Ship Calculator / Sheet

Skull & Shackles

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after we managed to "obtain" our first ship and heading toward port for modifications I decided to do some "Excel Magic" and create a small sheet for it.

So far the sheet only contains material from the S&S players guide.

What did the sheet do?
You can choose a ship and the modificators and the sheet will calculate the endprice and changed attributes.


C&C welcome

Very useful.... Thanks! :D


Awesome! thanks for sharing Tryn!

Always a pleasure. :)
If someone have some ideas how to improve it, I open for it :)

Thinks which are already planed:
- weapon slots (based on the ship description)

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Updated Sheet:

- added weapon-slots
- fixed some formular errors

Awesome! Thanks for the spreadsheet. I'm definitely going to use this in a few sessions from now when my PCs get to (spoiler) with their (spoiler)!

Active Link to the document.

I use open office can you modify it so it works in Open Office?


I've modified it just a bit:
I've added a cell called Captains Sailing Skill, and automaticly added that to the AC and CMB of the ship. In addition, I've added a cell called Captains Modified Skill, which is equal to Captains Skill + Sailing Check Mod.
It's a very minor addition, and easily done with only very basic excell-skills needed.

I'm gonna add this post here because this thread is at the top in Google search results for a ship stat sheet.

Modified Tryn's sheet a bit, highlighted squares meant to be edited and added in the ability to include the Sailing Skill Modifier of your pilot and have it be added into the AC/CMB/CMD of the ship. Also fiddled with formatting a bit to show up better in the current incarnation of Google Drive. Hope this helps someone! _0-JiRJ1J_TnY&mode=public

Squiiddish wrote:

I'm gonna add this post here because this thread is at the top in Google search results for a ship stat sheet.

Modified Tryn's sheet a bit, highlighted squares meant to be edited and added in the ability to include the Sailing Skill Modifier of your pilot and have it be added into the AC/CMB/CMD of the ship. Also fiddled with formatting a bit to show up better in the current incarnation of Google Drive. Hope this helps someone!


Added link for above.

I have a spreadsheet to add as well. It is here.
This does reflect a house rule for saving throws, but that is easily changed.


Little workaround for those trying to use these linked sheets with openoffice (as the formulas break).

If you open the google drive link, then at the top, use the "open with" dropdown, and select google sheets, you can use google's web-based spreadsheet stuff, and that seems to work ok.

Once finished, file > download to > PDF.

Obviously, this is not using openoffice: but it should at least provide you with the means without having to purchase excel etc.

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Did a little tweaking myself... here's my rendition!

We just started to play Skulls & Shackles. I am trying to find a good 'Ship Sheet' that is editable to help keep up with the ship we now have in our possession.

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