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Nualia again. Add a spell component pouch to her gear.
EDIT: Also in your google doc you should probably mention that her AC has had her fury of the Abyss ability factored into it, but the ability has not been factored into her melee attack line or her CMB. It should be noted that if you were to change those lines, the +1 bastard sword's attack and damage would only have a net increase of +1, as fury of the Abyss grants a +2 enhancement bonus which wouldn't stack with the +1 enhancement bonus the sword already has, but would supersede it instead.

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What is the "advanced bestiary"? Listed as a reference in various statblocks such as Lokasir or is it Lokansir? Anyway, my .gm wants to know and so do I. Apparently it's referenced like any other sourcebook is in various statblocks.
It's published by Green Ronin, and it's 3.5. Very recently, though, Green Ronin finished a Kickstarter for another product, where one of the stretch goals was committing to an update of the Advanced Bestiary for Pathfinder RPG rules, but unfortunately didn't quite make it to that goal. So no telling if it will ever get a PFRPG update. That didn't stop Paizo from using the original book's stats for RotR: AE anyway.

wraithstrike |

What is the "advanced bestiary"? Listed as a reference in various statblocks such as Lokasir or is it Lokansir? Anyway, my .gm wants to know and so do I. Apparently it's referenced like any other sourcebook is in various statblocks.
Some of the monster from other publishers have been converted to Pathfinder so it might be in bestiary 2, but in the case that the monster has not the full stat block "should" be printed in the AP.

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What is the "advanced bestiary"? Listed as a reference in various statblocks such as Lokasir or is it Lokansir? Anyway, my .gm wants to know and so do I. Apparently it's referenced like any other sourcebook is in various statblocks.
All books referenced are listed at the back of the book on the OGL page. You can see the Advanced Bestiary there.

Are |

That's not what that sentence says. Normally, a golem has both immunity to magic and immunity to mind-affecting effects, separately.
Losing the latter immunity doesn't change the first immunity. It only means that mind-affecting effects that aren't affected by magic immunity will work on the awakened golem, while they wouldn't work on a regular golem.
As an example, any non-spell mind-affecting effect would not work on a normal golem, but it will work on an awakened golem.

Tholomyes |

Where does the 59 HP for Nualia come from. I've been able to account for 49 HP: 10 (Fighter 1st level), +5.5 (fighter second level) +4*4.5 (4 Cleric levels) +6*2 (14 con, with 6 HD), +4 (4 level of favored class). Is this assuming average roll for false life (1d10+5 averages to 10.5 rounded down to 10) or am I missing something?

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Where does the 59 HP for Nualia come from. I've been able to account for 49 HP: 10 (Fighter 1st level), +5.5 (fighter second level) +4*4.5 (4 Cleric levels) +6*2 (14 con, with 6 HD), +4 (4 level of favored class). Is this assuming average roll for false life (1d10+5 averages to 10.5 rounded down to 10) or am I missing something?
We always assume average rolls for false life when it's cast in a creature's Before Combat tactics.

Tholomyes |

Tholomyes wrote:Where does the 59 HP for Nualia come from. I've been able to account for 49 HP: 10 (Fighter 1st level), +5.5 (fighter second level) +4*4.5 (4 Cleric levels) +6*2 (14 con, with 6 HD), +4 (4 level of favored class). Is this assuming average roll for false life (1d10+5 averages to 10.5 rounded down to 10) or am I missing something?We always assume average rolls for false life when it's cast in a creature's Before Combat tactics.
The thing that got me is that it's not in the before combat tactics, but in the Combat tactics, as a free action, so I was unsure if it was already in account, or if you were supposed to roll in the first round of combat as well

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James Jacobs wrote:The thing that got me is that it's not in the before combat tactics, but in the Combat tactics, as a free action, so I was unsure if it was already in account, or if you were supposed to roll in the first round of combat as wellTholomyes wrote:Where does the 59 HP for Nualia come from. I've been able to account for 49 HP: 10 (Fighter 1st level), +5.5 (fighter second level) +4*4.5 (4 Cleric levels) +6*2 (14 con, with 6 HD), +4 (4 level of favored class). Is this assuming average roll for false life (1d10+5 averages to 10.5 rounded down to 10) or am I missing something?We always assume average rolls for false life when it's cast in a creature's Before Combat tactics.
Yeah I noticed that too right around the time you posted this. If we followed it exactly by tactics we'd be adding false life twice.

