Yes, thank you :). My question refers to the details of that 'something creative', and how to make it fit in the overarching story? I would hate to try to do something creative, and then not receiving the PP (cause it turned out not to be as great), thereby missing the opportunity (unless I can then try the assigned task)? ![]()
Funky Badger wrote:
Lol, that's awesome, but still doesn't apply--here, both combatants are impaired, and judo is a grapple-based martial art: both fighters 'agree' (by convention/nature of the art) to not attack the other w/ anything but grapples and throws. Enemies aren't going to play nice. Then again, you could make a grapple fighter, and you'd only have to deal with the penalties once. ![]()
Funky Badger wrote:
Yeah, it's MoMS (cheese flannage?) I asked in the rules forum, apparently mirror image doesn't work because the enemy wasn't attacking me, he was attacking an image of me (so, he didn't 'miss me'). That seems reasonable given the way images work: if the guy hits my AC, but the %d says he hit an image, then it was because he was attacking the image in the first place (and not me). It would be like rolling a %d to determine which of two creatures you attack (a party member or myself), and hitting the party member. Snake Fang wouldn't trigger there. Then again, I just happen to agree with their unofficial interpretation, maybe official rules differently. ![]()
Funky Badger wrote: Haste is the most useful spell in the game. Hahaha, possibly, although the build I have in mind (Snake Fang: whenever an opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity) has better synergy with Displacement. Any dedicated caster worth his salt (especially non-spontaneous) would obviously grab it, so, I'm hoping they do. Due to my lower caster level, it would be less effective than others (although I'd still have enough levels to buff the entire party). Unless we have a catastrophically epic coordination problem, where everyone stops grabbing Haste because they expect everyone else to grab it. ![]()
brock, no the other one... wrote:
Don't get me wrong: that's amazing and admirable. But it's one thing to run very fast in a race, and quite another to fight off things that are trying to kill you. ![]()
brock, no the other one... wrote:
He'd need blindsense for all of that. The only way I know to get blindsense (in my very limited knowledge of other classes) is via DD (and high level one, at that). Since you need 5 ranks of K: Arcana, it's nearly impossible to do in PFS. Not sure if there are other ways, there could be divination spells that can be made permanent. ![]()
runescryer wrote:
Hmm, I may have missed OP's discussion on how he expects to do the following (since someone must've mentioned it already): if you don't have blindsense, the char will have a hard time actually attacking the right square. So, the 25% miss chance is only after you've already found the square: before that, you could be attacking thin air (or rolling %d to see if you attack the right square from where you hear the sounds). Heck, you could attack the right direction, but the baddie could be 2 squares (obviously missing). ![]()
So, how does a new player/character catch up with the events/faction goals? How long does that take? I.e., Shadow Lodge wants to infiltrate Aspis Consortium, and one has the option of obtaining a PP by helping achieve that. While I've no RP intention of having my char involved in that in his first foray, it'd be good to know how best to incorporate the PC in the 'big things' going on. Thanks :) ![]()
Malag wrote:
I don't think you can just 'close your eyes' to overcome gaze attacks, though I'm too lazy to look up the thread were this war was waged. IIRC, some GMs allowed closing/opening eyes as a swift action (so, only on your turn), but I don't recall if there was an official response. Seeing as how Gaze attacks and Illusion spells can be quite nasty, a swift action to negate them (without much penalty if you're in the back ranks, providing support, as opposed to attacking) seems to be a bit too much. ![]()
For reference/spell selection, is there any rough estimate of how long PFS fights last? I'm building my first Combat class (and first PFS agent) with access to L3 arcane buffs, and in choosing these buffs, I'm wondering whether great ones like Haste or Displacemend (duration: 1 rd/level) are worth it when you have only moderate caster levels (7 CL). These, as opposed to Heroism (10 min/level) and Monstrous Physique (1 min/level). (With Monstrous Physique --> Popobala, you get +2 Str, +2 AC, Darkvision 60, Fly 30 Average, Climb 30) ![]()
Matt2VK wrote:
You're right in that he might be underpowered at L1, for example, w/o equipment. However, the character starts out with a scimitar (since Unarmed Fighter is proficient with Martial Weapons), due to the low unarmed strike damage (1d3). By L3, he has picked up Dragon Ferocity (so he can ditch the Scimitar), and by L5, TWF. Defensively, he's fully trained in Sense Motive, which should help avoid damage early on. I might be missing something (or a lot!), since it'll be my first combat class (have always played caster until now). Matt2VK wrote:
Well, in case there's a fight, would taking 1 Standard Action to buff be so terrible? Casting either Haste or Displacement does wonders for the build, I don't plan to spend the entire fight buffing: rather, cast one buff at the beginning, and hopefully it'll last, if not for the whole encounter (since Haste/Displacement have 1/rd), enough to make a noticeable difference. Matt2VK wrote:
I love Iron Will, but I don't know what to switch out for it. However, as a Half-Elf, the char is immune to sleep, has +2 vs enchantment; and with Dragon Style, +2 vs. paralysis and stun (so, +4 vs. Hold Person, for example). What do you think? ![]()
No love? =P I miscounted the number of L2 spells, I should have one more (plus, made some changes): Given that I grabbed Glitterdust (and have Blind-sense), I'm wondering whether I should replace Blind-fight with Toughness or Great Fortitude. Thoughts? ![]()
So, in the PFS forum, I first asked whether a character build was legal. After several replies/tweaks/iterations, questions about viability came up, but the thread lost steam. At this point, it seems the char is legal--now I'd like to make sure it can survive and contribute L1-12 (meaning everybody is happy: I'm having fun, party is having fun, glad to have PC around, etc.). The build in bullets:
Khashir El'eth Male Half-Elf Fighter 1 (Unarmed)/Monk 2 (Master of Many Styles)/Sorcerer 2 (Copper Draconic)/Dragon Disciple 7
Spells: ![]()
Are wrote:
Hmm, ok, sounds fair, seeing as Spell-like abilities take up standard actions, but are purely mental acts. Thank you :) ![]()
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Eery: I'm playing a Drow Sorcerer atm. (Though would never nuke an orphanage). And for the record... that's definitely evil! X) ![]()
Are wrote:
Soooooo... I snap my fingers? Do a little dance? Click my heels? Wiggle my nose? I'm trying to identify under which circumstances one can be prevented from performing a swift action 'this' specific. ![]()
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
LOL, I'm pretty sure I'm not (since I've only had one GM, and we're running a session at the moment). Why do you ask? Either way, we seem to be bumping threads in the forums left and right. ![]()
The L6 spell Getaway allows you to designate a safe location to which you and your allies can teleport as a swift action. The exact nature of the trigger (mental/verbal/somatic/?) is not described, however: "At any time before the spell's duration expires, you may trigger the spell as a swift action." I'm curious as to how triggering it would work vs. grapples/silence/falling in acid/lava, etc. ![]()
deuxhero wrote:
OP is trolling... just leave it be. If 10+ pages don't convince him... I doubt anything will. ![]()
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
I understand, but in order to make the analogy work, it has to show that the spell itself is evil (i.e., in every circumstance it's used, it is evil), much like poison detractors claim that poisons themselves are always evil. What you're describing is not inherent evil in the spell itself, but in the use of it--much like Fireballing/Meteor Swarming an orphanage. ![]()
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Oh, thank you--very kind of you to say so. Edit: A third option you could run, concurrently with Contingency (Teleport/Cloud Form/etc.) and Unconscious Agenda is (Extended) Getaway. This would allow the sorceress to teleport herself and her better half back to a location of their choosing as a swift action (so, gives her a third escape route, assuming the rogue doesn't kill her in one turn). The advantage is that she's immediately with someone who can help her, and it would seem that triggering the spell has no verbal/somatic components. ![]()
Azaelas Fayth wrote: Perfect Example of a Spell causing suffering: Dominate Person, have said person kill the love of their life. Well, if said love is innocent, that would most definitely be evil; but that's 'independent' of the nature of the spell (i.e., the spell itself is not evil: you could Fireball the innocent love of their life too, and that wouldn't make Fireball evil). ![]()
Elamdri wrote:
