Other Mystic theurge type classes?


I was wondering if there were any other mystic theurge type classes?

I am playing in a good game and looking to do something with mystic theurge but the lack of useful class abilities that are worth it kinda kills it.

I'm Cleric 3 Wizard 3

Any help would be appreciated.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are you restricted to PF sources only?

3.5 as well as pathfinder, Ideally i'd like to keep just to pathfinder but im open to suggestions

Other MT like classes are more likely to be single class and borrow spells from a different list.

You could make a samsaran cleric with some added druid, inquisitor, ranger or paladin spells to diversify your spell list a bit more, possibly get into a wizard with similar access to the summoner, bard, magus and witch spell list works too.

Agent of the grave and Pathfinder savant can get other spells from different lists as well through PRC.

The Magister class from Super Genius Games is an option, but if you are already level 6, I can't think of options outside Mystic Theurge.

That questions are always better before making the character.

... Cerebremancer?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

I was wondering if there were any other mystic theurge type classes?

I am playing in a good game and looking to do something with mystic theurge but the lack of useful class abilities that are worth it kinda kills it.

I'm Cleric 3 Wizard 3

Any help would be appreciated.

Mystic Theurge IS the Cleric/Wizard combo. Yes you're losing progression in class abilities in trade for the expanded spell capacity and breadth.

Your other choice is to remake your character as a single class Witch.

Ok well if I didnt go cleric/wizard what should I do?

I'd like to find a divine/arcane prestige class that a Good character could get access to.

Elven Ancient Lorekeeper (from ARG) Oracle - you have both divine and arcane spells (albeit on a limited basis). If the GM allows half-elves to take this archetype, then you can also use your favored class bonus to pick up additional spells every level.

3.5 had the arcane hierophant, similar to MT but for druid/arcane. It also scaled the animal companion and if I remember correctly also wild shape

I played one through most of Legacy of Fire, and had a lot of fun

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There was also the True Necromancer (Cleric/Wizard 14 levels I believe) from Libris Mortis and the Mwangi arcanist from paths of prestige. (druid/wizard built off of a pure wizard base)

theres one sorc/wiz PrC in 3.5, forgot the name, but i don´t thik thats what you want
also the fochlucan lyrist, it was a bard/druid/rogue mix

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