MyraMistweave |
So, in the line of Feats for Eldrich Heritage there's nothing that states you get the Sorcerer Bloodline Arcana. Which is what I'm looking at the feats for. Understandably you cannot pick it up with the first of the feats as you get specifically the 1st level power.
Would it be reasonable to think you could pick up the Arcana instead of a 3rd or 9th level power with the second feat? (Improved Eldrich Heritage) At this point you would be spending 3 feats (as you need Skill Focus to start this feat progression to begin with) just to pick up the Bloodline Arcana.
At the moment my group has been running it you can choose the Arcana with the final feat: (Greater Eldrich Heritage) As it states you can choose any power below 15th level and we all assume the Arcana counts as a part of that. (However, at this point you are spending 4 feats to pick up a power you could get by just dipping a level in Sorcerer (which I'm trying to avoid)).
Any observations/comments/answers as to how people at Paizo would run it are welcome. Thanks.

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The Eldritch Heritage feat lets you pick the bloodline powers, not arcana, sorry.
You can leveldip of course, but then your sorcerer level counts as 1 for the powers, while with Eldritch Heritage it uses character level -2, which usually is higher. But if you want the arcana and not care for the power, then leveldip really is the only way to go.
Depending on what you want to pick up that might not matter though.
What arcana is it you want?

MyraMistweave |
I'm working on an enchanter. I wanted to get the Fae Blood Arcana so I'm planning to just dip a level in Sorceror then possibly pick up the Maestro Bloodline with Eldrich Heritage for the 9th lvl power at the second level. Other than the single level dip into Sorceror the character in question is a wizard.

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Hmm, I'm not sure, but I think I read somewhere the DC increase from bloodlines only counts for sorcerer spells, not spells you get from other classes.
Could be wrong.
Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus also give a +2 to DC, and is cheaper. (but you may plan on that anyway)
Not sure the Maestro power is really that great.
Its a +1 DC and basicly a permanent tongues spell, pretty expensive with 3 feats

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This doesn't sound like a PFS game (since you've mentioned rulings on Greater Elderitch Heritage) so I'd run an idea past your GM.
Elderitch Arcana Heritage:
Prerequisites: Cha 15, Eldritch Heritage, character level 11th.
Benefit: You gain an arcana from a Bloodline in which you already have Eldritch Heritage. For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you select the feat, it must apply to a different bloodline arcana.

MyraMistweave |
Thanks Booksy.
I think I'm going to instead take a level of Sorceror. Then use the Crossblooded Sorceror Archtype to get the Arcana powers from Fae and Infernal for my Enchanter since I'm not planning to put further level's in Sorceror and the Drawback losing a spell known is worth the extra skills/2 Arcana's.
Could anyone tell me if this is more viable? Thanks.

Aioran |

Hmm, I'm not sure, but I think I read somewhere the DC increase from bloodlines only counts for sorcerer spells, not spells you get from other classes.
Sorcerer: Do the bonuses granted from Bloodline Arcana apply to all of the spells cast by the sorcerer, or just those cast from the sorcerer's spell list? (page 72 of the Core Rulebook)
The Bloodline Arcana powers apply to all of the spells cast by characters of that bloodline, not just those cast using the sorcerer's spell slots.General rule: If a class ability modifies your spellcasting, it applies to your spells from all classes, not just spells from the class that grants the ability. (The exception is if the class ability specifically says it only applies to spells from that class.)
—Jason Bulmahn, 10/22/10 Back to Top

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Crossblooded Soceror would definitely get you both arcana's faster, but I don't know if taking a permanent -2 Will save is good on your character.
Also keep in mind, if you wanted Bloodline powers from either of those, you have to get them through leveling, as you can only use Elderitch Heritage for a bloodline you don't already belong to.

MyraMistweave |
I'm okay with accepting the -2 to Will as I pictured the char as being able to influence others easily but also being easily influenced and the flaw actually helps build to her history/character.
I'm probably going to Nix getting a Eldrich Hertiage at all until higher lvls (I'm yet undecided), but if I choose one it would be the Maestro line for the +1 DC's to Language Dependent spells.

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Ah thanks Aioran, guess I remembered it the wrong way :)
A level dip in crossblooded is only good if you want 2 arcanas, as you only get a single power, and to get the higher powers oyu actually need more sorcerer levels.
For a real sorcerer crossblooded may be good.
I'm not an expert on bloodlines, maybe theres another one beside the Fey bloodline that gives a bonus on DC, then you can take that one with crossblooded, and maybe take Iron Will to balance the -2 will save again.
Otherwise I'd just stick to a normal level dip.