
Holdenvie's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 22 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Customer Service Team,

I was looking over my past orders and noticed that Order No. 13535846 was cancelled. It looks like it was casualty of the COVID emergency on my part. I was wondering if that order can be resubmitted?

Thank you for your time on this matter.



2 people marked this as a favorite.

Be well.

They look great. I love the new art, the bestiary has some great pieces. Now just need time to read 1000+ pages.

Thanks again!

(Worth the wait, IMO)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hopes: Pathfinder goes to a more rules light feel.

Fears: Paizo continues as current.

Thank you for this - I, too was tinkering with 13th Age/Pathfinder conversion.

Kinda confused on the June 1 / June 7th thing... But I'll keep my eyes peeled.


I was pleasantly surprised with the artwork. With all the fey I got Froudian impressions, but that's probably just me. The NPC portraits are definitely Paizo. The interior cover images, with only a bit of hyperbole, blew me away.

Just did a quick read and I am impressed. From the story to the artwork, and all that lies inbetween. Great job!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Number 100 - (that was fast). I'm excited to see where this goes. Good luck!

Count me in.

Thanks for the update. Just miss my Pathfinder stuff ;)

Still waiting on my order. Just like a kid - so impatient.

Anguish wrote:
Are wrote:
2: I really dislike the staircase arrows, and especially the numbers attached to them. They're unnecessary, they clutter up the map, and they're not even used on all staircases. Figuring out up/down and which staircases match has never been a problem for me in any of Paizo's maps so far, so these arrows and numbers do nothing except take away from the cartography (and if they're ever wrong, that will be much worse than not having an arrow in the first place).
I have to strongly disagree with this one. They're useful yet unobtrusive. While figuring this out isn't frequently a problem, when it is you're left puzzled. I have a lot better things to do than spend five minutes trying to figure out how several levels of something are actually linked, especially when it's not actually floors but levels of a single floor. Um... is that a pit or is it a dias? No way to tell. Well, now there is.

I agree with Anguish - I find the arrows useful to me and my players.

Just a little concerned about the backorder thing, too. Especially when it says, 'Will not ship until all backordered items arrive at our warehouse. ' above the order.

Can we get a little clarification, please?

Sold me. I look forward to the August update.

Votes submitted.

I'll echo what many have already said:

Goodreader and Dropbox very useful for all my pdfs

Evernote for my session notes/images/sheets etc.

PFRPG rd for offline rule checks

iCrit and iFumble for fun

Messed around with Penultimate (can export to Evernote) and Notability (cool zoom) for note taking but I like pencil and paper better.

I tried various initiative trackers, but never found one I liked. Too much futzing around inputing characters and NPCs. Paper works faster for me. I keep hoping for a better one to emerge.

Official or not, from here forward in my Pathfinder game sessions (just about to start Carrion Crown) trip weapons get +2 to trip attempts ala disarm. It'll be easier on me and less confusing for my players. Thanks to all for the great discussion.

Jason Nelson wrote:
Wish I could tell you. Some parts of this process have been moving slower than we would like, alas.

Really excited to hear more news about this. Hopefully soon.

James Jacobs wrote:

There's a good chance this AP will be the MOST story oriented AP we've done yet, in fact. We'll see!

This makes me feel better about retaining my AP subscription. I'm not entirely sure why, but "oriental adventures" don't ever interest me. Maybe it's the focus on the cliched elements at the expense of story that bothers me.

I'm willing to hear more now that Mr. Jacobs made the above statement.

Congratulations to all! Looking forward to the next submissions.