Sc8rpi8n_mjd |

Pg. 157 - lucrecias retreat EL should be 10, not 7.
Pg. 162 - Nightbelly boa
This might not be errata. I think constrict damage should use the same damage dice as the bite attack (1d8 because of Improved Natural Attack feat). The Constrict universal monster rule says damage is "typically equal to the amount of damage caused by the creature's melee attack". If changed, damage should be 1d8+10.
Pg. 168 - Grazuul
He is missing the -2 to his ability scores from the elite array. In 3.5 it was applied to his Int score, hence the comment on the module about him being as smart as an animal.
Pg. 174 - Myriana
She has an incorrect value on the corrupting touch attack bonus. It should be +10.
Pg. 178 - Lamatar Bayden.
The elite array isn't correctly applied to his mental scores, according to my calculations.
Comparing the scores to those of a standard wight, we get:
Str +4
Dex +4, +2 from adding hit dice (ranger levels)
Int -1 (should be +0)
Wis +1 (should be +2)
Cha +3 (should be +2)
He cannot cast barkskin on himself, because the spell requires a living creature as the touched target. Being an undead, I suppose he is not a valid target.
Pg. 179 - Barl Breakbones
His fireball and ray of exhaustion spells don't have a listed DC. It should be 16 and 18, respectively.
Pg. 190 - Longtooth
Wrong damage bonuses on the bite an tail slap attacks (holdover from 3.5). It should be +13. His breath weapon should use d10s instead of d6s.
Pg. 191 - Teraktinus
He should have only one off-hand attack.
Pg. 208 - The black monk
He should have only 5 attacks on a flurry of blows. Delete the last "+9" from the melee line.
CMB and CMD values should have a conditional +2 on or vs. trip attempts from the Improved Trip feat.
Pg. 216 - Enga
She can make only one attack with the sling. No sling or bullets listed on the gear section.
Pg. 220 - Seleval and Zaelsar
Claw damage is wrong, should be 1d4. Touch attack bonus should be +20 to account for bulls strength. Falchion damage is wrong, should be 2d4 (lamias have the undersized weapons SQ). Speed is wrong, should be 60 ft.
Pg. 221 - Hurek and Durek
Same error as in Grazuul's statblock, they are missing the -2 to his ability scores from the elite array. In 3.5, it was applied to their Int score (again the text says they are as dumb as animals).
Pg. 223 - Runeslave hill giant
CR should be 8 and XP 4,800.
Pg. 225 - The headless lord
His name on the Command Undead special ability should have the first letter capitalized.
His speed should be 50 ft. base, 35 ft. in armor due to being a fast zombie.
Pg. 226 - Zombie hill giant
They should be fast zombies, as they were slain by the headless lord (see his create spawn special ability). They should have 12 Hit Dice (10 base + 2 zombie template) instead of 13, I think this is another holdover from the 3.5 edition were hill giants had more Hit Dice.
Pg. 330 - The hidden beast
It is missing the "advanced" word on the statblock description, since it has additional racial hit dice (Paizo uses the word on statblocks with the advanced template and/or additional hit dice indistinctively).
After reviewing the ability scores, I think the bonuses for an increased size (Medium to Large) are not applied:
Natural armor bonus should be 13 (+5 base, +6 vampire, +2 Medium to large)
Decapus base ability scores:
Str 16
Dex 13
Con 15
Int 10
Wis 11
Cha 12
with vampire template:
With elite array from sorcerer levels:
26 (+4)
21 (+2, with another +2 from ability score increases)
-- (-2)
12 (+0)
15 (+2)
20 (+4)
now we apply Large size modifiers...
Str 34
Dex 19
and it still has 3 ability score increases (five in total from +18 Hit Dice, only two spent).
Pg. 338 - Ghlorofaex
Wrong damage bonuses on the bite an tail slap attacks (holdover from 3.5). It should be +16.
Pg. 397 - Razmus
Earthbreaker damage should be +13.

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Updated the Google Docs Compiled Errata file to include Sc8rpi8nMjd's recent additions.

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Pg. 79 - Gortus & Gurnak
These two tiefling rogues use the stat block provided by page 264 of the Bestiary. That stat block, however, doesn't have the favored class bonus factored in. Typically in the Bestiary stat blocks where classes are involved, the point has gone into HP. If this is the case in your games, you may want to note that Gortus and Gurnak should have "HP 11 each" instead of "HP 10 each" in their header.

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Pg. 79 - Pidget Tergelson
Like Gortus and Gurnak above, this character's stat block refers to an entry in the Bestiary and is missing his favored class bonus. If you choose to follow the norm and put it into HP, then his header should read "HP 22" instead.
Furthermore, and this was brought up in the Bestiary errata thread, the bite damage of this creature is being based off of a dire rat's bite attack. Since dire rats are Small, however, and this wererat is Medium, you may want to increase the damage dice from 1d4 to 1d6.

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Pg. 80 - Erin Habe
Erin should know one more language. Since he's a human and therefore has some sort of ethnicity, he should have started with Common and whatever the language of that ethnicity was, plus 2 more for having Int 15. Without knowing his ethnicity, we can see he's chosen to speak the languages of the common folk of Varisia. This makes Chelaxian a decent candidate for his missing language.
EDIT: Also, Erin doesn't have an entry for a ranged attack, but his masterwork dagger could be thrown in a pinch. The ranged stats with the dagger are identical to the melee stats.

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Pg. 82 - 4 zombies
I thought this was weird, but The Necromancer encounter fails to list the 4 zombies with creature stat blocks. Normally it'd at least say something like what it does on page 36.
At first I thought that maybe it's leaving them out for the same reason why animal companions don't get XP rewards listed, since they're an extension of the ranger or druid they're bonded with, and really just a class feature of the class. These zombies are being controlled via Command Undead, but I don't think that follows the same rules for how you're supposed to treat an animal companion.
In any case, something along the lines of what's listed below should probably be in this section:
HUMAN ZOMBIES (4) | XP 200 each | CR 1/2 | HP 12 each
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 288)

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Pg. 82 - 4 zombies
I thought this was weird, but The Necromancer encounter fails to list the 4 zombies with creature stat blocks. Normally it'd at least say something like what it does on page 36.
At first I thought that maybe it's leaving them out for the same reason why animal companions don't get XP rewards listed, since they're an extension of the ranger or druid they're bonded with, and really just a class feature of the class. These zombies are being controlled via Command Undead, but I don't think that follows the same rules for how you're supposed to treat an animal companion.
In any case, something along the lines of what's listed below should probably be in this section:
HUMAN ZOMBIES (4) | XP 200 each | CR 1/2 | HP 12 each
(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 288)
Ugh, sorry, please ignore this everyone. The stat block in question is on page 80.

Aldaurs |

Highlady Athroxis - pg 295 - Her stat block lists +3 adamantine flaming ranseur while her combat gear lists +1 adamantine flaming ranseur.
Looking back, her old stat block and combat gear listings were the same. I assume that the SRD's change to her stat block (making it a +1 instead of +3) is still what most people are doing.

RuyanVe |

Did a search on "Erylium" and couldn't find it mentioned before--if I failed my Perception check please ignore, otherwise:
Erylium is missing per quasit poison under Special Abilities.
Erylium--p38f - omitted: Poison (Ex) Claw—injury; save Fortitude DC 13; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dexterity; cure 2 consecutive saves. The DC includes a +2 racial bonus.

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Quick update to something I said here.
I mentioned that Strength damage and penalties wouldn't affect carrying capacity, because that's not one of the things mentioned in the Core Rulebook's glossary under ability penalties and damage, but Strength drain would. This is no longer true, after a recent Core Rulebook FAQ.
This also means that a problem I mentioned about Lyrie Akenja's tactics here isn't actually a problem at all. She can totally use ray of enfeeblement to punish those wearing heavier armor.

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Conundrum wrote:What is the "advanced bestiary"? Listed as a reference in various statblocks such as Lokasir or is it Lokansir? Anyway, my .gm wants to know and so do I. Apparently it's referenced like any other sourcebook is in various statblocks.It's published by Green Ronin, and it's 3.5. Very recently, though, Green Ronin finished a Kickstarter for another product, where one of the stretch goals was committing to an update of the Advanced Bestiary for Pathfinder RPG rules, but unfortunately didn't quite make it to that goal. So no telling if it will ever get a PFRPG update. That didn't stop Paizo from using the original book's stats for RotR: AE anyway.
Nevermind! Kickstarter well underway for this product's update!

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Guys, shouldn't be Tsuto's flurry of blows +3/+3? He uses his monk lvl as BAB (+2) plus his Dex thanks to Weapon finesse (+3) minus the penalty left by Two Weapon fighting (-2) = +3.
+1 extra from his BAB with his rogue levels. It's true when making a flurry of blows his BAB from his monk class levels is equal to his monk level. He still gets to count the BAB from other levels like any other attack. As a 2nd level rogue, he's got a +1 BAB going into it as well.

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Has anyone figured out yet why Nualia (p. 61) gets Speed 30 ft.?
And thanks for all the great work, folks! (Including that wonderful compiled document.) :)
Nothing to really figure out. It's an error. It should be 20 ft. The original Rise of the Runelords says "20 ft. (30 ft. base)" so maybe if they were using this old stat block and converting it they deleted the wrong value.

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Thanks for the reply!
(For my own game I have already decided that she is wearing Lamashtan parade armour - thus accounting for the bare belly in the pictures - which is Light armour, and so allows for Speed 30 ft.)
She still has other tricks up her sleeve for a successful escape with a 20 ft. speed. Unless it was killed off first, she's still got her yeth hound with her to run interference while she escapes, plus there's the trap in the hallway. Assuming the PCs didn't outright disable it, the trap has an automatic reset, so she only has to jump over the spot and let any pursuing PCs get caught in it (possibly for a second time). Then there's her missing feat. As previously stated in this thread, she doesn't qualify for her Power Attack feat. I chose to replace it with Improved Initiative, but if speed for a getaway is desired, there's the Run feat. Breastplate armor is medium armor, so she'd be able to move 5x her speed when running.

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Pg. 427 - Staff of heaven and earth
This staff is priced incorrectly. Since the only class that can cast all of these is a druid, it stands to reason a druid created it. Here's the formula for pricing it:
* Control winds @ 2 charges: (400x5x9)/2 = 9000
* Air walk @ 2 charges: (300x4x9)/2 = 5400
* Spike stones @ 2 charges: (200x4x9)/2 = 3600
* Stone shape @ 1 charge: 200x3x9 = 7200
* Gust of wind @ 1 charge: 200x2x9 = 3600
9000+5400+3600+7200+3600 = 28,800 gp (This is the cost)
The price would be double this at 57,600 gp

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Pg. 427 - Staff of mithral might
This staff says it functions like a +2 quarterstaff, but looking at the Mithral Mage's stats, it should be changed to say it functions as a +2/+2 quarterstaff, since it is a double weapon and each end is enchanted.
EDIT: Point of interest, this item seems to be underpriced:
Cost of the staff based on staff-stuff alone: 18,700 gp
Price of staff based on staff-stuff alone: 37,400 gp
Now it's also a +2/+2 quarterstaff. That's 16,600 gp added to the price, and half that to the cost.
New Cost: 27,000 gp
New Price: 54,000 gp
Now it also grants a +2 to Intelligence when possessed. Not wielded, POSSESSED, which means it doesn't take up a slot, it only has to sit in the character's inventory. By the rules, this would price it at an extra 8,000 gp, and half that to the cost.
Final (approx.) cost: 31,000 gp
Final (approx.) price: 62,000 gp

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Pg. 427 - Talons of Leng
There may be some relic text here; an old rule from D&D 3.5 that sneaked its way into here. The talons of Leng grant their wielder two natural claw attacks. It says that they're primary attacks, but if used with a weapon or another natural attack, they're secondary. Using them with a weapon is understandable, but Pathfinder changed the rules of natural attacks used with other natural attacks. In 3.5, creatures with multiple natural attacks only treated one type as a primary attack, and only the one considered their most prominent. Pathfinder, on the other hand, said that all natural attacks of specific types are always primary attacks. Basically:
* In 3.5, the talons of Leng granted primary claw attacks, but if you already had a natural attack, it stands to reason that that's your most prevalent attack, making the claws secondary when used together.
* In Pathfinder, claw attacks are always supposed to be primary, so even if you're, say, a Kitsune with a bite attack, gaining a pair of claw attacks would also be primary attacks.
In other words, the description for the talons of Leng, when they were written originally for the D&D 3.5 rules, took those rules for natural weapons into consideration. When making the Anniversary Edition with PFRPG rules, it's possible the new rules for natural weapons should have been factored in, but the descriptive text was copy-pasted.

Bellona |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

(For my own game I have already decided that she is wearing Lamashtan parade armour - thus accounting for the bare belly in the pictures - which is Light armour, and so allows for Speed 30 ft.)
** spoiler omitted **...
The Cat's Grace effect would still be in play (but from a potion now, not a spell). The final AC would be affected by +4 armour (parade armour +1), +1 Dex (potion), and +3 deflection (Shield of Faith spell at caster level 6 instead of 4), for a total AC of 18 - and not be reduced any more by the Fury of the Abyss domain power.