Does Armor Training from 2 classes stack?

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11 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

Does the Armor Training from Fighter 3 stack with that from Myrmidarch 8? Probably not a build a lot of folks are doing, but one of our players is currently an F3/Myr7 and is wondering if he will get to improve his Armor Training from fighter when he gains it as Myrmidarch 8. I am inclined to say "Yes" but wondered if there was an official answer.


Usually there is language that allows it if it was meant to stack...Like sneak attack dice from Rogue and <enter sneak attack class>...

I don't think it will make or break anything if you allow it though...I tried searching for an answer but I didn't turn anything up.

I would be inclined to rule that the effects stack (given that nothing prohibits them from doing so), for a +2 max dex and -2 ACP. But as it is Fighter level 1 from two sources, I wouldn't grant the benefit of fighter training 2 in regards to unrestricted movement in heavy armor.

Agreed, RAW, it wouldn't work.

At the least, I would say they each work independently, so the armor check penalty and max dex bonus adjustments would stack, but you wouldn't add them together for determining movement speed or the like.

The source is the same, they wouldn't "stack." If they were different amounts you would get the best from either.

The "fighter training" ability specifically says "if he has levels in fighter, these levels stack", which neither the "weapon training" or "armor training" abilities specify. Which indicates that by RAW, they wouldn't stack.

But personally, I would let them stack. I feel the myrmidarch should have proper synergy with the fighter.

Yeah, it doesn't really make sense that if they had called it Mymidarch Armor Training and repeated all the verbiage, then it would stack because it is an untyped bonus, but because they tried to save page space they just referred back to the fighter ability, it doesn't stack.

Skylancer4 wrote:
The source is the same, they wouldn't "stack." If they were different amounts you would get the best from either.

This is neither A) a bonus, nor B) a spell or effect, which is what the rules of same source not stacking apply to.

Irontruth wrote:
At the least, I would say they each work independently, so the armor check penalty and max dex bonus adjustments would stack, but you wouldn't add them together for determining movement speed or the like.

I agree with this.

I would not stack the benefits.

Anything that goes up by level, I'd stack the levels, as fighter training calls out. But not bonus's.

Stacking while outlined in the magic portion of the book, still occurs and comes into play outside of spells. "Effects" is a very very large unbrella and if an ability DOESN'T state it stacks with something, it doesn't stack by default. Feats are a prime example, if you have a feat and later gain the feat a second time from class or whatnot, you don't get to gain it's "effects" twice unless it explicitly says so. DR is another and given the time or desire I could find more, but my point is made.

Game design is based on telling you what you CAN do the vast majority of the time. If it was based on telling you what you CANNOT do, the book would never be published because the core rules would be a set of encyclopedias if we were lucky. Making calls on rules because "it doesn't say I can't do it" isn't a good gaming practice, it put it in a politically correct way.


Skylancer4 wrote:

Stacking while outlined in the magic portion of the book, still occurs and comes into play outside of spells. "Effects" is a very very large unbrella and if an ability DOESN'T state it stacks with something, it doesn't stack by default. Feats are a prime example, if you have a feat and later gain the feat a second time from class or whatnot, you don't get to gain it's "effects" twice unless it explicitly says so. DR is another and given the time or desire I could find more, but my point is made.

Game design is based on telling you what you CAN do the vast majority of the time. If it was based on telling you what you CANNOT do, the book would never be published because the core rules would be a set of encyclopedias if we were lucky. Making calls on rules because "it doesn't say I can't do it" isn't a good gaming practice, it put it in a politically correct way.

But for example if you get Uncanny Dodge from 2 sources what happens?

Most of the abilities that grant uncanny dodge say something to the effect of "if you already have uncanny dodge from another source, you gain improved uncanny dodge instead".

Read the description of the second version to see how it interacts with the first, then follow what it says?

The general design of PF is that if you get the same level dependant ability from two sources the levels in the ability stack. Uncanny Dodge being one example. My guess is that they failed to spell this out in this case. Until it is spelled out you cannot stack the levels. FAQ'd

- Gauss

Another shortcoming of Paizo's work. They really should have mentioned something about this in the archetype description.

RAW no, but I believe that by intent, yes...
Based on what happens when Fighter Archetypes remove SOME Armor Training, the remaining ones apply 'as if' they were advancing it 'one step'.

Even if they don't 'stack' as in 'advancing' the part about movement restrictions,
the reduction in ACP should still apply from both classes...

JrK wrote:
Another shortcoming of Paizo's work. They really should have mentioned something about this in the archetype description.

You're assuming they meant it to stack? Paizo is pretty strict about giving out class defining abilities (of which armor training, the ability in question, is) so I don't see them intending it to stack unless stated to. Add in the fact that the training is non standard progression at specific levels, stacking is even less likely.

They should have stated something about the stacking or not. That we are in the dark is the problem. At the moment it just appears that they didn't give any thought about combining fighter with this archetype.

It could just as well stack, given that taking fighter levels means sacrifice in other areas.

JrK: WoTC had just as many oversights. Paizo is no different and maybe even a bit better. (3.0 was vastly worse than Paizo has been.)

Skylancer4: Yes, we are assuming they meant it to stack. It is a well established design principle that if you have another class's level based abilities and you are multiclassing with that class then they stack together to determine the level. Usually though it comes with a statement to that effect. It is easy to imagine they forgot that line in this case.

- Gauss

It is just as easy to imagine it was intentionally left out.

JrK wrote:

They should have stated something about the stacking or not. That we are in the dark is the problem. At the moment it just appears that they didn't give any thought about combining fighter with this archetype.

It could just as well stack, given that taking fighter levels means sacrifice in other areas.

Given that the general rule is that things don't stack unless stated, why is it that hard to comprehend that it might not be meant to stack as they didn't say it does stack? Maybe they have considered a multiclass with fighter and decided to not make it more attractive than normal to do so?

It could just as easily not stack, given that taking of magus levels means a sacrifice in other areas does it not?

By no means am I saying I know RAI, I'm saying I can read RAW and am not going to blame or fault Paizo for bad writing or assuming they didn't cover their bases every time I don't like something or disagree with something. Best bet, click FAQ and run with RAW until it changes.

I forget now where I read it, but I remember coming across a statement that if a skill like fighter's weapon/armor training is "delayed" due to being replaced by an archetype alternate ability, the next time that bonus comes up you get lower-leveled version. To illustrate, say a particular fighter archetype replaces Armor Training I at lvl 3 but replaces no further armor training skills. At lvl 7, instead of jumping right to Weapon Training II, you get Weapon Training I instead. At 11, you get II and at 15 you get III.

By that logic, the converse should be true as well; if you're already a lvl 3 Fighter and gain 8 levels of Magus:Myrm, you get Armor Training II. Then you get to Fighter-7 and get AT-III, so on and so forth. There are similar precedents where a character gains Evasion when they already had the ability from another class and gains Improved Evasion instead.

Skylancer4 wrote:

Given that the general rule is that things don't stack unless stated, why is it that hard to comprehend that it might not be meant to stack as they didn't say it does stack? Maybe they have considered a multiclass with fighter and decided to not make it more attractive than normal to do so?

I do not entirely agree that the general rule is that things don't stack. We have rules concerning that the type of bonusses doesn't stack, and rules concerning that bonusses from the same source of spells and effects doesn't stack with eachother.

But as a general rule, if things do not fall into these categories, they do stack. We stack things all the time when calculating AC, attack bonusses, and damage bonusses.

This is case which doesn't fall into the rules of not-stacking. Not being a bonus, and not being a spell or effect, there is nothing in RAW that suggest that we must disallow a synergy between the abilities.

HaraldKlak: What is more, there IS a general principle that two variable level based abilities from different classes do stack. Sneak Attack and Uncanny Dodge being two examples.

- Gauss

You mean the RAW of abilities stating they stack with other class levels that grant the same ability? That set of words that is absent in the magus archtype?

I'm not arguing intent, I'm saying that RAW the armor training from the archtype DOES NOT stack with the fighter class because unlike other class abilities which state they stack, it is missing the verbage for it.

If you think it is in error, feel free to click the FAQ and hope that the devs address it, until then RAW doesn't say they stack even if you believe that is the intent.

Skylancer4, I agree the RAW is that they do not stack. I stated this some time ago.

My posts are a response to your statements that in fact it is more reasonable to assume the developers forgot to put the line in since they normally do so on similar abilities. Of course, both of us are making guesses as to the developers intent.

- Gauss

Gauss wrote:

HaraldKlak: What is more, there IS a general principle that two variable level based abilities from different classes do stack. Sneak Attack and Uncanny Dodge being two examples.

