master arminas |

Okay. There has been a lot of discussions about monks here lately, but I want to do something different. This thread is going to be a place where you can post your monk; any level, using any Paizo, with standard Wealth-by-level. Post a monk that you would play, or have played, or would like to play.
Let’s forget about DPR and competiveness and just celebrate in our monks. Short monks, tall monks, fat monks, drunk monks, ascetic monks, crazy kung-fu monks . . . let’s see all of them. And we can talk about why you play the class and your build.
I’ll start. My first character was a monk and I am just going to convert him over to Pathfinder. He (Arminas tar Valantil) wound up retiring as a Grand Master of Flowers well over a decade ago, but since Pathfinder only goes to level 20, here is what he would look like today.
First up, I had to use a 25-point buy to reflect the minimum ability scores for the class back in the good ‘ole days of AD&D. Arminas was human, who stood 6’ in height, weighed a tad over 180 lbs (182 to be precise). He had dark brown hair, green eyes, and wore a neatly trimmed mustache and beard.
His starting ability scores would be as follows: Str 13 (3 pts), Dex 15 (7 pts), Con 15 (7 pts), Int 13 (3 pts), Wis 15 (7 pts), and Cha 8 (-2 pts).
I put the +2 for being human into Strength, resulting in Str 15, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 15, and Cha 8.
Level ups were simple to figure: I have five over 20 levels and five odd ability scores. Str, Dex, Con, Int, and Wis each get one. Total to date: Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 16, and Cha 8.
Next, I devoted 385,000 gp of my wealth to buy some Inherent bonuses: +2 each in Str, Dex, Con, Wis, and Cha; followed by a +4 in Int. That leaves 495,000 gp left to spend and ability scores (in an anti-magic field) of Str 18, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 18, and Cha 10.
With that 495,000 gp left over, I buy the following items: Amulet of Mighty Fists +5 (125,000 gp), Belt of Physical Perfection +6 (144,000), Winged Boots (16,000 gp), Bracers of Armor +8 (64,000 gp), Circlet of Persuasion (4,500 gp), Cloak of Resistance +4 (16,000 gp), Gloves of Swimming and Climbing (6,250 gp), Goggles of Night (12,000 gp), Handy Haversack (2,000 gp), Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6 (36,000 gp), Ring of Protection +5 (50,000 gp), Ring of Sustenance (2,500 gp), Robe of Blending (8,400 gp), and 10 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+3) (300 gp ea for 3,000 gp total). Equipment cost is 489,650 gp.
That leaves my character with a grand total of 5,350 gp left over in pocket change (heh). Final adjusted ability scores wind up at Str 24, Dex 24, Con 24, Int 18, Wis 24, and Cha 10.
(As you can see, I prefer a balanced approach for my monks.)
Arminas tar Valantil
Human Monk 20
LE Medium Humanoid
Init: +7
Senses: Perception +x; Darkvision 60’
AC: 43 (47 w/ki; 23 in AMF)
Touch: 35 (39 w/ki; 23 in AMF)
Flat-footed: 35 (19 in AMF)
HP: 234 (174 in AMF)
Fort: +23 (+16 in AMF)
Ref: +23 (+16 in AMF)
Will: +23 (+16 in AMF)
Defensive Abilities: Still Mind, Purity of Body, Improved Evasion, Diamond Body, Diamond Soul (SR 30), Perfect Self (DR 10/chaotic), Mobility
Speed: 90’ (60’ fly w/good maneuverability 3/day for 5 minutes each)
Unarmed Strike: +28 (2d10+12, 19-20/x2) (+19, 2d10+4, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
US, Power Attack: +24 (2d10+20, 19-20/x2) (+15, 2d10+12, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
Flurry of Blows: +31/+31/+26/+26/+21/+21/+16 (2d10+12, 19-20/x2) (+22/+22/+17/+17/+12/+12/+7, 2d10+4, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
FoB, Power Attack: +25/+25/+20/+20/+15/+15/+10 (2d10+24, 19-20/x2) (+16/+16/+11/+11/+6/+6/+1, 2d10+16, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
Special Attacks
Stunning Fist (20/day; DC 27)
Quivering Palm (1/day; DC 27)
Str: 24 (base 13, +2 human, +1 level, +2 inherent, +6 enhancement; 18 in AMF)
Dex: 24 (base 15, +1 level, +2 inherent, +6 enhancement; 18 in AMF)
Con: 24 (base 15, +1 level, +2 inherent, +6 enhancement; 18 in AMF)
Int: 18 (base 13, +1 level, +4 inherent; 18 in AMF)
Wis: 24 (base 15, +1 level, +2 inherent, +6 enhancement; 18 in AMF)
Cha: 10 (base 8, +2 inherent; 10 in AMF)
BAB: +15
CMB: +27 (+35 w/Disarm, Sunder, and Trip) (+24; +26 w/Disarm, Sunder, and Trip in AMF)
CMD: 50 (52 vs. Disarm, Sunder, and Trip (28, 30 vs. Disarm, Sunder, and Trip in AMF)
Feats: Blind-Fight (9), Combat Expertise (11), Combat Reflexes (B1), Nimble Moves (7), Deflect Arrows (B2), Dodge (H1), Improved Critical (B10), Improved Disarm (B18), Improved Sunder (17), Improved Trip (B6), Improved Unarmed Strike (B1), Medusa’s Wrath (B14), Mobility (1), Acrobatic Steps (17), Power Attack (15), Spring Attack (5), Stunning Fist (B1), Weapon Focus: Unarmed (3), Whirlwind Attack (13)
Skills (including favored class bonus): Acrobatics +30 (20r) (+74 to jump), Climb +20 (5r), Craft (Woodworking) +27 (20r), Escape Artist +30 (20r), Intimidate +26 (20r), Knowledge (History) +22 (15r), Knowledge (Religion) +17 (10r), Perception +30 (20r), Perform (Dance) +26 (20r), Ride +15 (5r), Sense Motive +30 (20r), Stealth +30 (20r), and Swim +20 (5r)
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, and Halfling
Special Qualities: Ignore 20 feet of difficult terrain each turn
Class Abilities: AC Bonus +5, Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike (2d10), Stunning Fist, Evasion, Fast Movement (+60’), Maneuver Training, Still Mind, Ki Pool (17 ki points), Slow Fall (unlimited), Purity of Body, Wholeness of Body (2 ki for 20 hp), Improved Evasion, Diamond Body, Abundant Step, Diamond Soul (SR 30), Quivering Palm, Timeless Body, Tongue of the Sun and Moon, Empty Body, Perfect Self (DR 10/chaotic)
Equipment: Amulet of Mighty Fists +5, Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Winged Boots, Bracers of Armor +8, Circlet of Persuasion, Cloak of Resistance +4, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, Goggles of Night, Handy Haversack, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Sustenance, Robe of Blending, and 10 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+3).
Money: 5,350 gp
He’s a solid 20th level character, but a level-by-level build for this type of balanced (stat-wise) character might have some problems. It all comes together late in the game, but that is because of the cost of those inherent bonuses. Still, this is my ideal of a monk. Feel free to check the math; I did it by hand so it might be off.
What’s yours?
EDIT: Corrected power attack for non-flurry Unarmed Strikes. BAB of +15 gives a -4 (-1, plus additional -1 for every four full points of BAB) and +8. Flurry power attack corrected since a monks BAB is equal to his level, so that is -6 and +12.

