GM Bold Strider |

How you all ended up in the Wise Piper Inn is a bit of a story, but the common thread is that a man named Silas Gribb offers them a job as caravan guards. The trek was relatively easy. It looked like easy gold, but upon the caravan's arrival in Belhaim, Gribb is arrested on a warrant for smuggling, and Belhaim's sheriff and his most skilled deputies head out within the hour to escort him and his confiscated caravan south to Cassomir. Each of you easily convinces the authorities of your ignorance about Silas' criminal activities, but are left stranded in Belhaim, as Silas is obviously unable to pay them for the caravan job.
The young proprietor of the Wise Piper Inn, Talia Orem, takes pity on the lot of you and offers free room and board for a few days. Some of you help around the inn, some offer your services to the locals for a few coins, and some lounge around freeloading off her generosity.
You are in the Wise Piper's common room as evening falls. Silas was arrested yesterday. The lot of you are seated at a long table, enjoying a free meal of fresh bread with cheese and honey, washed down by watery mead.
Perfect time for in character introductions!

Lukas Kains |

Lukas had set out from Cassomir with such high hopes, having finally found someone who would pay a scrawny lad like him to work his caravan. Lukas’ knowledge of loading and unloading ships had been useful in getting the wagons rigged before they set out, and since then he’d just ridden along, keeping his eyes open for trouble and wondering what he’d do if it appeared. Sadly, the trouble that appeared had nothing to do with bandits or goblins, but damn Silas Gribb running a dirty business. The man’s wagons are all on their way back to Lukas’ home town of Cassomir, and Lukas is at a bit of a loss as to what to do next.
The only bright spot in his situation is the free food and lodging offered by Talia Orem. Having grown up quite poor, the offering of fresh bread, cheese, honey (oh, sweet, delicious honey!) and mead, all laid on the table for free, seems a gift from the gods to Lukas. To not feel completely useless, he’s been helping out around the Wise Piper and chatting a bit with other patrons about possible work, but it hasn’t come to much. As evening comes on, he sets aside these worries and happily tucks in to another free meal. He notes that Jebediah is at the table as well. He hadn’t really gotten to know the halfling on the trip here, and thought he’d give it a try now.
”Hi,” he says down the table, ”you’re Jebediah, right? I’m Lukas. I guess we’re stuck here for the same reasons, by that damn crook Gribb. What do you think you’ll do next? I haven’t really figured that out.”

Celes Rose |

She had hopes and dreams, to prove others wrong. People told her, you cannot do it and the chaos in your heart and life will lead to down a path of ruin. These comments only fueled her desire to prove all the naysayers wrong and most importantly that rage in her knows no bounds and will allow her to accomplish much in her life.
She took on the work to be a guard, simply as a means to get a few more coin, and then she would keep saving up coin and taking on the biggest and baddest out in the world to validate who she is and wanted to be. Lo and behold, her dream was derailed, along with a group of others, and their desires were in limbo as well due to the current circumstances.
She sits at the bar, bread and ale in hand. Her dusty brown hair, in a tangled mess from sweat and the sun beating down upon it. She looks around to the other patrons. She tends to keep to herself, her scar across her cheek tends to keep people away. Not to mention the battleaxe slung across her back as well gives people pause for concern.
He..hey bartender. Fill 'er up again, I need more ale to wash this food down!, she almost demands sloppily as she has a mouthful of food. She was the muscle if the bar ever needed any, her off-putting demeanor and random bouts of anger and rage kept the bar peaceful...perhaps some would say down right empty at times.

Iralynash |

The elf joined the caravan at Magnimar and have being mostly keeping to himself. As a caravan guard and sometimes make-do healer he was happy with the regular routine and the forever changing surroundings. It almost felt like being back in the army without the bad stuff.
A thousand curses to this backwater town, a hundred curses to Silas Gribb an one to you Juliette for convincing me to take this job. Iralynash thinks for the twentieth time while eating his dinner. How could Silas have deceived them all for so long? And why didnt he cut Iralynash in the deal?!
Fool human and his foolish ideas. What am I suppose to do now? It is a long way back to Varisia. By Calistria this drink tastes terrible, this place should hire some dwarfs to brew some real spirits.