- Gauss

Two examples of abilities that have wording stating they stack, which this ability decidedly lacks.

Again I don't care about intent, if the intent was for it to stack they failed to make it RAW. They can fix it with a FAQ or an errata to that point. But we're in the Rules forum, so hammering down RAW for gameplay is the focus.


Good point, I normally stick to RAW in the rules forum. But in this case intent is important because if enough people feel the intent is that they should stack then they will hit the FAQ button.

Thus, we have RAW with a dose of possible intent in order to get a FAQ on something that so far, most people seem to agree is probably against the intent. Or at least against established general design principles of the game.

- Gauss

Edit: A FAQ thread belongs in the Rules forum btw. :)

Skylancer4 wrote:

You mean the RAW of abilities stating they stack with other class levels that grant the same ability? That set of words that is absent in the magus archtype?

I'm not arguing intent, I'm saying that RAW the armor training from the archtype DOES NOT stack with the fighter class because unlike other class abilities which state they stack, it is missing the verbage for it.

If you think it is in error, feel free to click the FAQ and hope that the devs address it, until then RAW doesn't say they stack even if you believe that is the intent.

You are somewhat comparing apples and oranges here. For level based class features, specifying that the levels stack has a distinctive function.

If they had the normal fighter armor training, this would make sense to specify since it would grant additional synergy.

But given that they follow a different scaling of the ability, their levels cannot be counted together to know the effect.

However nothing in this suggest that the effect of both class features cannot be applied. In fact they can, without anything RAW suggesting otherwise.
A similar situation is the multi-classed caster, who have the "spells" class feature multiple times, which despite the same name, stacks in the sense that you get both effects, but the don't stack level-wise to affect eachother. Casting prestige classes on the other hand need to specify stacking, since they stack level-wise on the ability granted from another class.

Grand Lodge

Oh, for a Paizo staffer to jump in...

I'm no pro-WOTC guy Gauss.

Silver Crusade

From the CRB FAQ, under channel energy stacking

"No—unless an ability specifically says it stacks with similar abilities (such as an assassin's sneak attack), or adds in some way based on the character's total class levels (such as improved uncanny dodge), the abilities don't stack and you have to use them separately. Therefore, cleric channeling doesn't stack with paladin channeling, necromancer channeling, oracle of life channeling, and so on."

HaraldKlak wrote:

You are somewhat comparing apples and oranges here. For level based class features, specifying that the levels stack has a distinctive function.
If they had the normal fighter armor training, this would make sense to specify since it would grant additional synergy.

But given that they follow a different scaling of the ability, their levels cannot be counted together to know the effect.

However nothing in this suggest that the effect of both class features cannot be applied. In fact they can, without anything RAW suggesting otherwise.
A similar situation is the multi-classed caster, who have the "spells" class feature multiple times, which despite the same name, stacks in the sense that you get both effects, but the don't stack level-wise to affect eachother. Casting prestige classes on the other hand need to specify stacking, since they stack level-wise on the ability granted from another class.

I disagree, it's apples and apples. If you take the dodge feat and later are granted the feat from a PrC or spell, you don't get +2 to dodge, you get +1. You have a redundant ability that doesn't stack with itself. If you have a Ring of Evasion and Evasion from levels in Rogue, you have redundant abilities. if you have Armor Training (-1) from levels of Fighter and Armor Training (-1) (or Armor Training 1 as they've started to call it) from levels of Magus, they are the same 'source' even if the source is different classes, and so are redundant abilities.

Ajaxis wrote:

From the CRB FAQ, under channel energy stacking

"No—unless an ability specifically says it stacks with similar abilities (such as an assassin's sneak attack), or adds in some way based on the character's total class levels (such as improved uncanny dodge), the abilities don't stack and you have to use them separately. Therefore, cleric channeling doesn't stack with paladin channeling, necromancer channeling, oracle of life channeling, and so on."

Armor traning 1 from two diferent sources woild not give armor traning 2. However each one separately reduce the Armor check penalty, so that bonus should stack. Or at least is how i would rule.

Nicos wrote:
Ajaxis wrote:

From the CRB FAQ, under channel energy stacking

"No—unless an ability specifically says it stacks with similar abilities (such as an assassin's sneak attack), or adds in some way based on the character's total class levels (such as improved uncanny dodge), the abilities don't stack and you have to use them separately. Therefore, cleric channeling doesn't stack with paladin channeling, necromancer channeling, oracle of life channeling, and so on."

