Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Later this month, we will be starting our very first Kickstarter project for Dreamscarred Press. We got some great feedback from you all on what you'd like to see in the project and what you don't want to see in it, we watched what other folks did in their Kickstarters, we spent a LOT of time hammering out the reward tiers, the potential stretch goals, and we think this is something that folks are really going to be excited about.
So consider yourselves warned - this isn't going to be some small project - this one is going to be HUGE!

Anguish |

This isn't going to be some small project - this one is going to be HUGE!
Kill. Me. Now.
Well, Jeremy, you did as we asked and gave us a little breather after Rappan Athuk, so I guess I'll just have to find the money somehow. The Reaper KS project out of the blue makes it extra tight, but hey... maybe I can sell body parts. Looking forward to this.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

LOL, yes, we've been intentionally postponing it due to Rappan Athuk and GenCon. We're still waiting for approvals to go through and we're going to give the project a little bit of extra time, but eventually, we just have to pull the trigger or else it just won't get done. :)
And, after the feedback we got, I think we have some reward tiers and stretch goals that folks will really be excited about.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Our official go-live for this Ultimate Psionics kickstarter is tomorrow (Monday)!
And I think the folks who have been following along for the past few months have figured out that this is going to be for our hardcover combination of Psionics Unleashed and Psionics Expanded, so I'll go ahead and admit to it now.
The goal of our kickstarter is going to be to do a large enough hardcover print run to do retail distribution, as well as potentially upgrade some of the remaining artwork, add more artwork, and even possibly add brand new material to the book. The print costs are the main goal, but we're hoping to go above and beyond for all the bonus stuff!
We're already at 400 pages - depending on how much support we get, we may be able to beef that up to 500+!
To answer some frequent questions:
Yes, it will have new cover art. No, I won't name any names yet, since that's based on the success of the kickstarter!
Yes, we've redone quite a bit of the existing artwork (some of which is in the video on the Kickstarter page).
Part of the kickstarter stretch goals will be to add more artwork and upgrade remaining B&W to color artwork.
Yes, full-color print options will be available.
While we have some tangential material, it's not core to the kickstarter (dice, etc).
There will be some Kickstarter-exclusive content.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Weren Wu Jen |

@ Jeremy Smith - One little thing:
Weren Wu Jen wrote:At 5th level, a wilder taking Expanded Knowledge can only choose a 1st level power (as it must be one level below their maximum power level known, which for a 5th level wilder is only 2nd). As the Surge Bond for the healing wilder is "natural healing", the wilder already has the ONLY 1st level spell of the Healing subdiscipline. Trust me, I even searched all three parts of the Psionics Expanded books.
As written, the healing wilder would gain a feat at 5th level that he/she couldn't use...
Well that is an unfortunate oversight...
I'll see about getting an appropriate errata issued.

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |

Thanks for the reminder, Weren.
The appropriate errata is that it should be Expanded Knowledge OR Extra Power Known (a new feat in Psionics Expanded). That would give access to Cleanse Body and Empathic Condition Relief.
And - we are already over 90% funded!!!
Looks like we're going to break into those stretch goals today!

LMPjr007 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm not sure how else to respond to hitting funding goal in less than 10 hours.
Everyone loves you products and you are the "official" psionic rules for Pathfinder. You guys have earned and deserve this success. Now what kind of cool new add-on and benchmarks can we expect to see?

Jeremy Smith Dreamscarred Press |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jeremy Smith wrote:Everyone loves you products and you are the "official" psionic rules for Pathfinder. You guys have earned and deserve this success. Now what kind of cool new add-on and benchmarks can we expect to see?Wow.
I'm not sure how else to respond to hitting funding goal in less than 10 hours.
Seriously, thanks guys. :) It helps that we're just a couple psionics fans who decided to do something about it.
As for benchmarks and add-ons? We've got about a dozen stretch goals planned. From the currently posted - introductory adventure, all artwork upgraded to full color, and character sheets - to the hidden ones, which include new content and new additional goodies.
I just hope we have enough planned - we might have to add some more!

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Jeremy Smith wrote:Everyone loves you products and you are the "official" psionic rules for Pathfinder. You guys have earned and deserve this success. Now what kind of cool new add-on and benchmarks can we expect to see?Wow.
I'm not sure how else to respond to hitting funding goal in less than 10 hours.
Indeed, I already have the PDF's for Psionics Unleashed and the now complete Psionics Expanded, but having a hardcover of it all is pretty awesome (and $100 for a large hardcover of them both is a reasonable price on its own without the other extras being tossed in at that level).
The worst part is that I just dumped some money for the Reaper Miniatures Bones set, but I'm glad your Kickstarter has a good timeline so I can afford this one later. Otherwise, the hardest part will be waiting until next year for the book :P