Hey Ruloc may I revise/edit/re-submit my entry on da list? It's the same character just described in better detail. Your work is here so amazing and so top notch I just want to put just a fraction of the time you put into my character into giving you a clear picture.
I don't know how to close spaces so you actually have to click to see so I won't take up to much room.
Sorry all others but you must endure a longer page for my sake. :b
Ser Arcadia Akuma (just a slight name change to the character)
Background info: Arcadia is a 20th level human monk of the four winds, thus she is immortal and simply reincarnates 24 hours after anytime she would normally die. The title of “Ser” was given to her when she was knighted for doing a great service to a kingdom. Although it is normally an honorific given only to men she chose to keep the title in memory of her time spend in that kingdom. The surname of “Akuma” was given to her when she chose the path of the Oni spirit (must be of the lawful evil alignment to choose this manifestation of the monk of the four winds powers at level 17).
She is evil due to her systematic and ruthless slaughter of countless demi-gods and their planets, believing that only that what you can grasp is rightfully yours. Her primary element to coat her hands and feet with in battle is lightning to reflect her quick, fierce and unyielding slaughter.
In her most recent adventure she allied herself with a group of devils intent on usurping a world’s chaotic good deity, but when a group of mages caught her in an ancient trap set to destroy evil, she instead lost all her memories and most of her powers. Although still immortal, she now roams the world helping those she once vowed to plunge into ruin as she searched for answers to her past.
Appearance: Arcadia looks to be in her early twenties. She has a well toned body with long braided black hair, fair skin and bright blue eyes. But at certain times her old memories come back and her ruthless and evil nature return, turning her skin pitch black and her hair white as snow. She wears minimal (not skimpy) clothing to allow her maximum movement and maneuverability in all circumstances.
Idea(s) for the actual piece: I am personally ecstatic just to see Arcadia drawn; she is by far one of my favorite characters. But something I would love to see in this piece is not only a full-body shot of her, both as her good-natured side but also in her moments of relapse when she embodies the Oni spirit and her skin and hair change.
I’m not asking for a double feature with two people, but mayhaps a half and half shot with an even split down the middle? One side good with a kind smile with the other half a more sinister look. To see both sides of her in a a single piece, however you would decide to do it, would be awesome!
Thanks again SO MUCH for doing this for us! I can’t wait to see my character outside of my head for the first time!
This looks really awesome. My favorite role playing game combined with an online platform. I love ddo, and when thinking that something better could be made and in a setting with rules I know and like I was psyched. But then something happened.
I read one of the rewards... "one month free subscription" (or something like that)...
I thought with KOTOR and GW2 we had figured out that the subscription based formula is not only very old fashioned and unneeded, but highly risky. Ok, I know that entering the gaming world is a risk and mmo's in general are an even bigger one, but please pazio do not do this!
Look, I hate to be 'this guy' but I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I will not play this game if I have to constantly shell out money for it. I just can't do it, I'm sorry. not when I might have already dropped $40-60 and might have invested in the Kick-starter.
I know this is gonna spark a debate and whatnot, but I don't want that. Think as this as a simple message from me to you begging you to invest some of this money your getting to take a closer look at all the other games out there (particularly their store's/long term $$ making ability).
So my Pathfinder games have been going down the toilet lately. One game I'm playing in is frustrating because our GM is always busy taking care of her kids and husband. I'm not trying to harp on her, we all have things we have to do; but we hardly get anything done in a session.
So I decided to start a new game on Sundays with my boyfriend and some of his friends. It started out great with a bit of metagaming but mostly getting things done. They finished with the first magazine for Carrion Crown in a month. However, things have since gone down hill. The problem is largely conflict between myself (the GM) and one other player. He is one of those people who have played a lot of DnD games (though he's younger than I am by a couple of years), but all the games he's played have been those *crazy* kind of games. You know, the ones where everyone plays by the game mechanics, but all kinds of crazy things go on such as characters from anime jumping in and the like. He's played by the rules by never played *by the rules*. I like to run a game that is logical, orderly, and run by the social/economical/judicial rules.