Ashiel |

Yeah same here Auris Vector. My group uses homebrew monks too, so we can't get it on the fun. :(
Unarmed Strike: +28 (2d10+12, 19-20/x2) (+19, 2d10+4, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
US, Power Attack: +23 (2d10+22, 19-20/x2) (+14, 2d10+14, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
Flurry of Blows: +31/+31/+26/+26/+21/+21/+16 (2d10+12, 19-20/x2) (+22/+22/+17/+17/+12/+12/+7, 2d10+4, 19-20/x2 in AMF)
FoB, Power Attack: +26/+26/+21/+21/+16/+16/+11 (2d10+22, 19-20/x2) (+17/+17/+12/+12/+7/+7/+5, 2d10+14, 19-20/x2 in AMF)DEFENSE
AC: 43 (47 w/ki; 23 in AMF)
Kinda low don'tcha think? Martials in Pathfinder can push +50 attack at 20th level. :\
EDIT: I mean +20 BAB, +10 Strength, +5 weapon, +10 from class features (such as training/specialization, favored enemy, smite, etc). That's about +45 and is before buffs (like heroism or greater heroism, inspire courage, bless, haste, etc).
You're monk's AC isn't terrible vs things much lower than his own CR though. I imagine he could tank a naked marilith pretty well. Unfortunately, I feel she could do the same.

master arminas |

True, Ashiel, but a CR20 creature has an average high attack of +30. Yes, he would be at a disadvantage against a balls-to-the-walls optimized full BAB martial class (especially a Paladin since he is evil!) built like a player character, but how often does that actually come up?
I prefer a more balanced approach in ability scores for my monks; others will want (I am certain) to emphasize defense or offense, whether by pumping Str through the roof, or doing the same with Dex and getting an agile amulet of mighty fists, or some other method.
But you are right. In an arena fight against another character tricked out and fully optimized, he is in for a world of hurt.
Now, about the custom monks . . . I don't mind if you post them, just let folks know that they ARE custom. I was going to do this just as official Paizo rules to see what people come up with, but why keep you two out of the fun?

Finn Killshrike |

My sorcerer 1/monk (weapon adept) 4/dragon disciple 4 (with more monk levels to come) from our Savage Tide game:
Strength 26
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 16
Charisma 12
Hit Points: 93 [8 + 4 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 11 + 9*2 con]
AC 20/24 [+2 dex, +3 wis, +1 monk, +2 natural, +2 deflection, possibly +4 armor], Touch 17, Flat 17/21
Initiative: +2
BAB/CMB: +6/+15 [+6/+7 bab, +8 str]
CMD: 32 [+6 bab, +1 monk, +8 str, +2 dex, +3 wis, +2 deflection]
Speed: 40 ft
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +12 (+4 vs enchantment effects, +2 vs poison)
Weapons (possible +2 from Reckless Offense, possible -2 from Power Attack, possible free demoralize attempt from Enforcer)
+1 merciful longspear with Reckless Offense and Power Attack (1d8+19+1d6 or 1d8+13+1d6, x3), +16 or +15/+15/+10 [+6/+7 bab, +8 str, +2 RA, -2 PA, +1 enh, +1 feat]
unarmed strike (1d8+8, x2), +14 or +13/+13/+8 [+6/+7 bab, +8 str]
+1 merciful longspear (1d8+13+1d6 or 1d8+9+1d6, x3), +16 or +15/+15/+10 [+6/+7 bab, +8 str, +1 enh, +1 feat]
claw/claw/bite (1d4+8/1d4+8/1d6+12, x2), +14 [+6 bab, +8 str]
Stealthy [bonus]
Skill Focus (Perception) [racial]
Improved Unarmed Strike [monk 1]
Perfect Strike [weapon adept 1]
Combat Reflexes [monk 1]
Eschew Components [sorcerer 1]
Heroic Spirit [1st]
Serpent Strike [monk 2]
Weapon Focus (longspear) [weapon adept 2]
Reckless Offense [3rd]
Action Surge [5th]
Power Attack [dragon disciple 2]
Enforcer [7th]
Intimidating Prowess [9th]
Racial and Class Abilities:
Favored class (monk & sorcerer)
Low-light vision
Flurry of blows
Wis bonus to AC
Summoned creatures get DR 2/good
Claws+bite usable 4 rounds/day
Ki points (5/day)
Perfect strike (5/day)
Slow fall 20'
Blood of demons (abyssal disciple stacks with sorcerer levels for bloodline abilities)
Electricity resistance 5
+2 inherent bonus to Str
Level 0 (at will, DC 11): Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mending, Prestidigitation
Level 1 (7/day, DC 12): Mage Armor, Enlarge Person, Cause Fear*, Shield
Level 2 (3/day, DC 13): See Invisibility, Bull's Strength*
Action Points: 12 (out of 12)
Skills [16 monk + 4 sorcerer + 12 disciple]
Acrobatics +11/+15 [6 ranks, +3 class, +2 dex] (+4 to jumps)
Intimidate +21 [9 ranks, +3 class, +1 cha, +8 str]
Knowledge (The Planes) +7 [5 ranks, +3 class, -1 int]
Linguistics (Abyssal) +0 [1 rank, -1 int]
Perception +25 [9 ranks, +3 class, +3 wis, +3 feat, +2 racial, +5 competence]
Stealth +8 [1 rank, +3 class, +2 dex, +2 feat]
Escape Artist +8 [1 rank, +3 class, +2 dex, +2 feat]
+1 merciful longspear with wand chamber ("Vanderboren's Justice"), cold iron kama, sai, quarterstaff, 3 javelins, 3 torches, 1 sunrod, flint & tinder, 5 scrolls of shield CL 1, Cannith repeating crossbow, belt of giant strength +2, eyes of the eagle, cloak of resistance +1, wand of mirror image (see "Accounting"), headband of wisdom +2, ring of protection +2, sandals of levitation, potion of CMW, ring of invisibility
Note that he's actually a variant dragon disciple based on the Abyssal bloodline. And he uses some feats from Eberron, since it's an Eberron game. And it's using the pre-"clarification" version of flurry of blows with a weapon (i.e., that you can make all flurry attacks with a single weapon).

master arminas |

Yeah same here Auris Vector. My group uses homebrew monks too, so we can't get it on the fun. :(
Kinda low don'tcha think? Martials in Pathfinder can push +50 attack at 20th level. :\EDIT: I mean +20 BAB, +10 Strength, +5 weapon, +10 from class features (such as training/specialization, favored enemy, smite, etc). That's about +45 and is before buffs (like heroism or greater heroism, inspire courage, bless, haste, etc).
You're monk's AC isn't terrible vs things much lower than his own CR though. I imagine he could tank a naked marilith pretty well. Unfortunately, I feel she could do the same.
Like I said, very true. A pure fighter with a +5 (all enhancement, no special properties) one-handed bastard sword and a 36 Strength (18 base, +2 race, +5 level, +5 inherent, +6 enhancement) could have an attack routine of +46/+41/+36/+31 dealing 1d10+28 (before power attack), auto-critting on a 17+ AND an AC of 41 (full-plate +14, heavy shield +7, deflection +5, natural armor +5).
But I don't like making characters specifically to deal with folks like the fighter right above. A balor has +31/+26/+21/+16 (2d6+13, vorpal unholy longsword) and +30/+25/+20 (1d4+7+1d6 fire, vorpal flaming whip) with an AC of 36.
A pit fiend has +32/+32 (2d8+13, claws), +30/+30 (2d6+6, wings), +32 (4d6+13, bite), +30 (2d8+6, tail slap) with an AC of 38.
Both are CR 20, and this character can (theoretically) go mano-a-mano with them.
A Solar (CR 23) is also a major threat to this character alone. He attacks at +35/+30/+25/+20 (3d6+18, dancing greatsword) with an AC of 44. Never mind the slaying arrow!
The tarrasque (at CR 25, the toughest critter in the book) has an attack routine of +37 (4d8+15, bite), +37/+37 (1d12+15, claws), +37/+37 (1d10+15, gore), +32 (3d8+7, tail) with an AC of 40. A much tougher fight, never mind that my monk can't actually kill the tarrasque!
I know that a lot of people do tons of PvP in their games, but I don't encourage that. It is rare . . . and I build accordingly.
Your own mileage may vary.

![]() |

I don't have the build anymore, but my 17th level tetori monk named Randy Nocho became a Chuck Norris-like meme in our group.
Basically immune to anything requiring a saving throw, with inescapable grapples, walking faster than the wind, impossible to hit (Turtle Style + Barkskin + High Wis + Human Shield or Ki point) and using Dimension Door whenever he needed to reach a point in an instant, usually followed by a vicious grapple check. Oh, and dealing double nonlethal damage twice on each successful grapple action (up to three per round...) was just incredible despite the 2d10+8 base unarmed damage.
Randy german suplex'd three flesh golems at once to splat them on a gnome wizard once. It was a fun game session.

Ashiel |

True, Ashiel, but a CR20 creature has an average high attack of +30. Yes, he would be at a disadvantage against a balls-to-the-walls optimized full BAB martial class (especially a Paladin since he is evil!) built like a player character, but how often does that actually come up?
Depends on if you're facing humanoid NPCs or monsters with class levels, or if your enemies use buffs and tactics and such. Also it's worth noting that average attack bonus is average. For every enemy with a wizard's BAB there is an enemy with a Fighter's. :P
Martial PCs in PF can hit around AC 44 without feats or a shield, and up to around 60 AC if they use a shield and some feats like combat expertise; hence my slight concern. ^~^
Eh, it's the parental instincts in me as a GM. I tend to worry about the PCs, and generally when I see things like a high attack of +30-ish and a high-end AC of 40 at 20th level that sounds more like a caster to me than a martial. ^~^'
I prefer a more balanced approach in ability scores for my monks; others will want (I am certain) to emphasize defense or offense, whether by pumping Str through the roof, or doing the same with Dex and getting an agile amulet of mighty fists, or some other method.
But you are right. In an arena fight against another character tricked out and fully optimized, he is in for a world of hurt.
Heh, I'm with you there my friend. One trick ponies are terrible in a real game. Especially when that one trick is either moderate offense vs moderate defense. Either you can do something but die quickly, or you can live longer but not do much. It is a tough choice. :(
Now, about the custom monks . . . I don't mind if you post them, just let folks know that they ARE custom. I was going to do this just as official Paizo rules to see what people come up with, but why keep you two out of the fun?
Sweet. Well, the first character I will present is my monk I'm playing in an online campaign.
========================================================================Ryu Otome
- Notes
- Point Buy: 25 pb
- Core PF Monk?: No.
- Alternate Monk?: Psionic Monk
- Party Role: Tank / Butt-Kicker
Ryu (family name meaning Dragon) Otome (given name meaning Maiden) is a wandering vagabond that spends most of her time in the wilderness. She carries on a tradition of self improvement through undergoing rigorous tests of endurance and conflicts. She grew up in a small mountain home with her father and mother, and knows little of anything except for fighting, fighting, and more fighting; which incidentally makes playing her outside of fighting a joyous experience.
Because of her time spent as a vagabond in the wilderness, she doesn't really "get" normal life. Most of the time when she is town, she has little social interaction beyond taking part in illegal (or sometimes legal) street fights in back alleyways or underground arenas. She has recently met up with a group of adventurers and has begun using "adventuring" to test and develop her fighting skills even further, as the competition in back alley streetfights rarely exceeds your typical 1st level warrior, but adventuring she can test her mettle against gnolls, hobgoblin veterans, and even giants.
In addition, she is woefully clueless about most things outside of common stuff. She can handle basic math, reading, and stuff like that, but ask her the name of the duke who rules the land she's traveling in? Likely not a clue. Her dumped Intelligence has the beautiful effect of disallowing her from auto-succeeding on common knowledge checks (the DC 10 ones) which you can make untrained; and so she can't answer any knowledge check reliably which leads others to wonder if she has been living under a rock somewhere. In much the same fashion, she tends to be blunt and rather lacking in manners (she happily eats with her hands, is terrible at lying, and is too honest for her own good) and while she stays clean she doesn't try to be "pretty" by any means, leading to one of the most amusing scenes from a reason game.
The Amusing Scene: The party was invited to the manor of a illusionist, by what seemed like dumb luck. The party discovered that in an almost Willy Wonka sort of fashion, a party is hosted at the manor once a decade and those attending are showered with gifts and valuables by the wealthy and eccentric inhabitants; yet rumor is the mansion is cursed or haunted and a guest dies there each time the party is held. Furthermore, people from all walks of life receive a formal invitation on a piece of paper in a fine envelope, with no obvious reason as to how or why they were chosen to attend the party.
When the party arrived to the event, the group was naturally ill-dressed for the occasion (we're adventurers in traveler's clothes, not socialites), and so the party was given clothing as part of the event when we arrived. Humorously, Ryu Otome was given a tuxedo instead of a ball gown, presumably because the toned short-haired martial artist in the baggy gi was mistaken for a young man. This led to Ryu standing in the corner, occasionally munching on stuff from the buffet tray, when one of the party goers in a ball gown asked him to dance with her. Turning bright red, Otome was uncertain as to what to say and ended up dancing many a dance without a word and wondering how she was going to get out of this mess (she danced alright too since the GM said that he would accept her knowledge of motion from Acrobatics in place of a Perform (Dance) check, so she took 10 on it).
She has seen precious little actual combat yet, but that's why I made her the way she is. Part of the fun is not being awesome at everything, and it gives me a chance to explore her persona while improving it over time. Eventually she will grow as a person as much as a warrior. ^-^
Mechanics: Otome is a front-liner. At 1st level she is an avoidance tank. She an 18 base armor class due to Dex, Wisdom, and feats. She can spend 1 power point to gain a +4 armor bonus by re-enforcing her body with her ki, granting her a very difficult to pierce AC 22 at 1st level for 1 hour (she can do this up to 3 times per day). At higher levels, she will be more offensive (by about 2nd or 3rd level actually), but right now she has a +15% hit chance and an average damage of 6.5, which is plenty at 1st level.

