Stuck in a Doorway, Orcs and Pie

Rules Questions

The PCs open a door finding a 10x10 room, a pie, and 10 orcs. The orcs charge the party..... and are completely blocked at the door. One orc can get to the doorway, 2 orcs can flank the doorway and attack the PC outside the door with cover, the other 7 orcs...stand there and patiently wait their turn? The party fighter blocks the doorway and kills the orcs one by one. GM Sigh.

Is there some way for the orcs to be more effective (other than range attack)?

The Exchange

Overrun, bull rush, other combat manuevers,shut the door,breakdown the wall (if weak), eat the pie. Take cover behind stuff, dead bodies should eventually appear if the room is empty.

10 orcs in a 10x 10 room? Hope you are talking squares. Move to the side so the cant be hit from the door.

Edit: forgot acrobatics to tumble.

Liberty's Edge

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If you're talking a 10' x 10' room, there can only be 4 orcs in there max. Each takes a 5' square.

If you're talking 100' total (10 square by 10 square, why would you have them rush blindly into what my group calls a 'Diablo the Door Tactic?'

They usually have, by their description, 2handers and a ranged weapon. I would have them all back up and toss 10 ranged attacks at any fool blocking the door. Once they run out of those, bullrush them out of the way and swarm them.

Only 1 orc could Bull Rush each turn (requires a Charge and since another orc is in the way, can't do it. Or it requires Move & Standard Action, you can't take the standard since someone is in the square where you want to stop).

Overun - oh, duh. That's what I should have done.

Dark Archive

Alchemist's fire the door opening 10 times, then reload and see what the PCs do.

You had my attention at "orcs" and "Pie" in the same sentence.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
You had my attention at "orcs" and "Pie" in the same sentence.


Tell us more about this pie...

We need to know what kind of pie is involved. Maybe one of the orcs could throw it and negate the surprise round entirely.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

They're orcs. It's baby seal pie. Clubbed to tenderize, baked to succulize, left to cool to temptize.

The Orcs were actually food for the Pie, not the other way around.

So, who cares what the Orcs can do?

Hm, then they certainly won't throw it. One or more should stand in front of the pie and ready an attack. This would give the pie total concealment.

OOOOh Baby seal pie... the best kind.
What was the question again?

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BltzKrg242 wrote:
OOOOh Baby seal pie... the best kind.

As a Canadian, I'd like to take this moment to say "you're welcome". If it weren't for us and our yearly clubbing of baby seals, there'd be no pie for you.

Winterwalker wrote:

If you're talking a 10' x 10' room, there can only be 4 orcs in there max. Each takes a 5' square.

If you're talking 100' total (10 square by 10 square, why would you have them rush blindly into what my group calls a 'Diablo the Door Tactic?'

They usually have, by their description, 2handers and a ranged weapon. I would have them all back up and toss 10 ranged attacks at any fool blocking the door. Once they run out of those, bullrush them out of the way and swarm them.

This. Exactly this, both the part about the size of the room, and the part about not blindly and ignorantly rushing into a bottleneck. Orcs may be savage, but they're not dumb when it comes to combat. Even if they are protecting baby seal pie, they'll still be smart enough to step back and fire ranged weapons at the first schmuck to come through door.

This scenario presents a good opportunity for the PCs to devise some ingenious combat strategy. Assuming they don't have a barbarian who, at the mere sight of pie, rages and runs into the room killing at will so as to claim his pie prize.

The pie is a prevarication.

In any case, who's to say the PC's won't run in, tempted by pie? Or, after some thought on both sides, the door becomes a barrier behind which both sides can hide.

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A craft: cooking check could yield 16 pieces from the pie, enough for every combatant. It might be difficult to do, though, unless one of the PCs can use invisibility, or knows the lyrics to I've Got a Dream.

edit: or at least get them to join in a version of the song :P

Winterwalker wrote:
If you're talking a 10' x 10' room, there can only be 4 orcs in there max. Each takes a 5' square.

A person that's "medium size" doesn't really require a 5 x 5 square all to themselves. How would elevator's work if that was the case?

Liberty's Edge

chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
If you're talking a 10' x 10' room, there can only be 4 orcs in there max. Each takes a 5' square.
A person that's "medium size" doesn't really require a 5 x 5 square all to themselves. How would elevator's work if that was the case?

Per RAW they do.

Go read the info for 'Space, Reach, & Threatened Area Templates' A medium creature takes up a 5' space.

chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
If you're talking a 10' x 10' room, there can only be 4 orcs in there max. Each takes a 5' square.
A person that's "medium size" doesn't really require a 5 x 5 square all to themselves. How would elevator's work if that was the case?

In real life they don't, but Pathfinder is on the complete opposite end of the universe from real life.

Dark Archive

I believe squeezing is an option in the case of multiple medium creatures in a five foot square. Seems elevator-y to me.

Correct me if I'm wrong, of course.

"This place is literally falling into some sort of FIERY HELL ABYSS, I'm so glad you and your five friends arrived on that 30 square foot flying escape ship! Come on help me up!"

"Well... the thing is we all sort need our arm room. You know how it is. But hey I'm sure you'll be fine." And then they fly away.

Liberty's Edge

the only way to do it, would be if 6 of the creatures were helpless. Thereby allowing an ally to occupy the same space.

Rule 1: You can't end your movement in the same square as another creature unless it is helpless.
RUle 2: A creature can squeeze past a creature while moving but it can't end its movement in an occupied square.

perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.

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The bottom line is that there is never enough pie.

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Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.

Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.


Anguish wrote:
BltzKrg242 wrote:
OOOOh Baby seal pie... the best kind.
As a Canadian, I'd like to take this moment to say "you're welcome". If it weren't for us and our yearly clubbing of baby seals, there'd be no pie for you.

So you're not just a baby seal club member, you're also a client?

It should be noted that you can make an Acrobatics check vs. the enemy's CMD+5 to move straight through their space.

But honestly, if you're in a room with only one door, and some guy with a tower shield stands in the doorway, there's not much you can do to get through him. If I were an orc, I'd use the table in the room as a barricade/improvised tower shield and try to block him out just like he's blocking us in.

chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.
Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.

YES! This.

cake /= pie.
They are not near. not similar. not same family unless you mean desserts...

Fail point to Winterwalker

Liberty's Edge

chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.
Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.

please tell me where a pie is not a cake, I want RAW on this stat! What If I house ruled cake to be pie?!

Liberty's Edge

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BltzKrg242 wrote:
chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.
Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.

YES! This.

cake /= pie.
They are not near. not similar. not same family unless you mean desserts...

Fail point to Winterwalker

I accept said fail point in shame, because I am more a fan of pie than cake....I truly failed here.

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Winterwalker wrote:
chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.
Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.
please tell me where a pie is not a cake, I want RAW on this stat! What If I house ruled cake to be pie?!

No, no, no, you can't do that. That would be like houseruling a shortsword is a longsword. It messes with the very fabric of the Pathfinder universe. I quake and shudder at the ramifications.

The answer is siege equipment.
The question is who gets to use it? The PCs, the orcs or The pie?

Sereinái wrote:

The answer is siege equipment.

The question is who gets to use it? The PCs, the orcs or The pie?

Thanks to tremorsense, the pie gets the surprise round. Someone start a new thread about unarmed siege attacks!

Liberty's Edge

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MendedWall12 wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.
Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.
please tell me where a pie is not a cake, I want RAW on this stat! What If I house ruled cake to be pie?!
No, no, no, you can't do that. That would be like houseruling a shortsword is a longsword. It messes with the very fabric of the Pathfinder universe. I quake and shudder at the ramifications.

Doesn't this cake have a feat allowing it to 'qualify' as a different type of desert??

I think I read that somewhere. Wasn't it called Dopplercake or Something?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Winterwalker wrote:
MendedWall12 wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
chaoseffect wrote:
Winterwalker wrote:
perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake.
Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different.
please tell me where a pie is not a cake, I want RAW on this stat! What If I house ruled cake to be pie?!
No, no, no, you can't do that. That would be like houseruling a shortsword is a longsword. It messes with the very fabric of the Pathfinder universe. I quake and shudder at the ramifications.

Doesn't this cake have a feat allowing it to 'qualify' as a different type of desert??

I think I read that somewhere. Wasn't it called Dopplercake or Something?

Dessert Child, I believe.

You're both wrong it's Pass for Pie.

A truly evil GM would give that trait to a Black Pudding.

Axolotl wrote:
A truly evil GM would give that trait to a Black Pudding.

That is truly evil. I can't believe I didn't think of it first. I can see it now.

GM: "You enter a well furnished dining hall. The long oak table is filled with copious amounts of already prepared food: roasted goose, suckling pig, pan-fried fish, etc. In addition to the sumptuous main courses there are side dishes of sauteed vegetables, potatoes and breads. What catches your eye the most, though, are the delightfully delicious looking desserts: tarts, jellies, cakes, and, the wonder of them all pie!"

PC 1: I slice into the pie.
GM: Your hand melts off, everyone roll initiative.

Who starts with dessert first?! I mean, really.

Who Doesn't??

Necromancer wrote:
Sereinái wrote:

The answer is siege equipment.

The question is who gets to use it? The PCs, the orcs or The pie?
Thanks to tremorsense, the pie gets the surprise round. Someone start a new thread about unarmed siege attacks!

I'd say we're going to need a ruling on the BAB of a pie.

Of course your cream pies (banana, coconut, chocolate, etc) would have a slow BAB progression while your kidney, meat, blood, etc. would all be full BAB...
Rhubarb/strawberry (or any mixed berry/fruit pies) should get sneak attack...

Liberty's Edge

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This silly thread has indeed inspiered me to use a black pie pudding monster. Excellent idea!

Winterwalker wrote:
This silly thread has indeed inspiered me to use a black pie pudding monster. Excellent idea!

In Soviet Belkzen, pie eats you!

BltzKrg242 wrote:
Necromancer wrote:
Sereinái wrote:

The answer is siege equipment.

The question is who gets to use it? The PCs, the orcs or The pie?
Thanks to tremorsense, the pie gets the surprise round. Someone start a new thread about unarmed siege attacks!

I'd say we're going to need a ruling on the BAB of a pie.

Of course your cream pies (banana, coconut, chocolate, etc) would have a slow BAB progression while your kidney, meat, blood, etc. would all be full BAB...
Rhubarb/strawberry (or any mixed berry/fruit pies) should get sneak attack...

Being clubbed-seal pie, it'll get full BAB, but it'll suck in melee; not being able to move between attacks and all...

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