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I am looing to run a few Pathfinder Society games (here) via Play by Post. This will be an open recruitment, specifically for PathFinder Society Play, and other DM's or perspective DM's are willing to post idea's, too.
I am currently running a Silent Tide game, and will likely start running that and a few others soon. So far I have been using Image Shac for maps, but am thining of changing to Google. Besides any normal rules for PFS play, I also do mandate that if you are in one of these games, you do not use that character in a way that you will level up until after the PbP game is over, and that any extra gear, chronicle sheet, rewards, etc. . . are not valid for your character in the game, (if gained after you start), until the game is over.
I am looking for regular posters, hoping for 1-3 posts on week days, understanding that weekends and holidays are going to be slow. New players are welcome, and as this will be an "open table game", it is basically first come, first serve. Right now, I am gauging interest, and planning.
Probably going to be looking at low level play to begin with, also.

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At a glance, Grundle, Rachel, and Angruf look good, though I'm less familiar with Angruf's archtypes. I'll do a little more in depth later.
Deane, feel free to use either an old or make a new character, it's your choice. I'm going to try to keep this open for players, meaning I'm not picking which are accepted (except based on failure to use legal material) as much as "filling tables". I have a few other possible players, too. And like I said, was looking at doing 1-3 games. If anyone here wants to also DM, let us know. :)
Also, and specific requests for adventures? It might also be a good idea to list which ones your character has already completed.

Uktabi |

I am very interested in doing some play by post and have yet to play silent tide. I would most likely make a new pfs character for online games but i could get whatever i play to second 2nd, if this is something that will continue for a few scenarios.
Ill flesh out what i want to play and get it online.

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Well, the idea I am having is to run 1-3 games at a time, open to everyone who wants to play. Players would have some input into what game they would like, but also dependant on their characters level. That being said, I'm going to try to have each player in a single game at a time, but we will see first if there are any other DM's and how many people come.

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I have a PFS character I'd like to submit. He is a half-elven rogue(trapsmith). I'm at work right now, so I don't have access to the sheet. I'll export it from Hero Lab tonight and put it into the profile. I am going to be on vacation from 8/16-8/20, but would love to join a game starting after that date. As of yet, I haven't done any PFS adventures.

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Ok, for the time being, I'm going to close my games and take a look at characters, sort of tally them up and see what we have. If more DM's come, then this should open back up, or if we need or can have a few more players.
I am not picking who is in or out, with the exception of the character being PFS legal. You are all in, I just need to look over characters, and start finding a way to split you up for games. Like I said, first come, first serve. I'm also going to be reading up on the new PFS Guide, so am probably looking at having some real info out this weekend when I have a chance to give things a go over.
If you haven't already, please post which character you will be playing specifially.

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I've got another character in First Steps at the moment, and some experience with a few Adventure Paths. Otherwise, I'm open to diversity and creativity - including 'old school'.
My character (Angruf) is strong, hopeful, and full of faith - I'd prefer to see him in a setting where those values are not unrealistic, and not a liability. But, y'know, it's been a couple years since I played a game that had 'sanity' and 'corruption' as stats. Angruf probably won't thrive in that environment, but 'thriving' isn't the point of that kinda game :)

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Wait a second guys - Harboth, Rachel, Fedryn - don't go to far without me! Wouldn't it be great if we could all adventure again.
GM - if you're still open, I'd love to participate if I can. For consideration: Elwyn Cintras. Just finished First Steps with the guys above, so now going into level 2. Will also be playing in 2 or 3 pfs games at Gen Con next week.