Ashiel |

===================================================================== ===
Ryu Otome
Another amusing scene that occurred involving Otome was in a sparring arena that is sometimes up on our online group. We have a little arena map and the players (and sometimes a GM) will engage in sparring matches for practice (there is no experience points or treasures to be gained, it is just for fun and learning how to play the game). Otome won two out of the three matches she was involved in (once vs a bard, once vs a barbarian, lost vs a fighter), but her first match with the bard was by far the funniest thing I've seen in a while.
The Setup: We roleplay during our sparring matches so it's more fun and less dry. Otome buffs with a ki shout and then runs up as the bard ducks behind a pillar. Otome total defenses and moves up next to the pillar as well. The bard fires from behind the pillar (Otome cannot AoO because of cover, but counting her buffs, total defense, and cover, she's sitting at a whopping 30 AC, so the bard of course misses). Next round Otome steps out and begins punching at the bard and gets a hit or two on him. The bard dives around and -- having taken Improved Unarmed Strike himself -- begins fighting as well, but is fighting defensively. A flurry manages to get through and she pokes him for a little nonlethal damage.
The bard then backs up and begins using total defense which is preventing Otome's flurry from doing anything meaningful. She then is like "Why won't you hit me!?" she questions furiously. His response? "My mother told me to never hit girls!" he exclaimed. Otome paused for a moment and then got pissed. "Raaaaaiiigh!" she shouted, leaping into grapple the bard for his insult. So she rolls a 20 to grapple and he can't AoO because he's using a total defense, and she begins turning him into a pretzel. The bard is shouting "Ouch, oooh, aieee, not so rough!" and similar sorts of things.
So she's sitting here with his head squeezed in the fold of her knee while turning his arm in directions it was never meant to go, and he's like "Wait, lemme go!", and she goes "I'll tell you what. You shout the little girl that mommy told me not to hit is kicking my ass and I won't turn you into a pretzel". The bard glances up and is like, "Hey wait...don't you think you're taking that a bit too seriously?" he asks before squirming some more. "What's more important?" she quizzes tightening her grip on his arm. "Your pride, or this shoulder-blade?" she says with a cunning smirk. "Okay, okay!" he exclaims. "This little girl, who mommy told me not to hit, is KICKING MY ASS!!" he exclaims before the crowd in the fight pit. She snickered and let him go and then helped him to his feet and brushed him off. A new friendship was born. :P

Enko Laberan |

Okay, I use this feller in a PbP. Knowing what I know now, I would have increased his Con more; however, so far, his AC keeps him from being hit much at all. Strength is average as this is a Flowing Monk, built for defense. Perhaps an Agile AoMF will drop from the sky at a later date; that and other concerns aside, he's super fun to play. Redirection is really cool to use. I hadn't built a monk since 1e (or was it Oriental Adventures?), and they are (at this stage in the game, in this PbP, qualifiers blah blah) super fun now.

Starbuck_II |

Does it need to be pure Monk?
I have a Monk 1 (MoMS/Quigong)/Magus 3 (Black Blade)/Witch(winter) 1.
Monk was mostly for style feats (Tiger Style:: Slashing unarmed Strike, Crit enemy takes 1d4 Bleed for 2 rounds, +2 CMD. Unarmed damage).
Black blade requires Slashing, so Tiger Style lets him choose unarmed (this way I bypass AoMF issues).
Spell Combat/spell strike: means Flurry with touch spells with fist. Winter Witch archetype adds 1d4 cold to touch attacks (so synergy with arcane mark'ed spell combat)
The rest of levels could be Monk or Magus, but never got further.

RumpinRufus |

I built a monk recently based on the Buddha (with some great feedback from this forum.) He uses the archetypes Monk of the Lotus, Sensai, and Qinggong Monk, and has vows of peace, poverty, and truth.
At level 10, he looks like this:
traits: Wisdom in the Flesh (escape artist), Resilient
monk abilities: Touch of Serenity, Deny Death, Insightful Strike, Unarmed Strike, Augury, Mystic Wisdom, Wholeness of Body
feats: Crane Style, Crane Wing, Crane Riposte, Improved Disarm, Dodge, Alertness, Skill Focus (perception), Skill Focus (sense motive)
human alternate traits: Focused Study
vow of poverty item: Headband of Inspired Wisdom +6
AC (touch): 22
attack bonus: +16/+11
CMB: +19 (+21 disarm)
ki pool: 27/day
+29 Perception
+29 Sense Motive
+26 Escape Artist
+13 Diplomacy
+14 Knowledge (Planes)
+6 Knowledge (Nobility)
+6 Knowledge (Nature)
+5 Knowledge (Religion)
He essentially never does damage, instead opting first for Touch of Serenity, then disarm, grapple, and trip (while doing bard duty as a sensei.)

master arminas |

Here is one of my PF monks.
Funny man, TriOmegaZero.
EDIT: My apologies. I didn't see the link.

Void Munchkin |

I am disappointed that there's not more posts in this thread. I'ma have to make some more monks, just to show the monk some lurv. (Q_Q)
Sorry, busy with that debate.

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I built a monk recently based on the Buddha (with some great feedback from this forum.) He uses the archetypes Monk of the Lotus, Sensai, and Qinggong Monk, and has vows of peace, poverty, and truth.
At level 10, he looks like this:
** spoiler omitted **
He essentially never does damage, instead opting first for Touch of Serenity, then disarm, grapple, and trip (while doing bard duty as a sensei.)
I also did a similar monk, based on Hotei instead of Buddha. Basically an unkillable, obese alcoholic hobo with sky high hit points, huge AC (despite a 8 Dex), DR/- and regeneration-like features, flurrying trip, touch of serenity and disarm attempts.
Crap damage but awesome battlefield control, debuff abilities and surprise effect (quickened True Strike + spring attack + disarm + run away ; Monkey Style to catch foes off-guard).Did I mention the ability to puke a Con-damage venom ?

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maneuvermaster monk 10/ fighter 2
improved dirty trick
improved trip
greater trip
improved twf
greater twf
weapon focus unarmed strike
dazzeling display
shatter defenses
medusas strike
i call him the kenpo kid. he uses trip and dirty trick to apply prone and sickened conditions to the target, then on his next turn flurrys with medusas strike to slaughter the target with 8 attacks and 2 aditional maneuvers. if all goes to plan the target will get sickened, tripped, blinded THEN disarmed, then get its teeth kicked in for 8 attacks against its dexless ac + and aditional -8 from the maneuvers.
i used him to good success, the only issue is what do you do when you fight things with super high CMDs... well not much.

The_Scourge |

A couple friends are putting together a big 4 part Pathfinder game this year. 4 "modules" one each at levels 4, 8, 16, and 20.
I'm no stranger to Pathfinder but I want to give myself a challange. I'm looking to see if I can make a Tetori monk work through all four modules. What better place to get some feedback than in this thread!
I'm thinking a Pro-Wrestler style personalty for him, a kind of cross between Zangief, Minsc and that red haired guy from Jackie Chan Adventures.
Race: Hobgoblin
Str:18 (base17 +1 from lvl4)
Dex:14 (base14 +2racial)
Con:14 (base14 +2racial)
Int:7 (I'm crippling myself here but it fits the personality of the jolly dumb as a brick image I have for him)
Cha:12 (again, more for flavour than anything else, who's ever seen a wrestler that couldn't work the crowd at least a little)
Here's my feat progression so far broken up by each round, let me know what you think/how I can improve/why this is a dumb idea etc.
Round 1
1: Snapping Turtle Style
B1: Improved Grapple
B2: Stunning Pin
3:Snapping Turtle Clutch
Round 2
5: [open]
B6: Greater Grapple
7: Jawbreaker (maybe, helps shut down verbal only spells but there's other things I can do with my stunning fist attempts)
Round 3
9: Rapid Grappler
B10: Pinning Knockout
11: Bonebreaker (again, maybe. Ability damage is gravy but I'm not sure if it's worth the prereq or if there's better things to do with the feat)
Round 4 and five are open as far as feats go except I'll be swapping out something to get abundant step back and picking up dimensional agility. The one thing I'm really concerned about is the few occasions where I'll be unable to grapple. How do I keep him useful in these situations?
Theoretical Grapple numbers are looking like this:
Level 4: +12 =4(level)+4(str)+2(imp. grapple)+1(amulet of MF)+1 (hobgoblin FCB)
Level 8: +25=8(level)+6(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+1(amulet of MF) +4(grab)+2 (hobgoblin FCB)
Level 12: +32=12(level)+7(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+2(amulet of MF) +4(grab)+3 (hobgoblin FCB)
Level 16: +40=16(level)+9(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+3(amulet of MF) +4(grab) +4 (hobgoblin FCB)
Level 20: +50=20(level)+12(str)+4(grtr. grapple)+5(amulet of MF) +5 (hobgoblin FCB) +4(grab)
An additional floating +6 can be factored in from a few spells that add to grapple cmb

![]() |

are you going tetori? its the best grapple spec for a monk based character. and a dwarf would be a better choice mechanically, but hobgobblin is good also.
make sure you get dimensional agilty for your monk once you hit 13.
the best thing about tetori's is that they can grapple at all times, no joke. anti caster, able to circumvent terrain, able to grapple via a ghost touch amulet, the only time they wont grapple is when doing so would be detrimental. but the funny thing is that you can, with enough wealth, bypass things like ooz acid and other crazy things like that.