The conflict all started with alignment. He decided to make his ratfolk Lawful Good. The problem is that he does not play his character as a Lawful Good character. Now I understand that alignment is not set in stone, but he tries to justify all of his actions and thoughts within his alignment. For example, thinking that it's a good idea to punch through a wall in a derelict farmhouse with the entire party in it. No matter how hard he tried to argue the point, lets face it that was not thought or act of a LG character.
I also think that he is one of those people who like to incite party conflict for "fun" while trying to justify it as roleplaying. Example, this evening he tries to explain that he does not trust my character and thinks she is psychotic. I am also role-playing a LG Inquistor of Pharasma. The PC's reasoning behind this was when I started off the group
This, +1, listen to this guy here. He kinda ninjaed what I wanted to say.
I myself have had troubles with DMPCs so I am avoiding them for now but I have seen DMs who can adapt and do it like a pro, and it fact make the game 10x better because they use this DMPC.
Hey Ruloc may I revise/edit/re-submit my entry on da list? It's the same character just described in better detail. Your work is here so amazing and so top notch I just want to put just a fraction of the time you put into my character into giving you a clear picture.
I don't know how to close spaces so you actually have to click to see so I won't take up to much room.
Sorry all others but you must endure a longer page for my sake. :b
Ser Arcadia Akuma (just a slight name change to the character)
Background info: Arcadia is a 20th level human monk of the four winds, thus she is immortal and simply reincarnates 24 hours after anytime she would normally die. The title of “Ser” was given to her when she was knighted for doing a great service to a kingdom. Although it is normally an honorific given only to men she chose to keep the title in memory of her time spend in that kingdom. The surname of “Akuma” was given to her when she chose the path of the Oni spirit (must be of the lawful evil alignment to choose this manifestation of the monk of the four winds powers at level 17).
She is evil due to her systematic and ruthless slaughter of countless demi-gods and their planets, believing that only that what you can grasp is rightfully yours. Her primary element to coat her hands and feet with in battle is lightning to reflect her quick, fierce and unyielding slaughter.
In her most recent adventure she allied herself with a group of devils intent on usurping a world’s chaotic good deity, but when a group of mages caught her in an ancient trap set to destroy evil, she instead lost all her memories and most of her powers. Although still immortal, she now roams the world helping those she once vowed to plunge into ruin as she searched for answers to her past.
Appearance: Arcadia looks to be in her early twenties. She has a well toned body with long braided black hair, fair skin and bright blue eyes. But at certain times her old memories come back and her ruthless and evil nature return, turning her skin pitch black and her hair white as snow. She wears minimal (not skimpy) clothing to allow her maximum movement and maneuverability in all circumstances.
Idea(s) for the actual piece: I am personally ecstatic just to see Arcadia drawn; she is by far one of my favorite characters. But something I would love to see in this piece is not only a full-body shot of her, both as her good-natured side but also in her moments of relapse when she embodies the Oni spirit and her skin and hair change.
I’m not asking for a double feature with two people, but mayhaps a half and half shot with an even split down the middle? One side good with a kind smile with the other half a more sinister look. To see both sides of her in a a single piece, however you would decide to do it, would be awesome!
Thanks again SO MUCH for doing this for us! I can’t wait to see my character outside of my head for the first time!
A Boogeyman who killed children in a big city. Not very creative but hey, it was fun watching them figure it all out before pulling an IT and descending into the depths of the city to face it.
I think twisting the wish because the PC killed the demon immediately after is unfairly punitive; I mean it seems in line with the PCs alignment.
On the other hand twisting the wish because it came from a demon is fair game IMO, since there's no reason the demon wouldn't have tried to twist the wish in the first place.
Don't punish a CN for breaking their word with a demon, punish him for trusting the demon to keep it's word. It's a demon, it would have placed some little nasty inside the wish from moment one, regardless of the deal struck.
But on their alignment of CG, they were ok with the rogue making a deal with the demon and allowing it to live? Because that is totally meta-game if they knew he told them that he would betray it... just saying...
Really? I'm sorry man but holy crap all I am seeing here is you whine, people respond to help out, then you whine out how that won't work for you.
You can literally get all the books for free online!
your answer: But computers heat up my house and it might crash and loose all that free stuff I was looking up.
You can roll up your own campaigns, or just go else ware to buy the modules for those prices you mentioned.
your answer: No my standards are too high, I need the physical copy and I want to by from this company whom I want people to stop buying from so they'll drop their prices...
