Annalist's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I've been disconnected from the project for a long time now. I really love the Black Company series and i believe that PO would be a great place to live a bit of it's wonder. I posted this after finishing the series as a way to ensure it's presence in PO universe. If anybody is willing to take over this project and is somewhat familiar with the Black Company universe, i would be willing to pass it over - and be part of it of course - since i currently don't have the time to move it forward as i would like to.

Goblin Squad Member

How will paizo handle the cavalry and mounted combat though? As someone pointed out earlier heavy cavalry is dominant on the battlefield, usualy it'll make it or break it accordingly with its use. I wonder how it'll be handled.

Looking forward for the whole war system though.

Goblin Squad Member

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Name: The Black Company
Alignment: Neutral Good
Role: Mercenaries
Accepted Roles: As long as we're getting paid we'll get the job done. Fair warning though, don't double-cross us it'll get nasty for you.

The Black Company

...the last of the Free companies of Khatovar.

The Black Company is a military force. We are not the turning tide of battles, we're the turning tide of wars. No matter what are the conditions we'll do what is necesssary to win and fulfill our contracts, we're elite soldiers but our expertise lies on another field. We are cunning,we'll trap supply convoys, bribe enemy officers, lure the enemy out of formation, sneak on enemy encampments and steal their supplies, poison their water, assassinate enemies while they sleep. Some call this fighting dirty, we call it winning. Don't mistake us for cravens though. We'll meet enemy forces on the battlefield with fierceness, bloodthirst and discipline. We would rather not though. If situation demands we'll retreat to fight another day.

We're outcasts, pariahs, rejects of the world. We have nothing left but ourselves. The brotherhood is early implemented on the recruits. We're not wicked, we don't love violence and we don't gorge on innocent's blood. Though killing is our job we do not take pleasure in it, those who do don't stay long among us.