Trayce |

OK, so I'm running a monk/Sorc/Dragon disciple and I have a question. Which is better: Grapple, or trip?
Trip seems more powerful - Knock someone prone, leaving me to do what I want. Cast spells, etc. But it's also a longer feat path. Later on, I can get Ki throw and in a pinch trip even larger creatures.
Improved Grapple on the other hand is a much shorter feat path, and seems like it'll synergize well with being able to transform into a large dragon later on (Dragon wrestling match anyone?) The downside is it doesn't lend itself well to say, casting spells, or fighting against multiple enemies. I can also get feats later that make pinned opponents act like cover, and although unwise, it's still an option to tackle a flying enemy.
Any thoughts? Experience with combat maneuvers and their usefulness towards higher levels?

Dungeon Master of Fine Arts |

I think you summed up the pros and cons of each pretty well.
Trip = good against grounded hordes.
Grapple = good against single opponents anywhere.
Here are two points that I always consider when trying to decide between two very cool abilities.
1) How would each ability synergies with the rest of the group?
2) Which ability would feel cooler to play?

![]() |

It seems like you considered this, but I personally am not a big fan of intentionally giving myself the grappled condition as a caster and forcing concentration checks on all my spells. As pointed out by others, Trip runs into more and more creatures/situations where it can't be used or isn't effective, but grapple will always hinder your spell casting.

Derwalt |

Think about the Wildblooded: Empyreal sorcerer bloodline. Then you can focus more on Wis than on Cha, and then maybe go for the Maneuver Master Monk (by 5th level, as a swift action, you get to add your Wisdom bonus to your CMB).
As a Maneuver Master you also get bonus feats that can be chosen from Improved Trip and Grapple - thereby obliviating the need for Combat Expertise and therefore you don't need 13 Int. Then you're just back to the stat-madness of being a monk and "only" need high Str, Dex, Con and Wis :)

Derwalt |

Uh - and remember - if you trip someone first, then you'll get +4 on your grapple check :)
So - as a Maneuver Master using flurry of maneuvers, you can start by using your regular attack to trip you opponent (swift action for + wisdom) and then use your flurry manuever to grapple them (with +4 for them being prone). That's in one round, and not a bad deal :)
Throw in "Vicious Stomp" and you also get an unarmed strike in there (AoO) - and this at a level (5th) where most people only get one attack per round...

Kydeem de'Morcaine |

I found grapple most effective for shutting down single primary spell casters (your build is probably already pretty good for that by just killing them with massive damage) and their CMD isn't usually nearly as high so the odds are still good.
Sometimes grapples are good for stopping specialists with a certain weapon that can not be used while grappling. (Ex: An advanced skeleton with 6 arms powerful magic scimitars and a bunch of scimitar feats, grapple and now scratching for d3 damage.) But that becomes progressively more difficult as the levels go up.
Trips are good if you have reach (say a huge dragon) and combat reflexes to get alot of attempts. But must of the people that you will be trying to trip end up being the melee types that are closing with you or your allies and they have the best CMD. But you will also get more attempts.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Depends upon what you want to try and do with your PC. Do you want to be the guy that bounds past the front line to wrestle with the caster in back (you tend to take alot of attacks by yourself if you do, so have high hps)? Then grapple. Are you wanting to slow down the hordes that are closing with your group? then trip?

Mike J |
All combat maneuvers are not created equal. Bull rush, overrun, trip, drag, and reposition have a size limitation - they cannot be performed if the target is more than one size category larger than you. At higher levels, when the monsters get bigger and bigger, the maneuvers with size limitations are less and less viable. You cannot even attempt to trip a huge dragon if you are medium.
In exchange for the limitation, you get a lot of benefits - being knocked prone is much nastier than being grappled, especially if you take AoOs from everyone on the way down (Greater Trip) and will get the same when you stand up (everyone has Combat Reflexes). However, you only get that if the rest of the party is willing to engage in the right tactics and take the right feats to support tripping.
With the correct support, trip is absolutely devastating, when you can do it. Grapple is less effective, always available and requires nothing from your group.

hogarth |

As someone that uses combat maneuvers heavily I can tell you that trip is a far better maneuver to pursue. Tripping enemies requires less commitment and it's a lot more action economy friends early on.
I agree that trip has more general usefulness (at least at lower levels), but there are a few situations where grapple does very well (particularly vs. spellcasters).

Trayce |

I almost want to delete this thread, after looking over both.
Kydeem is correct: size limitation isn't as big a deal for me considering I will be able to transform into a large dragon. That said, I've ultimately come to the conclusion that both suck and are feat hogs considering I won't be able to get them until later levels. Besides, dragon transformations are limited and I should take something that's useful with and without it.
I'm going to post a new thread shortly with my chosen build so people can rule check it for me, and point out anything I'm forgetting.

Derwalt |

Hmm, I'm not sure I agree Trayce. If your GM lets you cross-blood the empyreal sorcerer and one of the dragon bloodlines, I think it could be ok, although maybe not optimized. Two levels of maneuver master monk, 3 levels of sorcerer and then 10 levels dragon disciple. We'll go with human for the extra feat.
I'll try a quick build (just the basics)...
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16 (+2 human), Cha 8
With level bumps and dragon disciple bonusses, you'll be looking at this, at lvl 15:
Str 22 (+4 DD, +4 Belt), Dex 16 (+2 Ioun Stone), Con 14 (+2 DD), Int 13 (+1 lvl, +2 DD), Wis 22 (+2 human, 2 lvl, +4 Headband), Cha 8.
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Vicious Stomp, Improved Trip*, Improved Unarmed Strike*, Stunning Fist*, Improved Grapple*, Power Attack, Eschew Materials*, Combat Casting, Random Meta magic feat, Random Meta magic feat, Improved Initiative*, Random Combat Feat, Combat Expertise (your Int is now 13), Toughness*, Greater Trip (or Greater Grapple)
* = bonus feat
Your AC will be something like this: 27 (10 base + 3 natural + 3 dex + 7 Monk* + 4 Mage Armor), 31 with Shield up.
* = Monk’s Robe.
And your HP will be around 151 (2d8 + 3d6 + 10d12 + 63*)
* = 3 Favored class hp for sorcerer (you can’t choose a prestige class as FC can you?)
Your attacks will be: One free combat maneuver + one attack + one iterative attack (at -5). When you have your claws and bite out you can add two claws and a bite (-5, as they are secondary) to the attack sequence. Your attack bonus will be around +15, your CMB when tripping can easily be around +21 (and remember you get an extra attack when you trip them). Your damage will be around 1d8 + 1d6* + 6 /w Power Attack it’ll be 1d8 + 1d6* + 12. When using the claws and bite as secondary additions they’ll cause 1d6 + 1d6* + 1d6** + 3 (+3 more /w PA).
In dragon form I have no idea what you can do – but I bet it’s ugly with your str, PA, and you range and ability to trip.
* = Amulet of Mighty Fists (random energy damage) ** = Draconic energy damage