Gandal |
The fighter in my party is going all TWF, and as such he uses a lot the +1 shield bonus to AC granted by the Two weapons defense feat,but we often discuss whether this shield bonus is added to touch AC or not.
I know a shield bonus doesn't add to touch AC, but this isn't a real shield right? I see this more as a dodge bonus (you are good at deflecting attacks while wielding two weapons).
In the end, for me it adds to touch AC, for the other guy it doesn't.
Who is right? I couldn't find an answer on the Corebook.
Sean K Reynolds Contributor |
AvalonXQ |
Whether a bonus involves Touch AC or not is by this simple test.
If the AC protection involves contact blocking as armor and shields would than it does not count.
IF the AC protection involves avoidance as in Dodge than it would.
I'm pretty sure deflection would count as "contact blocking," so I don't think your test works.
Isn't the rule just that you ignore armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses?