[FMG] Vote in the ENnies!

Product Discussion

Makes sure your voice is heard! Vote in the ENnies! Voting runs from July 20th - 29th.

Fire Mountain Games has been nominated for best electronic book for "Way of the Wicked Book One: Knot of Thorns". We humbly ask for you consideration.

A free preview of our product is available here.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

You are also nominated for Fans' Favorite Publisher.

Dreamscarred Press

Submitted my votes!

Likewise. ^_^ Good luck on the award race! You deserve it!

I just cast my vote for ya, FMG.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Voted! *3PP Unity*

Scarab Sages


Liberty's Edge

Me too!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Voted, my only problem with this year is there was to many companies I wanted to vote for and not enough votes(only 10), for fan favorite. :(

Votes submitted.

Thanks to everyone who voted!

Remember, its free, it requires no registration and it can matter quite a bit especially to smaller, less established companies (i.e. me) to win this sort of recognition.

So, thanks again and spread the word.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Liberty's Edge

You've got my vote!

Voted for ya Gary :)

Scarab Sages

You got my vote Gary, in both categories.
(I didn't put you first on the favorite publisher vote, because FGG was in there too, and if I didn't put them first the Tsar hardback book would sneak attack me!)


Your divided loyalties have been noted. :)

No, but seriously, thanks to everyone who voted. I have no idea if we have any realistic chance at winning, but the upwelling of support is encouraging regardless.

Onward to Book Five and beyond!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Four days left!

If you haven't voted yet, there is no better time than now.

Go here to vote!

Thanks for your support,
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

One more vote for Team Wicked!

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