Ruloc's Artwork Countdown

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Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Ed Girallon Poe: No problem at all! Just give me the new characters name and description and I switch it in the list. :)

In the meantime here's Enre.

next up -> Chen Zhen – Keiran

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Chen Zhen – Keiran
Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam
Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura
trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser
Timitius – Howell
Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami

The Exchange

That's awesome! I'll have to use that sometime...

Great work as always!

If possible, I would also like to swap out my character Keiran. I listed the details on the bottom of the first page, and repeated them below.

Eden & Ziva :

Eden and Ziva are non-identical human twin sisters in their late teens. I do not want them to be overly sexualized in their illustration.

I was thinking of something in the style of Yun & Yang from Street Fighter for their clothing. Silk jackets and loose pants, but in a more realistic (not super tight fitting) way.

Both should look somewhat "tomboyish" in their appearance.

Eden - Monk - 5'6" tall. She has green eyes and dark brown hair that she has pulled back into a long ponytail. She has a good sense of humor, and has a tendency to get into trouble. She likes teasing her sister, but in a good natured manner. She is strong and outgoing.

She wears brown pants and a bright green jacket with a dragonfly pattern on it, and I would love if you could include a dragonfly flying near her.

Ziva - Unarmed Fighter - 5'8" Standing slightly taller than her sister, Ziva has bright blue eyes and light brown hair that she pulls back into two short pigtails. She is less outgoing and more reserved than her sister.

She wears white pants and a pink jacket with a butterfly pattern on it. If you could include a butterfly flying near her, that would be appreciated.

(Real life backstory for this... My sister was expecting a baby at nearly the exact same time as my wife and I were expecting our first. We lost both girls within a few weeks of each other very late in their pregnancies. We had been calling them "the twins" and were looking forward to meeting them. My brother-in-law and I both play Pathfinder, and I thought this would be a fun way to remember them by.)

Thanks again for sharing your AMAZING artwork and talent with us.

That is awesome, thank you, Ruloc.

Ruloc wrote:
@Ed Girallon Poe: No problem at all! Just give me the new characters name and description and I switch it in the list. :)

Okay, thanks Ruloc! I'll take my time putting together as good a description as I can, since it's gonna be a while before any of my others come up.

As for Enre, I love the look of this heavily armored assassin style character and the mask reminds me of The Mask of A Thousand Tomes from Ultimate Equipment. Love it! Keep up the good work. Glad to have you back!

Liberty's Edge

Welcome back Ruloc :)

It's great to see your sketches again. I hope life is treating you well.

Liberty's Edge

Ruloc wrote:

Hi everyone and thanks for the understanding postings! I finally got to Lightflame De La Hawke and hope you'll like her.

I still have some other stuff on my plate but I'll try to get back to an almost daily basis as soon as possible!

next up -> Mrdarknlight – Enre

** spoiler omitted **...

Ruloc you are awesome. Still in awe of your art!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Had a blast on Halloween, hope you guys too.

Here are Chen Zhen's Eden and Ziva. Hope you'll like them.

next up -> Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Alexander Augunas – Alton Foxgleam
Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura
trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser
Timitius – Howell
Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami

I love it! So perfect! Thanks again.


The Exchange

Up to the Ruloc Standard, I see. Still as wonderful as always.


I'm next? Ah! I'm next!

Gods, its been so long I don't even remember the description I gave Ruloc!

I love the expression on Eden's face, she definitely looks like a fiesty one : ).

Liberty's Edge

Thank you guys. :)

Here's the Description on

Alton Foxgleam:
Alton Foxgleam stands tall for a halfling at 3' 2" and weighs 36lbs. He dresses very richly, preferring a dark crimson doublet with golden trim over a white shirt. Alton chose the color because it "brings out the emerald of his eyes." His trousers are similarly embroidered, but otherwise plain. Alton wears a pierced gold coin on a chain across his neck and he usually possesses a sly, knowing grin.
Alton is a professional gambler by trade, a man of mind that one must make their own luck. As a result, Alton carries all manners of gaming equipment, from decks of cards and dice to coins and knuckle-bones, all kept in very fine patches that are draped across his chest on a belt-like chest holster. He is very lightly armed, carrying only a dagger and a sling; as a youth Alton had dreams of being a professional slinger and only gave up the trade when he was cursed. He still carries around the old thing for sentimental purposes, however.

