Martial Adept; for all those who want to play a martial that doesn't suck

Homebrew and House Rules

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Martial Adept

tired of martials that don't get nice things? the martial adept gains nice things. not as nice as a wizard, but he has some nice spammable class abilities that seem more overpowered on paper than they are in person.

no longer do you have to choose between moving and full attacking, no longer do you have to suffer at the hands of flying ranged opponents. no longer does DR have to wear your down. hell, the right choice might even give you regeneration. this class is designed for people who want to play characters such as Kenpachi Zaraki to Lu-bu or Li-Mu-bai. it also works for characters like Hercules or Siegfried without too much effort.

it may sound a little overpowered at first, but the easy way to keep it in line is not to create an extra warrior's discipline feat. the abilities are powerful on their own and meant to be of restricted access. though there isn't level requirements, some of these powers can get a little overpowered.

Dotting to check later.

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Let me see... we have... full bab, all good saves plus evasion and mettle... +60 move speed... non-magical teleport at will as a swift action at 9th level... unlimited air walk at 9th level... complete negation of any hardness or DR at level 12... doubling of full attack actions several times a day at level 18...regeneration at level 8 with no shut off, plus diehard... plus some sort of menu of options that isn't explained at the bottom.

How shouldn't this be regulated to the trash can immediately?

At-will teleport is too good. At-will air-walk could be okay, but at a higher level (12th~15th), that's when sorcerers/wizards get constant flight.

The disciplines vary between "very good" (Precision Master) to "freaking powerful" (Physical/Mental Training)

Dance of a Thousand Cuts is probably game-breaking. Two full-round actions is a lot! I suggest chaging it so the class can make a full-attack (and use the whirldwind feat) as a standard action and make it the capstone ability.

You had me at first, with the promise of a "fighter" capable of great deeds, but upon reading your document I was surprised

1) Very few classes get 3 good saves. I see no reason for this one to.
2) The character is proficient with all exotic weapon. Gradually acquiring them could be a class feature all to itself, such as on every three levels. Oh, and can use all weapons, but not a shield. Huh?
3) Six skill points plus Int as a secondary ability score? Overkill. Honestly 2 would suffice.
4) Canny Defense. I love the scaling, although I would personally put it at second level.
5) Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Mettle, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Improved Evasion. It sounds great, but again kind of overkill. No other class gets so many defenses.
6) Flash step is awesome! But too much. Maybe as a move action or a limit on usage. Same with Cloud Step.
7) Mountain Hammer is rather abrupt. Being able to ignore X many points seems more realistic to me.
8) Dance of 100 Cuts also seems abrupt. It could start earlier with something resembling Haste X many times per day.
9) Warriors Path. Alas the miserable fighter may have nothing all its own. Class features similar to this one allow the character to count as a fighter of its level - X.
10) And finally we come to Warriors Discipline. So every 3 levels the character gets 2 to 3 feats and another class feature? Alternately gets a +2 to three ability scores?

You have a bunch of ideas here, lots of brainstorming. Time to back it off

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Since when martial sucks?

Grand Lodge

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Haha even its starting gold is higher than any other classes...

i will work on it further tomorrow. i plan on keeping the flash step as is (it's not too different from pounce). but i guess it was too overpowered.

Another point that might be made (at the risk of pushing this into a repat of older arguments) would be that "martial" does equal "melee" something this class seems to focus heavily on.

Personally Ithink if counterspelling was easier to initiate then magic might become more of a "one on one" thing and more chess like. This is one reason I advocate for the counterspell as an aoo houserule.

Nerfed Martial Adept. intelligence is atill a secondary stat of great importance the skill points and bab were nerfed, in favor of a pseudo full bab with limited weapon groups, warrior's path was rewritten and the dance of 1,000 cuts, cloud step and flash step were kept. as were all the defenses, the disciplines were nerfed and some of them removed.

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Nerfed Martial Adept. intelligence is atill a secondary stat of great importance the skill points and bab were nerfed, in favor of a pseudo full bab with limited weapon groups, warrior's path was rewritten and the dance of 1,000 cuts, cloud step and flash step were kept. as were all the defenses, the disciplines were nerfed and some of them removed.

I'm glad I didn't read the original if this is the nerfed. All good saves, evasion, uncanny dodge, mettle, 60 ft.+ speed increase, among other things...

I'm not usually the overly-critical sort, but this feels like a class that was constructed by cherry-picking dervish, fighter, monk, duelist, and some other things and put into one neat package.

Reduce it to 1 good save - 2 max; drop either evasion (and improved) or mettle; get rid of the movement bonus if you're keeping the teleport/flying abilities - this dude is a movement master.

That's just a start - and my opinion.


yeah.... this class is overpowered like nobodies business.

