PFS seems restrictive, why bother with it?

Pathfinder Society

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Shifty wrote:
On the other hand, OP, as you cite the lack of an Anti-Paladin as being a testament to badfun, may I suggest that the anti-social attributes of an anti-paladin sort of ruin the day of other people and cancel out their fun, so if thats your idea of a good day then perhaps Society (you know, being social and stuff) probably isn't your bag?

Shifty I can see how you might think that. First, I don't like Anti-paladins due to the lack of lay on hands self healing.I just think it's an example of organized play limiting choices,which was thepoint of my original post.Yes being social may or may not be "my bag" you will get no argument there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I apologize to those of you who know and love PFS for all the many positives listed in this thread,my opinion hasn't changed so much personally as broadened to see it more as a big picture where the goal is to be as appealing to as many players as possible. Mission accomplished! Do I personally think 20 pt buy is restrictive, perhaps although not as much as before. Do I think 25 should be reasonable? Yes, as it is a choice offered by the Core Rules and opens up more player choices. Am I against joining a PFS game? Certainly not, if one presents itself in my area, I would gladly like a chance to try it. So again thank you to all who contributed to this thread, even the ones who found the original title abusive. For that, I apologize, yet I don't think all these great points might have been offered if the title hadn't grabbed peoples notice.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

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Another point: I ran my first home game over 30 years ago. But I've still got things to learn - playing (and judging) at PFS events has taught me a few new wrinkles that I'm applying to my current tabletop campaign.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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Conundrum--Where do you live approx? I can assure you that there is probably a game near to you if you wish to join us for a game or two.

Like I spoke in my letter, we understand your desires for a less restrictive game. But if your wishes are that, then perhaps Pathfinder Society is not for you. But before you knock it, give us a chance to let you make an educated decision. You would be surprised as to what we can do with 20 points.

Lady Ophelia wrote:

Conundrum--Where do you live approx? I can assure you that there is probably a game near to you if you wish to join us for a game or two.

Like I spoke in my letter, we understand your desires for a less restrictive game. But if your wishes are that, then perhaps Pathfinder Society is not for you. But before you knock it, give us a chance to let you make an educated decision. You would be surprised as to what we can do with 20 points.

I live in Maine dearest Lady, I haven't heard of any society games up this way, the closest thing would be a game at a hobby shop 45 miles from where I now live :-/.

The Exchange

I've played PFS for just under 18 months now.

I signed up for it because I wanted a chance to learn the rules that my friends knew so well in preparation for a home game I'd been invited to. They had at least a years experience on me and I wanted to make up some ground fast.

On my first game day, the organiser and my GM were both great people and helped me sort out the nitty gritties of character creation.

The games, Voice in the Void and Deliriums Tangle, were fun and the other players were more than happy to explain any rules or issues that arose throughout play.

This experience is the reason that I play and run PFS games today.


I started playing PFS to learn the rules as I had just finished a D&D 3.5 campaign and was told Pathfinder was like D&D 3.75. Is society I have the ability to GM or play and learn the rules and finer points with out having the hassle of coming up with a story.

I now run a home game for friends and by starting out in society play I feel comfortable running a game and helping them build and level their characters. Once Summer is over I will be retuning to society play to continue learning the rules and functions of all the classes.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mostly I joined because my regular group splintered into fragments due to schedule differences. It doesn't scratch the itch for a long, unified campaign, but it does satisfy my craving for interesting scenes and combats. And I don't have to worry about keeping the same few people together over month after month.

These are all great answers that I can clearly identify with!

The Exchange 1/5

Conundrum wrote:
I've heard in many threads the this or that isn't allowed and 95 % or so of the time we're not even talking 3rd party material, so yes when compared to the paizo published material available to what is allowed in PFS yes seems restrictive. Many of the posters here have swayed my view slightly, those who stated their points without resorting to direct attack style statements. Thanks for the enlightenment for those with constructive points! To the rest of you, troll on ;-) I shall revel in the nerdrage a while longer.

Instead of reading threads where people are kvetching about what they can't play, maybe check out the Additional Resources and see all extra the stuff that IS allowed.

Alternate, less helpful answer:

Restrictions keep out the riff raff.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Also, I get to play an aasimar paladin without level adjustment. :) I haven't had this chance in my normal groups yet.


I may have missed someone pointing this out already, but the level doesn't cap at 12 anymore.

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

hmmmm it sees to me that it is not very restrictive at all...compared to other living campaigns. I still shudder at the mention of Highfolk...

Sczarni 4/5

Conundrum wrote:
I live in Maine dearest Lady, I haven't heard of any society games up this way, the closest thing would be a game at a hobby shop 45 miles from where I now live :-/.