When Alton was a youth, he had an encounter with an otherworldly presence that unbeknownst to him weakened his temporal connection. This temporal disturbance is what accounts for much of his "luck" as well as his spellcasting. For example, when he summons a monster, he is actually opening a brief temporal rift, causing a monster to tumble through it into the present. This weakened connection has its negative side effects on Alton, however. Although his body is assimilated to the spiraling eons around him, foreign objects are less lucky. Any object Alton directly holds in his hands suffers rapid aging until it is tattered, worn, and broken; only to return to normal the moment Alton's fingers cease touching it. This curse is the reason Alton had to abandon his dreams of becoming a professional slinger, and his weapon decays the moment he attempts to use it. Alton's voice is also often overcome by countless words, both that have been said and haven't yet been uttered. While he is normally able to control this, when Alton is extremely stressed or unfocused he begins to babble gibberish in countless tongues.

His "luck" and guile have made Alton into a very successful gambler. Preferring to live among humans because he finds them easier to bluff and feint in games, Alton loathes being referred to as a child and goes to extremes to point out his age; he seldom wears boots or shoes and possesses a tattoo of a golden coin and a pair of dice on his upper left arm. Although he does not allow himself to grow a full beard, Alton does leave a ragged stubble on his his chin. Amusingly to most of his human companions, Alton is something of a womanizer and can often be seen with a lady around his arm or hitting on bar wenches; sometimes both at the same time.

If you want to change something be quick about it. Haven't started yet. ;)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Your time is up Alexander, here's Alton Foxgleam.

next up -> Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Acarhol – Yuna Tsukimura
trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser
Timitius – Howell
Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami

Liberty's Edge

Okay. He looks cool.

A wonderful job Ruloc!

Agreed =D


Oh my god ... so amazingly awesome ....

This could be the best picture of a halfling I've ever seen.

The Exchange

I have to agree with Alexander on that one.

Stumbling back in here but Alton is fantastic for a halfling!

Liberty's Edge

Alexander Augunas wrote:

Oh my god ... so amazingly awesome ....

This could be the best picture of a halfling I've ever seen.

Glad you like him. :)

Funny how well he's received given that halflings aren't very popular as it seems.

I dunno why. I've played two or three (including my current character, Tatya, who's on the secondary list) and enjoyed them all.

ACHOOOO! ....sniff*


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ruloc wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Oh my god ... so amazingly awesome ....

This could be the best picture of a halfling I've ever seen.

Glad you like him. :)

Funny how well he's received given that halflings aren't very popular as it seems.

Move over Lem, Alton Foxgleam's the face for halfling adventurers! xD

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Something strikes me as off on Yuna Tsukimura but I can't lay my finger on it. Probably tomorrow when I look at her with fresh eyes.

Next up -> trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser

Updated Character List:

Primary List

trhvmn – Charlotte Tesser
Timitius – Howell
Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hair's a little different to how i'd imagined it, style-wise (had a more Seoni-like fringe in my head), but it's still, once again, an amazing piece of work Ruloc. Thank you!

And that coat is BADASS.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Ruloc wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:

Oh my god ... so amazingly awesome ....

This could be the best picture of a halfling I've ever seen.

Glad you like him. :)

Funny how well he's received given that halflings aren't very popular as it seems.
Move over Lem, Alton Foxgleam's the face for halfling adventurers! xD

I ain't going down without a fight.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GREAT artwork, Ruloc!

Liberty's Edge

She does look great, but I understand his thinking something is off.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Gee I need to do more Portraits. I tried a slightly different approach on Charlotte Tesser. Hope you like it.

Next up -> Timitius – Howell

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Timitius – Howell
Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami

I like.

Sovereign Court

Oh, Goodie! I'm next!

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh, goodie, I had quite some fun with Howel B. Talbot III. Hope he looks a bit like you imagined him.

