Cheliax Season 4 Faction Goals


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Paizo Employee

My Most Intimate Friend,

While we have shared much in the past, what I must share with you now is not something that comes easily for me. Discretion is of the utmost importance, but you have always been discreet in the past, both in matters trivial and dire, and I know I can trust you now.

All is not well in the Chelish embassy, or rather, all is not well with me, here. In recent months, I have suspected that I am no longer in the good graces of the most illustrious and exemplary Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. There has been no direct indication of this from Her Infernal Majestrix or those close to her, but many of my political connections in Egorian and throughout the empire have soured; some now openly behave rudely to me, and in public no less! My very reputation is on the line—if not much, much more.

You know as well as I how hard I’ve worked to increase Cheliax’s influence, and your renown as my close associate is a testament to our success, yet it’s as if someone in Egorian were specifically out to get me. Surely you understand that an enemy among those with the queen’s ear could cause me significant annoyance, not to mention severely limit my usefulness to the Pathfinder Society. If I am to continue assisting the Decemvirate in conducting business within Cheliax’s borders—which has always been nothing but a pleasure—I need my political connections.

As you travel the world doing what it is you do for fun, be on the lookout for potential enemies who may use you to get to me, or worse, attempt to sabotage our collective efforts by disrupting your work. And should you find the opportunity to improve my reputation, clear my name of slander, or otherwise show House Thrune that I and those Pathfinder agents loyal to me are effective and valuable resources to the empire, by all means, exploit those opportunities for all they’re worth! I believe many chances to do so will present themselves as you and the Society shift your glance north to Varisia, where the city of Korvosa could use our help in establishing itself as the true center of power in the burgeoning nation.

You know I always repay favors, and if you assist me in repairing whatever damage has been done to my name in Egorian, your compensation will be beyond your wildest imaginings.

For the glory of House Thrune,
Paracountess Zarta Dralneen

Dark Archive

Paracountess, I find myself stunned as I read your missive. Surely this is the trickery of demons or those misguided miscreants of Andoran and not treachery within our very own court. You have worked hard on behalf of our great realm and I have been your loyal servant for many of those years. I promise to ward your reputation in my upcoming travels and crush our enemies with flail and fire.

Dark Archive

Glorious Paracountess

The Sharp Tongue of Law is pledged to your cause by your loyal servant, Balah. With its companion, Just Truth, I will seek those who speak ill of you. I have the sharp eyes of an inquisitor and my devotion to the Prince of Darkness is unquestionable. In his name we shall prevail.

Your loving servant
Balah Al-Akim
Signifer of the Order of the Gate

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is that so, Paracountess? That is unfortunate to hear! Why, I can't imagine any reason why anyone would wish to slander you...

Ah well, I suppose I can help pick up the pieces! It would be far too boring around here otherwise...

Dark Archive


I find this news most distressing. To think, that I have been so long associated with a possible traitor. I'm afraid I must cut my losses. As a show of my loyalty to House Thrune, I must regretfully tell you that you will no longer be able to reach me in the usual manner. I will no longer serve you loyally and capably. I will certainly not be over later tonight as we agreed, and I will not be bringing those chocolates that you seem to enjoy so very much.

May Asmodeus favor all of his loyal servants,


Dark Archive

Caiaphus Krupt wrote:


I find this news most distressing. To think, that I have been so long associated with a possible traitor. I'm afraid I must cut my losses. As a show of my loyalty to House Thrune, I must regretfully tell you that you will no longer be able to reach me in the usual manner. I will no longer serve you loyally and capably. I will certainly not be over later tonight as we agreed, and I will not be bringing those chocolates that you seem to enjoy so very much.

May Asmodeus favor all of his loyal servants,


Countryman, I find your attitude most distressing. Surely it must be seen that should ill befall the Paracountess, ill will in turn befall the status of Cheliax with the Pathfinder Society, and by extension, the Pathfinder Society within Cheliax. While I, as with all loyal to the glorious Thrice-Damned House of Thrune, support the Darklight initiative, I think we can all concur that the relatively free operation of the Pathfinder Society within the borders of our fair mother nation is still an ideal situation. Anyone who would work for the destabilization of a relationship that has held for so long is surely an agent of chaos, and one to be sought out and eradicated.

Paracountess, know that while I certainly do not speak for the Acadamae itself, I can tell you that more than one of my fellow alumni of that august institution remain loyal to you.