Heh, that's a pretty tenuous line there. First, the 'additional' suffering part is kind of weird: so, as I'm killing you, it's only really evil if I cause you "additional suffering"? Seems bizarre, barring extreme cases (outright torture). If anything, many arcane spells can be claimed to cause 'additional suffering' beyond 'merely attacking' your foes (which I take to mean 'cause physical damage in some morally-permissible way'): Feeblemind, Baleful Polymorph, Imprisonment/Maze, maybe even Dominate Person (completely suppressing/overpowering a person's will could cause some distress/suffering, esp. if you can just 'merely attack' them.) Yet none of these spells have the Evil descriptor, nor are considered evil, despite matching your criteria. The deceitful/underhanded part is also weird: are Still + Silent spells deceitful or underhanded? Why not? They seem pretty sneaky to me. In short, it's one thing to claim poisons are dishonorable (thereby placing their use in the Law/Chaos axis); it's another to claim they're evil (i.e., in the Good/Evil axis). The former seems more reasonable, the latter requires ad hoc contortions to PF's moral guidelines. ![]()
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
More details from me or OP? ![]()
Ohhhh... check out Unconscious Agenda. Your Rogue will do a double-take when he finds himself doing everything in his power to protect the Sorceress! This could be working in parallel with Contingency - Teleport. Plus, she can cast 8th level spells, so Moment of Prescience and Undead Anatomy (Immunity to Critical hits? Yes please). Edit: If Rogue complains that you're metagaming, just point out that she's a Lvl 16 caster who's been kidnapped once already. She's smart enough to prepare magical safeguards like Moment of Prescience and Contingency. ![]()
Dragonamedrake wrote:
Unfortunately, Greater Teleport is L7, you can only Contingency L6 or less (and you need CL 18 for that). So, it'll have to be Teleport/Dimension Door. I think humanizing should be option 1, Contingency option 2 (or simultaneous). The sorceress was already kidnapped once--at CL16, she should be smart enough to have Contingency active 24/7 (even without the Rogue's plan/meta-gaming). Since your goal is for her to survive, Teleport/Dimension Door seem to be your best bets. Planeshift would be too risky, and would probably extend your campaign longer than you want. Maybe have the Sorceress tell her would-be husband (in secret): "I'm afraid of being kidnapped again, so, I'll setup this magic protection. If anything were to happen to me, I'll be at this location (give or take whatever % applies to her)." And maybe have some sort of pyrotechnics/flare thing to help them pinpoint the exact location. That way, at least one person in the party will know where to look for her. ![]()
Thod wrote:
I feel ya man, I really do: I cringed a bit at the precision of it all. However, as my first combat class (woohoo!), I loved the mechanics of this build, and how it can be meshed so well with a story that makes perfect sense in Absalom (since the Foreign Quarter is where most foreigners stay, the Irorium is the centerpiece of the quarter, and Irori is all about perfecting the self.) Not to mention the story about the character development as well: as Master of Many Styles, he picks up Dragon Style and Dragon Ferocity as part of the transition to Dragon Disciple. All this love comes after the original concept got ripped apart (with constructive criticism ;)) in a thread, and I was able to rebuild it in a seemingly workable state. I don't know about you, but when I like a character concept, only to find out it's mechanically/practically unfeasible, well, as far as I'm concerned, the character just died once already. In that sense, this guy died 2-3 times before arriving at its current incarnation, which seems to be PFS viable (and, I'm hoping, really fun to play). Again, the alignment changes are mostly flavour (since the Draconic heritage is Chaotic Good aligned) and preference (I don't like lawful characters very much, even though LN gives you quite a bit of flexibility). The way I justified it within the context of PFS is that, by the CRB, it's contemplated that monks can stop being lawful, so, that wouldn't be a problem. Further, the guide to organized play mentions that agents aren't fully occupied by their field work (which allows PCs to have Professions). I figure, during that time, some people have professions, other people do nothing; my PC can be going through this personal story. As much as possible, I'll try to make sure not to stretch it, in that, if the (personal) story has to give because of the PFS adventures, then the latter will take precedence. But anyway, thanks for the thoughts :) ![]()
I've been bombarding the boards, so, I'll keep this one short and sweet: Things like Bedrolls, Backpacks, Ropes, Maps, Grappling Hooks, etc., are they worth spending money on? In many (non-PFS) games, I spend sizable amounts of precious GP on these, but they end up not being necessary (i.e., they weren't "needed explicitly" at any point in the session). ![]()