I know that there's a con up there somewhere (Snow con I think) in January that has PFS

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Also, I get to play an aasimar paladin without level adjustment. :) I haven't had this chance in my normal groups yet.

May I just say I have an envy issue at your good fortune?

Normal groups I am involved with wont accept Aasimar, so PFS is about the only place I'm gonna get to roll with one, but wow those Boons are rare.

I am determined to get one though, by fair means (or foul - I also like playing Sczarni, capice?) of course.

Psst, anyone know a guy who knows a guy who has an Aasimar boon in the basement?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I feel ya Shifty. PaizoCon didn't have aasimar or tiefling boons available at ALL. I was fortunate one of the players I GMed 'The Midnight Mauler' for had one she didn't want. At first we were going to trade, but I ended up not getting any boons she wanted, and so she just gifted it to me. I was quite happy. Hopefully you'll get as lucky.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Cheers mate, I can only hope so too!
I love nice stories like yours, it reminds me that sometimes people can be real human beings to one another :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know, sometimes I slip up! :D

Grand Lodge 1/5

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Mostly I joined because my regular group splintered into fragments due to schedule differences. It doesn't scratch the itch for a long, unified campaign, but it does satisfy my craving for interesting scenes and combats. And I don't have to worry about keeping the same few people together over month after month.

Thats me in a nutshell*... and I've loved it. Great experience every time but its more akin to good fast food than a large prepared family meal.

*how I got into the nutshell I'll never know.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jason S wrote:

2) 12 lvl cap: No longer exists, you can play modules to level 20 (and get credit for it)

That's not quite accurate. Modules are still hard-capped for tier and given that virtually all modules top out at 11, you're still effectively capped at 12. Post 11th level modules top out at 13. But I think we're talking one mod a year tops.

Scarab Sages 5/5

LazarX wrote:
Jason S wrote:

2) 12 lvl cap: No longer exists, you can play modules to level 20 (and get credit for it)

That's not quite accurate. Modules are still hard-capped for tier and given that virtually all modules top out at 11, you're still effectively capped at 12. Post 11th level modules top out at 13. But I think we're talking one mod a year tops.

Nah, you can go up higher than that.

-Ruby Phoenix Tournament 11th
-Academy of Secrets 12th
-Tomb of the Iron Medusa 14th

You can play a mod +/- 1 from the recommended level so you could feasibly hit 15 or so. Witchwar is 17...maybe if you could hit 16 then you could feasibly hit 17. There's a mid-teen module in the pipes I think.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

That and now that the specials/convocation include subtiers of 12+, you can go further.


Moonscar is 16, I think.

5/5 *


End of Eyes of the Ten: lvl 13 and 2xp
after Academy of Secrets: lvl 14 and 2xp
after Tomb of the Iron Medusa: lvl 15 and 2xp
after Race for the Runecarved Key (T12+): lvl 16 and 0xp
after The Moonscar: lvl 17 and 0xp
after Witchwar Legacy: lvl 18 and 0xp

So you can get to lvl 18 after Moonscar comes out.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Greg Hurst wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Jason S wrote:

2) 12 lvl cap: No longer exists, you can play modules to level 20 (and get credit for it)

That's not quite accurate. Modules are still hard-capped for tier and given that virtually all modules top out at 11, you're still effectively capped at 12. Post 11th level modules top out at 13. But I think we're talking one mod a year tops.

Nah, you can go up higher than that.

-Ruby Phoenix Tournament 11th
-Academy of Secrets 12th
-Tomb of the Iron Medusa 14th

You can play a mod +/- 1 from the recommended level so you could feasibly hit 15 or so. Witchwar is 17...maybe if you could hit 16 then you could feasibly hit 17. There's a mid-teen module in the pipes I think.

You've definitely have left PFS scenarios behind though. The Eyes of Ten was the one 12th level scenario if I recall correctly.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Conundrum wrote:
Wai, I knew something didn't sound right, living Greyhawk was never intended as a 15 point buy convention play was set for 28 point buy. Perhaps check facts before attacks?

It was 28 pts buy from a base 8 in all scores, which makes it about 16 pts for a Pathfinder Base 10.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Technically, the campaign is still capped at level 12. That means that you won't see any level 12 and up scenarios in the foreseeable future.

You can currently play post-level 12 Sanctioned Modules for credit, but they don't have campaign support (things like faction missions, for example).

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Jonathan Cary wrote:
That means that you won't see any level 12 and up scenarios in the foreseeable future.

The New special will have Level 12+


Dragnmoon wrote:
Jonathan Cary wrote:
That means that you won't see any level 12 and up scenarios in the foreseeable future.
The New special will have Level 12+

1) I know of at least two level 15 characters after the Grand Convocation.