Reginald Jeggare

Silver Crusade

Oh. Oh dear. Fellows, I know you might have seen me as, at best, a sour supporter of Chelaxian affairs, but I know from personal experience that half the nobles in Egorian are less lenient than the Paracountess. And that was when I was the privileged son of a wizard! I shall do my best to support Mistress Dralneen. Anyone who wishes to hurt the Paracountess will have to go past my scimitar.

Dark Archive

"I will do this thing for you Zarta but you'd best be well prepared to receive me upon my return!"

Dark Archive

Redemption is at hand my lady. I serve to live by the blessings of your hand..

Dark Archive

Poor Miss Zarta! Don't listen to the people saying mean things. I can't believe someone would do something like this to you. I'll do my best to help!

Shadow Lodge

Posting as Maya Dza'Thrune - since VCs can't change their alias when they post

My dearest lady.

You raised up from the nothing that I was when my life was placed in your care long years ago. The things you have shown me and the things we have done together have opened my eyes and raised me to heights that I never conceived were even possible.

If my last breath would serve to restore your name, I give it to you.

If the last beat of my heart would be enough to shelter you from those who oppose you then it is given.

In the years we have known each other you have forged my spirit into something that can be of use to our nation and our Lord of Law.

I am your weapon.

Wield me as you will.

Maya Dza'Thrune

Dark Archive

Reginald Jeggare wrote:
Countryman, I find your attitude most distressing.

I had a feeling my missives were being monitored, but I had no idea that the one doing the monitoring would be so blatant about it. Really, my former relationship with the Paracountess is nobody's business but my own. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm late for an appointment, and I have to stop by the confectioner's shop before they close.

Dark Archive

The only proper function of the House of Thrune is to do the will of Lord Asmodeus.

The only proper function of the Empire of Cheliax is to ensure that the will of Lord Asmodeus rules all nations.

Petty squabbling among mortals such as we is unseemly.

My loyalty is neither to the Paracountess nor to the House of Thrune, save when they submit to Lord Asmodeus.

Dark Archive

My life for you! I will do as you bid my lady!

You saw potential in my Worldwound scarred form. You took me into your service when none would have me. I will serve you till my dying <<hack, cough, splutter, hack>> breath!

Dark Archive

It is with great concern that I reply to your missive. My recent promotion by the Ten to the rank of Venture Captain does not allow me time to venture through out Golarian as before. However, the young protege that you sent me has finally completed his training and I'll be sure to have him work toward your request as well.

Brother Jamon

Dark Archive

Hmph. Maybe if you spent more time doing the will of Cheliax and less time throwing parties you wouldn't be in this mess. I can only hope that now your own neck is on the line, the tasks you assign us will be more relevant to the needs of our nation. No more 'make sure I don't have to talk to this person at the dinner party, I don't like him.' Faugh!

Nevertheless, you remain my superior, and I will continue to do your bidding until instructed otherwise. Hope springs eternal, as they say. Maybe next time they'll appoint somebody who really understands the need for absolute and inflexible discipline.

Dark Archive

Shaderick Havaad wrote:

Hmph. Maybe if you spent more time doing the will of Cheliax and less time throwing parties you wouldn't be in this mess. I can only hope that now your own neck is on the line, the tasks you assign us will be more relevant to the needs of our nation. No more 'make sure I don't have to talk to this person at the dinner party, I don't like him.' Faugh!

Nevertheless, you remain my superior, and I will continue to do your bidding until instructed otherwise. Hope springs eternal, as they say. Maybe next time they'll appoint somebody who really understands the need for absolute and inflexible discipline.

It is good to see that others understand what really matters. Our meeting face-to-face is unlikely, which I regret.

Shadow Lodge

Posting as Maya Dza'Thrune, since VCs can't use aliases
To my fellow agents of Cheliax,

As it has been said in the liturgy of the Lord of Law, "Understanding is not neceasary, only obedience."

Do not dare to believe you understand what put Lady's purposes and goals are. Only know that they serve the cause and execute on your orders.

If this simple thing is not within your grasp then you are being both arrogant and foolish.

Arrogant in that you are claim to know better than your betters.

Foolish in thinking that this will escape their notice and not be dealt with in the fullness of time.

Yours in service,

Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune (roughly translates to Maya who is the property of House Thrune)

Dark Archive

Dear Countess,

I am terribly sad to hear that soon we of the Cheliax faction may soon have to do more than collect petty baubles to add to your collection upon return from our missions. However, if it is the desire of House Thrune...

Well, sometimes the devil's in the wording, isn't it?

Dark Archive

Thank you for your reminder, Signifer. I shall obey. Obedience is all.

