Highest 1st Level Initiative


Scarab Sages

A party member in my last PFS game had a +11 Initiative bonus at level 1, which got me thinking ways to beat it. The highest I got was the following:

Any Race
1st level Wizard
20 Dexerity (+5)
Reactionary Trait (+2)
Improved Initiative Feat(+4)
Scorpion/Compsognathus Familiar (+4)
Forewarned/Divination School (+1 - half level bonus)
Total= +16 Initiative

Coupled with the Defensive Strategist Trait and the Forewarned class feature, the wizard always acts in surprise rounds and isn't flat footed before acting/when surprised.

A much more capable (but 1 less bonus) version is:

1st level Tattooed Sorcerer
Any Bloodline (or Arcane if you don't want Tattooed)
20 Charisma
Reactionary Trait (+2)
Noble Scion feat (Scion of War, Cha to Init, +5)
Improved Initiative feat (+4)
Scorpion/Compsognathus Familiar (+4)
Total= +15

Can anyone beat those bonuses at 1st level (or even 2nd or 3rd?)

You're missing out on the 500gp Cracked Dusty Rose Prism for +1 init.

Pirate Rob wrote:
You're missing out on the 500gp Cracked Dusty Rose Prism for +1 init.

Unless you start with rich parents that is out of reach for a 1st level.

Also, a goblin gets a +4 to dex, so for your first post there, he could have a 22 starting dex and +1 more init for a total of 17.

Tengu Inquisitor 2:

Str 7
Dex 20
Con 6
Int 7
Wis 20
Cha 7

Reactionary Trait (+2)
Improved Initiative Feat(+4)
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (+1)
Dex (5)
Wis (5)
Feather subdomain +2 (sometimes)


(he mentioned PFS, and there is no way to play a goblin in PFS. Tengu requires a boon as a note)

Anticipate peril +caster level max 5
Corsair of taldor feat, +2 on ships

Gignere wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:
You're missing out on the 500gp Cracked Dusty Rose Prism for +1 init.
Unless you start with rich parents that is out of reach for a 1st level.

Rich parents isn't legal for PFS use. But it's still possible to get 500g before lv 2, each tier 1-2 gives roughly 500g (more if they play up), so you could get it after 1-2 games. Or you could just spend 2 prestige points and get any 1 item (worth up to 750g).

Gobo Horde wrote:
Also, a goblin gets a +4 to dex, so for your first post there, he could have a 22 starting dex and +1 more init for a total of 17.

Goblin isn't a playable race in PFS unless you have a special boon that allows it.

Scarab Sages

The ioun stone is a great idea!

The wizard I built had the following stats :
Str 7; Dex 20; Con 14; Int 14; Wis 11; Cha 7

I made a half-orc for flavor as well as free Endurance, whip proficiency (divination bonus spell - true strike) skilled and darkvision. Although a human would be optimal in getting toughness at first level for 12 HP.

Although if I wanted to compete with the tengu build, I would go human to get Varisian Tattoo - divination feat and use anticipate peril spell. With that spell at +1 CL, I think the build would stay ahead of the inquisitor by 1 (17/20 buffed at level 2). Of course, the inquisitor benefits from raising both Wis and Dex, but that could be offset by the half level bonus of the Diviner.

Pirate Rob wrote:

Tengu Inquisitor 2:

Str 7
Dex 20
Con 6
Int 7
Wis 20
Cha 7

Reactionary Trait (+2)
Improved Initiative Feat(+4)
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (+1)
Dex (5)
Wis (5)
Feather subdomain +2 (sometimes)


(he mentioned PFS, and there is no way to play a goblin in PFS. Tengu requires a boon as a note)

Just for fun as above except 18 wis and 13 cha with Dawnflower Dervish 1 inquisitor 2 and the eldrich heritage (arcane) feat for a Compsognathus familiar so.

Reactionary Trait (+2)
Improved Initiative Feat(+4)
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (+1)
Dex (5)
Wis (4)
Feather subdomain +2 (sometimes)
Familiar (4)
So 20(22) and still scary with a scimitar :P

Scarab Sages

The same tengu starting as a Dawnflower Dervish would use his first level feat on Improved Initiative, not meeting the Skill Focus (Knowledge Arcana) requirement of Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) until level 5.

Combining our builds, a PFS tengu wizard/inquisitor build could be slightly more optimal (but ridiculously frail):
Wizard 1/Inquisitor 2
Str 7; Dex 20; Con 5; Int 14; Wis 18; Cha 7
Reactionary/Improved Initiative/cracked ioun stone/Dex 5/ Wis 4/Diviner bonus/Familiar (+21)
Feather Domain (plus the benefit of always acting on surprise rounds as a diviner) +2 situational
Varisian Tattoo- Divination (+1 CL) + Magical Knack (wizard) +2 CL
Anticipate Peril CL 4

So +21 normally, +25 with the spell, and whenever there is a surprise round an automatic +2. And at Wizard 4/Inquisitor 2 it'll increase by one, and every two levels thereafter!

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