Advice on making an effective PFS Tengu Swordmaster Rogue


Scarab Sages

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Hello fellow Pathfinders. I recently won the Advance Races Guide at a local game store's raffle. Thumbing through it and stumbled upon the Swordmaster Rogue archetype that the Tengu's get. I have been looking to play a roguish character and had yet to find something that wowed me. Then a friend pointed out the Tiger Trance and pairing it with the Scout archetype's sneak on charge ability. Maybe pairing it with the Offensive Defense rogue talent and two weapon fighting.

Now this sounded awesome to me! However, I'm having trouble putting it all together. I've got a rough character concept, wandering swordsmen type who has fallen in with Pathfinders after acquiring several skills to help him survive in his time before. He is a bit of a magpie and likes shiny things. Generally doesn't like authority figures or elders ordering him around. So probably a Shadow Lodge member. Here is what I have so far:

Race: Tengu
Class: 1 Rogue (Scout/Swordmaster)
Ability Scores (after Racial Mods):
Str: 10
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 10

Traits: Reactionary, ???
Feats: Weapon Finesse
Skills: Acrobatics, Disable Device, Know. Local, Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Stealth, Survival

Skills to pick up: 1 rank of Climb & Swim, Know. Nature, Sleight of Hand

So my questions are:
1) Do the stats look right?
2) Should I go the Two Weapon Fighting route? Or just take Weapon Finesse and use an Elven Curved Blade? If I do forgo Two Weapon fighting should I still pick up Offensive Defense?
3) Should I keep Swordtrained? Or trade it out for one of the other two options (Exotic Weapons Training/Claw Attack)?
4) Besides reactionary I'm having trouble figuring what would be a good Trait for the character?
5) Is there a good way to boost his CMB so he can be reasonably sure at making the Tiger Trance check?

Plus any other advise would be welcome.

1) Looks like a 20 point buy to me.
2) and 3) Just take finesse, get the claw attacks. 3 attacks at full BAB? Yes Please!
4) Armor Expert is a fantastic trait. No light armor will ever give you ACP. Also, the coveted Mithril Breastplate has no ACP with this trait, thus you don't even need medium armor prof. to wear it.
5) Yeah, the CMB thing is kind of hard to overcome. It's untyped, so it's not like you can get the Improved or Greater version via a feat. However, I would make the case that it's at least there's that... Of course, you CAN get your party and circumstances to help out on this one. If the creature is flat-footed, it's denied it's dex bonus to CMD as well as AC. Invisibility works pretty darn well here. Or a buddy that has dirty trick capabilities (a maneuver master or Lore Warden, for instance) can blind your foe, thus negating his dex bonus to CMD. A grease spell can also work wonders here. Even if they make the save, they still must make an acrobatics check to move, which means they are flat-footed.

also, tiger trance seems pretty great, unless I'm missing something. grab something like agile maneuvers to pump up your roll and go to town.

Grand Lodge

I like the twin Sawtooth Sabres for this. Two hand on single attacks for more damage, then two weapon fight on full attacks.

Otherwise, twin Kukris is a good choice.

I think INT of 13 Wis 14 to get comabt experitse feat chain for fient, dissarm, dirty trick. All so to have more of the skill list that you want.

Side note if it was me I take Diplomacy in place of Knowledge Local.
You can talk to every one do to

Gifted Linguist: Tengus gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and learn 2 languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics rather than 1 language.

I would also take 1 or 2 level of Divener for this power.
Foresight School
Associated School: Divination.

Replacement Powers: The following school powers replace the diviner's fortune and scrying adept powers of the divination school.

Prescience (Su): At the beginning of your turn, you may, as a free action, roll a single d20. At any point before your next turn, you may use the result of this roll as the result of any d20 roll you are required to make. If you do not use the d20 result before your next turn, it is lost. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

This with 18-20 weapon basicly give you many chance to critial with your racial abilty

Rogue: Choose a weapon from those listed under the tengu's swordtrained ability. Add a +1/2 bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls with that weapon (maximum bonus +4). This bonus does not stack with Critical Focus.

Pluss all other cool stuff for you
Sribe Scroll feat
3 first level spells per day one is True Strike
Shield, & Feather Fall
3 Cantrip per day
Haunted Fey Aspect, Detect Magic, Open/Close

Familer for +2 Perception & Sense Motive and host other abitly

Cat Master gains a +3 bonus on Stealth checks
Hawk Master gains a +3 bonus on sight-based and opposed Perception checks in bright light
Monkey Master gains a +3 bonus on Acrobatics checks
Owl Master gains a +3 bonus on sight-based and opposed Perception checks in shadows or darkness
Rat Master gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves
Raven* Master gains a +3 bonus on Appraise checks
Viper Master gains a +3 bonus on Bluff checks
Scorpion Master gains a +2 bonus on initiative rolls

+2 Will since I had you lower your WIS score

Dervish Dance (Combat)P
Source Qadira: Gateway to the East 23
You have learned to turn your speed into power, even with a heavier blade.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitar.

Benefit: When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist�s precise strike ability). The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand.

This fit realy well to this idea as well.
Silken ceremonial 30 gp +1 AC no MAX DEX Arcnce Spell Failure 0%

Scarab Sages

These are some great ideas. Definitely picking up Agile Maneuvers. Sorry Tom S 820, but I had already considered Dervish Dance however thought it didn't fit the character. I'm hesitant in dipping into wizard as well since it screws with my BAB and Sneak Attack. I think I want to pursue Two Weapon Fighting or Natural Weapons. Still on the fence on those. Two weapon fighting with manufactured weapons don't really take off till later levels. The Natural Weapons are great early on, but at level 5 onward enemies with a lot of DR show up making it hard to hurt them. Unless I'm missing something.

There are some nice neck items for over-coming DR in the UE.

Natural weapons with good strength will punch through the other DR's. Remember you'll have 3 attacks at full bab and strength [dex], what you lose via DR, you'll gain through landing more hits. Amulet of Mighty Fists will magic up your natural weapons [imo, others may disagree].

A level of Barbarian [Beast Totem, lesser] would net you..

+2 Fort
+1 bab
d12 hit points
a 4th natural attack with full bab and strength [dex].

Scarab Sages

Is there away in society to add Dex to my natural attack's damage?

Prospector wrote:
Is there away in society to add Dex to my natural attack's damage?

dunno, i know unarmed attacks are light weapons, but no idea on natural attacks.

Grand Lodge

Agile AoMF will allow you to use Dex for attacks and damage with unarmed strikes, and natural attacks

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