Things you don't want to hear the party witch say

Gamer Life General Discussion

(Because why not? Necromancers and Healers got it.)

1. "Hey guys, I made cookies. I'm sure your going to love it!"

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2. "Bad news. The hut wandered off again."

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

My wife plays a witch in our Kingmaker game and makes cookies every time the party is back in town. She uses them to befriend kobolds and other intelligent, cookie loving monsters.

3. My, aren't you a fairest one of all.

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CalebTGordan wrote:
My wife plays a witch in our Kingmaker game and makes cookies every time the party is back in town. She uses them to befriend kobolds and other intelligent, cookie loving monsters.

I'm playing one in my group's Monday game. She doesn't make food, but she does brew vodka....

4. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

5. This oatmeal tastes like arsenic.

My nose isnt the only thing with warts on it

My witch on interrogating a captured enemy "you can tell us what we need to know or you can be eaten alive by my little friends" She then opens her mouth and a swam of wasps crawls out.

My witch interrogating another prisoner "you do know who I am and what I do, you have been spying on us for long enough, you should know that I can hex your man parts so they are shriveled pus filled and useless"

"Your familiar... he's a newt, right?"

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Similar to above.

"Can I cast Baleful Polymorph? You must be newt around here."

Shadow Lodge

Want a shiny apple?

Liberty's Edge

I'm melting.

I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog, too.

Silver Crusade

I've got my eye on you!

Do you realise there is only a one letter difference between 'Sex' and 'Hex'?

Lantern Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Those two ladies in the deeply-cowled cloaks are just part of my Witch's Book Club . . .

Silver Crusade

My relatives are coming so we can have a get together. You're going to be our topic of discussion.

Why don't you relax in this nice hot bath.

Did you just drop a house on my sister?

Your wife stopped by earlier today asking a lot of questions about curses.

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Sorry about the freaky squint. I do that to everyone I dislike.

Yeah, I have no idea why you keep having bad luck. (pause) So where is this money you owe me?

20. Well if you'd stop getting in his way, my cat wouldn't keep crossing your path. Is that so hard?

21. I need another ingredient for my brew.

The Exchange

22. I'm sorry, I thought you said "Turn me into a newt."

Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

23. Everyone keeps telling me my apples are the best.

24. Those kids are so cute! I could just eat them up.

25. "Look into my Eye."

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Nothin' says lovin' like an easy bake oven!

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