Da'ath wrote:
Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
Nerfed Martial Adept. intelligence is atill a secondary stat of great importance the skill points and bab were nerfed, in favor of a pseudo full bab with limited weapon groups, warrior's path was rewritten and the dance of 1,000 cuts, cloud step and flash step were kept. as were all the defenses, the disciplines were nerfed and some of them removed.

I'm glad I didn't read the original if this is the nerfed. All good saves, evasion, uncanny dodge, mettle, 60 ft.+ speed increase, among other things...

I'm not usually the overly-critical sort, but this feels like a class that was constructed by cherry-picking dervish, fighter, monk, duelist, and some other things and put into one neat package.

Reduce it to 1 good save - 2 max; drop either evasion (and improved) or mettle; get rid of the movement bonus if you're keeping the teleport/flying abilities - this dude is a movement master.

That's just a start - and my opinion.

well, it is intended to be an intellegence based lightly armored light weapon wielding pseudo fighter/monk hybrid. but i guess most of the abilities do seem cherry picked. well, it's not much stronger than most 3.5 builds who could cherry pick whatever they felt like. i guess i could drop a few abilities and change the discipline progression. how does good reflex/will saves sound?

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Version Three

a lot of abilities were delayed, good fortitude was dropped, mettle and speed bonus was dropped, dance of 1,000 cuts was delayed as a capstone, warrior's discipline progression was changed with some new and revised disciplines added. some of which have some supernatural taste. intelligence became even more vital.

Way more reasonable. I would scale Warrior's Path the same way Canny Defense is scaled though. You don't want to make 1-level dipping too attractive.

My opinion, mind you, but you should really add some sort of limiting factor to flash step. As it is written, you are essentially immune to attacks of opportunity and can make a full attack action each round with half movement, then full movement. No other class in the game, to my knowledge, has this capacity. Having this ability at will is significant.

Additionally, I'd change improved resilience training to fast healing, not regeneration.

Da'ath wrote:

My opinion, mind you, but you should really add some sort of limiting factor to flash step. As it is written, you are essentially immune to attacks of opportunity and can make a full attack action each round with half movement, then full movement. No other class in the game, to my knowledge, has this capacity. Having this ability at will is significant.

Additionally, I'd change improved resilience training to fast healing, not regeneration.

well barbarians get pounce at 10th level, which lets them move 80 feet, full attack and ignore most attacks of oppurtunity in one turn. this ability lets you move 15 feet and full attack then eventually allows you to move 30 and full attack. the reason it ignores attacks of opportunity is (by the name) you are moving so quickly that you aren't visibile until you reach your designated spot.

mobile/dawnflower dervish fighters can move 30 feet and full attack as early as 11th level. and they still have their swift action. to sacrifice for an immediate for specific feats. you can't use both a swift and an immediate in the same round. so any round a martial adept uses flash stepping is a round they don't spend using step up or whatever. the tradeoff they get for not provoking and a delay in their movement

well, constitution is a tertiary stat, and i figured regeneration wouldn't be too bad if i included the clause that you are dead once your negative hit points exceed your constitution bonus. so it's essentially fast healing with the ability to regrow limbs.

druids and beastmorph vivisectionists also gain pounce earlier than barbarians and can move twice their speed and full attack. which may be faster than these guys, and they still have a swift/immediate to spend. like the barbarian and mobile/dawnflower dervish fighter.

A lot of the abilities you cite do not work quite the way you say:
- Barbarian's pounce (Beast Totem, Greater) is based on a finite resource (rage rounds) and can only occur while raging (which can be ended by an opponent with the right tools), also takes a rage power slot. Doesn't prevent AoO. Gained at 10th level.
- Dawnflower Dervish gives up an attack (Rapid Attack) to make a full attack (which means 3, not 4 attacks) with what remains. Provokes AoO. At 11th level.
- Druid's beast shape 2 arrives at 6th level and costs a wild shape use (an X/day limit), until it reaches level 20. Doesn't prevent AoO. Limited by time and number per day.
- Beastmorph gains beastshape 2 at 10th level - functions the same as the druids. Limited by time & only 1 a day.

Each one of the examples you provided has a (mostly) relevant limiting factor.

Edit: For the record, I'm trying to help you, not be a pain in your backside which I'm sure you're starting to think by now.=)

Dawnflower dervish gets that attack back at 15th level, but you take a -2 to all of your attacks.

Tiger pounce allows a swift action move up to half your speed toward an enemy that you made a successful unarmed attack or combat maneuver against in the current or previous round. It's available as early as level 9, but it takes at least 2 feats to get.

What level of power are you shooting for with this class? How would it perform against say, a ranger making full use of his favored enemy, spells, and animal companion? What exactly is his role?