Ah. Yes, this is for the MoMS Monk (hi kinevon!) I have no interest in Barbarian (as you saw from my original post, the design was barely workable, let alone optimized/cheesy). The alignment change is RP-motivated. How/when should I approach the GM in this respect? My guess is that just saying "hey, sign-off an alignment change plz." Should I show him a more polished version of the idea above at the beginning/end of session? ![]()
Hi, I'd like to know if the following is doable in PFS (I'll first describe the mechanics, and then the flavour). I'm thinking about a character that dips two levels into monk--I'd like the char to start out Neutral Good, shift to Lawful Good, then end up Chaotic Good. The story is basically the following: the character is a Half-Elf Unarmed Fighter, with (Copper) Draconic heritage (though he speaks Draconic, he is not fully aware of why; and his heritage is hinted at by his reddish-brown hair, darker skin, etc.). After arriving at the Foreign Quarter in Absalom, he is awestruck by the Irorium. He pokes around, trying to find out more about it, and discovers Irori, and the followers' quest for physical and mental perfection. Drawn to it, he submits to their code (becomes Lawful Good), and trains for a while. Eventually, he starts to get tired of the strictness of their code, rituals and diets, which he finds are unnecessary. Further, their tenet that "all knowledge is sacred" implies (or, he takes to imply) that even evil knowledge (necromantic rituals, for example) must be safeguarded (I'm not 100% sure on this part; I've construed it this way so far). Ultimately, he argues with his superiors and storms out of the temple, partly wondering whether his rebelliousness was 'all him' (becoming Chaotic Good. Bear in mind Copper Dragons tend to be Chaotic Good). His draconic heritage continues growing, and he discovers that he is capable of channeling arcane energies without training (grabs Sorcerer level). He researches his new-found power, to finally discover his heritage. With this knowledge, he decides that, for him, mental and physical perfection involve tapping further into his draconic blood, and coming as close as possible to a Copper Dragon (Dragon Disciple). So, two questions: 1. Do the general rules/setting allow this?
Also, thanks very much for reading this far :) ![]()
Hahaha, yes, I do plan to have fun (and lots of it!). @Fromper: Yes, that's what I meant when I said I'd read "the Guides" (GtOP and PFSFG; bit confusing naming, but oh well). About the wand, sounds good. I'll get CLW for now, and then Infernal Healing (I'll be splashing some sorc levels). I'll bring my printed sheets from the relevant books, then. Although the last guide (4.2 GToP) says "In order to utilize content from an Additional Resource, a player
So, does this mean I can just show the watermarked pdf on my phone/ebook reader? If any GMs can chime in, would be specially grateful. ![]()
Ah, follow-up question: Say my attack bonus is +15/+10 (Unarmed Strike). If I TWF, my first attack is +13, second is +8. What's the bonus for the off-hand, +13 or +8? Or something else? Sorry, I have the TWF entry in front of me atm, but I'm not sure. I find combat chars so foreign ;p. ![]()
Thod wrote:
Sounds reasonable though! Ah, just to confirm: If all I use are the CRB, APG, UC, UM, ARG, these are considered "core" books, right? So, I don't have to bring printouts of anything I use from them? ![]()
Ah sweet, thanks a lot everyone! @SlimGauge: I was wondering what the actual distinction was, Snake Fang seemed so much better than Crane, while Crane seems to be lauded left and right. @Cheapy/Sangalor: Well, the damage is already done (re: the 1st char + styles). I already fell in love and planned all 12 levels of the char 8). After getting 2-3 iterations of the character ripped apart in a separate thread (in a nice way, I should say!), I think I was able to whip it into working condition. If anyone wants to chime in and help improve the build, check the last post in this thread. ![]()
For clarity, here's the gist the current setup: Half-Elf: 1 Fighter, 2 MoMS, 2 Sorc (Draconic-Copper), 7 DD Damage with 1 Snake Fang attack (without any +Str equipment/Magic Weapon): 4d6 + 48 Feat order:
L1 (Fighter): Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike) L1 (Unarmed Fighter Bonus): Snake Style L2 (MoMS): Snake Fang L3 (General): Dragon Style L3 (MoMS): Dragon Ferocity L5 (Sorc): TWF L7 (General): Combat Reflexes L7 (DD): Improved Initiative L9 (General): Combat Style Master L10 (DD): Blind-Fight L11 (General): Hammer the Gap So, the million dollar question: can this iteration of the character make it in PFS? Will he be fun to play as, and with (i.e., for others at the table)?