Besmara Cleric / Sea Singer / Mystic Theurge


Liberty's Edge

So I have a two part quest about this.

1) As a Cleric of Besmara I can drop a domain to take a familiar, in this case a monkey. So I go 5 level's as cleric. Then I go 5 levels of Bard. I have high Cha and Wis. The Bard archetype Sea Singer can have a Monkay Familiar as well at level 2. Does this mean when I take Mystic Theurge at level 11 that my Familiar would be the same level as me? since both Cleric and Bard levels count for its level?

2) If that's not the case would it be better to take a the Improved Familiar feat, Boon Familiar and make a Homunculus using a large amount of gold?

Liberty's Edge


...if you gain the familiar as a second level sea singer, I'm guessing it has a level as you -1? If so the familiar would be lvl 10, when you're lvl 11. Unless the Sea Singer archetype specifies that the familiar gained is of the same lvl as you?

Mystic Theurge doesn't increase your level in either of the other two classes for purposes of familiars.

Hmmm, what Derek says is true. I thought it was based on arcane caster levels, but it's only "Levels of different classes that are entitled to familiars stack for the purpose of determining any familiar abilities that depend on the master's level", according to PFSRD.

Then my statement above should be changed, so taht your familiar is either lvl 9 or lvl 10, if the Sea Singer gives you a familiar at the same lvl as you.

And when you go Mystic Theurge, your familiar will not advance any further.

Liberty's Edge

Ah ok that's what I was wondering. So when I go Mystic Theurge the level counts as Arcane Spellcaster Level right? It's not another level of bard but it would be a level of Arcane Spellcaster for the prerequisites of Improved Familiar correct?


Liberty's Edge

Derwalt, the Sea Singer gets the Familiar at level 2 but uses the Bard's level as his Wizard level. Same for the Cleric, it states that the Familiar uses the Cleric's level.

So another question. If I am a level 12, 5Cleric/5Bard/2Msytic Theurge and I take Improved Familiar then make a Homunculus what would the level be?

Would it be level 10 since both my cleric and bard levels stack for the familiar?

The reason I ask is because both Cleric and Bard classes say you only get to pick from a Monkey or Parrot. But the feat for Improved Familiar just says you need to have the ability to get a familiar as a prerequisite.

Liberty's Edge

My mistake, it's only the Bard class for Sea Singer that says a Monkey or Parrot may be taken. The cleric of Besmara can take any normal Familiar.

Hello, I'm currently running a table top game of the skull & shackles adventure path. A player of mine is a cross class cleric of Besmara2/fighter1. He opted to drop a domain for a familiar at level one & chose a blue ringed octopus from the optional list of Besmara familiars. He was wondering about the Improved Familiar feat. The trouble I'm having is I can't seem to find an optional list of familiars for this feat for followers of Besmara. Should I just make up a piratical list of familiars to better fit this feat for the campaign or does any one know of a list online I can look to?

Shadow Lodge

I'd recommend taking Eldritch Heritage[Arcane] for a familiar. 2 feats for a familiar who scales at level-2.

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