Dabbler |

I've posted her up before, but here is Feriah at various stages of her adventuring career.
Female Human (Chelaxian) Monk 7
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +14
AC 24, touch 22, flat-footed 18. . (+1 armor, +5 Dex, +1 natural, +1 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 61 (7d8+14)
Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +9
Defensive Abilities Evasion; Immune disease
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Cold Iron Kama +10 (1d6+2/20/x2) and
. . Sai +10 (1d4+2/20/x2) and
. . Siangham +10 (1d6+2/20/x2) and
. . Silver Kama +10 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +10 (1d8+2/20/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Crossbow, Light +11 (1d8/19-20/x2) and
. . Shuriken +10 (1d2+2/20/x2) and
. . Sling +10 (1d4+2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +5/+5/+0, Ki Strike, Magic
Str 15, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16/18, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +12 (+14 Disarming+14 Grappling+14 Tripping); CMD 29 (31 vs. Disarm31 vs. Grapple31 vs. Trip)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise +/-2, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Snake Style, Stunning Fist (7/day) (DC 17), Weapon Finesse
Traits Unhappy Childhood (Tortured), Vagabond Child (urban): Disable Device
Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +11, Disable Device +18, Escape Artist +10, Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Knowledge (Religion) +6, Linguistics +3, Perception +14, Ride +9, Sense Motive +16, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +15, Survival +5, Swim +7
Languages Celestial, Common, Varisian, Vudrani
SQ AC Bonus +5, Fast Movement (+20'), High Jump (+7/+27 with Ki point) (Ex), Ki Defense (Su), Ki Pool (Su), Maneuver Training (Ex), Purity of Body (Ex), Slow Fall 30' (Ex), Still Mind (Ex), Stunning Fist (Stun, Fatigue) (Ex), Unarmed Strike (1d8), Wholeness of Body (7 HP/use) (Su)
Combat Gear Bolts, Crossbow (34), Bullets, Sling (10), Cold Iron Kama, Masterwork Crossbow, Light, Sai, Shuriken (15), Siangham, Silver Kama, Sling; Other Gear Alchemist's Fire Flask (2), Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Backpack (14 @ 26.26 lbs), Bracers of Armor, +1, Crowbar, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +2, Healer's kit (10 uses), Holy Water Flask (2), Potion of Cure Light Wounds (2), Potion of Invisibility (2), Powder, Ring of Protection, +1, Rope, silk (50 ft.), Soap (per lb), Sunrod (2), Thieves' tools, masterwork, Torch, Waterskin
AC Bonus +5 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Movement (+20') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +5/+5/+0 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
High Jump (+7/+27 with Ki point) (Ex) +7 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Disarm Disarm at +2, without an attack of opportunity.
Improved Grapple You grapple at +2, with no attacks of opportunity allowed.
Improved Trip You Trip at +2 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as magic to overcome DR.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Purity of Body (Ex) At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Slow Fall 30' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
Still Mind (Ex) +2 to saves against enchantment spells and effects.
Stunning Fist (7/day) (DC 17) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun, Fatigue) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Unarmed Strike (1d8) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Wholeness of Body (7 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.
They called me 'Sirebane' when I was born. They say my mother died giving birth to me, and my father took his own life the same day. I suppose that means that he loved my mother very much, and he didn't care about me at all. That's what they told me, anyway, the ones who raised me at the foundling house. They were not happy times, to be truthful. Old Meleas was kind to me, she was the one who told me most of the things that I know about my past. When she died, there were only the beatings, though in truth I did not get it as bad as some.
So I left. I wandered into the city, and that's where that thrice-damned Gaedren Lamm found me. Ah, they were not all bad times, I'll grant you: I ran the shingles with the best of them, and they called me 'locks' because I could open any that we found. I was good, the best thief he had for a while. Filthy scum, in the end only the reasons for the beatings changed. Oh he made me, and he broke me too, beat me to within an inch of my life when he thought I'd stolen from him, and left me for dead on a trash-heap.
I crawled out, and out of Old Korvosa too. Out of Korvosa even, I didn't want to be there any more. I don't know how I found the Irorans; I just remember waking up there, and them telling me I was uncommonly strong. They healed me and fed me, so I stayed; they treated me better than anyone else ever had, so I loved them; when they started to teach me, I was eager to learn.
Now I am older, wiser, and they have taught me control, compassion, and how to use these things. Gaedren does not frighten me anymore. I have come back to Korvosa not for vengeance, but for justice.
I sought out others that had a grudge against the man - it was not hard, his mark was spread wide across Korvosa. With them I make a compact:
Geadren Lamm must die.
Female Human (Chelaxian) Monk 10
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +17
AC 28, touch 25, flat-footed 21. . (+2 armor, +6 Dex, +1 natural, +2 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 91 (10d8+20)
Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +12
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Improved Evasion; Immune disease
Spd 60 ft.
Melee +1 Ghost Touch Kama +14/+9 (1d6+3/20/x2) and
. . Cold Iron Kama +13/+8 (1d6+2/20/x2) and
. . Sai +13/+8 (1d4+2/20/x2) and
. . Silver Kama +13/+8 (1d6+1/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +13/+8 (1d10+2/20/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Crossbow, Light +14/+9 (1d8/19-20/x2) and
. . Shuriken +13/+8 (1d2+2/20/x2) and
. . Sling +13/+8 (1d4+2/20/x2)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +8/+8/+3/+3, Ki Strike, Lawful, Ki Strike, Magic
Str 15, Dex 21/23, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16/18, Cha 14
Base Atk +7; CMB +16 (+18 Disarming, +18 Grappling, +18 Tripping); CMD 34 (36 vs. Disarm, 36 vs. Grapple, 40 vs. Trip)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise +/-2, Combat Reflexes (7 AoO/round), Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Snake Sidewind, Snake Style, Stunning Fist (10/day) (DC 19), Weapon Finesse
Traits Unhappy Childhood (Tortured), Vagabond Child (urban): Disable Device
Skills Acrobatics +19, Climb +12, Disable Device +22, Escape Artist +11, Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local) +4, Knowledge (Nature) +3, Knowledge (Nobility) +3, Knowledge (Religion) +9, Linguistics +4, Perception +17, Perform (Dance) +7, Profession (Sailor) +8, Ride +10, Sense Motive +19, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +19, Survival +5, Swim +7
Languages Celestial, Common, Shoanti, Varisian, Vudrani
SQ AC Bonus +6, Fast Movement (+30'), High Jump (+10/+30 with Ki point) (Ex), Ki Defense (Su), Ki Pool (Su), Maneuver Training (Ex), Purity of Body (Ex), Slow Fall 50' (Ex), Stunning Fist (Stun, Fatigue, Sicken) (Ex), Unarmed Strike (1d10), Vow of Truth (+2 Ki), Wholeness of Body (10 HP/use) (Su)
Combat Gear +1 Ghost Touch Kama, Bolts, Crossbow (28), Bullets, Sling (10), Cold Iron Kama, Masterwork Crossbow, Light, Sai, Shuriken (15), Silver Kama, Sling; Other Gear Alchemist's Fire Flask, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Backpack (16 @ 30.62 lbs), Belt of Incredible Dexterity, +2, Bracers of Armor, +2, Cloak of Resistance, +1, Crowbar, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +2, Healer's kit (10 uses), Holy Water Flask (2), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (2), Potion of Invisibility, Powder, Ring of Protection, +2, Rope, silk (50 ft.), Soap (per lb), Sunrod (3), Thieves' tools, masterwork, Torch, Waterskin
AC Bonus +6 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (7 AoO/round) You may make up to 7 attacks of opportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Movement (+30') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +8/+8/+3/+3 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
High Jump (+10/+30 with Ki point) (Ex) +10 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Improved Disarm Disarm at +2, without an attack of opportunity.
Improved Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead. If you fail you take half damage.
Improved Grapple You grapple at +2, with no attacks of opportunity allowed.
Improved Trip You Trip at +2 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Lawful (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as lawful to overcome DR.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as magic to overcome DR.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Purity of Body (Ex) At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Slow Fall 50' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Snake Sidewind Gain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use Sense Motive check to confirm critical hits
Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
Stunning Fist (10/day) (DC 19) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun, Fatigue, Sicken) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Unarmed Strike (1d10) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Vow of Truth (+2 Ki) The monk is not allowed to deliberately speak any lies, including bluffing, stating half-truths with the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. This applies to all forms of communication. If presented with circumstances where
Wholeness of Body (10 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.
Female Human (Chelaxian) Monk 12
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +19
AC 31, touch 27, flat-footed 23 (+4 armor, +7 Dex, +2 deflection, +1 dodge)
hp 107 (12d8+24)
Fort +12, Ref +18, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Evasion, Improved Evasion; Immune Diamond Body, disease, poison
Speed 70 ft.
Melee +1 Ghost touch Kama +17/+12 (1d6+3/x2) and
. . Sai +16/+11 (1d4+2/x2) and
. . Unarmed strike +19/+14 (2d6+5/x2)
Ranged +1 Light crossbow +17/+12 (1d8+1/19-20/x2) and
. . Shuriken +16/+11 (1d2+2/x2) and
. . Sling +16/+11 (1d4+2/x2)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +10/+10/+5/+5/+0, Ki Strike, Lawful, Ki Strike, Magic
Str 15, Dex 22/24, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16/18, Cha 14
Base Atk +9; CMB +19 (+21 Disarming, +21 Grappling, +21 Tripping); CMD 38 (40 vs. Disarm, 40 vs. Grapple, 44 vs. Trip)
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise +/-3, Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round), Dodge, Improved Disarm, Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Snake Fang, Snake Sidewind, Snake Style, Stunning Fist (12/day) (DC 20), Weapon Finesse
Traits Unhappy Childhood (Tortured), Vagabond Child (urban) (Disable Device)
Skills Acrobatics +22, Climb +12, Disable Device +25, Escape Artist +15, Heal +7, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (history) +6, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nature) +3, Knowledge (nobility) +3, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +4, Perception +19, Perform (dance) +7, Profession (sailor) +8, Ride +11, Sense Motive +21, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +22, Survival +5, Swim +8
Languages Celestial, Common, Shoanti, Varisian, Vudrani
SQ Abundant Step, AC Bonus +7, Fast Movement (+40'), High Jump (+12/+32 with Ki point), Ki Defense, Ki Pool, Maneuver Training, Purity of Body, Slow Fall 60', Stunning Fist (Stun, Fatigue, Sicken, Stagger), Unarmed Strike (2d6), Vow of Truth (+2 Ki), Wholeness of Body (12 HP/use)
Combat Gear +1 Ghost touch Kama, +1 Light crossbow, Crossbow bolts (26), Sai, Shuriken (11), Sling, Sling bullets (7); Other Gear Acid (2), Alchemist's fire (2), Alkali flask (2), Amulet of mighty fists +3, Backpack (22 @ 34.46 lbs), Belt of incredible dexterity +2, Bracers of armor +4, Cloak of resistance +2, Crowbar, Everburning torch, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Headband of inspired wisdom +2, Healer's kit (10 uses), Holy water (2), Lantern of revealing, Oil (2), Potion of cure serious wounds (3), Potion of invisibility (2), Powder, Ring of protection +2, Silk rope, Soap, Sunrod (2), Thieves' tools, masterwork, Waterskin
Special Abilities
Abundant Step (Su) For 2 Ki points, use dimension door.
AC Bonus +7 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (8 AoO/round) You may make up to 8 attacks of opportunity per round, and may make them while flat-footed.
Diamond Body (Su) At 11th level, a monk gains immunity to poisons of all kinds.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Fast Movement (+40') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +10/+10/+5/+5/+0 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
High Jump (+12/+32 with Ki point) (Ex) +12 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Improved Disarm Disarm at +2, without an attack of opportunity.
Improved Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead. If you fail you take half damage.
Improved Grapple You grapple at +2, with no attacks of opportunity allowed.
Improved Trip You Trip at +2 and don't cause an attack of opportunity.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Lawful (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as lawful to overcome DR.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as magic to overcome DR.
Maneuver Training (Ex) CMB = other BABs + Monk level
Purity of Body (Ex) At 5th level, a monk gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Slow Fall 60' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Snake Fang If opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action
Snake Sidewind Gain a bonus to avoid being knocked prone, and use Sense Motive check to confirm critical hits
Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks
Stunning Fist (12/day) (DC 20) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun, Fatigue, Sicken, Stagger) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Unarmed Strike (2d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Vow of Truth (+2 Ki) The monk is not allowed to deliberately speak any lies, including bluffing, stating half-truths with the intent to deceive, exaggerating, telling white lies, and so on. This applies to all forms of communication. If presented with circumstances where
Wholeness of Body (12 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.
Feriah has been sidelined in a few fights, at 10th level she was woefully under-enhanced, but she should be able to hold her own at 12th...

