monk / barbarian


i have just thought of class to make. it's a dwarf monk/barbarian. there is a archtipe in the UC that doesn't make the monk lawfull. so i was thinking getting to 2nd lvl with barbarian and then the rest is monk. any ideas or advice would be welcome.

Liberty's Edge

Well, the question here is...what do you want to do? What do you want to accomplish with your character? Do you want to rage-fisticuffs-profit, or do you just want a monk with more hit points? Also, what is your starting level?

You get a single rage power, which is a nice thing to have. I would normally recommend the Superstition rage power at 2nd level, but I would only do that because it scales with your level.

However, if you can get your DM to say that the Brawler rage power would increase your unarmed damage by a single step rather than to 1d6, it becomes a nice boost for your damage.

i do like to dish out damage with my unarmed attacks. with rage boosting up my strength it would help. and that archtype in UC lets me use my monk lvl as fighter lvl to gain feats for monk weapons and unarmed strikes. so going down the weapon spec., weapon focus, line in feats. lvl is not sure most people i play with start out at lv 3 but i still like to make someone at lvl 1.


Sounds to me like you want a Monk who uses the Barbarian's rage to shore up his Strength and make him less MAD. Not a bad idea, really. Especially since both classes' fast movement should stack.

Can you apply Power Attack to unarmed strikes? They're classified as light weapons, so I would think the answer is no.

You'd definitely want to take the Extra Rage feat, since you'll find yourself hurting for rounds of rage if you don't take more than two levels of Barbarian. Since you're going the Weapon Spec line as well, you might also pick up Dazzling Display, and perhaps take a rage power that goes well with Intimidate checks.

You can power attack with light weapons in Pathfinder.

Silent Saturn wrote:
Can you apply Power Attack to unarmed strikes?

Power Attack indicates yes.

Power Attack wrote:
You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon.

He can even apply it to Combat Maneuvers that deal damage as well.

However, if he has a TWF or Flurry of Blows mechanic, remember that the secondary attack(s) have their Power Attack benefits reduced to 1 point per "rank".

with the barbarian i cant be cought flat footed.

but as a monk there is no such think as a off hand attack. if i remember it is under the flurry of blows text or unarmed strike text in the monk section.

Wilbur35 wrote:

with the barbarian i cant be cought flat footed.

but as a monk there is no such think as a off hand attack. if i remember it is under the flurry of blows text or unarmed strike text in the monk section.

The Flurry of Blows mechanic is currently ruled as TWF. You have your Main Hand weapon (which is one unarmed strike), and an Off Hand weapon (which is another, separate type of unarmed strike). The Main Hand gets the +2/-1 deal. The Off Hand gets the +1/-1 deal.

Since an Unarmed Strike can cover multiple limbs and/or bases, you can use it multiple times as if it were a Natural Weapon, but has iterative attacks like many crafted weapons.

Surely the TWF mechanic gets broken by the line "In any combination" which means you can easily say i'll do all the attacks with my main hand?

The Martial Artist archetype can be non-lawful.

They don't get Ki powers, but at level 5 they get immunity to fatigue, which could be VERY useful for Barbarian rage-cycling tricks.

Grand Lodge

There is a Aasamir Race trait(available through the Adopted trait) that allows you to take levels in Monk while remaining Neutral, or Neutral Good.

With this trait, you will be able to take levels in any Monk archetype and levels in Barbarian.

Bertious wrote:
Surely the TWF mechanic gets broken by the line "In any combination" which means you can easily say i'll do all the attacks with my main hand?

The current state of affairs is "under discussion" along with everything else, so basically ask your DM if it's TWF or flurry-as-3.5.

Oh, and there being no offhand in flurry-of-blows means regardless that all your attacks have the same bonus from power attack - how else would you be able to tell which hand is which when you do your unarmed strike?

Grand Lodge

A cool combination would be Sohei Monk/Mounted Fury.
You could go as Half-Orc, and later pick up the Beast Rider feat.
Another option is Angel-Blooded Aasamir and later pick up the Celestial Servant feat.

for lvling i was thinking
lvl 1 monk
lvl 2,3 barbarian
lvl 4-20 monk

but i'm at a delema.

i want monk to be first so i can have the AC, and improved unarmed attack, but i also want power attack. and getting extra rage wont be till lvl 5.

if i go barbarian first 2 lvls, then i can get power attack and easly get extra rage on lvl 3.

Grand Lodge

Savage Barbarian's bonus to unarmed AC syncs well with the monk.

Liberty's Edge

If you go barbarian first, you get more hit points (12 instead of 8, a considerable gap), fast movement, rage, and Power Attack from level 1. Until you take a level of monk, you can use a sword and wear armor. Then as soon as you get to monk, lose the weapon and the armor.

This goes doubly for if you start at level 3. At that point, there is no reason not to take your first level as a barbarian for those delicious extra hit points.

On the 'savage' barbarian sugestion...if he only takes 2 levels of barbarian, there's no point to it. Neither of the special abilities for not wearing armor kick in until barb 3.

well i looked at the savage barbarian and i like it. i might do 1 more lvl in barbarian. but it probably wont be a big priority.

how about alternate the classes?
barbaran at lvl 1,3,5
monk at lvl 2,4,6-20
or something like that?

monk on the even cause i get a bonus feat on 1st and 2nd lvl of monk.

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