2) You can show up to Race for the Runecarved Key with an 18th level character and still be challenged. Promise. >:)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Kyle Baird wrote:

1) I know of at least two level 15 characters after the Grand Convocation.

2) You can show up to Race for the Runecarved Key with an 18th level character and still be challenged. Promise. >:)

When I think of "scenarios" I don't usually think of the Specials or Grand Convocation(s), which are definitely starting to stretch the level cap boundaries. :)

Honestly, I think it's a good thing to have special events that retired characters can play in.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Greg Hurst wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Jason S wrote:

2) 12 lvl cap: No longer exists, you can play modules to level 20 (and get credit for it)

That's not quite accurate. Modules are still hard-capped for tier and given that virtually all modules top out at 11, you're still effectively capped at 12. Post 11th level modules top out at 13. But I think we're talking one mod a year tops.

Nah, you can go up higher than that.

-Ruby Phoenix Tournament 11th
-Academy of Secrets 12th
-Tomb of the Iron Medusa 14th

You can play a mod +/- 1 from the recommended level so you could feasibly hit 15 or so. Witchwar is 17...maybe if you could hit 16 then you could feasibly hit 17. There's a mid-teen module in the pipes I think.

Well assuming you get through Eyes of Ten, you will be level 13.2, then Academy of Secrets whould put you at 14.2, and Tom of the Iron Medusa at 15.2, then play a Paizo Con or Gen Con special at the 12+ Tier, and you are 16th level, just ripe for Witchwar.

I also thought a level 16 module was due out soon?

Liberty's Edge 5/5

You could also technically play Ruby Pheonix on slow play once you hit 12th level, and get to 12 and 1-1/2 XP. The first two scenarios in Eyes of Ten will get you 1-1/2 XP, then you go back on normal play to get 13 and 2 xp after Eyes of Ten parts III and IV.

Then the module stuff.

5/5 *

Andrew missed my post above :P

Shadow Lodge

What I don't understand is why PFS doesn't allow half-drow. Yes, no evil pc's, but there are reasonable ways weave in a good/neutral drow/half-drow. Do we really want to commit to a black and white setting, were some conscious agents are inexorably evil? As a student of philosophy, moral dilemmas to challenge such a setting are a dime-a-dozen.

I.e., if you run into a drow child, do you kill it? If your universe boxes all drow as evil, then it would seem like you're doing good by killing them: you're preventing future evil. Yet this should give us pause. Similarly, if you find a dying drow, should you help it? If you don't, he/she will certainly die. Last one: there's a horse-drawn cart at full speed, a drow is tending to a wounded comrade (or a wounded child). Further up ahead, is a human family. You can derail the cart only by pushing the drow in front of the cart, killing them, but saving the humans. Yay/nay?

If you don't care much about moral dilemmas, practically speaking, half-orcs are allowed; why the hate on the elves? Can't a half-drow be redeemed through its human blood and good/neutral acts?

4/5 ****

I'm not 100% sure this is right, but it's the impression I'm under.

PFS doesn't allow half-drow because half-drow don't exist in Golarion. The ARG has the half drow traits because it's a setting neutral book.

5/5 *

And we would then have 432,894 Drizzt wannabes as well

Silver Crusade 2/5

Khashir El'eth wrote:
Do we really want to commit to a black and white setting

Actually, we already have. Detect Good/Evil and Law/Chaos. These are not abstract values in the world of Golarion, they are hard concrete facts by which people live. The Gods determine Good and Evil, Law and Chaos. And such things determine where you spend your afterlife. There is no moral gray area. Two different people using detect evil on the same person will get the same result.

It might be different in a home game, but in the "official" Golarion, we are in a black and white setting.

Shadow Lodge

Pirate Rob wrote:

I'm not 100% sure this is right, but it's the impression I'm under.

PFS doesn't allow half-drow because half-drow don't exist in Golarion. The ARG has the half drow traits because it's a setting neutral book.

According to this:


Half-drow are subsumed under half-elves. Of course, you'd need the half-drow traits to really be different (otherwise, at most, you'd have a cosmetic half-drow: mechanically, it would be a half-elf).

CRobledo wrote:
And we would then have 432,894 Drizzt wannabes as well

Lol, I fear that as well... but seriously, just because most people are uncreative doesn't mean that we should stifle other's choices.

Shadow Lodge

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Khashir El'eth wrote:
Do we really want to commit to a black and white setting

Actually, we already have. Detect Good/Evil and Law/Chaos. These are not abstract values in the world of Golarion, they are hard concrete facts by which people live. The Gods determine Good and Evil, Law and Chaos. And such things determine where you spend your afterlife. There is no moral gray area. Two different people using detect evil on the same person will get the same result.

