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zylphryx wrote:Folks interested in offloading their sci-fi/modern based minis shoot me a PM when they arrive and what you are wanting for them. I'll find a use for them (Firefly, Deadlands, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, etc.).I'll certainly take you up on that!
A taker! Woot! Shoot me a PM or email when the minis arrive and we'll work out a trade.

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

DeathQuaker wrote:Everybody says that, but no one can point the good ones out...Meredith Jones wrote:
And now I need to learn how to paint...
One thing I have come to admire this Kickstarter for is it seems to be bringing a lot of people to the painting hobby!
Fortunately there are a LOT of tutorials on the Internet.
1) most of them are good
2) This subforum has loads of good recommendations alone. I like Dr. Faust's Painting Clinic and just about whatever I can find on Youtube.
3) We do not have time to preview each and every tutorial ever just to pick out what's the best for other people to watch. You wanna take the time to learn, you gotta take the time do the research yourself.
4) While I'm on the subject, discussions of mini painting in miniatures focused forums are also helpful, such as Privateer Press's Website or DakkaDakka (the latter are a slightly more volatile bunch mind, but good hobbyists).

DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

DeathQuaker wrote:And Reaper's own Forums...4) While I'm on the subject, discussions of mini painting in miniatures focused forums are also helpful, such as Privateer Press's Website or DakkaDakka (the latter are a slightly more volatile bunch mind, but good hobbyists).
Absolutely! I've gotten some good advice there myself.

Meredith Jones |

Meredith Jones wrote:DeathQuaker wrote:Everybody says that, but no one can point the good ones out...Meredith Jones wrote:
And now I need to learn how to paint...
One thing I have come to admire this Kickstarter for is it seems to be bringing a lot of people to the painting hobby!
Fortunately there are a LOT of tutorials on the Internet.
1) most of them are good
2) This subforum has loads of good recommendations alone. I like Dr. Faust's Painting Clinic and just about whatever I can find on Youtube.
3) We do not have time to preview each and every tutorial ever just to pick out what's the best for other people to watch. You wanna take the time to learn, you gotta take the time do the research yourself.
4) While I'm on the subject, discussions of mini painting in miniatures focused forums are also helpful, such as Privateer Press's Website or DakkaDakka (the latter are a slightly more volatile bunch mind, but good hobbyists).
I know that I have to do my own research, but you and the others just helped me by suggesting a few good starting places.

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http://www.youtube.com/user/GirlPainting - for example, painting an ogre from start to finish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQr0uW4U6o4&feature=plcp
Very gw focused, but check out all the related and similar videos - should get you started.

GentleGiant |

With all this talk about painting tutorials, I created a thread dedicated to that subject.
Read and participate here!

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PsychoticWarrior |

If this was a dragon I would have got it but I can't imagine ever using a massive dracolich.
I must be nuts...I not only got Karadrax but the even more massive Nethrymaul! I've used a dracolich exactly once in 30 years of D&D!
oh well they will look pretty awesome once painted (in 2024!)

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Wow, glad I picked up a couple extras.
@ shifty
I drilled out the bottom of an LED tea light. It was a bit fat under, but looks cool.
Also, consider the DIY approach (aka throwies) which might yield a slightly lower profile look (but no switch). You can skip the magnets with minis ;)

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Nice big shot of nethyrmaul's head. Looking fantastic so far.

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I'm sort-of regretting passing up on the big guy, but... I honestly have no idea what I'd ever do with him. He would be a decoration at best and I'd be afraid to paint him until I got improved my skills to a huge extent. As it is, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Cthulu and I'm in a campaign where we're doing cthulu-esque type encounters.

bugleyman |

I'm sort-of regretting passing up on the big guy, but... I honestly have no idea what I'd ever do with him. He would be a decoration at best and I'd be afraid to paint him until I got improved my skills to a huge extent. As it is, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Cthulu and I'm in a campaign where we're doing cthulu-esque type encounters.
I find the very idea that Cthulu should ever be on a battle map to be very odd. ;)

PsychoticWarrior |

Dennis Baker wrote:I find the very idea that Cthulu should ever be on a battle map to be very odd. ;)I'm sort-of regretting passing up on the big guy, but... I honestly have no idea what I'd ever do with him. He would be a decoration at best and I'd be afraid to paint him until I got improved my skills to a huge extent. As it is, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Cthulu and I'm in a campaign where we're doing cthulu-esque type encounters.
Its a good sub for the Star Spawn though. I ordered 2.

ced1106 |
Old reply, but Reaper will be releasing their updated Bones Learn to Paint Kits SOON. FRPGames has a pre-order for $20.
If you have unwanted Bones coming in your KS, see the Reaper forums for their KS trade thread.
Also, Reaper has RIGHT NOW their "12 Days of Christmas" promotion. Buy $35 of stuff on the Reaper site and get the day's promo figure. Unfortunately, the only Learn to Paint Kits on Reaper is Intermediate Skin Tones.

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Unboxing video of the vampire pledge.

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I look so tired in that video... *sigh*
Ed had suggested that I open everything, until I reminded him that when Michael and I opened the baggies inside to glue them to the black runner in the opening crawl, it took the two of us about 45 minutes, and as impressive as that is, nobody wanted to see a 45 minute video of me cutting open bags.

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Elrostar wrote:Oh dear GOD what am I going to DO with all those minis?!?!?!
I suppose I'll just have to find out :)
It'll be a refreshing change from the bare metal horde I have now.
Agreed. I'll have to finally learn how to paint. Luckily, I'll have at least one or two dozen minis I don't care about to practice on, mixed in with the majority that I don't want to ruin.

Elrostar |

PsychoticWarrior wrote:Elrostar wrote:Oh dear GOD what am I going to DO with all those minis?!?!?!
I suppose I'll just have to find out :)
It'll be a refreshing change from the bare metal horde I have now.
Agreed. I'll have to finally learn how to paint. Luckily, I'll have at least one or two dozen minis I don't care about to practice on, mixed in with the majority that I don't want to ruin.
This is actually an excellent point. I have long been wanting to work on my speed painting, or even just my general speed of painting. I feel that I am very slow at the moment, and if I'm ever going to paint a couple of hundred minis, I'm going to need to learn to go a bit faster.
One thing I'm wondering about is whether the Bones minis are safe to clean using Simple Green cleaner. That stuff works wonders on metal mins: dump the minis in a jar with some concentrated Simple Green mixed with water, let it sit for a few days and voila, clean mini.
But I'm worried it will break down the plastic. Does anyone have experience with this?

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@Fromper - you could also check out our tutorials and how-to's on the Reaper Forums. We're very helpful with teaching newcomers to the hobby over there.
Hey Bryan - speaking of that ...
There is a thread started in the the PaizoCon forums about this, but it would be great if you guys would do a couple How To Paint clinics at PaizoCon geared specifically to the Bones minis.

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Bryan Stiltz wrote:@Fromper - you could also check out our tutorials and how-to's on the Reaper Forums. We're very helpful with teaching newcomers to the hobby over there.Hey Bryan - speaking of that ...
There is a thread started in the the PaizoCon forums about this, but it would be great if you guys would do a couple How To Paint clinics at PaizoCon geared specifically to the Bones minis.
That's a great idea. Now that I live in the midwest, I'm planning to hit GenCon for the first time next year, and I'd attend something like that if you did it there.

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Slow pan of the vampire pledge minis.

DJEternalDarkness |

Once again HOLY CRAP that's an awesome dragon! I so can not wait to get my little mitts on this, and my Pathfinder group will be hatin' me forever for it.
Beautiful, beautiful. March can't come quick enough.