Ultimate Campaign

Product Discussion

Has there been a thread started discussing this book? I've been hoping that a little more information about it has leaked out but I haven't seen anything.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Nothing much other than the stuff from Paizocon, I suspect we might glean a bit more on Saturday from Gencon

The only other possible this I've heard is mention that they're going to do stuff with weapons that improve with your character, similar to the one in Legacy of Fire. Not definate if that'll be in this book, but it seems like a reasonable place for it.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:

Nothing much other than the stuff from Paizocon, I suspect we might glean a bit more on Saturday from Gencon

The only other possible this I've heard is mention that they're going to do stuff with weapons that improve with your character, similar to the one in Legacy of Fire. Not definate if that'll be in this book, but it seems like a reasonable place for it.


I'm really hoping that the book goes further into crafting and expanding on the (Kingmaker) kingdom building rules.

Sovereign Court

MJinthePitt wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:

Nothing much other than the stuff from Paizocon, I suspect we might glean a bit more on Saturday from Gencon

The only other possible this I've heard is mention that they're going to do stuff with weapons that improve with your character, similar to the one in Legacy of Fire. Not definate if that'll be in this book, but it seems like a reasonable place for it.


I'm really hoping that the book goes further into crafting and expanding on the (Kingmaker) kingdom building rules.

I wonder why? You should run one of those campaigns some time.

I heard they hired someone who knew his stuff about kingdom building to update those rules. My guess is that it's Dale McCoy Jr from the 3rd party company Jon Brazer Enterprises, but who knows.

Silver Crusade

Could be fun. My group just dediced to abandon the kingdom rules (I have to deal with the growth of their kingdom in the backround) - a pretty big problem was selling magic items.

Any chance there was discussion about this at Gen Con? Anyone?

It will contain clarified Magic Item creation rules :D

It will contain rules for the craft and proffesion skills to get more use or just what some can actually do in game.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I love detailed stuff for downtime. I hope we see a rejiggered romance rules, and caravan rules.

Agreed, Dudemeister. I'd love to see most of the optional systems from the APs included- caravans, mass combat, kingdom building, naval combat, even romance- and expanded upon.

How I'd like to see them expanded upon is sort of in a manner that Mentzer created the Dominion Rulership rules from the old D&D Companion Set.

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