Next up -> Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon

Updated Character List:

Primary List

Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon
CloakedInSmoke – Vulpera
Iracaedes – Kurrgin
Kevin Mack – Celena Ashram
fenegaz – Kem Goz
Scissors Lizard – Mad James Read
Everyday Kilt – The Cook
Celexs Draconia – Dhampir
Shane Weber – Tarim
Great Wyrm Red Dragon – Ellianna Flynn and Mew
warriorzizi – Brunhilda
Mobatt – Dhima Hona
dunebugg – Kesari Wukong
John Mangrum – Hollistan Tropp
Felwyn – Huran and Falita
Daximos – Sigurd
ShadowFighter88 – Jesebelle Morek
Xerxes Black – Arcadia Akuma Knight
Eric Swanson – Lady Lureen Ourson
Imdulek Tethrandis – Llyndzvar
Rune – Sir Bronwyn
Kybryn – Ilsion Lindlócë
Umbral Reaver – Xenarchy Malzash
Louis-Philippe Desroches – Baolo
g0atsticks – Maxmi
malebranche – Phamena
stormraven – Mal, Priyya and Tal
KloolessInCali – Faunalandria
DaWay – Alan a'Lorien

For the sake of fairness I'll only do one character per person in order. If someone want's more than one Character I'll move them to another List and will squezze them in when I have the time. For example if I do have the urge to do two Illustrations/day on weekends.

Secondary List

WXCougar – Zalura 
John Kretzer – Kat’kiira 
Golem 101 – Darkrall 
Golem 101 – Azula 
Golem 101 – Getro 
Golem 101 – Rumi 
Icyshadow – Amber 
Icyshadow – Chrysanthe 
Apoca6 – Rhea 
Odytoboman – Odytobo
Saint Caleth – Valanthe
Saint Caleth – Cao Li
Odraude – Ankles
Nermal2097 - Jaygo Lightfoot
Kryzbyn – Dakryn Mel'Arys
Orthos - Raechel a'Nalvaar
Orthos – En sirio the Longstrider
Swivl – Wickard Worreck Wyvernjack
Cortland Broadcloak - Jericho Korben
John Folmar – Keider Paol
Flamehawke – Gabriel Wintersvale
Flamehawke – Akatsuki and Raphael
Flamehawke – Phoenix Stardancer
Midnight Gamer – Delphine 
Tirq - Priscilla
Kevin Mack – Shen
John Mangrum – Jaali
John Mangrum – Laetitia
John Mangrum – Sabaa Sajid al Najir
John Mangrum – Snowflake – Finneas Sawyer
Imdulek Tethrandis – Lethendralis
Scintillae – Kseniya
Orthos - Tatya Dyalov
Lopke – Party
Felwyn – Leoric Ironfist
Saint Caleth – Caius Von Tywyn
Saint Caleth – Tar-Vel Azor
Nepherti – Nepherti
Nepherti – Fatty, Skinny and Drunky
wxcougar – Twins
Ed Girallon Poe – Banipani
Ed Girallon Poe – Fubar
Ed Girallon Poe – Proto
Ed Girallon Poe – Whicker
Ed Girallon Poe – Roscoe
Teskeria – Talisa Mechilia
Teskeria - Flamehawke
Swivl – Ghost Hammer
Swivl – Hazard Stormwalker
Restores100HP – Kit Megami

It's like Paladin Xanatos. I approve.

Liberty's Edge

He looks wonderful. I thoroughly like how he looks. These pictures make me wish I had Fiona in the list.

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

That is WONDERFUL, Ruloc!! You nailed it! I can see some Mr. Howell in there, too. Great treatment of the armor and Justice, the trusty, rustic axe! WELL DONE, INDEED!! Thank you!

Ruloc wrote:

Next up -> Laithoron – Alis Kirmoon

I'm so excited that I've been refreshing my watchlist on DA all weekend in anticipation. I just hope I didn't overwhelm you with details and photo-references. ^_^;

Hope you're having fun with her! :)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It IS a bit overwhelming and I definitely need some time to look it through thoroughly. Unfortunately I am again pretty busy this week but I get to it as soon as I can.

Completely understandable. I'd definitely prefer you take your time and have fun rather than getting stressed. After all, Alis is supposed to be the sort of princess that inspires others to strive for their potential, not the kind who worries them sick. :)
If it helps, the most important facial features that I want to make sure are not overlooked (which might be easy to overlook) are:

  • Alis' hairline has a gentle widow's peak.
  • She does not have a cleft or dimple in her chin.
  • Her eyebrows are the same color as her hair (i.e. warm, golden-blonde rather than dark).
  • Elves and half-elves in my world do not have the creepy 'alien eyes' that Golarion elves have (i.e. they have whites to their eyes just like humans do).