Armor traning 1 from two diferent sources woild not give armor traning 2. However each one separately reduce the Armor check penalty, so that bonus should stack. Or at least is how i would rule.

"Armor Training 1" and "Armor Training 1" are the same source.

Skylancer4 wrote:
Nicos wrote:
Ajaxis wrote:

From the CRB FAQ, under channel energy stacking

"No—unless an ability specifically says it stacks with similar abilities (such as an assassin's sneak attack), or adds in some way based on the character's total class levels (such as improved uncanny dodge), the abilities don't stack and you have to use them separately. Therefore, cleric channeling doesn't stack with paladin channeling, necromancer channeling, oracle of life channeling, and so on."

Armor traning 1 from two diferent sources woild not give armor traning 2. However each one separately reduce the Armor check penalty, so that bonus should stack. Or at least is how i would rule.

"Armor Training 1" and "Armor Training 1" are the same source.

channel energy and channerl energy?

Each one has seperate uses per day that need to be tracked and wouldn't increase each others effectiveness unless they are stated to stack, in which case their effectiveness would increase but uses would not. That is oranges in comparson to the apples of Armor Training.

Dark Archive

As they are untyped reductions and increases, I would allow them to stack by combined level, with a penalty to level. Meaning a fighter 3/magus (myrmidarch) 8 would have armor training 2, factoring in a -3 which is (or should be) implied by Fighter Training gained at magus (myrmidarch) 7. IMO.

Scarab Sages

Justin Sluder wrote:
As they are untyped reductions and increases, I would allow them to stack by combined level, with a penalty to level. Meaning a fighter 3/magus (myrmidarch) 8 would have armor training 2, factoring in a -3 which is (or should be) implied by Fighter Training gained at magus (myrmidarch) 7. IMO.

While there's not much supporting this interpretation in regards to Armor Training, I agree that this is how it should work.

Justin Sluder wrote:
As they are untyped reductions and increases, I would allow them to stack by combined level, with a penalty to level. Meaning a fighter 3/magus (myrmidarch) 8 would have armor training 2, factoring in a -3 which is (or should be) implied by Fighter Training gained at magus (myrmidarch) 7. IMO.

The general rules of the game don't back that up though. Maybe if it were an untyped bonus it could bear out that way, however they are actually called out as an ability "Armor Training X" which means we have a source of varying degrees and the general rules of the game disallow "stacking" of the same source, the general rules of the game allow for the best/highest effect of multiple instances of a single source.

It's like DR #/-. If you have DR 1/- and DR 3/- you don't get DR 4/-, you have DR 3/-. It's an "untyped reduction" to damage taken, so by your opinion they should stack. But they don't. Same ability, different values, use the "best" value.

Skylancer4 wrote:
JrK wrote:

They should have stated something about the stacking or not. That we are in the dark is the problem. At the moment it just appears that they didn't give any thought about combining fighter with this archetype.

It could just as well stack, given that taking fighter levels means sacrifice in other areas.

Given that the general rule is that things don't stack unless stated, why is it that hard to comprehend that it might not be meant to stack as they didn't say it does stack? Maybe they have considered a multiclass with fighter and decided to not make it more attractive than normal to do so?

It could just as easily not stack, given that taking of magus levels means a sacrifice in other areas does it not?

By no means am I saying I know RAI, I'm saying I can read RAW and am not going to blame or fault Paizo for bad writing or assuming they didn't cover their bases every time I don't like something or disagree with something. Best bet, click FAQ and run with RAW until it changes.

Just out of curiosity, can you find me an example of a "typed" bonus to armor check penalties?

Irontruth wrote:
Skylancer4 wrote:
JrK wrote:

They should have stated something about the stacking or not. That we are in the dark is the problem. At the moment it just appears that they didn't give any thought about combining fighter with this archetype.

It could just as well stack, given that taking fighter levels means sacrifice in other areas.

Given that the general rule is that things don't stack unless stated, why is it that hard to comprehend that it might not be meant to stack as they didn't say it does stack? Maybe they have considered a multiclass with fighter and decided to not make it more attractive than normal to do so?

It could just as easily not stack, given that taking of magus levels means a sacrifice in other areas does it not?

By no means am I saying I know RAI, I'm saying I can read RAW and am not going to blame or fault Paizo for bad writing or assuming they didn't cover their bases every time I don't like something or disagree with something. Best bet, click FAQ and run with RAW until it changes.

