Chartered Company :: The Black Company

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

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Name: The Black Company
Alignment: Neutral Good
Role: Mercenaries
Accepted Roles: As long as we're getting paid we'll get the job done. Fair warning though, don't double-cross us it'll get nasty for you.

The Black Company

...the last of the Free companies of Khatovar.

The Black Company is a military force. We are not the turning tide of battles, we're the turning tide of wars. No matter what are the conditions we'll do what is necesssary to win and fulfill our contracts, we're elite soldiers but our expertise lies on another field. We are cunning,we'll trap supply convoys, bribe enemy officers, lure the enemy out of formation, sneak on enemy encampments and steal their supplies, poison their water, assassinate enemies while they sleep. Some call this fighting dirty, we call it winning. Don't mistake us for cravens though. We'll meet enemy forces on the battlefield with fierceness, bloodthirst and discipline. We would rather not though. If situation demands we'll retreat to fight another day.

We're outcasts, pariahs, rejects of the world. We have nothing left but ourselves. The brotherhood is early implemented on the recruits. We're not wicked, we don't love violence and we don't gorge on innocent's blood. Though killing is our job we do not take pleasure in it, those who do don't stay long among us.

Your chartered company sounds similar in many respects to The First File.

We may work together at one point or another, but I imagine for the most part we will develop a (hopefully friendly) rivalry.

Goblin Squad Member

I like it. Very "A Song of Ice and Fire."

Goblin Squad Member

Annalist wrote:

Name: The Black Company

Alignment: Neutral Good
Role: Mercenaries
Accepted Roles: As long as we're getting paid we'll get the job done. Fair warning though, don't double-cross us it'll get nasty for you.

The highlighted parts seem to be in conflict with one another. Your version of "good" sounds very relative and up for interpretation - a bold and risky move for a game where the devs have explicitly stated that good and evil will be absolute and actions will shift your alignment.

If you think you can pull it off though, good luck. Or should I be saying evil luck?

Goblin Squad Member

You're most likely true neutral. Just wanna be paid and using all is necessary except hurting innocent. (It mean that your company have moral but just want to live their life.)

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah sounds true neutral or chaotic neutral to me, but we shall see. In either case welcome to Pathfinder Online. If you truly are neutral good we will surely end up working together at some point.

Goblin Squad Member

I would have said Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil. You follow the systems, contracts and customs of your company (lawful) but have no compunction as to what these contracts entail or how they're undertaken (neutral/evil).

it will the game mechanics in the end that decides their aglinment and they will have time to change until then.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

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Very nice! Now someone needs to develop the Taken to challenge you properly.....

Goblin Squad Member

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I've read the Black company series ;)

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not sure that assassination for hire or well-poisoning can be a regular gig for good-aligned folk. Aren't assassins evil by definition?

Goblin Squad Member

Thetokenshadow wrote:
I'm not sure that assassination for hire or well-poisoning can be a regular gig for good-aligned folk. Aren't assassins evil by definition?

Indeed we are. A company without a solid sense of its direction is like a ship without a sail.

Silver Crusade Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Has Croaker signed up yet?

Goblin Squad Member

pfft! Healer schmealer. Silent is the man.

Tom Tom got a raw deal!

Goblin Squad Member

While this group's leader has been quiet for a time, I did want to note that the Keepers of the Circle Chancery is now open for any foreign envoys that might wish to parlay with us.

Erian El'ranelen, Warden of Gold, Keepers of the Circle

Originality is strong with this one.

Goblin Squad Member

Annalist wrote:

Name: The Black Company

Alignment: Neutral Good
Role: Mercenaries
Accepted Roles: As long as we're getting paid we'll get the job done. Fair warning though, don't double-cross us it'll get nasty for you.

The Black Company


I had a Black Eagles in live action fantasy, we were all dishonored not by choice normally, trying to erase the stain, through Justice for the people.

The Tarnished Silver Eagle holding the Scales of Justice was our marker.

Great name, say hi to Croaker for me.


Goblin Squad Member

I love the Black Company series! Working on finishing the last few books right now actually. I plan to play a mercenary type character in PFO and I would have loved to join up with a company based on one of my favorite mercenary stories.

However, as others have stated above, I do not agree with the Neutral Good all. Definitely TN, leaning towards LN/LE. That's my opinion as a fan of the series though. I'm a little bummed at the lack of effort or originality put into the charter for a company name I like so much. I guess I'll have to watch what develops for this chartered company as the game nears launch. Good luck, you chose some big boots to fill!

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

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As an Oligarch of the Pax Mercatorum, I welcome The Black Company to the River Kingdoms and the Pathfinder Online forums.

It may be that we shall do business in the future, though I hope the need for mercenaries never arises.

Goblin Squad Member

I've been disconnected from the project for a long time now. I really love the Black Company series and i believe that PO would be a great place to live a bit of it's wonder. I posted this after finishing the series as a way to ensure it's presence in PO universe. If anybody is willing to take over this project and is somewhat familiar with the Black Company universe, i would be willing to pass it over - and be part of it of course - since i currently don't have the time to move it forward as i would like to.

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