be able to cast 5th level Wizard spells or 4th level Cleric spells. The "get the summoned devil to work for you for a more than a day" bit is hand-waved but the monetary cost associated with that part of the spell is not--it's assumed you summoned him and succeeded at getting him to work for you for more than a day, but you have to have spent the money to do it, in other words.

By this, do you mean that the caster needs to have spell slots for 5th level wizard or 4th level cleric spells, or do you mean they need to obtain a 5th level wizard or 4th level cleric scroll AND have the spell on their spell list?

I've always read the Diabolist to mean the ladder, but I'm not sure within your PFS ruling what you intend.

I expect you'd be waiting a long time for a response from Mike Brock, heh.

From how I understand it, you need to have it on your spell list, therefore you need to have 5th/4th level spell slots. Now, I don't have sources for this, so we'll see if the PFS team responds to this, but for now I personally would operate under that assumption until otherwise told not to.

The Exchange 4/5

scrolls dont work. must have the ability to cast the required spell and the gold to pay for the service. 8th level cleric or 9th level wizard.

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

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Since this thread was started, additional resources has become quite clear on the diabolist:


Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of Darkness

Prestige Class: Diabolist; to qualify for the diabolist prestige class, you must cast lesser planar ally or lesser planar binding (or a similar spell) using one of your own prepared spells or a daily spell slot, and the spell must be on your class spell list.

Scarab Sages

Kelly Youngblood wrote:

Since this thread was started, additional resources has become quite clear on the diabolist:


Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Princes of Darkness

Prestige Class: Diabolist; to qualify for the diabolist prestige class, you must cast lesser planar ally or lesser planar binding (or a similar spell) using one of your own prepared spells or a daily spell slot, and the spell must be on your class spell list.

Awesome, thanks.

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