Jebediah Lillywag |

Jebediah had joined the caravan as he wanted to travel to Magnimar to study with the priests of Pharsma there. It seemed the Lady of graves had had other plans for him however. Now he was stuck here in this podunc town of Belhaim due to Silas being a dishonorable crook. Well likely it had been the Ladies intent all along as he had been able to assist in giving birth to twins here just yesterday. Without his professional assistance they likely would not have found the way to light.
Now Jebediah sat here at a bar table with some of the others traveling the caravan. An odd rag tag bunch. And a Halfling among them Jebediah didn't like Halflings but this one seemed a bit unhalfling. The man Lukas adressed him.
I'm looking to travel on but alas it looks as if I'm caught here for now with nothing more to do. No more pregnancies and no more deaths.
Guess I'll put my free rank into Profession(Obsterician)

Iralynash |

Indeed this place doesn't look like much. The elf mumbles to himself before adressing the group. I dont think many caravans pass through these parts. It may take a while before we can find another. If I had money I would make my way to the capital and try my luck there. But... Iralynash shrugs. What are you guys planning on doing?

Lukas Kains |

"Pregnancies and deaths?" Lukas asks Jebediah in confusion. He's young enough to know very little of the former, though he's seen some of the latter in his short life. "What do you mean?"
Looking to Iralynash, he says, "The capital, huh? Never been to Oppara, but I grew up in Cassomir, so I know a bit about big cities. Not sure if we'd be better off there or not. The only work I know is loading and unloading ships, and there's more of them in Cassomir than anywhere else in Taldor. But I want to see the world, not just go right back where we came from!"
He looks around the homely taproom of the Wise Piper and says, "It's nice that it's free, but it likely won't be for long, and I'm not sure this counts as seeing the world."
My free rank is going into Profession (porter). First time I've had that skill, that's for sure.

Iralynash |

So young. Was I ever so young as this one? I sure was. Iralynash thinks while sipping his drink. Be careful of what you wish for Kains, the world may have a thing or two to show you in return. But anyway I would not mind going back to Magnimar, in the end any place is as good as the next. Being unemployed in Taldor is as good as being unemployed in Varisia I suppose.

Celes Rose |

I don't know much about births, but I know a few things about deaths. Saw a few friends die in an Orc raid a few years back, as she slams down another mug of ale.
So, what do we do know. I joined that caravan to test my mettle against the biggest and baddest in the world. I want to challenge myself, and I can't do it sitting on my ass and drinking all day...a tempting idea as it may be, she looks to the rest of the group screwed over by the bastard Silas.

Lukas Kains |

With the natural skepticism of a lad who grew up rough-and-tumble on the docks, Lukas considers the notion that this rag-tag bunch might set out together and see something of the world. What the hell, it's not like I've got anything else on offer, and they seem a decent bunch.
"That's a fine idea," he says, "we can watch each others' backs, maybe look out for some opportunities. We could set ourselves up as a squad of caravan guards or something, sell the drovers on the idea that we all work together!"

GM Bold Strider |

As the group is bonding, the walls of the inn rattle as though shaken by thunder.
Anyone who steps out of the inn immediately notices a huge plume of dust rising to the northeast. A young boy bursts into the tavern. The Witch Tower has fallen!
This news sends everyone in the tavern heading out to gawk at the dust plume rising from the place where the tower once stood.

Lukas Kains |

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Lukas joins the crowd surging out the door to marvel at the towering dust plume standing in place of the former tower. "Um, 'scuse me," he says to one of the barmaids as she stares up as well, "what was the Witch Tower? Why did they call it that?"

Celes Rose |

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Celes sees her mug of ale slosh around as the crash from outside happens. Whats with the landslide. Don't tell me I am gonna get crushed by mud and...
Her sentence trails off as she sees the plume of dust stir up as the tower falls. It is a sight to behold. She doesn't recall much about the tower, probably due to her having three or four ales in the matter of an hour or so.

Lukas Kains |

Ignoring the man's gruffness - Lukas grew up on the docks, after all - Lukas waves eagerly to his fellow ex-caravan guards, saying, "Come on! We set out to see a bit of the world, and now a cursed Witch Tower has crashed down to the ground at our very feet!"
He moves along with the crowd, curious to see what's ahead.

Celes Rose |

Celes, grabs her weaponry and heads out towards the ruins. The townsfolk provided beds and ale. Beds are irrelevant but the ale is important.
Get back here you crazy fool. Somebody has to get me more ale, gods be damned should I not get my ale

Iralynash |

Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
By the goddess, what a mess! Drow sappers could not have done a better job. The elf thinks looking at the smoke pillar.
Wait, we dont know what is in the underground there, the whole wreck can colapse again. But after seeing the human merrily running away to the danger Iralynash just shrugs.
What the hell, maybe there is some loot to be had. He mumbles as he walks after the group.