I started Pathfinder with nothing but my friend's core rulebook. I never had the luxury of buying the weekly or monthly or whatever modules, Me and my gang rolled up our own campaigns, monsters, and world. Sure they weren't near as well written or polished as a module, but damn did we have good times.
So if your gonna show up here and rant about prices and how hard it is for poor old you, then tell those who offer suggestions and show you ways around your situation that even adapt to your "high standards", please have the courtesy to not insult them by ignoring the great ideas and copping out with shitty High standards crap.
Ok... rant over. I apologize for that. Have a wonderful day!
DMPC that turns out to be the villain is always fun. A loyal character who is always there for the group, but is actually trying to use them for his/her own gain.
I hate those personally. It's just not a trope that is going to fit well with a lot of players and/or campaigns.
How so? If you don't mind me asking for a bit of clarification. I've done this a few times and it always seemed to work out great. I ask because I would like to know where it tends to fall apart most often.
Lets say you play the same campaign for a year and a half. You have had the same npc from lvl 1 to level 18. He has been with you on every adventure searching for an over arching big bad(which is him by the way). He is sleeping with the Paladins wife who is also an NPC in the party and has fathered the child your Paladin has been raising as his own. He has been screwing the party at every turn and leading us on a marry chase that results in many important people getting killed.In the middle of a very desperate encounter the wife and the other npc turn on you. She back stabs and kills one PC. My character kills her to the horror of the Paladin(who has an emotional break down in character and close to one outside). Leaving me alone to kill a large group of fire giants and stone golems on my own. The NPC escapes with the magical mcguffin we needed to stop the apocalypses. We then have to hunt him down and kill him but the harm has been done. I'm not bitter at all by the way.
The problem is if you get the party attached to a NPC and don't give them any proper warning there will be a betrayal they may take it badly. And this leads to all your future NPC's getting murdered( I know meta gaming is wrong but our gm really pissed us off).
oh nos.
Not what i had in mind when I make DMPCs villains but dear Ser I am terribly sorry for your loss. That sounds both horrifying... and amazing. From 1-18!?! dang... I can't hold my DMPCs from turning after maybe 5-6 lvls...
Cool story though bro... totally answered my question and gave me things to consider.
Use a NPC ... I personally would go with a Life Oracle... easy to keep up with and can support without taking the spotlight off the party.
A few others...
1. Let them Gestalt... and keep everything else single class. This gives them extra power to account for less players.
2. Give them both a free Leadership feat... each gets a NPC under their control and that ups the party to 4.
3. Really go wild on loot. This one can be fun. You can give them the WBL of a 4 person party increasing their power.
Problems involved...
1. They still have One round of actions each... so large amounts of enemies are still going to hurt if it was meant for a party of 4.
2. This can be an issue if your players aren't good at (or dont want to) keep up with an NPC.
3. Same as number 1. Also you have an issue if you gain another player. I once played in a 2 person Gestalt game that quickly became a 5 player game lol. We just dropped the Gestalt and kept going.
I like this man's plan if your PCs can keep up with it. Having a DMPC is always fun, but if the PCs would like this better then I would do this.
DMPC that turns out to be the villain is always fun. A loyal character who is always there for the group, but is actually trying to use them for his/her own gain.
I hate those personally. It's just not a trope that is going to fit well with a lot of players and/or campaigns.
How so? If you don't mind me asking for a bit of clarification. I've done this a few times and it always seemed to work out great. I ask because I would like to know where it tends to fall apart most often.
Overlay rules... not sure how I feel about this. I enjoyed being able to play a 3.5 character past 20th but the game did increasingly break down. This gives the chance of a more 'epic' style of play without breaking the mechanics. I'm 'hmmm', with a tentative 'ooh' and a side of 'cool'.
All based on JBE's comments via twitter, so nothing solid yet.
Edit: Ok, this is worth a huzzah
@JonBrazerEnt wrote:
JonBrazerEnt: #pathfinder #GenCon will also have items that grow in power with you.
Huzzah, indeed, I love those kind of weapons. I love to make enemies that will sunder the crap outta them too. Muhahaha!
Oh yeah, no i didn't mean like a PC who is gonna slit their throats as they sleep or lead them into a trap of sure demise. I meant a villain that is slowly trying to corrupt/use them in minor ways. It will eventually lead to an encounter where they will find out and decide whether to move on with him/her, part ways, try to turn to "good", or challenge and stop them.
I totally see your point, it is too easy for it to turn into a "You've been lead into a trap now fight your way out" here comes the TPK.
A villain who is not cackling in the night and vowing to eat all the little children when the PCs are asleep, but who is working toward a goal that will cause people harm, but still believes he/she is doing right. This will not only make for a fun villain to play for the DM, but one who the PCs will want to try and save/understand.
DMPC that turns out to be the villain is always fun. A loyal character who is always there for the group, but is actually trying to use them for his/her own gain.
Yay! Ruloc is baaaack! Well was before wedding and such BUT STILL! Take your time Ruloc! I'm just glad to see such a talented artist take yourself taking an interest in our characters!
Don't know what you all are smoking (is a joke please don't hit meee!) but the rogue in my group is a beast with a dagger. Jumpin' around, using acrobatics to flip behind people and backstabbing for more damage than... well... a fighter in the group could pop out. Hasn't even crit. yet but I sure am scared to see that...
My only question that i haven't seen covered is what are the penalties for wearing armor your not proficient with? I know the negatives are not fun but they might not be all that bad.
Try page one.
Really? dang I was just there too but I must have missed it. Sorry about that, it's kinda early and I'm just skimming over these threads before I start walking to class.
Hrm... possibly build off her greed... but make her consider allies an asset thus they fall into her possessions category?
This would keep her cold and calculating at times in combat, but could very easily keep her party loyal to her yet still wary with potential for really good friendships.
I really like Trayce's Child idea, but it seems very situational. A party doesn't always pay attention to little details like that and not all people see just being kind to children as a redeeming quality. I've met plenty of people who flat out hate kids and would be those mean adults.
All in all what I would suggest is mayhaps giving her a vice, like drinking, or a fear... like of something mundane to keep her dependent on her party/friends without being a burden. Something they might laugh about at first, mayhaps tease a little, but in the end would always want to help her. Make her human but in the sense that she has major straight up weaknesses.
My only question that i haven't seen covered is what are the penalties for wearing armor your not proficient with? I know the negatives are not fun but they might not be all that bad.
Heh heh heh. Wizard talk big. Wizard threaten Brox with turn to toad spell. Wizard not able to read spell no more. Now Brox have his turn. Mebbe wizard give Brox protection golds. Brox take good care of wizard.
See dat cleric over dere? Brox make contribo..conctr..gift of gold for you with dat guy. Say curses and tell what do. Mebbe dat guy take away curses. Mebbe dat guy ask for protection golds too. Brox not able to see future. Brox is just pawn of fate.
Well if your GM will not remain consistent I cannot really say. Quite literally anything I offer you is likely not going to be sufficient, because if your GM is willing to break inconsistency and standards to force you into a curse that shouldn't normally work, then I see no reason that your GM would not be willing to simply deny anything else that was tried. If the natural laws of the world are not good enough, why would anything else be?
Ash, this really isn't necessary. Back-handed insults at the GM just because your suggestion was politely refused is no reason to act that way.
@OP: Take it step by step and see what happens. Try the remove curse first. See if it works. If not there has to be something else that will help. Maybe go see an oracle to find out how to lift the curse. Maybe this is a lead-in to another adventure. Or the next leg in your current adventure.
Listen to this man. The DM cursed you, follow the curse. All this work around is not what the DM has in mind I promise you. Sure, he might want you to squirm for a bit, but the curse is the central issue here. It really depends on your DM but mayhaps your cleric, a local church with a powerful cleric, or a simple knowledge of curses might be the bait he wants you to take.
Hrm... after all I've read and checked up in the race building I would say to have all your players stick with the pre-built ones in the ARG, and not allow them to use the race builder.
I know as a DM you want them to build whatever character they want and you make the world, but that's just the thing, the race builder is for you, not them really. It is a tool for you to ad new and exotic races to your world, not for PCs to custom make a race that gains what takes classes many lvls to obtain.
It's too easy to exploit (and yes, your PC is trying to pull a fast one on you) and there are already sensible ways to customize any races in the ARG with the listed racial traits that you can swap out.
