Andy Ferguson |

I'm playing though Skull and Shackles with an evil party, and just brainstorming backup character ideas.
I'm playing with two barbarians and a divine necromancer, so if I croak I wouldn't mind coming back as something that has some ability to solve problems without ultra-violence. I'd like to be some kind of versatile caster and while I could simply be a person who has a broad range of spells and an evil mustache, I'd much rather use this rare chance to go full evil to grab something restricted (either rules wise or thematically) to the bad guys.

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I'm playing though Skull and Shackles with an evil party, and just brainstorming backup character ideas.
I'm playing with two barbarians and a divine necromancer, so if I croak I wouldn't mind coming back as something that has some ability to solve problems without ultra-violence. I'd like to be some kind of versatile caster and while I could simply be a person who has a broad range of spells and an evil mustache, I'd much rather use this rare chance to go full evil to grab something restricted (either rules wise or thematically) to the bad guys.
If you make a wizard, the spell Blood Transcription will be your friend. You could always go the undead creation route since you have a (not-so-)friendly neighborhood cleric around to heal anything you make. Summoning demons, devils, and daemons is fun too, and many of them have SLAs that will help with the versatility.

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Make a wiz (admixture) 1/ Sorcerer X and go the blaster route.
How is this specific to being evil, exactly?
...and while I could simply be a person who has a broad range of spells and an evil mustache, I'd much rather use this rare chance to go full evil to grab something restricted (either rules wise or thematically) to the bad guys.

OmegaZ |

How about an evil diviner? They're seeking a fabled magical artifact and will sacrifice anything to gain control over it. On the surface they're simply ambitious, but the villainy shows when they do things like kill innocents and corrupt natives. Could be a member of the Aspis Consortium too.
A witch would be good too. Your witch could have made a deal with their patron to get out of a ghost ship, but now the ship's captain wants them back!

threemilechild |

Our good party was recently threatened with TPK by an evil Quasit Master Summoner. Summoners themselves don't have a particularly versatile spell list, but can build their Eidolon to be useful any way they want, and it would give you the opportunity to summon all kinds of demons and devils which normally you may want to avoid. Take Eldritch Heritage Arcane for a familiar and to expand your spell list a bit, if you like. (I recommend Mirror Image, if you do.)
Alternately, the Diabolist prestige class for cleric or wizard is just full of greatness, if you're allowed to take it. (Technically you can qualify by being Lawful Neutral, but since you're serving Hell...)

Mirrel the Marvelous |
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I got a bunch of truly evil spells out of Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Stealing the souls of your slain enemies to power up your costly spells. Honestly, it truly is adding insult to injury when you cast Animate Dead on your slain foes using the power of their souls to save yourself the cost of Onyx.

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>Roll up arcane caster specializing in conjuration
>Come across as odd, even for a mage
>Your summoned creatures are always weirdly grotesque
>Dramatically reveal your allegiance to Dagon, demonic/Lovecraftian lord of madness and sea-monsters
U forgot steal everyone underpants...
How evil is that?