Just out of curiosity, can you find me an example of a "typed" bonus to armor check penalties?

Armor Training X? Seriously that, Masterwork, Mithril (and any other material that "reduces") are essentially what you are asking for.

No, those are sources.

Like for Armor Class, I can get a deflection bonus from different sources, but deflection bonuses don't stack. I'm just curious if any specific type of bonus to armor check penalties is ever actually typed. As far as I can tell, every bonus to armor check penalties is untyped, whether it's from materials, spells, magic items, classes, etc. Please correct me if I'm wrong, which would be pointing to a source that says something like:

Super Awesome: This ability gives you a Smooth bonus to armor check penalties. 60% of the time it works all the time.

Grand Lodge

If Armor Training from separate sources does not stack, does that mean Weapon Training from different sources does not stack?

Also, if Sargavan Guard and Armor Expert stack, why not Armor Training?

If an archetype replaces a class feature that is part of a series of improvements or additions to a base ability (such as a fighter's weapon training or a ranger's favored enemy), the next time the character would gain that ability, it counts as the lower-level ability that was replaced by the archetype. In effect, all abilities in that series are delayed until the next time the class improves that ability. For example, if an archetype replaces a rogue's +2d6 sneak attack bonus at 3rd level, when she reaches 5th level and gains a sneak attack bonus, her sneak attack doesn't jump from +1d6 to +3d6—it improves to +2d6, just as if she had finally gained the increase at 3rd level. This adjustment continues for every level at which her sneak attack would improve, until at 19th level she has +9d6 instead of the +10d6 of a standard rogue.

This statement indicates that "progressive class skills" like fighter weapon/armor training, ranger's favored enemy, rogue (and other sneak-attack enabled classes) sneak attack, etc. are counted as a "special category" where it's a single skill that's continually upgrading. If Armor Training II were a separate skill, completely segregated from Armor Training I, then having an archetype that drops AT-I would give you AT-II when you reached level 7. Instead, what you're doing is gaining an "upgrade" to the said skill; At lvl 3 you gain Armor Training, which starts at Rank I. Every 4 levels, Armor Training (the same skill), gains 1 rank (becomes Rank II). This is further supported by the fact that when you reach Weapon Training II, it affects not only the new chosen weapon class but also increases the bonus granted to all previously chosen weapon classes; indicating that WT-II is not a separate ability but rather an upgrade of the previously learned ability. It's in desperate need of a FAQ/errata to clarify the matter (along with sneak attack for the same reason).

By this logic, if you aren't gaining a brand new skill at the indicated level but rather a "rank up" in an existing skill, then it's clear that Armor Training (and similar progressive skills) would stack in terms of what rank they're at.

I've read that before BUT notice it is in regards to an archtype and that particular class getting abilities that increase on themselves. NOT multiclass stacking. You have a fighter getting one set of abilities and magus getting the same ability, the magus stacks with itself, the fighter stacks with itself, the fighter and magus aren't stated to stack and the rule you stated doesn't reference multiclass just single class. It doesn't come into play RAW.

Irontruth wrote:

No, those are sources.

Like for Armor Class, I can get a deflection bonus from different sources, but deflection bonuses don't stack. I'm just curious if any specific type of bonus to armor check penalties is ever actually typed. As far as I can tell, every bonus to armor check penalties is untyped, whether it's from materials, spells, magic items, classes, etc. Please correct me if I'm wrong, which would be pointing to a source that says something like:

Super Awesome: This ability gives you a Smooth bonus to armor check penalties. 60% of the time it works all the time.

Armor training is a source, it has multiple amounts, just like DR as I mentioned earlier. It isn't a bonus or penalty either, it is a reduction spelled out from a source. Two completely different animals game mechanically.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

If Armor Training from separate sources does not stack, does that mean Weapon Training from different sources does not stack?

Also, if Sargavan Guard and Armor Expert stack, why not Armor Training?

If the source of the weapon training doesnt say it stacks, there isn't any errata/FAQ for the case in question, than no it wouldn't. Weapon training is slightly different because it isn't a static increase to the same thing, you choose groups. If you got weapon training from one class and then again from another you would have a +1 for the first group and a +1 for the second group, no +2 (again barring errata or an FAQ that might be floating around out there).

The traits are two seperate sources, not Armor Training (x) and Armor Training (y), which is the same source with different amounts of reduction.

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