Races of the Elder Scrolls


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Greetings Paizonians. I am currently working on a pathfinder conversion of the pure awesomeness that is the Elder Scrolls. When its all done I'll put it up in a Google Document, with races, classes (base or prestige, haven't decided yet), feats, items, and more (including pictures! Oooh fun!). But first I'm going to post the 'core' races here, to wet your appetite (if anyone really has an appetite to wet). If you see anything unbalanced, let me know!

(Info and introductory paragraphs were pulled from the UESPWiki )


Argonians (or Saxhleel in Jel, their native tongue, a word that seems to mean "People of the Root") are the reptilian denizens of Black Marsh. Little is known and less is understood about them. Years of defending their borders have made the Argonians experts in guerrilla warfare, and their natural abilities make them equally at home in water and on land. They have developed natural immunities to the diseases and poisons that have doomed many would-be explorers and conquerors of the region. Their seemingly expressionless faces belie a calm intelligence, and many Argonians are well-versed in the magical arts. Others rely on stealth or steel to survive, and their natural agility makes them adept at either. They are, in general, a reserved people, slow to trust and hard to know, yet they are fiercely loyal, and will fight to the death for those they have named as friends.

Racial Traits
-+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:
Argonians are nimble and cunning, but are gruff and slow to trust.
-Medium Size: Argonians have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Argonians are humanoids with the (reptilian) subtype.
-Speeds: Argonians have a land speed of 30 ft and a swim speed of 30 ft.
-Amphibious: Argonians can breathe both air and water, and are equally comfortable on both land or water.
-Argonian Resistances: Argonians receive a +4 bonus on fortitude saves to resist poison or disease (including magical disease).
-Histskin: Once per day, an Argonian can gain fast healing equal to half their character level (minimum 1) for 1 minute. Using this ability is an immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
-Languages: Argonians begin play speaking Tamrielic and Jel. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Swim Speed 2
Amphibious 2
Healthy 2
Histskin 6 (Ad Hoc)
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 13


Bretons are the human descendants of the Aldmeri-Nedic Manmer of the Merethic Era and are now the inhabitants of the province of High Rock. They are united in culture and language even though they are divided politically, for High Rock is a factious region. Bretons make up the peasantry, soldiery, and magical elite of the feudal kingdoms that compete for power. Many are capable mages with innate resistance to magicka. They are known for a proficiency in abstract thinking and unique customs. Bretons appear, by and large, much like other pale-skinned humans. They are usually slight of build and not as muscular as Nords or Redguards. Their Elvish ancestry is usually only detectable upon a closer inspection of their eyebrows, ears, or high cheekbones, though many individual Bretons appear to be more Nordic or Imperial than anything else. The great diversity in their appearance is to be expected from their politically fractured society, though their clothes, accents, customs and names are fairly uniform.

Racial Traits:
-+2 to one ability score:
Bretons gain a +2 to any single ability score, chosen at character creation.
-Medium Size: Bretons have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Bretons are humanoids with the (human) and (elf) subtypes.
-Normal Speed: Bretons have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Arcane Focus: Bretons receive a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks when casting defensively.
-Bonus Feat: Bretons receive an extra feat at 1st level.
-Skilled: Bretons gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank whenever they gain a level.
-Spell Resistance: Bretons possess spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level.
-Languages: Bretons begin play speaking Tamrielic. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Arcane Focus 1
Flexible Bonus Feat 4
Skilled 4
Spell Resistance 2
Linuist Array 1
Total RP 12

Dark Elf:

Dark Elf
The Dunmer, also known as Dark Elves, or Moriche in the Ayleid Language, are the ash-skinned, red-eyed, Elven peoples of the Eastern Empire. "Dark" is commonly understood as meaning such characteristics as "dark-skinned", "gloomy", "ill-favored by fate" and so on. The Dunmer and their national identity, however, embrace these various connotations with enthusiasm. In the Empire, "Dark Elf" is the common usage, but among their Aldmeri brethren they are called "Dunmer". Their combination of powerful intellects with strong and agile physiques produce superior warriors and sorcerers. On the battlefield, Dunmer are noted for their skill with a balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic. In character, they are grim, aloof, and reserved, as well as distrusting and disdainful of other races.
Dunmer distrust and are treated distrustfully by other races. They are often proud, clannish, ruthless, and cruel, from an outsider's point of view, but greatly value loyalty and family. Young female Dark Elves are well known for their promiscuity. Despite their powerful skills and strengths, the Dunmer's vengeful nature, age-old conflicts, betrayals, and ill-reputation prevent them from gaining more influence. Those born in their homeland of Morrowind before its devastation were known to be considerably less friendly than those who grew up in the Imperial tradition.

Racial Traits:
-+2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:
Dunmer are intelligent and possess strong physiques, but are aloof and clannish.
-Medium Size: Dark Elves have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Dark Elves are humanoids with the (elf) subtype.
-Normal Speed: Dark Elves have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Ancestor Knowledge: In dunmer myth, it is said that honoured ancestors continue to watch over their descendants. Every dark elf picks two knowledge skills at character generation. They receive a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and always treat these skills as class skills.
-Elven Immunities: Dark Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
-Fell Magic: Dark Elves have a notorious reputation for dark magics. Dark Elves add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against necromancy spells that they cast. Dark Elves with a Wisdom score of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—bleed, chill touch, detect poison, touch of fatigue. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user’s character level. The DC for these spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the user’s Wisdom modifier.
-Fire Resistance: Dark Elves are inured to flames, and possess Fire Resistance of 5.
-Languages: Dark Elves begin play speaking Tamrielic and Dunmeris. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Shards of the Past 4
Elven Immunities 2
Fell Magic 3
Fire Resistance 1
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 11

High Elf:

High Elf
To Imperials, the haughty, tall, golden-skinned peoples of Summerset Isle are called High Elves. The Ayleids referred to them as Salache, but they call themselves Altmer, or the "Cultured People". In the Empire, "High" is often understood to mean proud or snobbish, and as the Altmer generally personify these characteristics, the "lesser races" generally resent them. Altmer confidently consider themselves, with some justice, to be the most civilized culture of Tamriel; the common tongue of Tamriel is based on Altmer speech and writing, and most of the Empire's arts, crafts, laws, and sciences are derived from Altmer traditions. However, the Altmer's smug self-assurance of superiority can be hard to bear. The Altmer are the most strongly gifted in the arcane arts of all the races, and they are very resistant to diseases. However, they are also somewhat vulnerable to fire, frost, and shock. They are among the longest living and intelligent races of Tamriel, and they often become powerful magic users, having centuries in which to practice their art. Some Altmers' incredibly strong minds make them naturally immune to all kinds of paralysis.

Racial Traits:
-+2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:
Altmer are hardy and possess keen intellects, but are often snobbish and arrogant.
-Medium Size: High Elves have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: High Elves are humanoids with the (elf) subtype.
-Normal Speed: High Elves have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Aldmeri Resistances: Of all the meric races, High Elves cleave the closest to their ancient Aldmeri ancestors. High Elves are immune to paralysis and gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease, including magical diseases.
-Aldmeri Vulnerabilities: High Elves are less tolerant to extreme energies then the other races. They are vulnerable to cold, electricity, and fire damage.
-Classical Schooling: High Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on knowledge (arcana), knowledge (history), and spellcraft checks.
-Elven Immunities: High Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
-Focused Study: At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, High Elves gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
-High Magic: High Elves gain a +1 bonus to the DC of any saving throws against illusion spells that they cast. High Elves with a Charisma score of 11or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/ day—faerie fire, dancing lights, ghost sounds, and prestidigitation. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user’s level. The DC for the spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the user’s Charisma modifier. High Elves also gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance and receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
-Languages: High Elves begin play speaking Tamrielic. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Aldmeri Resistances 3 (Ad Hoc)
Vulnerabilities -6
Skill Bonuses 6
Elven Magic 2
Focused Study 4
Gnome Magic 2
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 12


Known as Cyrodiils, Cyrodilics or Cyro-Nordics before the time of Talos, the well-educated and well-spoken Imperials are the natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil. Imperials are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen armies, and their respect for the rule of law. Though physically less imposing than the other races, the Imperials have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders, and these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light infantry, have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races and erect the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Empire. Their hegemony has waxed and waned throughout the eras, and most historians refer to three distinct Empires, the ends of which each mark a new epoch in Tamrielic history.

Racial Traits:
-+2 to one ability score:
Imperials gain a +2 to any single ability score, chosen at character creation.
-Medium Size: Imperials have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Imperials are humanoids with the (human) subtype.
-Normal Speed: Imperials have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Bonus Feat: Imperials receive an extra feat at 1st level.
-Emissary: Once per day, members of this race can roll twice when making a Bluff or Diplomacy check and take the better roll.
-Skilled: Imperials gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank whenever they gain a level.
-Urbanite: Imperials gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation.
-Languages: Imperials begin play speaking Tamrielic. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Flexible Bonus Feat 4
Emissary 1
Skilled 4
Urbanite 1
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 11


The Khajiit are a race of feline humanoids hailing from the province of Elsweyr, well-known for their keen intelligence and agility. While these traits make them superb thieves and acrobats, Khajiit are also fearsome warriors, although seldom gifted with the skill to harness magical forces. This is not to say that Khajiit do not possess the ability, merely that strenuous training must be undertaken to make wielding magic a serious option, either in passive or aggressive actions.
Physiologically, Khajiit differ greatly from both the varied races of man and mer, not only in their skeletal structure (possessing a tail and, in some forms, a digitigrade stance, i.e. toe walking) and dermal makeup (the "fur" that covers their bodies) but in their digestion and metabolism as well. The Khajiit, along with the Argonians and the Imga, make up the so called 'beast races' of the Empire, due to their therianthropic qualities. It is currently unclear whether a successful union between Khajiit and other races may occur, for no well-documented cases exist despite rumours. The divergent appearance and mannerisms of the Khajiit often lead bigoted members of other races to look down on them.

Racial Traits:
-+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom:
Khajiit are nimble and gregarious, but lack the common sense of other races.
-Medium Size: Khajiit have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Khajiit are humanoids with the (Khajiit) subtype.
-Normal Speed: Khajiit have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Cat's Luck: Once per day, when a Khajiit makes a Reflex saving throw, he can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before attempting the saving throw
-Cat's Stealth: Khajiit are known for their amazing stealthiness. Khajiit gain a +4 racial bonus on stealth checks.
-Claws of the Khajiit: Khajiit possess razor sharp claws that they can use in melee. They have 2 claw natural attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage each.
-Eye of Fear: Khajiit can use the spell Cause Fear 1/day as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to their character level.
-Low-Light Vision: Khajiit can see twice as far as a race with normal vision in conditions of dim light.
-Languages: Khajiit begin play speaking Tamrielic and Ta'agra. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Cat's Luck 1
Stealthy 5
Claws 2
Spell-like Ability 1
Low-Light Vision 1
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 11


The Nords are the children of the sky, a race of tall and fair-haired humans from Skyrim who are known for their incredible resistance to cold and magical frost. They are enthusiastic warriors, and many become renowned soldiers and mercenaries all over Tamriel. Eager to augment their martial skills beyond the traditional methods of Skyrim, they excel in all manner of warfare, and are known as a militant people by their neighbors. Nords are also natural seamen, and have benefited from nautical trade since their first migrations from Atmora. They captain and crew many merchant fleets, and may be found all along the coasts of Tamriel.

Racial Traits:
-+2 to one ability score:
Nords gain a +2 to any single ability score, chosen at character creation.
-Medium Size: Nords have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Nords are humanoids with the (human) subtype.
-Normal Speed: Nords have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Bonus Feat: Nords receive an extra feat at 1st level.
-Frost Resistance: Nords are inured to frost, and possess Cold Resistance of 5.
-Skilled: Nords gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank whenever they gain a level.
-Stubborn: Nords gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, if a Nord fails such a save, he receives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the Nord has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue’s slippery mind class feature), he can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try the other on the second round if the first re-roll ability fails.
-Languages: Nords begin play speaking Tamrielic and Nordic. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Flexible Bonus Feat 4
Frost Resistance 1
Skilled 4
Stubborn 2
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 12


Orcs, also called Orsimer or "Pariah Folk" in ancient times, are sophisticated, beastlike people of the Wrothgarian Mountains, Dragontail Mountains, and Orsinium (literally translated as "Orc-Town"). They are noted for their unshakable courage in war and their unflinching endurance of hardships. In the past, Orcs have been widely feared and hated by the other nations and races of Tamriel, and were often considered to be goblin-ken. However, they have slowly won acceptance in the Empire, in particular for their distinguished service in the Emperor's Legions. Orc armorers are prized for their craftsmanship, and Orc warriors in heavy armour are among the finest front-line troops in the Empire, and are fearsome when using their berserker rage. Most Imperial citizens regard the Orc society as rough and cruel. The Orcs of the Iliac Bay region have developed their own language, known as Orcish, and have often had their own kingdom, Orsinium.

Racial Traits:
-+4 Strength, -2 Charisma:
Orcs are the strongest of the common races, but are often feared and hated.
-Medium Size: Orcs have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Orcs are humanoids with the (elf) and (orc) subtypes.
-Normal Speed: Orcs have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Berserk: Once per day, when an Orc takes damage, she can fly into a frenzy for 1 minute, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Constitution and Strength, but a –2 penalty to AC.
-Forge Craft: Orc smiths are known for their craftsmanship. All Orcs gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (Armour) and Craft (Weapons) skill checks.
-Languages: Orcs begin play speaking Tamrielic and Orcish. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Greater Paragon 2
Advanced Ability Score 4
Frenzy 2
Skill Bonuses 4
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 13


The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel, the dark-skinned, wiry-haired Redguards of Hammerfell seem born to battle, though their pride and fierce independence of spirit makes them more suitable as scouts or skirmishers, or as free-ranging heroes and adventurers, than as rank-and-file soldiers. In addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles, Redguards are also physically blessed with hardy constitutions, resistance to poison, and quickness of foot. Redguards do not share the same blood as the other human races, and they have no connection with the ancestral Nordic homeland of Atmora.

Racial Traits:
-+2 to one ability score:
Redguards gain a +2 to any single ability score, chosen at character creation.
-Medium Size: Redguards have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Redguards are humanoids with the (human) subtype.
-Normal Speed: Redguards have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Bonus Feat: Redguards receive an extra feat at 1st level.
-Poison Resistance: Redguards gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice.
-Swordtrained: Redguards are trained from birth in swordplay, and as a result are automatically proficient with swordlike weapons (including bastard swords, daggers, elven curve blades, falchions, greatswords, kukris, longswords, punching daggers, rapiers, scimitars, short swords, and two-bladed swords).
-Languages: Redguards begin play speaking Tamrielic. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Flexible Bonus Feat 4
Poison Resistance 3
Swordtrained 4
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 12

Wood Elf:

Wood Elf
The Bosmer are the Elven clan-folk of Valenwood, a forested province in southwestern Tamriel. In the Empire, they are often referred to as Wood Elves, but Bosmer, Boiche, or the Tree-Sap People is what they call themselves. Bosmer rejected the stiff, formal traditions of Aldmeri high culture, preferring a more romantic, simple existence in harmony with the land, its wild beauty and wild creatures. They are relatively nimble and quick in body and wit compared to their more "civilized" Elven cousins, making them well-suited for a variety of professions, including scouts, thieves, traders and scholars. The best archers in all of Tamriel, the Bosmer snatch and fire arrows in one continuous motion; they are even rumoured to have invented the bow. They have many natural and unique abilities; notably, they can command simple-minded creatures and have a nearly chameleon-like ability to hide in forested areas. As part of their Green Pact, they are religiously carnivorous and cannibalistic, but do not harm vegetation of Valenwood (though they are not averse to using wooden or plant-derived products created by others).

Racial Traits:
-+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom:
Bosmer are quick and observant.
-Medium Size: Wood Elves have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
-Humanoid Type: Wood Elves are humanoids with the (elf) subtype.
-Normal Speed: Wood Elves have a land speed of 30 ft.
-Beast-Kin: Wood Elves can use the spell Charm Animal 1/day as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to their character level.
-Bow Focus: Wood Elves are proficient with all bows (shortbows, longbows, composite shortbows, and composite longbows) and gain Weapon Focus (Shortbow) or Weapon Focus (Longbow) as a bonus feat.
-Elven Immunities: Wood Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws made against enchantment spells and effects.
-Poison Resistance: Wood Elves gain a racial bonus on saving throws against poison effects equal to their Hit Dice.
-Woodsman: Wood Elves receive a +4 racial bonus on stealth checks in forested or jungle areas.
-Languages: Wood Elves begin play speaking Tamrielic and Bosmeris. They can choose any common language as a bonus language (except secret or esoteric languages, like Dwemeris).

Flexible Modifiers 2
Weapon Familiarity 1
Static Bonus Feat 2
Spell-like Ability 1
Elven Immunities 2
Poison Resistance 3
Camouflage 1
Linguist Array 1
Total RP 13

nice work kazarath looks fairly dead on.

Grand Lodge

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Overall looks solid. I don't like Dunmer getting a bonus to Strength, and I think Orcs should get +2 to Str and Con instead of +4 Str, but YMMV. I don't remember if the race builder has anything that affects fatigue or exhaustion, but if it does, I think Redguards should get that instead of the poison thing..

I don't know if you're planning to use signs, but if you do here are some suggestions:

Apprentice - +1 to spell save DCs, -2 to saves vs. spells
Atronach - not sure, this one doesn't translate well
Lady - +1 to Fort and Will saves
Lord - Heal CL 1/day; vulnerability to fire
Lover - Charm Person SLA 1/day; +2 diplomacy checks with opposite gender
Mage - +1 on caster level checks
Ritual - Channel Energy 1/day as a 1st level Cleric
Serpent - not sure
Shadow - Invisibility SLA 1/day
Steed - +10 base speed
Thief - +1 reflex, +5 base speed
Tower - Knock SLA 1/day
Warrior - +1 melee damage, +1 fort saves

thanks i copy pasted right in to my home brew

Thanks Exocrat, I had completely forgotten about birthsigns. Been playing too much skyrim (which doesn't have it) and it slipped my mind. Thanks again for the assist. I should have some more stuff in a few days.

Races have been retooled a bit. I'm working on the class system right now. Laptops been dead the past few days so it'll be another a day or two.

so your looking to emulate the elder-scrolls system or just tweak the existing class systems to be elder scrolls flavored?

Well, the way its working out, there will be three 20 level base classes: Warrior, thief, and mage, each with several archetypes (i.e. archer, sorcerer, that kind of thing). All three of the base ones are kind of based on the fighter, with bonus feats and the only other abilities coming from the archetype.

The BIGGEST change though is magic. I'm going to make it feat based instead of class based. It will be a feat chain for each school. For example, a 1st level warrior wants to take novice conjuration, which grants him the ability to cast spells like a wizard (int based, same number per day, etc.) The novice conjuration feat unlocks all 1st-2nd level spells, but he can't cast higher level spells unless he is the appropriate level to cast them. Since he's only first level, he can only cast 1st level conjuration spells, but once he reaches 3rd level, he can cast 2nd level spells. The advantage of being a mage is they can take these feats as bonus feats, like how a fighter can tke things like weapon focus.

Or at least thats the way I've got it worked out in my head. I'm not sure if its total crap or not.

Scarab Sages

I'm guessing the Race Builder book ups the power level slightly from the norm, as the human races look to be improved a lot. Overall though, the races seem well balanced against each other.

However, trying to combine the magic system into a classed based system via feats is a bad design choice. It rewards classes such as fighter who already get bonus feats and weakens others who already have stiff feat requirements to be fully effective.

You're better off re-writing the classes from scratch, if you have access to it, I'd suggest the Fighter, Expert and Adept class options from Unearthed Arcana as a starting point. Basically as you level up, you chose to advance as one of those three classes, and gain more and more "abilities". They'll need re-working for Pathfinder's increased power level, but should serve as inspiration.

Nah i like the 3 base class thing. It could be mitigated like combat feats for fighters are. For example you might only be able to take the higher level spells feats if you attain a certain level of Mage or whatever. Just like you can only take certain combat feats if you match a certain level of fighter.

sounds like kaz wants to redesign all the classes from scratch anyway so you don't need to worry about the fighter as RAW getting magical feats anyway, Im imagining that Kaz is going to balance them against one another anyway.

Well, I have come to a few realizations:
A) Rewriting the whole class and magic system is a monumental task, one which I may not be up to at the moment.
B) I am lazy.

I might make a complete new system eventually, but don't hold your breath. I am still going to finish most of the conversion, just no new base classes, unfortunately.

Like what I see with the races and signs. As for the class system, at the very least, you'd have to merge all the spellcasting classes into one like they did with the Zelda d20 system.

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Here is a refined version of the birthsign system (thanks very much to Exocrat, for much of it is blatantly stolen from him *shifty eyes*). I would very much like an opinion on the Atronach sign, I honestly cannot tell if its balanced or not.


A character playing in an Elder Scrolls campaign must choose a birthsign at 1st level. Once chosen, it cannot be changed.

The Apprentice - The Apprentice's Season is Sun's Height. Those born under the sign of the apprentice have a special affinity for magick of all kinds, but are more vulnerable to magick as well. A character who chooses the apprentice adds +1 to the save DC of all spells they cast, but suffer a -2 penalty to all saves against spells cast on them.
The Atronach - The Atronach (often called the Golem) is one of the Mage's Charges. Its season is Sun's Dusk. Those born under this sign are natural sorcerers with deep reserves of magicka, but they cannot generate magicka of their own. A character who chooses the atronach doubles the amount of spells they can cast per day, and gains spell resistance equal to 14+ their character level, but they do not replenish spell slots through rest. Every time those born under the atronach successfully resist a spell or spell-like ability with their spell resistance, they regain a spent spell slot equal to the level of the spell. If there are no spent spell slots of the correct level, it replenishes a spell slot of the next level, with lower level spell slots first.
The Lady - The Lady is one of the Warrior's Charges and her Season is Heartfire. Those born under the sign of the Lady are kind and tolerant. A character who chooses the lady receives a +1 bonus on Fortitude and Will saves 

The Lord - The Lord's Season is First Seed and he oversees all of Tamriel during the planting. Those born under the sign of the Lord are stronger and healthier than those born under other signs. A character who chooses the lord can heal a number of hit points equal to twice their character level as a swift action 1/day. Unfortunately, they also take double damage from fire. Note: A high elf who chooses the sign of the lord takes triple damage from fire.
The Lover - The Lover is one of the Thief's Charges and her season is Sun's Dawn. Those born under the sign of the Lover are graceful and passionate.
A character who chooses the lover can use charm person 1/day as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to their character level, and also receives a +2 bonus on diplomacy checks.
The Mage - The Mage is a Guardian Constellation whose Season is Rain's Hand when magicka was first used by men. His Charges are the Apprentice, the Atronach, and the Ritual. Those born under the Mage posses talent for all kinds of spellcasting, but are often arrogant and absent-minded. A character who chooses the mage receives a +1 bonus on caster level checks.
The Ritual - The Ritual is one of the Mage's Charges and its Season is Morning Star. Those born under this sign have a variety of abilities depending on the aspects of the moons and the Divines. A character who chooses the ritual can channel energy 1/day equal to a 1st level cleric. This is otherwise identical to the cleric class ability.
The Serpent - The Serpent wanders about in the sky and has no Season, though its motions are predictable to a degree. No characteristics are common to all who are born under the sign of the Serpent. Those born under this sign are the most blessed and the most cursed. A character who chooses the serpent can use poison 1/day as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to their character level.
The Shadow - The Shadow's Season is Second Seed. The Shadow grants those born under her sign the ability to hide in shadows.
A character who chooses the shadow can use invisibility 1/day as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to their character level.
The Steed - The Steed is one of the Warrior's Charges, and her Season is Mid Year. Those born under the sign of the Steed are impatient and always hurrying from one place to another. A character who chooses the steed adds +10 to their base speed. Note: An argonian who chooses the sign of steed adds this bonus to her swim speed as well.
The Thief - The Thief is the last Guardian Constellation, and her Season is the darkest month of Evening Star. Her Charges are the Lover, the Shadow, and the Tower. Those born under the sign of the Thief are not typically thieves, though they take risks more often and only rarely come to harm. They will run out of luck eventually, however, and rarely live as long as those born under other signs. A character born who chooses the thief receives a +1 bonus on reflex saves and a +1 luck bonus to armour class.
The Tower - The Tower is one of the Thief's Charges and its Season is Frostfall. Those born under the sign of the Tower have a knack for finding gold and can open locks of all kinds. A character who chooses the tower can use knock 1/day as a spell-like ability at a caster level equal to their character level.
The Warrior - The Warrior is the first Guardian Constellation and he protects his charges during their Seasons. The Warrior's own season is Last Seed when his Strength is needed for the harvest. His Charges are the Lady, the Steed, and the Lord. Those born under the sign of the Warrior are skilled with weapons of all kinds, but prone to short tempers. A character who chooses the warrior receives a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls and a +1 bonus on fortitude saves.

Anyone? I'd like an opinion on this before I continue with the conversion.

What's to stop someone with the atronach sign from having a buddy fill up those spell slots with ten minutes of cantrip blasting?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I'd suggest toning down the Atronach ability too. In a system that uses "mana" (or Magicka) it's fine. Trying to translate that into the Vancian magic of Pathfinder is tricky.

A couple different thoughts, to take singly or add together:

- If you are a sorcerer, your caster level is considered 2 higher for determining the effects of spells (similar to a lot of racial abilities)

- Someone born under the sign of the Atronach who is struck by a damage-dealing spell and chooses to fail their saving throw against it regains a prepared spell (if a wizard) or a spent spell slot of the spell of the same level. (This is more of the price of spell absorption)

- Anyone born under the sign of the Atronach who is a bard or sorcerer can take the racial favored class ability that allows you to learn an additional spell of at least one level lower than your current highest spell level available, regardless of their race.

- You can sacrifice two lower level spell slots to gain a spell slot at a higher level. You cannot do this more than once per spell level. (This probably needs better wording. My thought process surrounds another way of sacrificing magic)

- You can cast spell turning once per day as a spell like ability.

- You gain spell resistance equal to xyz.

My personal preference would probably be the first and last together.

This is all off the top of my head, so take or leave.

If you go by Skyrim's Atronach stone ability (+50 mana, -50% spell recovery, absorb 50% magic), you could do the following:

You gain 50% additional spell slots for each level (round down). However, you can only prepare half (round down) of your spell slots each time you prepare spells, retaining any uncast from the previous day.

The spell absorption part is harder.

What if I put in something along the lines of 'resisted cantrips do not refill spell slots', or something like that?

It would still mean the character must buddy with an equal or higher level caster in order to refill and would become something of an annoying 'minigame'.

I'd propose the Lord sign heal more hit points, considering the fire vulnerability associated with it.

What do you think of adding the following bonuses to the signs below (in addition to those you've listed):

- The Ritual: +2 bonus on Spellcraft checks.

- The Serpent: +2 bonus on Bluff checks.

- The Shadow: +2 bonus on Stealth checks.

- The Steed: Strength is treated as +2 higher than normal for purposes of determining carrying capacity and encumbrance.

- The Tower: +2 bonus Disable Device checks.

I'm sorry but I've had to put this project on hiatus for now. I'll get back to it eventually.

aw that's too bad.

I might start working on it again soon, I tend to work in phases. One month I'll start working on one thing, then next I'll start something new before the last one is finished. I'm terribly sorry if I've disappointed anyone. If people want to contribute though, post it here and maybe my muse will strike again. ;)

ANy plans on writing up the Falmer (Snow elves) or Dwimer (dwarves)

Well, I'm thinking of starting work on this again, might be a while for the classes to be up though (rewriting the magic system is hard!).

And yes, the dwemer are on their way! (eventually.....)

aw no falmer?

What is more important on the atronach ability, the defense against magic, the extra mana or the magic absortion?
If it's the first, just reverse the apprentice, giving +2 to saves against spells and SLA but -1 to spell save DCs, maybe put a line so only spellcasters can take it to avoid abuse.
If it's the second make it give a bonus first level spell slot. Add Detect Magics suggestion to increase the utility of the spell giving signs.
The third can't really be done with a vancian casting system.

I'm liking what I'm seeing with the signs and races. I'm not a huge fan of the magic system idea, but maybe I'm just not thinking about it right. As for the Atronach, I can't think of a way to account for all three elements of it. The spell absorption is just too much of an abstract concept when it comes to the type of magic system PF uses. Maybe a professional designer like Bulmahn could figure it out, but I sure as hell can't. If it were up to me, I'd ditch that aspect of the sign altogether.

Castery version:

Your primary caster attribute counts as 2 points higher. However magic is slow to return to you. You must rest atleast 12 hours to replenish whatever source of magical energy you utalize.

Non castery Version:

You gain Sr equal to 5 + character level. You maynot choose to forgo this spell resistance and any spell subject to it must roll to penetrate it. Even healing spells.

That's actually a pretty good compromise. I'd love to see how many short-sighted players would take the non-caster version just because the spell resist is nice.

Kazarath wrote:

Well, I have come to a few realizations:

A) Rewriting the whole class and magic system is a monumental task, one which I may not be up to at the moment. . .

I don't know if it was mentioned here or not, but a mana system similar to power points from psionics could work. If your main focus is magic, you get mana equal to a psion/wilder of equal level. If magic is secondary for you, you gain mana points as a psychic warrior of your level. If magic is your tertiary, then you gain mana points as a aegis/marksman. Caster level could be based on skill ranks in each school of magic. . . Ok. Maybe I should hush now.

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No you may be onto something, I must ponder this.....TO THE PONDERTORIUM!!!!

I realise you've already said you don't want to start on the Herculean task of overhauling classes, but how feasible would it be to have a set number of character creation points that you could use to spend on abilities, sort of like the system in Skills and Powers? One of the main things I liked about all the TES games was the way that while the classes were there (until Skyrim came out, at least), you could ignore them completely if you wanted and create a more or less bespoke character (within reason)

As in the game, they could be organised into categories (perhaps one for each ability, or would that be overcomplicating things?) to make it easier to pick - this is one of the things that makes TES really special, in my eyes, and I'd *love* to see it happen for real :)

(And that is an offer of help - I've never designed a game in my life, but that aside...)

What of the pantheons? Human deities, Aedra and Daedra.

I've always been interested in seeing what kind of domains would the Elder Scrolls deities have.

Icyshadow wrote:

What of the pantheons? Human deities, Aedra and Daedra.

I've always been interested in seeing what kind of domains would the Elder Scrolls deities have.

This is pretty much taken from the wiki:

Nine Divines
Akatosh - The Dragon God of Time and the chief god of the pantheon
Arkay - God of Life and Death
Dibella - Goddess of Beauty
Julianos - God of Wisdom and Logic
Kynareth - Goddess of Nature
Mara - Mother Goddess and Goddess of Love
Stendarr - God of Mercy
Talos - God of War and Governance
Zenithar - God of Work and Commerce

And there are also the Daedric Princes...

Grand Lodge

I'm glad to see I haven't been the only one that has been thinking about this. Although I choose to use the Spell Points from unearthed arcana instead of spell slots.

Elder Scrolls Birth Signs

Warrior: 2 per day re-roll an attack roll and add +4(swift) or empower a weapon damage roll (swift). (The weapon damage is anything that gets multiplied on a critical hit.)

Mage: Treat your casting stat as 2 points high for the purposes of bonus SP & +1 on Caster Level checks

Thief: 2 per day re-roll a skill check and on a natural result of 1-10 add +10 (swift on your turn or immediate during another’s turn)

Tower: Gain “Knock” or “Arcane Lock” as a spell-like ability that costs 3 SP to use & +3 SP.

Lord: Spend a move action to gain fast healing 2 for a minute, at level 5 and every 5 levels thereafter the fast healing goes up by +2. Always have Vulnerability to Fire

Ritual: Gain “Cure Moderate Wounds” or “Cause Moderate Wounds” as a spell-like ability that costs 3 SP to use & +3 SP.

Apprentice: Treat your casting stat as 4 higher & -2 to Saves vs. Spells and Spell-like abilities.

Atronach: Treat your casting stat as 6 higher & absorb ½ (rounded down, min 0) of the SP of spells cast directly targeting you. And you only recover ½ (rounded down) of your total SP upon resting.

Steed: +10 land speed & you are considered to have 4 legs when it would beneficial.

Serpent: As a standard action you make a melee touch attack to Poison/Curse a target & +4 Saves vs. Poison. [SERPENT BLOOD] TYPE- Contact SAVE- Fortitude DC 10 + ½ level + Physical Mod ONSET- Immediate FREQUENCY- 1 per round for 1 minute EFFECT- 1d10 per 5 levels CURE- Save negates for the turn (Being immune to poison only grants a +4 to the save)

Lady: +1 to Saves & Armor Class. And 1 per day you can reroll a saving throw (swift on your turn or immediate during another’s turn).

Shadow: Gain “Invisibility” or “Darkness” as a spell-like ability that costs 3 SP to use & +3 SP.

Lover: As a standard action you weaken yourself (Fatigued, then Exhausted, then Exhausted and Staggered, then add +1 to the number of rounds you are staggered) to paralyze a creature you succeed with a melee touch attack on for 1d4 + 1 per 4 levels. Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ level + Mental Mod negates the paralysis. And as a move action make a Constitution check with a +4 to end a non-magical fatigue or exhaustion effect with a DC 20 & 25 respectively.


Kazarath wrote:

Greetings Paizonians. I am currently working on a pathfinder conversion of the pure awesomeness that is the Elder Scrolls. When its all done I'll put it up in a Google Document, with races, classes (base or prestige, haven't decided yet), feats, items, and more (including pictures! Oooh fun!). But first I'm going to post the 'core' races here, to wet your appetite (if anyone really has an appetite to wet). If you see anything unbalanced, let me know!

(Info and introductory paragraphs were pulled from the UESPWiki )

** spoiler omitted **...

dude, this is amazing job!!

it gives me an idea, ill try to use all the human themes on golarion and make one kind of human for every one Golarion´s kindoms

i mean, what are for a varisian, cheliaxan, etc.

Grand Lodge

I know this is probably late in the game and a minor nitpick, but I think the High Elves would fit better with a +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. (Although more fitting would probably be +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution, that might break your RP limits.)

High Elves are haughty, to be sure, but they're also supposed to be imposing and possessed of a mysterious power. They also start with the lowest Endurance and Strength in the game, as I recall.


Also under High Elves, you wrote that they're "vulnerable to fire, frost, and shock", but never actually spelled out what this means mechanically. Do they take more damage from those sources? Do they have "anti-energy resistance"? Is it double damage, or a fixed amount of extra damage, or just a penalty to saving throws?

Shadow Lodge

Kazarath wrote:

Greetings Paizonians. I am currently working on a pathfinder conversion of the pure awesomeness that is the Elder Scrolls. When its all done I'll put it up in a Google Document, with races, classes (base or prestige, haven't decided yet), feats, items, and more (including pictures! Oooh fun!). But first I'm going to post the 'core' races here, to wet your appetite (if anyone really has an appetite to wet). If you see anything unbalanced, let me know!

(Info and introductory paragraphs were pulled from the UESPWiki )

** spoiler omitted **...

Will you ever go back to this?

Shadow Lodge

Apprentice - +1 to spell save DCs, -2 to saves vs. spells
Atronach -+1 SR, (If you successfully res a spell you regain an empty spell slot of one spell level below the spell that is cast)
Lady - +1 to Fort and Will saves
Lord - Heal CL 1/day; vulnerability to fire
Lover - Charm Person SLA 1/day; +2 diplomacy checks with opposite gender
Mage - +1 on caster level checks
Ritual - Channel Energy 1/day as a 1st level Cleric
Serpent -(Once per day on use (Cholera disease on first successful attack)
Shadow - Invisibility SLA 1/day
Steed - +10 base speed
Thief - +1 reflex, +5 base speed
Tower - Knock SLA 1/day
Warrior - +1 melee damage, +1 fort saves

The Exchange


I may use these races some time, running an Elder Scrolls game would be fun.

If you need to steal from something I have a (mostly abandoned) Freeform Class Selection project that may be a good core starting place for a more modular class system like the Elder Scrolls has.

Shadow Lodge

Apprentice - Bonus spell slot each level. -(Caster level) Save vs Spells
Lady - +1 Fort and Willpower
Lover - Paralysis Kiss 1/day no save 5 minute duration, Target must be non hostile or grappled/grabbed)
Ritual - Cure light wound 1/day. 1 Channel (1d6 damage to undead)
Shadow - Invis 1/day
Thief - +1 Dodge AC, +1 Universal Save
Warrior +1 Damage, +1 Fort, +10 lbs Carry Limit
Tower - Knock 1/day
Lord- Cure moderate Wound 1/day -3/ res fire
Serpent-Cure Poison 1/day, Next successful attack takes +2 ongoing poison damage
Steed- +3 Ride, +3 Handle Animal
Mage- +1 Caster level
Atronach +1 saves vs spells and Spell like abilities (Increases by +1 at level 4,8,12,16,20 etc)

Still working on this

This is the basic list for Aedra and Daedra with alignments and domains that I cooked up for my game group. I tried to stay as close to the descriptions from the in game lore as possible. Some domains from certain other d20 systems may be more appropriate for some but I went with only paizo official material as my source.


Akatosh: L/G
Domains: Air, Scalykind (Dragon), Nobility

Arkay: N/G
Domains: Repose, Death, Good

Dibella: C/G
Domains: Charm, Trickery (Innuendo), Good (Friendship)

Julianos: L/N
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Rune, Magic

Kynareth: N
Domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Plant, Sun, Water, Weather

Mara: N/G
Domains: Community, Good, Healing

Shezarr: N
Domains: Earth, Healing

Stendarr: L/G
Domains: Artifice, Law, Magic

Talos: N/G
Domains: Nobility, Protection, War

Zenithar: N
Domains: Travel (Trade), Community


Azura: C/G
Domains: Void, Darkness, Sun (Light)

Boethia: C/E
Domains: Evil, Destruction, Death (Murder)

Clavicus Vile: L/E
Domains: Knowledge, Trickery (Deception), Law (Tyrrany)

Hermaeus Mora: N/E
Domains: Knowledge, Luck, Rune

Hircine: N
Domains: Animal, Destruction, Strength

Jyggalag: L/N
Domains: Law, Knowledge, Rune

Malacath: L/E
Domains: Luck (Curse), War, Destruction

Mehrunes Dagon: C/E
Domains: Destruction, Fire, Liberation

Mephala: C/E
Domains: Chaos, Death, Trickery

Meridia: C/G
Domains: Sun, Repose, Animal

Molag Bal: L/E
Domains: Law (Slavery), Strength (Ferocity), Destruction (Torture)

Namira: N/E
Domains: Evil (Fear), Madness (Nightmare), Darkness

Nocturnal: C/N
Domains: Luck, Trickery (Theivery), Magic

Peryite: L/N
Domains: Disease, Discipline

Sanguine: C/E
Domains: Trickery, Charm (Lust), Chaos (Revelry)

Sheogorath: C/N
Domains: Madness, Artifice, Trickery

I googled "Elder scrolls Pathfinder" and stumbled across this awesome thread & would like to revive it. I was thinking of putting together an Elder Scrolls campaign of my own & I like some of what you guys were doing here. I have a different vision though.

I want to do very little in the way of house rules. I have always thought simple is better so instead of writing a whole bunch of new rules I want to capture the 'spirit' of the Elder Scrolls universe while using mostly existing mechanics. Here's my 2 cents.

Human Templates: (make a standard Human then apply 1 template)

Breton: +2 Charisma, SR 5 +1 per character level
Imperial: +2 Diplomacy, Silver Tongue Alternate Racial Trait (RG Pg. 72), Also considering giving like 100 extra starting gold to reflect "Imperial Luck" ability.
Nord: +2 Intimidate, +2 will save. Roll 2d20 on intimidate; take higher of the two.
Redguard: +2 con +2 fort save. Diehard feat.


Bosmer (Wood Elf): Elves (CRB Pg. 22) With alternate racial trait Wood Craft (RG Pg. 23), Animal Affinity Feat
Dunmer (Dark Elf): Drow (RG Pg. 103) With alternate racial trait Elemental Immunity: Fire 5 (RG Pg. 22)
Altmer (High Elf): Tower Elves Racial Subtype (RG Pg. 23)

Other Races:

Orc: Orc (RG Pg. 138)
Khajiit: Catfolk (RG Pg. 90)
Argonian: Nagaji (RG Pg. 196)

I personally would let the Dwemer stay extinct & keep Falmer (Snow Elves) as DM only NPCs since there are only a hand full in existence... but if I was to write them up though...

Dwemer: Dwarf (CRB Pg. 21) with the Ancient Enmity, Craftsmen, & Xenophobic alternate racial trait (RG Pg. 11)

Falmer (Snow Elves): Arctic Elf Racial Subtype (RG Pg. 23)

as for birth signs I like some of what Wyrmholez did, but I prefer spell slots over spell points & like I said I feel simpler is better. Here are my ideas:

NOTE: It's been a while since I've played Morrowind & I have never played Oblivion so I took most of my influence for this from the standing stones in Skyrim which I've been playing at length lately.

Warrior: BAB +2

Mage: CL +2

Thief: +2 to Skill checks

Apprentice: CL +4, -4 saves vs. Spells and Spell-like abilities.

Atronach: CL -2, +1 spell slot of each spell level you can cast.

Lady: Fort +2. Regen 1 hp per round or 1 per minute when not in combat.

Lord: AC +2, SR +10

Lover: +1 to BAB, CL, & skill checks.

Ritual: CL +2 for Necromancy school. SLA: “Animate Dead” 1x day.

Serpent: +4 saves versus poisons. SNA: Once per day Make a touch attack, if target fails a fort save they are paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. DC: 10 plus ½ your character level rounded up.

Shadow: SLA: “Invisibility” 3x day.

Steed: +10 movement speed & your Str is 4 higher for determining encumbrance.

Tower: SLA: Knock 3x day.

NOTE: I think any bonuses granted from birth signs should be considered a “Circumstance Bonus” Since all birth signs are “right time, right place” type deals, except for the bonus from The Serpent which should be infernal bonus. Canonically Serpent is not associated with any month, rather it pops up randomly & is considered a sign of bad luck. It's more of a "wrong time, wrong place" situation. Maybe Serpent should be a Luck Bonus? I mean, "bad" is a type of luck right?

Thanks, I've check all what you've done and some of this serve as a base to what I'm doing.

For equity sake, I've boosted all race from O.P. to a 13RP build:
Breton & High Elves get free class skill in Spellcaft and use magic device

Dark elves gain this for 2RP:
Call Ancestors: Darks Elves can call for the help of their ancestor, once per day, they can use summon Monster 1 to summon a "Dark elf skeleton" who will fight for them. Also, if they can cast "summon monster 1" they can add "Dark elf skeleton" to the list of creatures they can summon with this spell. (equal to 1st lvl spell (1RP) + very small custom bonus (half a feat) )

Imperial gain free class skills in Diplomacy & psychology, as well as this:
Voice of the Emperor: Once per day, Imperials can cast the "Command" Spell as a spell like ability, the CL for the spell is equal to the class level of the character. (equal to a 1st lvl spell (1 RP)

Khajiit gains Sneak and sleight of hand as class skills, as well as:
Lucky: Khajiit have a +1 racial bonus on each saving throw (equal to "lucky, lesser")

Nords gains:
Fearless: Nords gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects

Redguard gains:
Relentless: Redguards gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the member of this race and its opponent are standing on the ground.

Also, I've had some house rules:
-> Spell point (as here http://esotera.wildspace.com/ogc/variants/magic/spellpoints)
-> Easier read scroll on "Spellcraft", Also able to copy scroll if you have enough in spellcraft
-> