Balanced Scale of Abadar-Why are you so naughty?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Let me start things off by saying that, mechanically, I like the idea of the Balanced Scale Prestige Class. Being able to summon whatever item you need is a unique and interesting mechanic. They are fantastic dungeon delvers and excellent in a rogue-esque role.
...or they would be...
I don't understand the disparity between Abadar's alignment (LN), his domains (earth, law, nobility, protection, travel), and his pretige class.
With low skills, and a markedly lawful(read:honest) deity, you would not expect them to be playing traditional rogues, but it seems like the rest of the prestige class wants to do otherwise. Any item you need, disabling magic traps, dimension door escape route, heck there's even a class feature designed for bribing locals. These aren't really conducive to what I would consider lawful play.
I'd love to see this prestige class in use for another deity that actually lines up both in flavour and mechanics to the abilities the PC grants. I'm fine with the prerequisites of the PC as well, but only in circumstances where, for example, a cleric could take domains that actually compliment the build.
What do you folks think?

Magnu123 wrote:

Let me start things off by saying that, mechanically, I like the idea of the Balanced Scale Prestige Class. Being able to summon whatever item you need is a unique and interesting mechanic. They are fantastic dungeon delvers and excellent in a rogue-esque role.

...or they would be...
I don't understand the disparity between Abadar's alignment (LN), his domains (earth, law, nobility, protection, travel), and his pretige class.
With low skills, and a markedly lawful(read:honest) deity, you would not expect them to be playing traditional rogues, but it seems like the rest of the prestige class wants to do otherwise. Any item you need, disabling magic traps, dimension door escape route, heck there's even a class feature designed for bribing locals. These aren't really conducive to what I would consider lawful play.

What do you folks think?

I consider the Mafia very Lawful.

Lawful has to do with a code or crede that you yourself (or your organization) follows. It has nothing at all to do with following the laws of the land- unless you are a lawful person who has decided that the law of the land is the code and/or crede that you will follow.

Lawful is Not read "honesT". Lawful is read as methodical, with structure.

GOOD would be read as Honest (usually), Evil would be read as "Honest, when it suits them".

As Starbuck said- the Mafia is an excellent example of a Lawful society thats clearly also evil.. They would have no issues with murder, bribery, poison, trap setting, and generally anything else that they thought required to get their job done. They also have internal structure though and a hierarchy.


Possession is nine tenth of the law.

FYI, Lawful in D&D corresponds the most closely with Order, as the opposite on the spectrum is not unlawful, but rather chaos. Ie: Good and Evil, Order and Chaos. Order does not need to follow the local laws, just be organized, with structure and codes.

Also, the Balanced Scale of Abadar isn't exactly the specialist priest for Adabar, but rather a regional prestige class tasked with recovering

Balanced Scale of Abadar wrote:
lost, unclaimed, or wrongly seized wealth among the many tombs and ruins of the Katapesh desert. Balanced scales of Abadar develop unique powers that afford them the ability to enter dangerous areas where lost treasure can be restored to the light or hidden goods can be returned to their rightful owners. A balanced scale finds the most satisfaction in discovering long-lost treasures hidden in unmarked strongholds, owned by now nameless individuals of the past. A balanced scale can claim such wealth for her own and use it to further the strength of her church.

So, basically, they are church sanctioned treasure hunters or 'finders'. It's a class aimed more at the neutral worshipers rather than the more lawful worshipers, although you could still create a more lawful treasure hunter/'finder' type character.

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