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Geistlinger wrote:
Archaeologists can't get Lingering Performance, because they don't get the Bardic Performance class feature.

Archaeologist’s Luck (Ex)

Fortune favors the archaeologist. As a swift action, an archaeologist can call on fortune’s favor, giving him a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. Maintaining this bonus is a free action, but it ends immediately if the archaeologist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. Archaeologist’s luck is treated as bardic performance for the purposes of feats, abilities, effects, and the like that affect bardic performance. Like bardic performance, it cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.

Lingering Performance will work with Archaeologist’s Luck as bolded in the class ability above.

#1–6: Rise of the Runelords
Burnt Offerings(1 of 6)
The Skinsaw Murders(2 of 6)
Hook Mountain Massacre(3 of 6)
Fortress of the Stone Giants(4 of 6)
Sins of the Saviors(5 of 6)
Spires of Xin-Shalast(6 of 6)

#7–12: Curse of the Crimson Throne
Edge of Anarchy(1 of 6)
Seven Days to the Grave(2 of 6)
Escape from Old Korvosa(3 of 6)
A History of Ashes(4 of 6)
Skeletons of Scarwall(5 of 6)
Crown of Fangs(6 of 6):

#13–18: Second Darkness
Shadow in the Sky(1 of 6)
Children of the Void(2 of 6)
The Armageddon Echo(3 of 6)
Endless Night(4 of 6)
A Memory of Darkness(5 of 6)
Descent into Midnight(6 of 6)

#19–24: Legacy of Fire
Howl of the Carrion King(1 of 6)
House of the Beast(2 of 6)
The Jackal's Price(3 of 6)
The End of Eternity(4 of 6)
The Impossible Eye(5 of 6)
The Final Wish(6 of 6)

#25–30: Council of Thieves
The Bastards of Erebus(1 of 6)
The Sixfold Trial(2 of 6)
What Lies in Dust(3 of 6)
The Infernal Syndrome(4 of 6)
Mother of Flies(5 of 6)
The Twice-Damned Prince(6 of 6)

#31–36: Kingmaker
Stolen Land(1 of 6)
Rivers Run Red(2 of 6)
The Varnhold Vanishing(3 of 6)
Blood for Blood(4 of 6)
War of the River Kings(5 of 6)
Sound of a Thousand Screams(6 of 6)

#37–42: Serpent's Skull
Souls for Smuggler's Shiv(1 of 6)
Racing to Ruin(2 of 6)
The City of Seven Spears(3 of 6)
Vaults of Madness(4 of 6)
The Thousand Fangs Below(5 of 6)
Sanctum of the Serpent God(6 of 6)

#43–48: Carrion Crown
Haunting of Harrowstone(1 of 6)
Trial of the Beast(2 of 6)
Broken Moon(3 of 6)
Wake of the Watcher(4 of 6)
Ashes at Dawn(5 of 6)
Shadows of Gallowspire(6 of 6)

#49–54: Jade Regent
The Brinewall Legacy(1 of 6)
Night of Frozen Shadows(2 of 6)
The Hungry Storm(3 of 6)
Forest of Spirits(4 of 6)
Tide of Honor(5 of 6)
The Empty Throne(6 of 6)

#55–60: Skull & Shackles
The Wormwood Mutiny(1 of 6)
Raiders of the Fever Sea(2 of 6)
Tempest Rising(3 of 6)
Island of Empty Eyes(4 of 6)
The Price of Infamy(5 of 6)
From Hell's Heart(6 of 6)

#61–66: Shattered Star
Shards of Sin(1 of 6)
Curse of the Lady's Light(2 of 6)
The Asylum Stone(3 of 6)
Beyond the Doomsday Door(4 of 6)
Into the Nightmare Rift(5 of 6)
The Dead Heart of Xin(6 of 6)

#67–68: Reign of Winter
The Snows of Summer(1 of 6)
The Shackled Hut(2 of 6)

I think that is all of them. can use this as a start. fill it in as you see fit.

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
What the name of that feat that gives you new uses with a piece of equipment?

Equipment Trick

I see MacGuyver as an Archaeologist bard

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

A Handy Haversack is what you need as far as magic items. You also need a character that can use the tools or it does not do any good. I would suggest a Trapper Ranger. If I remember the show correctly he was always setting up traps. In the game the only way to do that is with the Trapper Archetype. Craft Traps requires weeks if not months for almost any kind of trap. Even with a Trapper Ranger the traps are usually pretty weak but that is the best way according to the rules.

You will also probably want the feat Breadth of Experience so you can use any professional skill untrained at a +2 bonus. This means you need to be a Dwarf, Elf or Gnome and at least 100 years old.

Learn ranger trap feat you need 5 ranks survival. Any class can set traps at level 6 not the best but it works.

ossian666 wrote:
A Musket Master Gunslinger just breaks PFS...being able to reload as a free action and shoot touch AC out on a firearm out past 100 ft. is just unfair...then toss in Clustered Shots and you just have to sit back and liquify things.

Best you can do is 50 feet touch ac move action with Steady Aim still takes a move action to reload with Fast Musket, and Rapid Reload.

