The Modern Path

Product Discussion

Anybody make adventures for The Modern Path yet? I'm looking for an adventure in a shopping mall with a map.

Check all flesh must be eaten.

Never heard of it before, is it d20?

Also checkout:

If they have a shopping mall map, I'll buy it.

What's it like on the inside?

Here is one of thier free downloads: o-Mortiston%2C-USA%21?filters=300_0_44235_0_0

Dot. Also, sweeeeet!

It didn't look like they have not finished the shopping mall maps done yet.

So what I did is search floorplans of shopping malls until I found one that happened to be on a grid that was close to 5' squares.


I am now making my "Malls & Monsters" adventure for the Modern Path rules.

A long time ago the was a d20 pdf called "Malls & Morons":

It was kind of funny and it might also be some help with your adventure.

Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

A long time ago the was a d20 pdf called "Malls & Morons":

It was kind of funny and it might also be some help with your adventure.

Cool name. Unfortunately it seems out of print and I can't find the PDF any where. :(

Yea, I looked around and can't seem to find a link anywhere. The link from the pdf is:, but it seems not to be active.

I would think it would be posted somewhere. I think it was a free pdf, but IDK. Some of those old d20 pdfs are hard to find sometimes.

Fabled Environments has a kickstarter drive going to fun a rather large-sounding mall map right now.

[url] ory-mall-for-tabletop[/url]

Also check out DTRPG for their other products, including a free sample product.

Very cool!

One week left to participate in the kickstarter! At this point, the mall map is funded and any further support pushes into the stretch-goals. The first two of *those* have been met and the 3rd is within easy reach. If you like using the Pathfinder rules for modern gaming via GRC's Modern Path or SGG's Anachronistic Adventurer line, you need to check out Fabled Environments. They have a free title available on DTRPG so you can see if their draftsman-style artwork is a good fit to your gaming table.

corrected link

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They are very cool and right next door to us. Glad to see the modern setting rolling along and moving foward.

Less than 48 hours... This from Charles:


@Michael-It might be helpful when talking to folks to let them know that when the map is available to the public, it will be more expensive than the $10 pledge level and availability to the general public will be delayed by 2 months from the release date to the Kickstarter backers. Maybe that would encourage more folks to participate?

If you have any suggestions on sites or orgs that I should contact about the Kickstarter, then let me know.

The kickstarter is only $20 away from adding two more store floorplans. I've already pledged as much as I can to this project. Please don't make me cry by falling short *sooooo close* to this extra goal! I have budding NCIS agents who are gonna NEED new store floorplans to demolish soon!

27 hours to go and stretch-goal #3 has been reached! The mall will have two more standardized floorplans! Have I mentioned the mall is 2-story?

Fabled Environments has a free product available here if you've never seen their work before.

We have a free download on DriveThruRPG/RPGNow that you can take a look at to see our quality. That map doesn't have the layers features that we use now due to an old version of Adobe that was used. If you like what you see, but are still on the fence and would like to see a map with layers included, send me an email- charles (at)

(please note - I have no connection to FE at all other than being a satisfied customer and a halfway decent cheerleader of good products.)

Down to 4 hours! Looks like we'll be getting two additional floor-plans *and* a new anchor-store! The mall keeps getting bigger!

Very cool, very glad for more modern material!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:

Yea, I looked around and can't seem to find a link anywhere. The link from the pdf is:, but it seems not to be active.

I would think it would be posted somewhere. I think it was a free pdf, but IDK. Some of those old d20 pdfs are hard to find sometimes.

It is available on the torrent websites and as author I give you permission to download it, host it, and share it.

It's a very cool pdf with a lot of good material that would work great for a zombie game. Would you mind if I converted it to the Modern Path and post the pdf and Hero Lab dataset in the yahoo group?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kevin Webb GRC Team wrote:
It's a very cool pdf with a lot of good material that would work great for a zombie game. Would you mind if I converted it to the Modern Path and post the pdf and Hero Lab dataset in the yahoo group?

I don't mind at all.

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