Temple sword stats

Rules Questions

I NEED the stats on the temple sword but I just moved and all my books(they take up a guest bedroom) haven't been unpacked. Its not on the SRD can someone look it up for me?

it is on the srd. look harder.

Grand Lodge

Look here.

Look under the Eastern Weapons section. It's exactly the same as a longsword (1d8, 19-20 x2) except it has the monk and trip properties.

Thanks guys can't believe I missed it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

if its not in the core rulebook then why is it in the sajan (iconic monk) statblock for core pregens for society? and core for that matter?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
MagnusPrime wrote:
if its not in the core rulebook then why is it in the sajan (iconic monk) statblock for core pregens for society? and core for that matter?

Sajan uses a temple sword because he was originally created as a 3.5 iconic. The temple sword first appeared in Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting.

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