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The title says it. I'm throwing the classic base classes out the window. The only "casters" are gonna be sorcerer, druid, oracle, alchemist, and bard. I'm allowing psionics. The characters ride around in a dinosaur filled, wild-west meets Mount & Blade world exploring the ruins of long dead dwarven and elven civilizations. Oh yeah, none of the core races either. Except humans. No Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, or orcs.
The races I'm putting in are
All Goblins
Ophidian (though I want to modify them so their stats arent the same as the Vaanara's)
and a few others, I havent decided
Early firearms are commonplace, using Wounds/Vigor and Armor as DR
biggest question is: How would that armor as DR system work with touch attacks?

boring7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
-I thought the wounds/vigor system still had touch AC as AC, but that's probably wrong.
-Will there be Cadillacs?
-Everybody loves airships, and with a wilderness full of "omg dinosaurs!" they might be the only means of reliably supplying some outposts.
-You might could get rid of human, or make human the primitive race of locals, descended from slaves of the dead civilizations and regularly abused by current imperialists.
-Inside of every problem is a solution involving high explosives.

Greg Wasson |

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The title says it. I'm throwing the classic base classes out the window. The only "casters" are gonna be sorcerer, druid, oracle, alchemist, and bard. I'm allowing psionics. The characters ride around in a dinosaur filled, wild-west meets Mount & Blade world exploring the ruins of long dead dwarven and elven civilizations. Oh yeah, none of the core races either. Except humans. No Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, or orcs.
The races I'm putting in are
All Goblins
Ophidian (though I want to modify them so their stats arent the same as the Vaanara's)
and a few others, I havent decidedEarly firearms are commonplace, using Wounds/Vigor and Armor as DR
biggest question is: How would that armor as DR system work with touch attacks?
Base Dinosaur Template: +5 Natural Armor, Speed +10, +8 Hide/Spot
Armored Variant: +3 natural Armor, -10 Speed
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a player in my game can be one of the following races:
Beast Races
Goblin Races
Du-Goblin (Standard Goblin)
Brur-Goblin (Bugbear)
Psi-Goblin (Psionic Goblin/Blue)
Races of the Broken Moon
Cossack Hosts
The River Hosts
and combine this choice with one of the following classes
Compiled House Rules
Armor as DR
Skill Points
Instead of receiving x+int Bonus per level, characters receive x+int score

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For the DR and Touch attacks. Just say that if you are using a gun, any DR applies to the target. Problem solved.
I dont understand this.
Now that I've gotten the proverbial first few chapters of the PHB taken care of, its time to expand on my vision of this campaign world, and share with you, the forum lurkers.
What follows is the history as it is understood by the most learned of the world.
At the dawn of time.....the Age of Dragons! The world then was occupied by a single great continent, a primordial paradise of volcanic deserts, roiling seas, and forests with trees hundreds of feet tall. A land whose western shore was also its eastern most border. Massively powerful, scaled, entities of nature, the dragon ruled a civilization that was scattered and insular by the standards of the mortal races. But the dragons lived for thousands of years, and needed much hunting ground. For ten million years the dragons ruled the earth, but the gradual spread of the mortal races sent the dragons into to the bowels of the planet, not defeated, simply waiting and allowing the other races an opportunity to carve out their legacies.
Following the Age of Dragons was the Mage Age, when ancient peoples deciphered draconic writings and learned to use the words of power written therein to manipulate the world around them. The first mages built thousands of obsidian towers around the world, the ruins of many can still be found today.
The Golden Age of Dwarves and Elves
Eventually the mages refined their magical abilities, and after several generations became the elves as we now understand them. The elven ruins found today suggest that for the most part, these people stayed in the forests or along rivers. Their skill with magic was unprecedented, and has not been matched since. Giant floating pyramids, and entire cities hidden behind glamor or mists have been found or reported among elven ruins.
Rising contemporaneously with the Elven civilization was the dwarven empire. The dwarves are believed to be descendents of certain mages who delved deep into the bowels of the planet looking for magical secrets. What they discovered were the spirits, and very possibly the corporeal forms, of dragons, millions of years old and in a deep hibernation. They taught the dwarves a very different type of magic, and the dwarves eventually became the most masterful craftsmen and architects the world has ever seen.
For five thousand years, these two great nations warred, made peace, and expanded across the globe. It is not clear what it was that brought these two seemingly unshakable empires to a sudden end, but it is known from what little of their histories that we have deciphered that the asteroid belt that now surrounds the planet was once a moon, or several moons, and that when they were destroyed, the planet changed drastically. The magic that the elves had implemented in every aspect of their empire was no longer effective, and the dragon spirits that the dwarves took as their patrons became silent.
The Last age before our current time, was the Age of the Mind, also known as the age of the Violet Night. Less than a thousand years after the dust settled on the ruined empires of the Elves and Dwarves, a new power manifested itself in the world, replacing the arcane and divine powers of old, with the power of the mind. There is little evidence of these "psionic" powers existing before the asteroid belt became present in the sky. The first known Psion, a being of unknown race who is referred to alternatively as Gith Yanki, Gith Zerai, or sometimes simply as Gith, carved out an empire for himself about 3,000 years before the present. He brought under his law the dromites, the Maenads, and the demi-giants. His empire lasted only 2,000 years, as his descendents soon fell to war amongst themselves. A 750 year dark age followed.
250 years ago, the dragons returned. Great behemoths destroyed huge swaths of land. Literally obliterating entire regions of the continent, through floods, fire, storm and plague. And then, just as quickly, they vanished again. In the aftermath of this second great Apocalypse, the habitable land mass had been reduced from a globe spanning Pangaea, to a single continent roughly 6,000 by 3,000 miles surrounded by islands of varying size. Using any mean possible the surviving people of the world flocked to this new world, which was already populated by giant reptiles, and a reptilian humanoid people.
The first to arrive on these shores were the cossack hosts. Soft of skin, with no fur, no fangs, no claws, and no innate psionic talent, the cossacks were the underdog. But they brought with them alchemical knowledge that allowed them to craft and use guns, allowing them to swiftly sweep across much of the new world.
Thus began the Age of the Axebeak (so named for the Axebeaked, flightless birds that the cossacks became famous for riding into battle)
In the Age of the Axebeak, the following major events happened.
The Goblin Wars 30 years long
The Cossack Hetmantate and their allies warred with the slave taking Goblin Empire in the north east for three decadeds, eventually driving them back beyond the black forests north of the Eline River.
The First Finding, the uncovering of the first dwarven ruin. Soon Elven ruins were found, ruins from the Age of the Mind, and even the base of obsidian towers from the Mage Age.
For 80 years there was a mad rush to discover new ruins, and put to use the wonderous and magical items found within them.
The Union Wars. 7 years long. The Zaparozian and the Dhon Cossacks fought dozens of small skirmishes, against each other, and against the Catfolk, Saurian, Gnoll and Demi-Giant tribes. Vaanara warred amongst themselves, and the other tribes of the broken moon chose sides as best fit them. Though they lasted less then a decade, the Union Wars bore witness to the bloodiest battles that history has ever recorded. Eventually, mutual decimation brought the wars to a slow trickling end.
2 1/2 years after the last major battle between the assembled cossack hosts sees a long shadowed sunset in the Town of Sich, where a small group of heroes meet in a saloon......
The secret history that no player begins the game knowing is that the mind-flayers destroyed the moon and wrapped the entire planet in an unstable anti-magic field, and then proceeded to enslave or annihilate every dwarf and elf they could. Dwarves and elves still exist in the underdark as duegar and drow respectively. Gith is of course an escaped thrall who sought to to raise an army to destroy the illithid threat, but he failed due to mind-flayer infiltration.
The Return of the Dragons was a last ditch effort by the most ancient of peoples to destroy the mind-flayers. While it certainly set their plans back aways, the mind-flayers were not utterly defeated and still lurk deep, deep below the earth.....
(Note: I love the idea of the Thoon Mind-Flayers as they were present in MMIV for 3.5, so all the mind-flayers in my game will be pathfinder conversions of those guys.)
so what do you think? Are there any holes I need to fill? Also, how can I run this campaign the way I want (with the most powerful being in the world being between levels 12-15, and no "new" magic items) without nerfing the players and spoiling their fun?

boring7 |
If memory serves bullets punch through armor, and count as a touch attack.
The question, "should DR armor apply when regular armor doesn't" is legitimate, realistically bullets DID punch through armor and even bounce around inside the armor but that line of thinking gets really complicated really fast.
That, I assume, was Mr_Nevada's point.
read the rest later, it's time to get ready for work.

Lemmy |

I don't recommend the "Armor as DR" rule. In my experience it's starts too good, with characters being nearly (or completely) immune to damage, and soon become nearly useless (the DR is nowhere near the damage output).
Most of the time, I'd rather have a 30% chance of avoiding an attack than DR 5. Specially when enemies start getting multiple powerful attacks, since even that -15 BAB attack is likely to land.

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No, what I am saying is that if you have like a Barbarian DR of say 2. And a bullet is fired at the Barbarian and hits the Barbarian, the 2 DR applies. That would work, however, there is a problem of a gun not doing enough damage to puncture the DR. I did come up with an equation for DR and it works effectively if it is a power gaming party.
This is the equation: 1/2 Armor Bonus (Monk Bonus) + 1/3 level. Any Class DR stacks, not material or anything of the like.
What this does is at higher levels simply reduces damage to the players and allows the cleric to do some healing if they are nearing their end. Let me use small example of the DR system:
Grush, a Titan Mauler Barbarian Half-Orc of 12th level has a DR of 2 at his level. He has on him a Adamantine Breastplate, he holds a Greataxe in one hand as a weapon with his Jotungrip class feature. Since he is 12th level, you divide 12 by 3 coming up to 4. Now, he has Adamantine Breastplate, since Material doesn't add to the total DR you only get 3 out of it. Then you have the Barbarian's 2 DR from his class. So, 2 + 4 + 3 = 9. Grush has a total of 9 DR, this helps with helping players to last longer.
The reason why Monks use their Monk Bonuses is because we found out with a primitive version of this that Monks tended to get hurt much more than the guys in armor and therefore would die more than the Fighters, so we decided to add in the Monk bonus. This may help you with your DR system, however, Pathfinder's is much simpler.

boring7 |
Okay, things I am not understanding:
-Dragons! Am I correct in presuming they are missing, or only operating as god-like beings of incredible power only involving themselves indirectly? Also do any of their ruins remain after 4 super-empires have looted and plundered the secrets of that past? I'm imagining a council/collective of dragons with god-like sorcerous power staring across a cosmic chessboard at a council of Elder Brain masses but I may be misinterpreting. Are the dragons gone? Are they still playing? Do they even care anymore?
-I'm not clear on the last cataclysm. Psyker empire falls, 750 years of disorganized dark ages follow. I am not really clear on how that fits into Illithid plans, they tend to either take advantage of that kind of anarchy faster than 750 years. I don't understand why the dragons took so long before busting out the scorched earth campaign, maybe that was final trump card from centuries of shadow-games?
I don't understand what got smashed and burned, where these "people flocking to the new world" are from, and what the "new world" is, was it burned entirely to ash and regrown very quickly for the survivors of the islands to come to? Was it formerly empty wildland somehow untouched by psion empires and shadow-wars?
What about those islands? Were they mostly ash and abandoned wholesale, or are they the old kingdoms? From your description I don't see a time when the worlds wasn't one super-continent until right now, with the shattered islands and the mysteriously-emptied super-continent.
Finally, What do you mean "new" magic items? Like no crafting feats or like no items but what's already listed in the book or nothing that isn't dug out of a mouldering ruin?
If you're doing that, you are "nerfing" your players, pure and simple, and there's a whole thread about low-magic (which also means low-treasure/low power) campaigns.
I hope I don't come across as rude, I just don't understand how the geography or geopolitics of that history work out, and what powers are out and about in the campaign world.