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Wait a second guys - Harboth, Rachel, Fedryn - don't go to far without me! Wouldn't it be great if we could all adventure again.
GM - if you're still open, I'd love to participate if I can. For consideration: Elwyn Cintras. Just finished First Steps with the guys above, so now going into level 2. Will also be playing in 2 or 3 pfs games at Gen Con next week.
Aww Yeah, getting the gang back together

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Here is the 1xp Gunslinger that I mentioned under Helaman just before your cut off. Will update with the chronicle information later...
"Badr al Din (Full moon of the faith) is the son of Badriyah (Resembling the full moon), a well to do owner and mistress of a routine trade caravan that moves along the trade route regions of Qadira, who in turn was the second daughter of a wealthy merchant (family and inheritance are traced via the female line).
Badr al Din is an excellent rider and has won several competitions in his early teen years. Like all males of Qadira, a man is expected to stand on their own and so he sought a trade beyond that of riding. Badr al Din was fortunate to apprentice himself to an uncle who among his other alchemical talents, had the secret of black powder, he was doubly fortunate that his uncle also frequently traded with the few of Qadira who used firearms and thanks to some well placed wagers was able to gain training in firearms and, eventually, an old musket of his own.
Being adventuresome in nature and desiring to see more of the world, he sought his mothers small influence to make contact with any who may offer opportunity to travel. His trade minded mother had a business partner who had been a member of the Pathfinder Society, who in turn was able to sponsor the young man to Absalom and into the Society.
He is a devout follower (like all of his mothers line) of Desna and will hear no ill said of Her. As Desna is an unusual faith in Qadira, Badr al Din has had to deal with considerable persecution and attacks on his faith, but his devotion has held firm.
He is tall but lean, often in baggy clothing, loose headdress and a sand coloured cloak. "

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I would like to get in as a first time PFS Online PBP player
I've actually only played Pathfinder once with a group of local gamers - and loved it! So I naturally want more!
My character is Aendi Aegis Salmagundi Peregrinate - a Male Gnome Druid of Embeth Forrest in the River Kingdom.
Level 1 - STR: 7 DEX: 16 CON: 11 INT: 13 WIS: 16 CHA: 10 HP: 9
If there is still room in your adventuring party - I would be honored to join you! I've been traveling the lands surrounding the Inner Sea for some years now, having left Embeth Forest behind in search of excitement and adventure! Now I find myself here with you deciding on an adventure...

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Angruf - Dwarf Bard 1 (?)
Grundel - Half-Elf Fighter 1 (?)
Jory - Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 2 (?)
Gregor - Human Inquisitor 1 (?)
Talhaern - Half-Elf Rogue 3 (?)
Elros - Elf Barbarian 1 (?)
Gannus - Human Barbarian ***6 (?)
Badr al Din - Human Gunslinger 1 (1)
Fedryn - Human Ranger 1 (?)
Elwyn - Half-Elf Rogue 1 (?)
Aendi - Gnome Druid 1 (0)
<Dropped> Rachel Stone - Human Sorcerer 1 (2)
<Dropped> Harboth - Half-Orc Ranger 2 (3)
Here is what I have so far. First off, did I miss anyone?
The number and the () are your level and how much XP you have, to guage when you'd get to next level.
So, how many of you are brand new characters? I ask, as I'm likely going to try to either keep you together.
Also, Gannus, for now, that character is outside the level/tier limits of anyone else. That might change, but I'd suggest either making a new character, or your welcome to wait until an option to play Gannus opens.
Lastly, can you (re)tell me any scenarios you have already completed, or anything specific you want to go through, and also give me your PFS numbers, please.

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Harboth Redacre wrote:I'm going to have to bow out of this one.
Best of luck to you, and maybe I'll see you on another mission!
Rachele Stone wrote:Im in that game as well. Sorry, dropping outNo worries, my friends. Best of luck in your new adventure, and perhaps we will see you around some day.
Hey - I got into that game too, so Elwyn is spoken for. Would still be interested in applying with a Sorcerer, but have not had a chance to develop the character yet.

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Kendrith, a level 1(0) Cleric of Desna would like to participate. May luck favor our path.
Kendrith has completed no scenarios, and would jump at the chance to participate in his First Steps, or really any opportunities to increase his standing in the society.
If it's necessary, I can help run some scenarios as I see we have many interested players

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With Kendrith (welcome aboard), that should give us 11 players so far. I'm definetly going to break up the group with at least a healer on each side.
I'm not going to start the game until at least the 16th, so that the new PFS Guide is completely legal and we can know for sure nothing else is going to change or be banned.