Shalmdi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm with Azaelas here, Duelist is not my favorite class, but if you are set on it, I recommend the Lore Warden. This will let you be a fighter while still getting something in trade for not being able to use medium or heavy armor and shields. Plus, it rewards the slightly higher Int you will want for Canny Defense. If you must go Rogue for some reason, listen to Azaelas. Take Swashbuckler. However, note that an NPC meant for one-on-one combat will have a hard time getting Sneak Attack after the first round.
Consider taking Power Attack as your damage will suck. Vital Strike and its advanced forms are also good if you want to get anything out of all those movement abilities. This is another reason I endorse fighter, you will want those extra feats to make this viable. Oh and Weapon Specialization please!
I would recommend for simplicity with an NPC that you just choose one of these base classes and stick to that, but I hope this helps. That's my two copper.

Gluttony |

Personally I like the monk/duelist wielding a Siangham. It's the only weapon that's both light and piercing (for duelists) and a monk weapon. Or at least it was the only one. Ultimate Equipment may have changed that, not sure yet.
The ability to pull off both your monk and duelist tricks with the same weapon is a nice one, and I've seen it done well by a Jade Regent PC (who unfortunately met with a TPK, but that was more due to bad strategy than the build).

Guy Kilmore |

Look at the Aldori Swordlord. There is a new prestige class out in Paths of Prestige. There is also a fighter archetype. Someone posted a build guide for the Aldori a while back.
It also fits with the flavor as the Aldori are from Brevoy.
Here is the link. http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz5s1u?Secrets-of-the-Swordlords-How-to-build-an# 1

勝20100 |
[…] However, note that an NPC meant for one-on-one combat will have a hard time getting Sneak Attack after the first round.
To be able to use Sneak Attack alone, it’s possible to use feint, or dirty trick (with the blinding condition). There is feat to get better doing them.
There is maybe other feats that allows use of Sneak Attack.For a NPC, I would match her personality and fight style.
In case of a public duel, there is also the performance combat rules and the associated feats.

arioreo |
I'm running Kingmaker and am currently trying to build a human NPC designed (hopefully) for one on one combat with a PC. What suggestions would you make regarding classes/feats/etc?
What level do you plan to make this NPC?
It's an NPC, if your build is under optimised, artificially lower the cr rating.
I like the idea of a magus/duellist personally.

Mage Evolving |

I have been about this for a while now if I play this class and not a cleric in my next game I was thinking about a rogue and take the swashbuckler/scout archetypes. If I understand this correctly you can use both of them at the same time.
This build would focus on being very agile and constantly moving in battle to ensure that you get the back stab that the scout class gives you when you move.
for feats I might go with: spring attack, mobility, improved init, improved crit. You will want to move, hit, back stab, and leave.
Wielding a light weapon and using weapon finesse is going to limit your damage output but the ability to move in strike and add backstab damage to that damage is going to make up for this some.

Guy Kilmore |

Shalmdi wrote:[…] However, note that an NPC meant for one-on-one combat will have a hard time getting Sneak Attack after the first round.
[…]To be able to use Sneak Attack alone, it’s possible to use feint, or dirty trick (with the blinding condition). There is feat to get better doing them.
There is maybe other feats that allows use of Sneak Attack.For a NPC, I would match her personality and fight style.
In case of a public duel, there is also the performance combat rules and the associated feats.
If you are going after sneak attack, the rogue has the scout archetype which at 6th level grants your character the ability to sneak attack when moving more than 10 ft. It works well with spring attack.
ETA: You also get your sneak attack any time you charge.

Hector Gwath |

Ranger 6.
You can select the Two Handed Style to get power attack with a STR 10. You don't need to use the weapon 2 handed (can't in fact, for many Duelist abilities).
Get Weapon Finesse and Dervish Dance. Dervish Dance allows you to use a scimitar for Finesse, adds DEX to damage, and specifically mentions it allows the scimitar to be used with the various duelist piercing weapon abilities.
At level 8, assuming a DEX of 20, you should be doing 1d6+5(DEX) +2(Duelist Damage) +6(Power Attack), plus whatever Favored Enemy bonuses you have. so minimum, 1d6+13, assuming no magical equipment.
You could also try Ranger 2/Fighter (weapon Master) 4, so you can still get Power Attack without prerequisites, for access to Weapon Training at level 3 (and the ability to use Duelist Gloves for an additional +2 weapon training), and access to Weapon Specialization.

![]() |

Get Weapon Finesse and Dervish Dance. Dervish Dance allows you to use a scimitar for Finesse, adds DEX to damage, and specifically mentions it allows the scimitar to be used with the various duelist piercing weapon abilities.
Dervish Dance is definitely an option, but the Agile weapon property is also a very real possibility. Especially if going rapier for stylistic reasons.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:Aldori Swordlord is also a prestige class in Paths of prestige. It adds DEX to damage, most notably.Aldori Swordlord is in another book not Paths of Prestige.
I can't remember the book. It might be Inner Sea World Guide though.
Yeah, this is what I meant.
The Fighter Archetype of the same name (from the Inner Sea Primer) isn't worth it on it's own for a finesse build, IMO.

Doomed Hero |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1st- Be a Lore Warden. Take Weapon Finesse and Combat Expertise to start.
2nd- See if you can convince your GM to let you take Dervish Dance (the feat) with a rapier. If they say no, get your weapon enchanted with the Agile enchantment as soon as possible.
3rd- Dip Flowing Monk for 2 levels (I recommend 3rd and 4th level). Take Combat Reflexes and Improved Trip as your monk feats and start picking up the Crane Style feats as soon as you can. Enjoy tripping/dodging/counterattacking people who try to attack you.
4th- Take Bodyguard/In Harm's Way. That way you can redirect attacks to you, which then trigger all your reactionary abilities. Your friends will love you.
5th- around 10th level start aiming for Greater Trip and Greater Disarm. Full attack on your action, take people's weapons and knock them on their butts on theirs.
Notes: Even though you'll have Monk levels you won't care at all about losing Fast Movement or Flurry of Blows. Go ahead and wear armor. Get a Mithril Chain Shirt or something like that as soon as you can.
Quick Draw can actually be a worthwhile investment for this build. For extra musketeer-y goodness, pick up a pistol or two and punctuate your full attack with a bang.

Azaelas Fayth |

So there is 2 options for Aldori Swordlord... Interesting... and Aldori Swordlord can worm for Finesse builds. It is just difficult as heck.
Like sitting thru most superhero movies.
I don't mind duelist characters... it just is I know fencing IRL and want to step out of that in game... though that will change with my next character.
On topic: A Rogue/Ninja/Fighter/Ranger all can fit into this role well.
One thing I found is equip them with a Rapier, Scimitar, or Elven Curved Blade alongside a Swordbreaker Dagger use Weapon Finesse and TWF and you get a French Musketeer Ala The Three Musketeers. Please Note: Musketeer originally was the term for the Elite soldiers the musket took its name from them not the other way around.

Hector Gwath |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So there is 2 options for Aldori Swordlord... Interesting... and Aldori Swordlord can worm for Finesse builds. It is just difficult as heck.
Like sitting thru most superhero movies.
I don't mind duelist characters... it just is I know fencing IRL and want to step out of that in game... though that will change with my next character.
On topic: A Rogue/Ninja/Fighter/Ranger all can fit into this role well.
One thing I found is equip them with a Rapier, Scimitar, or Elven Curved Blade alongside a Swordbreaker Dagger use Weapon Finesse and TWF and you get a French Musketeer Ala The Three Musketeers. Please Note: Musketeer originally was the term for the Elite soldiers the musket took its name from them not the other way around.
1.) An Elven Curve Blade is two handed, thus, it cannot be used to TWF with a swordbreaker dagger.
2.) "According to the Etymology Dictionary, firearms were often named after animals, and the word musket derived from the French word mousquette, which is a male sparrowhawk. [1] An alternative theory is that as French mousquet, from Italian moschetto, means "little fly" – from the shape of the crossbolt – and that the English word is actually a diminutive of 'fly' with the proto-Indo European root *mu."
The musket came long before the musketeer. in fact, matchlock muskets were being used as far back as 14th Century, Ming Dynasty China.
Ergo, musketeers (traditionally a light infantry) took their name from the weapon they were most commonly armed with: muskets... not vice versa.

Dabbler |

Personally I like the monk/duelist wielding a Siangham. It's the only weapon that's both light and piercing (for duelists) and a monk weapon. Or at least it was the only one. Ultimate Equipment may have changed that, not sure yet.
The ability to pull off both your monk and duelist tricks with the same weapon is a nice one, and I've seen it done well by a Jade Regent PC (who unfortunately met with a TPK, but that was more due to bad strategy than the build).
Take snake style, it makes your unarmed strikes piercing weapons. :D
Also, If I really wanted to make a duelist that was going to cause some serious probems, I would use either Aldori swordlord or Free Hand Fighter as the base, and then add two levels of Master of Many Styles (monk) to add in evasion and two style feats (Crane Style, Crane Wing) before going duelist.

Azaelas Fayth |

Azaelas Fayth wrote:So there is 2 options for Aldori Swordlord... Interesting... and Aldori Swordlord can worm for Finesse builds. It is just difficult as heck.
Like sitting thru most superhero movies.
I don't mind duelist characters... it just is I know fencing IRL and want to step out of that in game... though that will change with my next character.
On topic: A Rogue/Ninja/Fighter/Ranger all can fit into this role well.
One thing I found is equip them with a Rapier, Scimitar, or Elven Curved Blade alongside a Swordbreaker Dagger use Weapon Finesse and TWF and you get a French Musketeer Ala The Three Musketeers. Please Note: Musketeer originally was the term for the Elite soldiers the musket took its name from them not the other way around.
1.) An Elven Curve Blade is two handed, thus, it cannot be used to TWF with a swordbreaker dagger.
2.) "According to the Etymology Dictionary, firearms were often named after animals, and the word musket derived from the French word mousquette, which is a male sparrowhawk. [1] An alternative theory is that as French mousquet, from Italian moschetto, means "little fly" – from the shape of the crossbolt – and that the English word is actually a diminutive of 'fly' with the proto-Indo European root *mu."
The musket came long before the musketeer. in fact, matchlock muskets were being used as far back as 14th Century, Ming Dynasty China.
Ergo, musketeers (traditionally a light infantry) took their name from the weapon they were most commonly armed with: muskets... not vice versa.
Sorry didn't mean Elven Curved Blade. My group uses the Old Elven Blades as well and the ECB.
Also Musketeer originated from the Goths it was their term for Heavy Infantry equipped for both melee and ranged warfare. Traditionally with a version of the Halberdyne and Arbalest.
Note: in through Gothic language Musketari is the inspiration for Musketeer. Musketari was the name of through Goth's Saint/Deity of War.

Guy Kilmore |

Gluttony wrote:Personally I like the monk/duelist wielding a Siangham. It's the only weapon that's both light and piercing (for duelists) and a monk weapon. Or at least it was the only one. Ultimate Equipment may have changed that, not sure yet.
The ability to pull off both your monk and duelist tricks with the same weapon is a nice one, and I've seen it done well by a Jade Regent PC (who unfortunately met with a TPK, but that was more due to bad strategy than the build).
Take snake style, it makes your unarmed strikes piercing weapons. :D
Also, If I really wanted to make a duelist that was going to cause some serious probems, I would use either Aldori swordlord or Free Hand Fighter as the base, and then add two levels of Master of Many Styles (monk) to add in evasion and two style feats (Crane Style, Crane Wing) before going duelist.
You can also mix the Master of Many Styles with Sohei to get a small bonus to your initiative and the ability to act in surprise rounds. Or Mix MoMS with Sacred Mountain and lose evasion but gain Toughness and +1 Natural Armor AC.
Someone else also showed how the Flowing Monk could get the improved combat maneuver line of feats easier allowing you to dump Int.