TRAVELER’S ANY-TOOL 250 GP Ultimate equipment page 323.
hands down the MacGyver swiss army knife of Pathfinders.

ALL TOOLS VEST 1,800 GP Ultimate equipment page 220.
To cover the tools you cant make with the travler's any-tool.

ROBE OF INFINITE TWINE 1,000 GP Ultimate equipment page 217.
all the rope and twine you will ever need.

Archaeologist needs updated it can disarm magic traps just like the rogue.

The power in Muay Thia blows I see more as having the effects of dirty tricks blinded, dazzled, deafened, entangled, shaken, or sickened.

An elbow can cut your face wide open causing bleeding that can blind.
A Knee to the head can sicken daze or deafen
A solid low kick can slow anyone down.

The grappling in Mauy Thai is mostly a fast joint lock to set up for a strike not really a roll on the ground man loving thing like brazilian jiu jitsu.

a 10x10 treasure stich tarp attached to a Expedition Pavilion inside is a table with heroe's feast. When the command word is spoken this tarp rolles up into a small 6 inch by 6 inch by 6 inch cloth bundle. when anotehr command word is spoken the bundle unrolls into a 10 by 10 by 10 steel box with a door inside the box it is 30 by 30 by 10. very nice little hide out in your pocket.

Beast rider archetype with Boon companion feat. 1st lvl ride a wolf 4th level get a Cheetah. 1 level Cavalier the rest Musket Master.

Ask your gm if mounted archery will work with your firearm. if it does then pick up mounted combat and mounted archery.

Half-elf Archaeologist
Ancestral Arms (scimitar)

lvl 1 Weapon Finesse
lvl 3 Lingering performance
lvl 4 Dervish Dance (lvl 4 Combat Trick)

Str 9
Dex 18 (15+2+1 lvl 4=18)
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 13 (13 +1 lvl 8=14)

locate object spell or spend the 10,500 gp for a ROD OF METAL AND MINERAL DETECTION from ultimate equipment.

That rule is for adding a class not character creation.
I do not have my book on hand but will look it up tonight.

Would crane riposte work with the fencer trait?

isnt there an attack in narato that kiba uses called dynamic marking were his dog pees on a target and can track it untill it is washed off.

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for space look at Treasure Stitching all your heavy stuff into no wieght. just a 10 by 10 canvas tarp.

modified folding airship

1 a 12 inch by 6 inch by 6 inch box
2 a 30 foot by 10 foot by 10 foot air ship
3 a 20 foot by 20 foot by 10 foot floating paltform

make a spool of endless twine in the cargo hold for your rope needs.
get a table with creat food and drink, or hero's feast useable once or so a day, or make bed's with Dream feast. unseen servants as cabin boys.

Have the interior of your ship built using the Expedition Pavilion set up and you could have a 30 by 10 by 10 ship outside and 90 by 30 by 10 inside.

warrior’s discipline some stats duration 4+int At each level after 1st, he can use warrior’s discipline for 2 additional rounds. warrior’s discipline powers and feats like extra warrior’s discipline and extra warrior’s discipline powers.

1 level dip into gunslinger and you have your ranged combat.

Or pick it up thru the rogue talents you get at level 4 and 8.

you can get the misfire to 0.
look at
Reliable effect it reduces the misfire value of the affected firearm by 1 (minimum 0).
Greater Reliable effect it states that It reduces the misfire value of the affected firearm by 4 (minimum 0).

dervish dance and archaeologist luck combination with lingering performance make it more combat friendly then you think. at lvl 11 you will have a +3 luck bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. you can dump str focus on dex for combat.

also look at teamwork feats like Feint Partner, Outflank, and Precise Strike.

no because it is for effects only not for traits or feats.

Racial Heritage from Advanced Player's Guide.

Archaeologist bard archetype could cover almost all of that with back up from a witch. can toss in say maybe a magus for extra covarage

Banner of the Ancient Kings with the Flagbearer feat.
You are treated as if your bard level was four levels higher for the purposes of determining the bonuses granted by your inspire courage.
gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws against fear and charm effects.

This lets you have a long spear for damage well granting this bonus.

Heat or chill metal spells? might end things faster.
Cast and hide.

the thief needs to disable traps as well the lore warden can not fill that role.

What do you want your ninja to do what is the focus?

Once you find that then you focus on the build stats feats traits and trick can be worked around what you want it to do.

I used the half elf because he wanted to be a thief. this will keep the class simple and easy to play well maintaining the ability to do the job.

The archaeologest is a fantastic class but he wants to keep it simple for his friend who will be playing the class the archaeologist can get complicated with spells and luck bonus and you need a few feats to make the class work right.

I would use a half-elf and take Ancestral Arms (scimitar)

Change your stats to

Strength 10
Dexterity 18 (16 base +2 race)
Constitution 11
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

at lvl 4 add the +1 stat to con

Add Perform (dance)

lvl 1 pick up weapon finess
lvl 2 use rogue trick for combat trick and pick Dervish Dance
lvl 3 you can gain another feat or pick up Extra Rogue Talent for the rogue talent you used at lvl 2.

At first level he will be using his dex mod to hit instead of str.
from second level on he will be using his dex to hit and damage.

Monk vows but they are not as powerful as they were in 3.0/3.5.

No clue I find it frustrating you should be able to use any thing that is related to what you are or any half or quarter of that race.

It takes a feat to use other then your racial abilites the half-elf has the
"Half-Drow Paragon"
Prerequisites: Drow-blooded and drow magic racial traits, half-elf.
Benefit: You count as a drow for any effects that relate to race. Furthermore, the spell-like abilities granted to you by your drow magic racial trait count as drow spell-like abilities for the purposes of any feat prerequisites.

"Elven Spirit"
Prerequisite: Half-elf.
Benefit: You possess the elven magic racial trait of the elves, granting you a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, you receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items. Alternatively, you can instead gain any one racial trait that elves can exchange for the elven magic racial trait.

"Human Spirit"
Prerequisite: Half-elf.
Benefit: You receive 1 bonus skill rank. Whenever you gain another Hit Die, you gain an additional skill rank. You cannot gain more than four skill ranks in this way.

Vital strike can not be used in a charge.

The thing about sap master is it only works on flat footed targets.

sneak attack requires you have to find a way to deny dex or be flanking.

Scout you have to charge or move 10' to get sneak attack unless they have uncanny dodge then your stuck. the scout build almost requires spring attack build to be funcinal.

i just tossed that in to fill the gap.

Two-Handed Fighter Archetype

STR 18 (16 base +2 race)
DEX 14
CON 14

Using a Falchion you are
lvl 1-2 2d4+5
lvl 3 2d4+9
lvl 4-5 2d4+12
lvl 6-7 4d4+12
lvl 8 4d4+13
lvl 9-11 6d4+15
lvl 12-15 6d4+19
lvl 16 8d4+22

lvl 1. power attack
lvl 1. Furious Focus
lvl 2. Weapon focus
lvl 3. Combat Reflexes
lvl 4. Weapon Specialization
lvl 6. Death or glory
lvl 6. Vital Strike
lvl 8. Improved critical
lvl 9. Devastating Strike
lvl 10. Greater Weapon focus
lvl 12. Improved Vital Strike
lvl 12. Greater Weapon Specialization
lvl 14. Improved Devastating Strike
lvl 15.
lvl 16. Greater Vital Strike

This would be a fighter build few open slots to add what you want.
Look at the Two-Handed Fighter archetype. with this archetype your getting double your STR mod not the normal 1.5 STR.

lvl 1. power attack
lvl 1. Weapon focus
lvl 2.
lvl 3.
lvl 4. Weapon Specialization
lvl 6. Death or glory
lvl 6. Vital Strike
lvl 8. Improved critical
lvl 9. Devastating Strike
lvl 10. Greater Weapon focus
lvl 11. Improved Vital Strike
lvl 12. Greater Weapon Specialization
lvl 12. Penetrating Strike
lvl 14. Improved Devastating Strike
lvl 16. Greater Vital Strike

ok so I need it to be 10 foot by 10 foot cloth command activated. think caster level would be 10th.

The idea is to use this cloth with the Expedition Pavilion to have 30 foot by 30 foot area in the 10 foot by foot area. lots of storage and a place to rest.

So I was looking at the construction of a portable hole and it uses the spell Plane Shift a 7th level spell. If I traded out Plane shift for the level 5 spell Treasure Stitching what would my cost be to construct this item?

ok your playing it for flavor that clears up what you wanted him to do.

so you just want a guy that wields a katana and follows Bushido?

alexanderb wrote:

as mentioned, I need to be ronin.

Any class will do for a ronin if you simply wish to follow the way of Bushido. Just focus on what you want to do simply tying your self to a class for the sake of the name can lock you down to things you may not want and limit your options. Build a character you will want to play and call him what you want.

Look at the Lore Warden fighter archetype might be a better fit to what you want

Lets look at 2 feats

Pass For Human
You receive a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a human.

Veiled Vileness
You appear outwardly human, with no obvious
signs of your orcish heritage (no Disguise check required).
plus you get +1 to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks and Will saves.

I think i would invest into Veiled vileness and not have to worry about a bad roll on a disguise check.

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We picked up a copy of Advanced Race Guide. Just going to do a 10 point half-orc half-elf mash up.

bookrat wrote:
tifton wrote:
there is no need for a Disguise check with the Veiled Vileness feat your human side is more dominant. In other words your body looks human no giant tusks or green skin you are human outside and have the half-orc inside. If you wanted you could make it into a trait trade it out for Intimidating like they did for the Shaman's Apprentice one that gives you endurance.
What book is that in?

Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting.

there is no need for a Disguise check with the Veiled Vileness feat your human side is more dominant. In other words your body looks human no giant tusks or green skin you are human outside and have the half-orc inside. If you wanted you could make it into a trait trade it out for Intimidating like they did for the Shaman's Apprentice one that gives you endurance.

Ok so we have this new guy coming in and he wants to play a half-orc/half-elf. mother was a half-elf raped by orc raiding party. How the heck would you do the stats on that.

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