Dark Archive

You men and your need to obey that wench someone made a paracountess. I do hope Her Most Infernal Majestrix finds someone more competent and less interested in having liasons with every one of her agents that might get something done. Oh well, I'll do what must be done for Cheliax

Shadow Lodge

OOC]Posting as Maya Dza'Thrune, since VCs can't use aliases [/ooc]

I am as much or more of a woman than many could ever hope to be.

I obey the strictures of all of the contracts that I have entered into.

One should realize that Paracountess Zarta Dralneen is a part of a larger order. An order that runs through her, though Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune and culminates with the Lord of Law.

If you find that you have difficulty obeying then lessons can be provided.

I pray for your sake the Paracountess or her superiors do not feel that you have a need of them.

Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune

Maya is a female Infernal sorceress. She is completely ruthless in her pursuit of the goals of Cheliax.

Dark Archive

I need no lessons in obedience. Until instructed otherwise, I shall do as commanded.

To date, however, the Paracountess has never instructed me to pretend that I welcome her meaningless advances, nor to feign any great belief in her abilities. And well she has not, for I am a poor liar.

Dark Archive

Maya, obedience doesn't require liking or even respecting the person giving the orders. I will do as *she* asks because that is my duty. I don't have to like it or like her to do so.

(Kiara is also an Infernal Sorceress who is equally ruthless :) )

Dark Archive

I have been witness to some of the great deeds you've done for House Thrune, which is why none of this makes any sense to me. If I may be blunt, it appears that you've made a great enemy from within the House, yet unfortunately I currently have no idea whom, or for what possible reason. I would love to do nothing else than find the treacherous person(s) responsible and slay them where they stand with one of my hand-crafted swords. But have no fear, for if its discretion you desire, I will stay my blade and report anything I manage to discover to you at the earliest possible point. Don't think for even a second that I've forgotten the debts which I still owe. I'll remind you that I would have never survived my flight from Xa Hoi if it weren't for the intervention of your agents, so you know you can trust in me now as I trusted in you back then.
With Honor,
House Thrune Blacksmith and Pathfinder Society Field Agent

Dark Archive

me and me fellow travellers, loyal to yer cause as we can be, will try our best to do this thing fer ye. We woundna like ta see ye to fall outta favour. Tis always better to dance with the devil ye know. And a beauty at that.

We will venture into Korvosa an raise a taknard in yer honour--an woe betides to them that don't do the same.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

To:Paracountess Zarta Dralneen,

This situation is unfortunate. And it sounds as though you may have allowed this to progress too far to correct it. Especially with the whining of some of the Society members that I'm sure wouldn't have the spine needed to be as blatant in their disrespect if you had not advised us of this possible threat to your position.

In all honesty, you know I'm not sufficiently trustworthy to be given this information. Of all the people you know you can trust, you give me this missive? That is very likely not one of your best thought out plans. Giving me a hint of weakness is akin to giving me a dagger and then turning your back. This also likely applies to more than a few members of our Faction. That whole "might makes right" view of order that the homeland thrives on is alive and well in more than a few of our countrymen here in Absalom. I'd be very careful who else you entrust with this information.

As for myself, at least, you did make the correct choice. After careful consideration I have decided to support you in this little misunderstanding. And as I'm sure you can guess, the decision was based on my own selfish personal interests. If you are displaced I'm sure it would be by someone much less interesting to work for. Being stuck dealing with the same sort of hide-bound, scripture-quoting, sycophant I left Egorian to get away from in the first place does not fill me with joy. You are, regardless of the jealous quips of your detractors, the only reason that working for the Society is actually entertaining. I could pull in a great deal more simply thieving and looting with a crew of my own. But you make dealing for people with scruples tolerable. And as such I'll do what I am able to assist you keep your position.

I will also remind you, I have quite the imagination...

Alexite Baradin
Captain, The Silver Princess

P.S.- Varia says she will support you as well. Again, mostly out of self interest. But she's a good bit more trust worthy than myself.

My Paracountess.


Dark Archive

How delightful, a personal request from the Dark Lady. I do so enjoy the lovely parties you throw, and it would be most unbecoming to have the Hellknights come through and purge everything.

Of course we shall show the might of Cheliax to those who do not understand the power and glories our country can bring. We shall find the trash daring to besmirch your good name, and the good name of our Empire, and crush them slowly.

We will take apart their friends and family, wrack upon their kin, the torment of a thousand years spent in hellfire,slowly, ever so slowly making sure never ever to touch the one doing the world a disservice by slandering you.