The_Scourge |

are you going tetori? its the best grapple spec for a monk based character. and a dwarf would be a better choice mechanically, but hobgobblin is good also.make sure you get dimensional agilty for your monk once you hit 13.
the best thing about tetori's is that they can grapple at all times, no joke. anti caster, able to circumvent terrain, able to grapple via a ghost touch amulet, the only time they wont grapple is when doing so would be detrimental. but the funny thing is that you can, with enough wealth, bypass things like ooz acid and other crazy things like that.
Yes. Tetori is the only reason I'm entertaining the idea of grappling at high levels. Without it there's too many win switches against grapplers

Sirokko |

The_Scourge wrote:Thoughts?are you going tetori? its the best grapple spec for a monk based character. and a dwarf would be a better choice mechanically, but hobgobblin is good also.
make sure you get dimensional agilty for your monk once you hit 13.
the best thing about tetori's is that they can grapple at all times, no joke. anti caster, able to circumvent terrain, able to grapple via a ghost touch amulet, the only time they wont grapple is when doing so would be detrimental. but the funny thing is that you can, with enough wealth, bypass things like ooz acid and other crazy things like that.
Dimensional agility grapple is also the most amusing counter to flying enemies ever.
On another note, I've been thinking about trying out a Suli monk, using the favored class bonus to add some unarmed strike bonus damage. I'm not sure if it would ever be worth it but it seems like a cool idea. Any thoughts?

OberonViking |

I've built one for PFS play, mostly because I'm off work with little else I can do (back surgery). I pictured Darth Maul, and tried to recreate that... It would work even better (flavour-wise) as a Tiefling.
Human, Monk of the Empty Hand (treats all weapons as Improvised Weapons)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 7.
Traits: Reactionary, Magical Talent (Mage Hand or Open/Close)
Feats: Catch Off Guard, Throw Anything, Power Attack
Two-Bladed Sword (100gp): +4, 1d6+6. Power Attac: +3, 1d6+9.
Flurry @ -1/-1 even with Two-Bladed Sword.
Net (20gp): +2 vs Touch for Entangled
Bolas (5gp): +2 vs CMD for Trip
Saves: +4
AC 14, hp 11
Skills: Acrobatic +6, Climb +8, Perception +6, Stealth +6
I picture the net and bolas more as Force Powers... Can't wait for that bonus to Jump.

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Here is my 3.5 Epic Monk.
CG Exalted Metal Elf Saint
Str: 24
Dex: 25
Con: 27
Int: 14
Wis: 34
Cha: 21
HP: 404
AC: 67
Touch: 54
FF: 67
Init: +8
Fort: +26
Ref: +28
Will: +24
Speed: 90ft/90ft Climb
SR: 30
DR 7/-, 15/Evil
Immune Electricity
BAB: +19
Grapple: +26
Glaive: +39 1d10+18 19-20/x3
Unarmed Strike: +38 2d8+14 x2
Balance +26
Bluff +12
Climb +32
Disable Device +23
Jump +25
Knowledge: Religion +9
Listen: +41
Move Silent: +31
Search: +25
Sense Motive: +41
Spot: +41
Tumble: +38
Okay, not going to list feats and class features because I forget how half of them worked and where they were from. I used Green Ronin's Bow and Blade for the race and Le Games Unorthodox Monks for the class. We worked out an epic progression for the 3.5 Vow of Poverty, and added the Saint template.
She could deflect any number of ranged attacks of any type, climb at full speed thanks to class and racial features, had a few earth-themed SLAs, and threatened 10ft with glaive and unarmed strikes. Was generally a tank/scout. Any suggestions on how to build her PF-style is appreciated.

The_Scourge |

Dimensional agility grapple is also the most amusing counter to flying enemies ever.On another note, I've been thinking about trying out a Suli monk, using the favored class bonus to add some unarmed strike bonus damage. I'm not sure if it would ever be worth it but it seems like a cool idea. Any thoughts?
Evil Wizard: "Muahaha! you'll never reach me up here puny mortals I shal-
Evil Wizard "Bamf?"
Tetory: "Surprise!"
Evil Wizard: "Oh Gods! I need those bones for living!"
Suli are neat but with Elemental assault only usable once per day it's not worth you FCB. You'll get far more milage out of the hp or even skill points
Asha Ghadvhi |

This profile is the character I'm running through The Ruby Phoenix Tournament in a PbP here on the boards. Though she technically has more paladin levels than monk levels (and is likely to keep adding paladin levels as she goes), I still think of her as a monk first.
I've also been messing with a monk X/weapon specialist fighter 4 idea I might post up later...

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It's funny that you should ask about a Monk build that I'd play, as I've lately been messing around with a Halfling Monk build.
For whatever reason, I read through the Sohei Monk archetype, and really liked the flavour of it. The image of an armorless Halfling riding a Wolf or Riding Dog, shooting his shortbow until he gets into melee range, and then pulling out weapons and kicking the @$$ of some evil-doer (I don't mind playing LG characters).
I'd probably play the character at any level. Only downside to it that I could see is the mount would probably suck after a while, unless I can work with the DM for something like the D&D 3.5 Wild Cohort feat or for using Leadership for a suitable mount. Failing that, 4 levels of Cavalier with Horse Master.
Out of all the possibilities, that's the monk I'd love to play.

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I'll go ahead and throw out my PFS monk:
Dwarf Monk 7
Qinggong/Monk of the Four Winds
STR 18
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 20
HP 55
AC 23/FF 20/Touch 20
Fort +8/Ref +8/ Will +11
Init +3
Speed 40 ft.
Unarmed Strike +10/+10/+5 (1d8+4 +1d6 electric)
Hydraulic Torrent (2 ki) +12 Bull Rush
Scorching Ray (2 ki) +7 (4d6x2)
CMB +11(+13 Grapple, +14 Trip)/ CMD 29
Improved Grapple
Improved Trip
Deflect Arrows
Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strikes)
Shaitan Style
Ki Pool (8/day)
Elemental Fist 2d6 (8/day)
Acrobatics +12
Perception +15
Sense Motive +12
Stealth +13
As you can see, he's not a DPR monster, but Elemental Fist can add decent damage when I need it. Instead, he can move quickly through crowds and use grapples to shut down casters, or trips to shut down martials. He's my highest-level PFS character, and I'm pretty happy with him so far. I just need to save up for those Winged Boots...

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Because I'm bored at work, I'll play your game MA. This is my dream scenario for the next character I want to play for Pathfinder Society :)
Drawn by the awesomeness of the Champion of Irori, I want to run one for Pathfinder Society. Also, I'll have the level 20 maxed out version as well sometime later for the 'dream power build'. Since this character would be PFS legal, I'll be using a 20 point buy and all PFS allowed resources.
Aasimar Paladin 2/Monk 3/Champion of Irori 7
LG Medium Outsider(native)
Init: + Senses: Perception +x; Darkvision 60’
AC: 23 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 Dodge, +8 Wisdom ) Touch: 22 Flat-footed: 19
w/ Mage Armor: AC 27 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 natural, +1 Dodge, +8 Wisdom ) Touch: 22 Flat-footed: 23
CMD: 35
HP: 102 Fort: +17 Ref: +12 Will: +19
Defensive Abilities: Still Mind, Divine Grace, Evasion, Mobility, Celestial Resistance (acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5)
Lay on Hands (5/day, 4d6)
Speed: 40’ (60’ fly w/good maneuverability 3/day for 5 minutes each)
Unarmed Strike: +14/+9/+4 (2d6+4, x2)
Flurry of Blows: +13/+13/+8/+8/+3 (2d6+4, 20/x2)
+1 composite longbow (+2 Str) +15/+10/+5 (1d8+4/x3)
Special Attacks
Stunning Fist (10/day; DC 20)
Smite Chaos/Evil (2/day +4/+9)
Daylight or Sunbeam (2/day, CL 12)
Ki pool (10/day)
Str: 15 (base 12, +1 @ level 12, +2 enhancement)
Dex: 16 (base 14, +2 enhancement)
Con: 16 (base 13, +1 @ level 8, +2 enhancement)
Int: 12 (base 12)
Wis: 20 (base 14, +2 aasimar, +4 enhancement )
Cha: 18 (base 13, +2 aasimar, +1 @ level 4, +2 enhancement)
BAB: +11
CMB: +14
Feats: Aasimar Blood, Dodge, Crane Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Mobility, Angel Flesh (steel), Crane Wing, Heavenly Radiance-Sunbeam (note this is for a solar powered kamehameha-like effect that just looks cool), Angel Wings
Skills (including favored class bonus): Acrobatics +14, Diplomacy +19, Linguistics +13, Fly +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (History) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Knowledges (Planes) +9, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Perception +16, Sense Motive +17, Use Magic Device +6
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Kelish, Orc, Osiriani, Syvan, Thassilonian, Tian
Traits: Wisdom in the Flesh (climb), Quain Martial Arts Training
Class Abilities: AC Bonus +2(+1 for Monk Robes), Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Strike (2d6), Stunning Fist, Evasion, Fast Movement (+10’), Maneuver Training, Still Mind, Ki Pool (10 ki points, magic & lawful), Evasion, Lay on Hands (4/day, 4d6), Smite Evil/Chaos (2/day, +4/+9), Detect Evil (at will), Detect Chaos (at will), Pursuit of Knowledge, Sweeping Smite (multiple targets), Valiant Stand (+3), Shield the Weak, Skill Mastery (Use Magic Device, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Climb), Perfect Opening
Race Abilities: Darkvision 60', Truespeaker (+2 Linguistics/+2 Sense Motive, 2x languages for Linguistics), Daylight 1/day
Equipment: Belt of Physical Perfection +2, Handy Haversack, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4, Monk's Robes, Pink and Green Sphere Ioun Stone (in Silver Holy Wayfinder), Ring of Ki Mastery, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Wand of Mage Armor, 10 x Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+3).
Money: 12Kgp

Sangalor |

This is the monk I am playing in a Serpent Skull campaign at the moment. Originally I intended for him to have craft (bows) as his profession, but I am focused on cooking right now. He's the only ranged fighter and doubles as skill monkey and scout for our party of three.
Lately the running gag is that it is disappointing to enter a town, because the food there is usually worse than what he fixes every day (5 meals minimum) :-P
Male Human Monk (Zen Archer) 7
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +18
AC 20, touch 18, flat-footed 18 (+1 armor, +2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 49 (7d8+14)
Fort +10 (+4 vs. suffocation or hot or cold environments), Ref +8, Will +11
Speed 50 ft.
Melee +1 Dagger +8 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) and
. . Dagger +7 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
. . Handaxe +7 (1d6+2/x3) and
. . Javelin +3 (1d6+2/x2) and
. . Kama +7 (1d6+2/x2) and
. . Spear +7 (1d8+3/x3) and
. . Unarmed strike +7 (1d8+2/x2)
Ranged +1 Composite shortbow (Str +2) +12 (1d6+5/x3) and
. . Masterwork Composite shortbow (Str +2) +12 (1d6+4/x3)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +5/+5/+0, Ki Strike, Magic, Zen Archery
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18/20, Cha 8
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 25
Feats Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round), Deadly Aim -2/+4, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Precise Shot, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monk Weapon Proficiencies, Perfect Strike (2d20) (7/day), Point Blank Master (Shortbow), Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Focus (Shortbow), Weapon Specialization (Shortbow)
Traits Devotee of the Green (Knowledge [nature]), Poverty-Stricken
Skills Acrobatics +11 (+19 jump, +18 to jump), Climb +6, Craft (bows) +7, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (history) +4, Knowledge (nature) +11, Knowledge (planes) +1, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +1, Perception +18, Profession (cook) +13, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +6, Survival +10, Swim +6 (+10 vs. exhaustion)
Languages Common, Polyglot
SQ AC Bonus +6, Earplugs, Fast Movement (+20'), High Jump (+7/+27 with Ki point), Ki Archery, Ki Arrows, Ki Defense, Ki Pool, Slow Fall 30', Unarmed Strike (1d8), Wholeness of Body (7 HP/use)
Combat Gear +1 Composite shortbow (Str +2) (3), +1 Dagger, Arrows (180), Blunt arrows (20), Cold Iron Arrows (50), Dagger (2), Handaxe, Javelin (3), Kama, Masterwork Composite shortbow (Str +2), Silver Arrows (50), Smoke arrows (3), Spear; Other Gear Amulet of natural armor +1, Artisan's tools, masterwork (Craft [bows]), Backpack (13 @ 24 lbs), Bedroll, Blanket, Bracers of armor +1, Cauldron, Cloak of resistance +1, Earplugs (5), Efficient quiver (304 @ 53 lbs), Fishhook, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Handy haversack (3 @ 9 lbs), Headband of inspired wisdom +2, Mug/tankard, Pearl of power (1st level) (1/day), Potion of cure light wounds (3), Potion of cure moderate wounds, Sack (empty) (2), Torch (3), Waterskin
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +6 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Combat Reflexes (3 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Deadly Aim -2/+4 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Earplugs +2 save vs. hearing effects, -5 hearing-based Perception.
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Fast Movement (+20') The Monk adds 10 or more feet to his base speed.
Flurry of Blows +5/+5/+0 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full action.
High Jump (+7/+27 with Ki point) (Ex) +7 to Acrobatics checks made to jump.
Improved Precise Shot Ignore certain AC / concealment bonuses.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Ki Archery (Su) 1 Ki point: +50' range increment for bows.
Ki Arrows (Su) 1 Ki point: bow deals the same damage as unarmed strike.
Ki Defense (Su) A monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to give himself a +4 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Wisdom modifier.
Ki Strike, Magic (Su) If you have ki remaining, unarmed strikes count as magic to overcome DR.
Perfect Strike (2d20) (7/day) Roll 2d20 for an attack with a Monk weapon and use the higher as your attack roll, the next as your critical confirmation.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into combat.
Quick Draw Draw a weapon as a free action. Throw at full rate of attacks.
Slow Fall 30' (Ex) Treat a fall as shorter than normal if within arm's reach of a wall.
Unarmed Strike (1d8) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Wholeness of Body (7 HP/use) (Su) Self-heal monk level in damage for 2 Ki points.
Zen Archery (Su) Use WIS instead of DEX for ranged attacks with a bow.