If you allow your PC the ability to get both that DR 5/silver and fast healing it could very easily undermine the entire atmosphere of the campaign.
It's you call, but i would have a second look at what your PC is doing and how easy it is to make your own extremely overpowered race who will essentially be unable to kill unless both the dice and DM decide your time is up.
Just now realized that i made the list. yay!
This is so sweet. If you have any questions or clarifications needed about Arcadia just send me a message here or on DA.
I couldn't get the forum to open so I'll just post here and cross my fingers.
Name: Arcadia Akuma Knight
This character is a human Monk of The Four Winds. She is already lvl 20 and so has chosen to mimic the Oni spirit. Thus she has soot black skin and white hair braided back into cornrows. Her primary element that she uses with her elemental fist is fire, and second is lightning.
Due to her mimicry of the Oni spirit she is lawful evil. She agreed to serve out a contract with a devil force at odds with a demon horde. But she was caught in a trap that effectively reversed every aspect of her alignment to chaotic good and due to the radical shift also sealed her memory away. Her skin turned back to it's original olive and her hair to black. She now walks the land searching for answers, knowing only that she is immortal due to her ability to reincarnate 24 hours after any death and slowly relearning her former abilities as a monk. Sometimes when fighting demons or devils her memory returns to her along with her former cold battle prowess and appearance.
Her attire changes quite often with the only reoccurring idem being an adamantine katana. Most recently she has been wearing light clothing as she traverses a desert to deliver this black katana to a queen of the desert.
As for the drawing I would love to see her both as her bubbly kind-hearted chaotic good self, but also the surfacing of her cold-focused killing machine that she is slowly remembering.
I don't mind the sound of this book, the more I think of it the more I can find uses for it, but I just feel that they have so much more that they could be making right now.
For instance: The thing I would love to see more than anything else for a tabletop RPG right now is a digital character creation device for the visual representations of our beloved characters. I cannot draw, but I would pay good money for a program that could allow me the ability to visually represent my characters. I am also willing to bet that there are others who would pay for such a thing as well.
I dunno, mayhaps I am alone in this, but after the ARG (which i was/still am In love with), these advanced "fill in the blank" guides just feel like a step back.
Anyway there are my two cents. Disagree if you will. Have a good one and enjoy Pathfinder.
Ok i am still waiting on this one. due to arrive the 21st... but until then i have one question. Can I make an ooze character? That's all i am asking for. An ooze monk just sounds like the coolest thing since sliced bread!
At level 7 the barbarian normally gets DR but by now you have DR 3 (two points better than an ordirnary barbarian) and at level 8 that bumps to three points better. At level 12 it bumps to four points better, then back down to three points better at 13, then back up to four points better at level 14. You get to five points better at 18th and 20th level.
At 7th level, two points of DR knocked off of every melee hit is nice but not earth-shaking. Compared to a fighter with the same DEX you will be 4 points of AC lower than the fighter (not counting shields) or 5 points of AC lower while you're raging.
Avoiding 20-25% of all attacks against you is usually going to be better than taking DR 3 off of each one. Consider a CR7 Hill Giant hits you four times averaging 16 HP for a total of 64 damage, while the fighter get hit three times averaging 19 damage for a total of 57 damage.
Now, comparing a level 7 Invunlerable Raging barbarian against an ordinary barbarian, sure, you're a better tank - but he's not a tank at all and shouldn't behave like one. You're better at tanking than the non-tank barbarian, but just not good enough to compare with a tank fighter.
As your level goes up, your DR gets better and better, but don't forget that a 19th level fighter gets DR 5/- while you still have DR 9/-) so he catches up a big chunk of DR right there. And by then his AC is fare more than just 4-5 points better than yours, so he avoids far more hits than you do - and those hits do far more damage, so avoiding them because far more important.
That's a lot of far mores, but hopefully it illustrates why a high-level fighter is far more effective as a tank.
Yep, the Invulnerable Rager is a better tank than an ordinary barbarian, but if you want to tank, play a fighter.
Don't forget about the greater chaos totem rage power. It's takes a while to get but the DR is basically the same as the invulnerable rager so you could end up with a massive DR that is equal to your lvl against almost anything but lawful attacks during a rage. As for that other damage that the barbarian would take due to the lower AC you can't forget about their higher HP and hopefully higher Con. score.