It might be different in a home game, but in the "official" Golarion, we are in a black and white setting.

So, in all of the thought experiments above, you would kill the drow? Even if they've yet to commit a crime? Maybe a (fanatic?) Lawful Good would feel it's his duty, but otherwise... well, I guess we have quite different moral compasses.

Edit: Either that, or you're saying agents must submit inevitably to circumstance, never being able to rise above it. Well, out goes even the pretense of free will, chances for redemption and/or magnanimity.

Plus, again, orcs are not an option, half-orcs are. Why not the half-drow?

Silver Crusade 2/5

Khashir El'eth wrote:
Alexander_Damocles wrote:
Khashir El'eth wrote:
Do we really want to commit to a black and white setting

Actually, we already have. Detect Good/Evil and Law/Chaos. These are not abstract values in the world of Golarion, they are hard concrete facts by which people live. The Gods determine Good and Evil, Law and Chaos. And such things determine where you spend your afterlife. There is no moral gray area. Two different people using detect evil on the same person will get the same result.

It might be different in a home game, but in the "official" Golarion, we are in a black and white setting.

So, in all of the thought experiments above, you would kill the drow? Even if they've yet to commit a crime? Maybe a (fanatic?) Lawful Good would feel it's his duty, but otherwise... well, I guess we have quite different moral compasses.

Edit: Either that, or you're saying agents must submit inevitably to circumstance, never being able to rise above it. Well, out goes even the pretense of free will, chances for redemption and/or magnanimity.

Plus, again, orcs are not an option, half-orcs are. Why not the half-drow?

I'm not saying I personally agree with it. I just am stating the fact that in Golarion, Good and Evil are concepts defined by the Gods. We just live with it. And the problem with characters that are the exception to their race in organized play is that they are no longer the exception. Drow are Evil. Says so right there on the tin. You want to be the oddball who tries to be "Good" in drow society? Go for it. But that game isn't Pathfinder Society.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Half-drow do not exist in Golarion, and if there were one or two that did exist (which is incredibly unlikely given that drow are irredeemably evil and not interested in making half-drow—except maybe driders) they'd be the focus of a large story like an AP or a novel or something like that rather than a dime-a-dozen PC concept. While we have half-drow traits in the ARG, that's more for folks using the Pathfinder RPG rules for their own games than for the Pathfinder Campaign Setting specifically.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Khashir El'eth wrote:
Pirate Rob wrote:

I'm not 100% sure this is right, but it's the impression I'm under.

PFS doesn't allow half-drow because half-drow don't exist in Golarion. The ARG has the half drow traits because it's a setting neutral book.

According to this:


Half-drow are subsumed under half-elves. Of course, you'd need the half-drow traits to really be different (otherwise, at most, you'd have a cosmetic half-drow: mechanically, it would be a half-elf).

CRobledo wrote:
And we would then have 432,894 Drizzt wannabes as well
Lol, I fear that as well... but seriously, just because most people are uncreative doesn't mean that we should stifle other's choices.

Just because it is in the d20PFSRD does not mean it is part of Golarion.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Yeah kinda glad that the Half-Drow aren't PFS - although an ultra rare 'one in a bajillion' boon for it would be pretty ou there. Sort of like a Wonka ticket for it or something.

On that note, anyone have a spare Aasimar? :p

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Khashir El'eth wrote:
Plus, again, orcs are not an option, half-orcs are. Why not the half-drow?

Because you physically cannot have a half-drow in Golarion unless a half-elf turns completely to evil. And PFS bans evil PCs.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Because you physically cannot have a half-drow in Golarion unless a half-elf turns completely to evil.

If this is the case, what would the offspring resulting from a drow x human mating be? (No one said it had to be consensual, right?)

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Half-elf. Good luck surviving long enough to transform.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Midnight_Angel wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Because you physically cannot have a half-drow in Golarion unless a half-elf turns completely to evil.
If this is the case, what would the offspring resulting from a drow x human mating be? (No one said it had to be consensual, right?)

You know a developer, Mark Moreland, has indicated that there are no half-drow in Golarion. That the Drow have other evil nefarious plans that don’t include making half-drow. It’s just upthread.

Drow, in Golarion, apparently aren’t into raping human women.

Andrew Christian wrote:
Drow, in Golarion, apparently aren’t into raping human women.

On the other hand, I can imagine humans not being above raping captured drow.

The Exchange 5/5

it has already been said that being Drow is not genetic, off-spring would be half elf.

5/5 *

Midnight_Angel wrote:
Andrew Christian wrote:
Drow, in Golarion, apparently aren’t into raping human women.
On the other hand, I can imagine humans not being above raping captured drow.

Something tells me no drow would keep that baby then.

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