Than, and only than, when these people are by themselves, their friends, and reputations destroyed will we come for them, and ask them to repent their sinful ways, to do such disservice to our great Paracountess, and when they are done, tears of shame dribbling down ruined faces, bodies wracked with terrible.. Guilt. Shall we enact a mercy upon them, and let them die for their shameful ways.

Oh this mission, just.. Gives a man like me, a reason to be joyful once more.
As always, I am your Sin of Asmodeous.
(Sin is a very fat Human Serpentine Sorcerer, who has yet to take fly for those pesky things like stairs. )

Dark Archive

I find myself summoned from the basement offices of the High Court to serve some mewling noblewoman?
Asmodeus, give me strength!

This is not the determination of Cheliax. This is not the dictums of House Thrune. I will serve my nation, but it seems to *me* and many of my fellow Chelish acolytes that our posting in Absalom would be better served by following those true representatives of Chelish might. I speak of the Hellknights. I speak of the Signifers.

These are the true masters of Cheliax, and the sooner I am following a Signifer's righteous command, the happier I'll be.
I join the counsel of Caiaphus Krupt, he has the right of the matter.

Continue without me.

Shadow Lodge

Posting as Maya Dza'Thrune, since VCs can't use aliases

Acolyte Culpher,

I might make the suggestion that you amend your invocations of the Lord of Law to grant you better judgment in addition to strength.

I wonder at how wise you would think it is for anyone to declare themself as not supporting the rightfully appointed representative of Cheliax to the Pathfinder Society.

How wise would it be to make this declaration in a manner where many of our dark mistress' allies are sure to find out about it? Some might be led to question a person’s dedication.

Were you in my chain of command I would question your decision making ability. Were you under my command I would be required to educate you on the nuances that you obviously do not understand about the politics of power and the duty of obeying the contracts that you enter into.

As you are not under my command, I will wish that you receive the education you seem to sorely need in the gentlest manner possible and may you pray to all you hold holy that I am never tasked with delivering the lesson.

Signifer of the Order of the Scourge - Maya Dza’Thrune [Roughly translates to Maya who is the property of house Thrune)

OOC commentary:

Maya is currently completely devoted to achieving the goals of Cheliax as expressed to her through Paracountess Dralneen. She is close to being a zealot for the cause. I think her take 10 intimidate is around 40+ (half-orc infernal sorceress skill focused in intimidate).

Please don’t take the attitudes of this character that I play as any indication of my attitudes as a player.

Rock on with the in character responses to the plight of Zarta.


Dark Archive

Oooh my para countess... If all your agents abandon you, then you'll truly love me the most est! She loves me, she loves me more, she loves me more than you!

Dark Archive

Randolf Culpher swallows slowly. He wipes his greasy hair back behind an ear and adjusts his collar. He is definitely shaken.

Signifer Dza'Thrune!
I am glad I was risen up in the Order of the Godclaw, I fear your lessons as much as I respect some of the reports you have filed in your long service!
I mean no disrespect to your station. If anything, I deeply compliment your deeds for the homeland, aheheheh, *ulp*.
Oily smile. Randolf licks his lips and squints at the others.

Observe Meridoc here, of all things, we have a Halfling conducting House Thrune's business? Can you not see this representation of the sycophantic nature that Dralneen has established in the past two years?! Can you not witness the perversion of our ways that Dralneen has enacted? 'Tis blasphemous. And some of the reports of what has been occurring in Dralneen's residence? I wouldn't believe them myself, had I not seen the expenses firsthand.

I may be new to our business in Absalom, but by the Black Altar, I am a patriot first and foremost, and I care not who knows it!

I would not say these things had I not the confidence my countrymen and women held this truth deep in their hearts.
At a certain point, a powdered face must be replaced with an iron mask.

Shadow Lodge

Posting as Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune as Venture Captains cannot use aliases

Acolyte Culpher,

Do you think that the Thrice Damned House of Thrune would hesitate to use any tool to achieve their ends?

Do you think that they would not use any of us even to the point of our destruction?

Perhaps the halfling provides a needed lesson. See how he craves the Paracountess' affection.

Do you think the halfling is alone in this?

Know that there are many among the powers that shape Absalom that are much worse off than the halfling.

Absalom can not be won by force of arms. The wreckage of thousands of years that fills the Carinlands shows this fact.

Not all wars can be won by might. Some can be won with glances and even powdered faces.

Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune

Edited: For a better refer-back

Dark Archive

Yes yes abandon away ye unfaithful wretches. Her kind words, rich gifts, keen advice, and strong support now all forgotten. Was that the wind I hear or your loyalty passing me matter. Yet you do know now...she loves me more than you. You can realize it now. I'll steal her away and hide her from all foes and friends and fiends...

Yet ... if I save my lady, oooh a tasty thought. Oh yes, save the damsel in distress. Win her hand, and maybe more, A fun game, A new game. Yes I do like this game.

Bring all thy enemies within my reach dearest Zarta, and through pen, prayer, or happy infernal friends I'll vanquish them all. Maybe hellhound can snack on their softer parts, while they dance as best as zombies can. He's such a good finest and first present from you.

All for you...all for love. Your most devoted lawyer. Meridoc

Shadow Lodge

Posting as Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune as Venture Captains cannot use aliases

Looking back to Culpher Maya adds "I believe my point is made.

Maya lift one perfect eyebrow waiting to see if there will be a response

Dark Archive

I must obey my betters. That is the order of things. But if my masters seem to be fighting among themselves, how shall I know whom to obey?

Dark Archive

Sagotel, pick can not serve two mistresses. If you feel there is no hope then surely you are lost. Hope, love, power, glory, and might are the keys of Chelaxian victory. Too often we fall to baser goals. Yet surely by our cunning dear Zarta is made safe from her foes. Then how shall he reward her loyal followers....and how will the others fare. If she falls then so do we and happily I will arrive before the Law, in fulfillment of my final obligation.

Thus it is our contractual duty and more so common sense to aid Zarta in victory. Let lesser beings array en mass against us... tis easier to find them. Even 'the halfling' can see this, I say smirkingly. Rejoice therefore as happy warfare awaits.

Dark Archive

My mind is clear. My path has become visible before me. My sword and magic are at the disposal of the Paracountess.
May she bask in the glory of Lord Asmodeus.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My most rewarding Mistress

These words shake my cold heart to hear of such politics threatening to displace you from your well deserved throne. Truely this must be a test from Asmodeus himself as all who gain power must be able to maintain it against those who would take it. You however need not worry about falling from his infernal graces for reguardless of what some of these so called "Loyal" servants say you still have devoted supporters amoung us. Just remeber for when this trail is over you have seen the faces of those who would turn on you and those of us who will stand by you in this trial. You have my full support in this matter and I shall lend you whatever you need. Be it spell, voice, ears, or minions. I have made many a tempting creature with my new found powers that I would happily donate to your cause.

Your most loyal collector

Adari The Necromancer

Dark Archive

A small gnomish woman with purple-tinted skin, bright pink hair, and vibrant red robes addresses the Paracountess.

"My dear Zarta, surely you know that you are close to my heart and that anyone who speaks ill of you will not speak for long." Glaurung's hands begin to grow long, ferocious claws as she removes a file and begins to sharpen the deadly points. "Of course, I hope that my services will be. . . " Glaurung smirks at the Paracountess, "well rewarded. As they always are." Glaurung smiles one last time as she looks the Paracountess up and down before leaving the room.

Dark Archive

My dearest Zarta,

Perhaps if you did not send capable instruments of Asmodeus' will on a never ending quest of petty baubles and bedroom aids this wouldn't be happening.

For the glory of House Thrune,
Asaris Tryant

Dark Archive

Asaris has stated it succinctly, "dear cousin". As the *cough* multitude of Pathfinders, who have earned your attentions in the past, give oaths of loyalty... think to yourself the best way to spend that coin. If not for the greater Glory of House Thrune, think of Cheliax itself and our own family name. Once upon a time, Zarta, the name of Dralneen was associated with nobility, strength and valor- let your machinations cease to drag it through the proverbial mud.

I do believe your heart to be in the right place. I remember you, in our youth, talking about your love of Cheliax- of the dreams you had to bring it to greater glory and renew the strength of the houses... and you were such a clever girl, I believed in you and so have entered service with you. And it might be that all the frivolous pageantry and sordid goings on are meant to obfuscate your true plans- so I will continue to play my part in hopes your designs are true.

Your cousin and servant of the Empire,

Shadow Lodge

Asaris Tryant wrote:

My dearest Zarta,

Perhaps if you did not send capable instruments of Asmodeus' will on a never ending quest of petty baubles and bedroom aids this wouldn't be happening.

For the glory of House Thrune,
Asaris Tryant

Posting as Maya Dza'Thrune as Venture Officers can not use aliases

Agent Tryant,

We are all tools for enacting the will of the Lord of Law.

Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune is one who knows Paracountess Zarta Dralneen's depth of service to our great county. Just like you and I, the Paracountess is used to forward our Lord's ends. I fear you do not understand what is in front of you.

Do not let yourself be distracted by what you think is happening. I can assure you that you do not know the full extent of the uses you are put to.

You are, after all, just a tool.

Strive to be a better one and perhaps your situation will change.

Continue as you set forth here and perhaps you will end up in the kind care of my order.

Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune of the Order of the Scourge


Maya is completely devoted to achieving the goals of Cheliax as expressed to her through Paracountess Dralneen. She is a zealot for the cause of Cheliax. I think her take 10 intimidate is around 40+ (14th level half-orc infernal sorceress skill focused in intimidate).

Please don’t take the attitudes of this character that I play as any indication of my attitudes as a player.

Rock on with the in character responses to the plight of Zarta.


Dark Archive

Posting as Filraen Ghaun because VOs can't use aliases.

Dearest Paracountess,

I hope my letter finds you well. I must regretfully inform you that I am no longer able to assist you against your political opponents; my new responsibilities with the Pathfinder Society have consumed my time these past months, and what little time I had to spare I used to return to the Mordant Spire and assist my kin in dealing with unwelcome guests.

I also heard disturbing rumors that you were imprisoned? This is alarming; both because you are a valuable resource to me and because I appreciate how your influence accelerated my rise through the Pathfinder Society. While I cannot come to your aid myself I have dispatched my apprentice to Varisia. He should have arrived several months ago, but I have heard nothing of him since. It would disappoint me if he were to fail to arrive in time to assist you. When he does get there, be sure to only feed him once a day. I already had to expand all the doors in the summer villa to accommodate his girth. Also, he is not entirely housebroken; when he bleeds on the furniture, be sure to make him clean it up. It builds character.

I await your return correspondence. If you wish to speak in person, I shall be in Korvosa this Desnus, then departing for Oppara in Sarenith before I leave on an expedition to study the fiends of the Worldwound in Erastus. Perhaps we will be able to coordinate a meeting at one of my stops? I still hope to repay you for connecting me with your realtor. The island is lovely. Should you ever need to flee the Chelaxian government, I can offer you a reasonable rate on the summer villa. I will even waive the first month's rent.

Yours truly,
Filraen Ghaun, Venture-Captain

Dark Archive

My lovely Zarta,

It troubles me to see you fret over the recent turn of events. Surely you must be imagining things. I will most certainly do what is in my power as a travel to Varisia to seek out any who wish to sully your reputation and help restore you to favor with our Queen. Beleieve me, the pleasure is all mine!

Intimately yours,

Dark Archive

Blast! Who to trust? Who to follow? I naturally mistrust those like Randolf Culpher, but what if he's right? I will seek ?Maya's advice on this matter.

Dark Archive

Don't fret, Zarta's got it all planned out.

The pieces are in play, the chessboard is moving, she's had it all planned out. Clever little hell's angel had the foes believing she was "captured", they were "in charge," they were "safe." Nope just part of the "grand design." Drew her loyalists out to "save her." Played the damsel in "distress." Now she's "on the run" just means she's free to do unto you get the picture.

Smart little devil that Zarta.... I'm smart too, I stay the heck out of her way when the firestorm comes back around to burn these little rats that have exposed themselves. No where to run, no where to hide, poor little rats. Just stand right there, take a number, be patient, we'll be right with you.

Legally yours,
MeriDoc Esquire

Shadow Lodge

Posting as Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune as Venture Captains cannot use aliases

Lorthalis of Crows wrote:
Blast! Who to trust? Who to follow? I naturally mistrust those like Randolf Culpher, but what if he's right? I will seek ?Maya's advice on this matter.

Agent Lorthalis,

I have heard you seek council. What advice I have to give follows.

Do not try to understand the great game for it will grind you to dust. A time may come where things are clear to all. Today is not that day. Understanding is not necessary, only obedience.

If you have made promises, fulfill them.

If you have duties, execute them.

Realize that we are all just tools for enacting the will of the Lord of Law.

Trust in your service to our cause.

Strive to be a tool that is prized for its usefulness and not one that is destroyed for its faults.

In recent days I find myself very busy dealing with tools that have failed our cause.

Pray that you are never in that position.

Signifer Maya Dza'Thrune of the Order of the Scourge

Dark Archive

As I always I have your best interests at heart. whatever you need shall be done

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