So what is the latest news? What revisited product will be out in 2014?
There were two this year but looks like we might get one or maybe even none this year coming up.
The last revisited was a summer release I think, and didn't get announced I don't think until after the Holiday season. Might just need to give it more time.
I would definitely be interested in having books on oozes, lovecraft/mythos, elementals, and, perhaps oddly, plant creatures in the Revisited line. Maybe Robots Reprogrammed with the upcoming Iron Gods AP?
Lovercraftian Horrors Revisited? With Elder Things, Mi-gos, Starspawn, Serpentfolk, Shoggoths, Colors Out Of Space, Children Of Yog Sothoth and cultists entries.
I'd suggest Qlippoth revisited, but they don't feature nearly enough as enemies. Beyond that, maybe constructs or golems, or Titans perhaps. Titans warred against the gods, they do still have some influence, be it within the Abyss, Elysium, or on the mortal plane.
Major_Blackhart wrote: I'd suggest Qlippoth revisited, but they don't feature nearly enough as enemies. Beyond that, maybe constructs or golems, or Titans perhaps. Titans warred against the gods, they do still have some influence, be it within the Abyss, Elysium, or on the mortal plane. The demodands could be included with them
That would be awesome, a book of the different types of Abyssal titans and their demodand spawn.
Edit: Could include the Gigas as well.
As a general rule they need ten "types" to fill out a revisited
an abberation or dark tapestry revisited book would be my first choice, followed by a Darklands themed book or sea monster book.
Didn't James Jacobs say that he would like to do something more with the Lovecraft stuff then a revisited book since he want to have more then just 10 monsters.
It would easy to get 10 aberrations but picking them would different story.
There are a lot interesting things that they could do like plants, elementals, oozes, constructs(golems, robots, or clockworks), dragons 2(primals and imperials), fey 2, sea monsters, aliens, etc.
Qlippoths deserve their own book of the damned instead of merely qlippoths revisited!
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Things-WOTC-won't-put-in-OGL Revisited?
Goblins Revisited.
Clockworks Revisited Rebuilt, or maybe Constructs Rebuilt
I really, REALLY would like a second Misfit Monsters revised 2
With Ravid, Arrowhawk, Bonesnappers and Digesters among others!
That is my biggest wish for revised!
But don't you guys think it's awfully quiet around Wes Schnijder? I mean he hasn't touched his question thread for almost a month now...
Maybe, just maybe he's working on devil's revised?! (you can always wish) ;-)
Quote: robots How on earth can they do a robot's revised? There are only 3 of them so far... that will be the shortest revised evah.
Undead Unleashed so far looks like the closest thing to a "revisisted" book. Still hoping we might get something later in fall/early winter, but definitely running out of time for a revisited volume...
Jester David wrote: Kvantum wrote: Terrors From Below Revisited
Aboleth (and Faceless Stalkers/Ugothols)
Gibbering Mouther
Intellect Devourer
Will-o'-Wisp I second a Darklands beasties revisited. Drow, duergar, morlocks, vegipygmies, gugs, and a couple others might fit. Seeing how this one did indeed come to pass, are their any other revisited books in the pipeline awaiting us?
Cosmic Creatures Revisited.
Brother Fen wrote: Cosmic Creatures Revisited. COSMIC HORRORS REVISITED.
Brother Fen wrote: Cosmic Creatures Revisited. That could be really cool. although I am still holding ou5t hope for a monsters from fiction book