Rune |

I did exactly that a couple months ago for an "Assassination" event. The Duchess was trained in the swordlord tradition and is hailed as the best swordswoman around.
The guy was a top-notch Mivon swordlord promised prestige, glory, a title and some lands if he killed the Duchess. He actually would agree even if there wasn't money involved. He entered the kingdom during its biggest festival, won the dueling contest and manipulated the hot-headed ruler into accepting a duel. She did exactly that to the protests of the entire party (since she was in the start of a pregnancy).
A gruesome duel ensued, with the whole kingdom watching. Got a good mileage from the Performance Combat rules from UC. In the very end both were in the single digits territory (the duchess had like 3 HP and was too stubborn to fold) and she got a lucky hit.
He ended up swearing fealty to the duchess, suddenly uninsterested in returning to Mivon face lesser opponentes in the List. His sheet follows, though I typed it in word and it loses its formatting. The HP and the point-buy may be a bit high because I use a bigger point-buy for the PCs. Maybe you can salvage something out of him.
edit: If I remade him today, I'd have gone with the Snake Style and Sense Motive-focus. I built a low-level Zen Archer from another AP (a certain tian half-elf) that way and he managed to drop each member of the party to the negatives at least once in the battle (before falling prey to his own arrogance).
Male fighter (Aldori swordlord, gladiator) 9
Medium humanoid
Init +7; Senses Perception -1
AC 21 (+5 Dex, +3 armor, +2 dodge, +1 natural), touch 17, flat-footed 14; AC 26 fight. def.
-2 if using Lunge; +5 if fighting defensively; up to +3 if using Combat Expertise
Defensive Parry When Fandral makes a full attack he gains a +2 bonus to AC against melee attacks until the beginning of his next turn.
hp 100 (9d10+27)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 agile Aldori dueling sword +17/+12 (1d8+7, 17-20/x2)
Melee +1 agile Aldori dueling sword +15/+10 (1d8+7, 17-20/x2), fighting defensively
Melee +1 agile Aldori dueling sword +12/+7 (1d8+7, 17-20/x2), fight def and Combat Exp
Disarming Strike Fandral may try to disarm an opponent instead of making a melee attack. He uses the bonus of the melee attack +2 as CMB and deals 1d8+3 if he successfully disarms his enemy.
Str 10, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 08, Cha 13
Base Atk +9/+6; CMB +9; CMD 23 (25 vs. disarm)
Feats Combat Expertise, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Aldori dueling sword), Greater Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), Improved Disarm, Lunge, Performance Weapon Mastery, Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (Aldori dueling sword), Weapon Specialization (Aldori dueling sword)
Skills Acrobatics +13, Intimidate +13, Perform (act) +13 (+17 combat performance), Sense Motive +8
Gear masterwork studded leather armor, +1 agile Aldori dueling sword.
SQ weapon training (heavy blades)

Gwen Smith |

1st- Be a Lore Warden. Take Weapon Finesse and Combat Expertise to start.
2nd- See if you can convince your GM to let you take Dervish Dance (the feat) with a rapier. If they say no, get your weapon enchanted with the Agile enchantment as soon as possible.
Actually, I believe Lore Wardens get Combat Expertise for free at 2nd level, replacing bravery. If that's true (I'll have to check the books when I get home), what would you suggest as the other Level 1 feat?
I'm also looking at duelist-type fighters, and I'm playing with the Taldan Duelist feat. It's falcata and buckler style, if that fits the concept. The biggest issue is you can get it by level 3, then I'm not sure where to go after that...