GM Bold Strider |

The adventurers easily outpace the locals who are stopping to alert the whole town and come upon the scene of the collapse.
At the site of the collapsed tower, two locals putter about aimlessly. One wanders about scratching her head, and the other stands with hands on his hips, chewing on a stalk of grass. These two have tiny golden stars attached to some leather hanging from their necks. One of em drawls at the other. Whatcha think, Hodd?
The man with the stalk of grass replies. Hell, iff'n I know. Mulle. Might as well wait for the baroness.
The town starts to crowd around the collapsed tower and before long someone from the crowd suggests checking to see whether the wizard Hunclay knows anything about what happened. Yeah! Get that daft kook out here to explain!
Deputy Hodd moves to the front door of the manor, stepping gingerly around a kobold corpse, terribly charred, lying upon the wizard's doorstep and bangs on Hunclay's door, but no one answers. Mulle reaches for the door handle, but Hodd grabs her wrist. Hold it Mulle. This crazy bastard was known for his traps.
The curious fact that Hunclay doesn't make an appearance in the crowd despite the tower's collapse quickly causes several locals to wonder if perhaps the eccentric wizard had something to do with the calamity.
The town's baroness, Lady Origena Devy, arrives soon thereafter with her son Arnholde to take charge of the situation. After listening to reports from those gathered at the site, she looks briefly at the obviously overmatched deputies and then scans the crowd, desperate for someone with sense to assist her. You there. Newcomers. What are your names? She points at the lot of you.

Lukas Kains |

Lukas looks side to side, as if he doubts this noble lady could possibly be addressing him, and a moment of inspiration strikes. "Me, ma'am? I'm Lukas, Lukas Kains of Cassomir. But that's not as important as who we are. My friends and I, we're the Bold Striders, started out working as caravan guards, but now we're adventurers, seeing the world."
He glances at his companions to see if they think him completely mad, then continues, "Is there something we can do for you, m'Lady?"
I swear, I was coming up with names for our group and threw together a bunch of possible combos in my head, settled on that one, and then recalled who our DM is! It was meant to be.

GM Bold Strider |

"Today's your lucky day. Mulle and Hodd here can't handle this without the Sheriff to hold their hands, and I want to know what happened here. You seem to be a capable bunch. If you go in there and look through the rubble-find out what happened and why there are kobolds in my town- I'll pay the lot of you 500 gold pieces. While you're looking around in the ruins, keep an eye out for any signs of our local eccentric, Hunclay. It seems somewhat suspicious to me that he 's not answering his door. Let me know what you find."
A small crowd has gathered around the rubble of the collapsed tower. Only fragments of the first and second floors still stand. Black stone and broken wooden debris lie scattered down the hill's southeastern slope, and a rocky ramp of sorts leads up to the tower's second floor.
Entering the ruined building is actually more difficult than it first appears. Though the tower's ancient iron front door remains in place, all the rubble blocking it from the other side prevents anyone from using it to enter the tower.
An enormous heap of cracked stone and splintered wood from the tower lies in a low mound here, tumbled partially down the hill to the southeast. The mound of rubble forms a natural ramp that leads up to the now-exposed second floor of the tower above.
DC 8 Climb check

Celes Rose |

500 gold can get me a lot of ale, and maybe a better weapon
Celes will sling her axe across her back and begin traversing the rubble she move carefully as not to twist an ankle. [ooce]take 10=12[/ooc]
Once atop the second story, she takes stock of what around.
per: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Lukas Kains |

500 gold to do something I'd want to do anyway? Sounds like a deal!
"Sure, m'lady," responds Lukas, trying to keep the excitement about such a large payment out of his voice, "we can do that." He then scrambles up the rubble ramp after Celes and looks around.
Take 10 on Climb for 11.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Once his companions join him at the top, he says quietly, "Hope you guys are okay with my making up a name for us, it just sort of popped out. But I think it got us a job!"

Iralynash |

Now we are talking. Iralynash nods to the baroness and with a bow go on on about their business. M'lady.
At the ruin site he also takes his time to carefully climb the debries.
Take 10 on climb for a 10.
Sure, gold is gold... The elf says looking around from the top of the colapsed tower. So what do we have here?
Perc: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Jebediah Lillywag |

Perception1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
As a follower of the lady of graves I feel morally obliged to examine the place. There might be restless spirits which need to be guided beyond

GM Bold Strider |

Sorry for the delay. I will now resume my proliferous posting habits, except now on American time.
Open the to the sky above, this exposed upper floor of the tower contains only some smashed furniture and a sprinkling of rubble. A trap door is set in the floor against the northwest wall, but a stout timber has fallen across it.
Even the halflings can easily lift it however, the wood was already rotting from centuries of mold and age.
Moving through the trap door, the group finds that the the tower's large ground floor has mostly collapsed under the rubble, but along the western portion of the room a section remains clear of debris. An iron trap door set in the floor is directly below a companion door in the ceiling above. Shattered wooden furniture lies scattered around the corpses of two small, green-scaled creatures.
There is some rope and a few sacks on the kobolds. Two backpacks and 50' hempen rope, if you are interested.
The only source of light in here is what comes through the open trap door and opening the next trap door only allows the group to peer into darkness.

Lukas Kains |

”Funny, we climbed up to climb down,” comments Lukas, peering down into the darkness through the trap door. He stands and walks over to the backpacks lying by the dead kobolds and rummages through them, asking his companions, ”Anyone got a light we could use?”

Celes Rose |

Celes Rose will grab a rod from her backpack, snap it and shake the contents. A few moments later, lights fills the area, to allow everyone to see. She takes the available rope, knots it as needed, secures it to something sturdy up top and tosses the length down the hole. Once secure she climbs down.
use sunrod, then take 10 to climb down = 12

GM Bold Strider |

Celes: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Lukas: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Iralynash: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Jebidiah: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Falzeal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Lukas hears some skittering from the room when the lights are thrown/moved down through the trapdoor.
Celes starts her descent via the rope.

Lukas Kains |

Lukas says quietly, "Hold on, guys! There's something moving down there. Falzeal, can you send your lights all around the room before we go down, to be sure there aren't any surprises? We already know there's kobolds about."
DM - was there anything in the backpacks Lukas checked?

Lukas Kains |

Okay, just wanted to minimize the chance that Celes was climbing down into a trap. I'm fine with proceeding.

GM Bold Strider |

The party climbs down into the second trapdoor and finds that the walls of this chamber have buckled precariously in several places, and masonry and dirt are scattered across the floor--the collapse above plainly caused this structural damage. The dry-rotted frames of five simple beds lies against the north and south walls. To the southwest, the room broadens into a larger chamber. A rusted, grinning iron statue stands in an alcove in the north wall between the two wings of the room itself, and in the wall to the south is an old iron door.
Map will be posted later today.

Lukas Kains |

Lukas looks around the shattered room and mumbles, "Wow, this place is a wreck...and creepy." He stares at the grinning statue a while, then says, "I guess we look around in here a bit, for clues about what happened? Then see what's through that old door."
He follows his own suggestion, looking closely through the scattered wreckage before heading for the iron door.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

GM Bold Strider |

Assuming that you are carrying the sunrod in one of your hands for light. Lukas investigates the room. He approaches the iron maiden and examines it, looking through the holes and seeing the bones of a humanoid inside. Lukas also finds that the door to the south is locked. He moves onto the west wing of their current room. Nothing is very apparent, a cursory search of the rubble shows some rusted weapons and ruined fragments of armor.
As Lukas is investigating the rubble, the rest of the team is spread out examining the room. Two giant centipedes burst forth from the rubble in the far corner and charge their first meal in days: Lukas!
Centipedes: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Celes: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Lukas: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Iralynash: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Jebidiah: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Falzeal: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Centipedes: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (9) + 0 = 9
Celes: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Iralynash: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Jebidiah: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Falzeal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Iralynash notices them, but isn't fast enough to react to their appearance.
The centipedes only have eyes for Lukas. Low perception roll. They charge Lukas.
Bite: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 + 2 = 24
Bite: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 2 = 21
Bite Confirmation: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 2 = 18
Total Damage:
Lukas: 2d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2) - 2 = 3 Need two Fortitude saves, poison.
You can place yourselves on the map, wherever you please, just no one can be more than 5' into the west wing of the room.
Surprise Round:
1st: Centipedes (#1; #2)
2nd: Iralynash
1st: Jebidiah
2nd: Centipedes (#1; #2)
3rd: Celes; Lukas @ 7 HP; Iralynash; Falzeal