If you can watch out for those four potential pitfalls, then I'm sure there will be no regrets. :)

Hey Ruloc may I revise/edit/re-submit my entry on da list? It's the same character just described in better detail. Your work is here so amazing and so top notch I just want to put just a fraction of the time you put into my character into giving you a clear picture.

I don't know how to close spaces so you actually have to click to see so I won't take up to much room.
Sorry all others but you must endure a longer page for my sake. :b

Ser Arcadia Akuma (just a slight name change to the character)

Background info: Arcadia is a 20th level human monk of the four winds, thus she is immortal and simply reincarnates 24 hours after anytime she would normally die. The title of “Ser” was given to her when she was knighted for doing a great service to a kingdom. Although it is normally an honorific given only to men she chose to keep the title in memory of her time spend in that kingdom. The surname of “Akuma” was given to her when she chose the path of the Oni spirit (must be of the lawful evil alignment to choose this manifestation of the monk of the four winds powers at level 17).
She is evil due to her systematic and ruthless slaughter of countless demi-gods and their planets, believing that only that what you can grasp is rightfully yours. Her primary element to coat her hands and feet with in battle is lightning to reflect her quick, fierce and unyielding slaughter.
In her most recent adventure she allied herself with a group of devils intent on usurping a world’s chaotic good deity, but when a group of mages caught her in an ancient trap set to destroy evil, she instead lost all her memories and most of her powers. Although still immortal, she now roams the world helping those she once vowed to plunge into ruin as she searched for answers to her past.

Appearance: Arcadia looks to be in her early twenties. She has a well toned body with long braided black hair, fair skin and bright blue eyes. But at certain times her old memories come back and her ruthless and evil nature return, turning her skin pitch black and her hair white as snow. She wears minimal (not skimpy) clothing to allow her maximum movement and maneuverability in all circumstances.

Idea(s) for the actual piece: I am personally ecstatic just to see Arcadia drawn; she is by far one of my favorite characters. But something I would love to see in this piece is not only a full-body shot of her, both as her good-natured side but also in her moments of relapse when she embodies the Oni spirit and her skin and hair change.

I’m not asking for a double feature with two people, but mayhaps a half and half shot with an even split down the middle? One side good with a kind smile with the other half a more sinister look. To see both sides of her in a a single piece, however you would decide to do it, would be awesome!

Thanks again SO MUCH for doing this for us! I can’t wait to see my character outside of my head for the first time!

Soooooo, How was everyone's thanksgiving?

The Exchange

Pretty good. How was yours?

Aaaauuuuugh! Saw my RSS feed go off. Don't toy with my emotions like that! Haha! XD

Tirq wrote:
Pretty good. How was yours?

Pretty quite compared to previous years. All in all, me gusta. I am, however, officially tired of turkey.

Laithoron wrote:
Aaaauuuuugh! Saw my RSS feed go off. Don't toy with my emotions like that! Haha! XD

Sorry, man. I have this habit of poking things that stop moving. I'm just happy to see that as many people as myself wait with baited breath.

It's cool. I had a good laugh about it with some friends who were over working on characters because they all know how stoked I get about character portraits. :)

Also Turkey Day was pretty good. An old friend from college joined us and my parents were really excited to see him again after so many years. It was nice.

* goes back to hoping he didn't break Ruloc :D

Ruloc wrote:
It IS a bit overwhelming and I definitely need some time to look it through thoroughly. Unfortunately I am again pretty busy this week but I get to it as soon as I can.

Take all the time you need, dude. We can wait.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

On the other hand at DA he posted a really neat Christmas tiefling. She is now sitting on my desktop so I can let some of my friends enjoy the picture as well. I just have to share her as she is incredibly cute.

In case anyone wants to see her here is the link to it: Merry Christmas 2012

Hey Ruloc can I chnage my choice? It is on the secondary list....just started a new character and rather have art of that character.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes!, I am finally trough all my Christmas workload and the drawing stuff I had on my side. Yesterday finished the last piece for Wayfinder and I'm pretty happy with it. Sure wish I could brag about it in advance ehehe...

Already started with Alissariel and should have something for you later today. :)

@John Kretzer: Sure, as long as I didn't start you can change away all you like. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

* bounces up and down with excitement

Sounds like my Christmas is starting early this year! Hope you're having fun with her! ^_^

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