Killsmith wrote:

Dawnflower dervish gets that attack back at 15th level, but you take a -2 to all of your attacks.

Tiger pounce allows a swift action move up to half your speed toward an enemy that you made a successful unarmed attack or combat maneuver against in the current or previous round. It's available as early as level 9, but it takes at least 2 feats to get.

What level of power are you shooting for with this class? How would it perform against say, a ranger making full use of his favored enemy, spells, and animal companion? What exactly is his role?

Mobile Melee Damage Dealer. shooting for tier 2-3 if we use JaronK's tiers as a baseline.

at level 10, when a barbarian gains pounce, they have enough rage rounds to break up between every encounter of the day. not too different from no longer having a limiting factor. and charging doesn't quite provoke unless the foe you charge has more reach than you. doesn't matter when you have a ton of nearly inexhaustable HP.

Druid Wildshape, each use lasts an hour per level. by 8th level, you have enough uses to be wildshaped all day.

mobile fighter/dawnflower dervish might give up an attack, but they still have a swift/immediate for other uses. and have a higher move speed for longer.

vivisectionist/beastmorph is limited based on how long he has to brew his mutagens. it also doesn't say he has to be standing still to brew a mutagen either. it can theoretically be mixed on the road. there might be a case for the alchemist.

I think you may want to look at Ashiel's monk conversion. It's got a psionic power set that emulates most of the characters you site. I would say that the characters from bleach would all be in the mid teens in terms of level though, they are all captains and lieutenants in a society of shinigami after all.

It definitely has a pool of resources, but a shinigami from bleach wouldn't be able to pull off the maneuvers your talking about with no exertion. Even the main protagonist could not accomplish that flash step right from the beginning.

warrior’s discipline some stats duration 4+int At each level after 1st, he can use warrior’s discipline for 2 additional rounds. warrior’s discipline powers and feats like extra warrior’s discipline and extra warrior’s discipline powers.


For Flash steps I agree with the posters that it needs to have a limiting factor. Moving that fast has got to have some negative effects on the body. Put a usage cool down on it like a dragons breath has, so that people cant use it every single round. It will make it on par with Pouncing Barbs, because they have to have a straight uninterrupted line to their target, you haven't limited flash steps to a straight line and so it is flat out better then Pounce.

I will confess to not reading your build (yet).

I just wanted to give you encouragement for even trying to build a "soul reaper". That would be super cool. I doubt it's do-able in a pathfinder game without being unbalanced or out-shining all the other PCs.

Bonus points for singling out "Kenpachi Zaraki".

Horizon Hunters

We come into a conflict of interests in saying 'martial class that doesn't suck', I'm quite a fan of rangers, barbarians, fighters, magi, rogues, cavaliers, etc.

That aside... well, no, not really that aside. This class seems like it's trying to trample the others, not stand alongside them. The abilities gained, even in the revised version, don't stand up to existing classes.

What I mean by that is a fighter is good at what they do and how they do it- they're masters of weapons and armor, and combat in general via the usage of a ton of feats. Monks blur the line between what is physical and what is 'supernatural' with their ki, and, while seeming overbalanced compared to a 'mere' fighter, still have limitations on what they can do. Fighters are limited to weapons, Rogues have situational, albeit easily achievable situational, damage.

This class, getting to that, has far too many skills to choose from that don't match up to what it's trying to do; why UMD? Why Disable Device? Why Heal, knowledge arcana, planes, history, nature? Why linguistics, why not profession or ride? If I'm not mistaken everyone has profession save barbarian and that's because they dwell on fringes and in 'primitive societies'. Granted, that's a small thing, but it's there. This class can never hold a job? There will never be NPCs of this class?

I'm glad to see you took Mettle off the list. Warrior's path just seems... too much. Int in addition to strength? All exotic weapons from that group? How many bonus feats is that right away? On top of that he gets to ignore his BaB for -all- attacks made with that weapon, not just situational ones like flurry of blows does with a Monk. That's...

If monk is strong compared to the others what's that make this? Also they can teleport at will and it isn't magical in nature somehow and lets them make a full attack forever. And has an ability copied right from duelist. I just... there's no limitation on just how overly powered this thing is. No resource pools, no x/day, no if-then-when qualifiers, they just wake up in the morning eating fighters for breakfast, chew on some monks for lunch, spice their ranger dinner with rogue flakes, and teleport to bed and dream of being the best there ever was. I'm sorry if that seemed harsh but if you're touting something as a martial class that doesn't suck, please be aware that you'll have to back that up with some really good design. All I've seen so far is a cherry-picked mish-mash. If you take all of everyone's best abilities there's no reason for those other classes to exist.

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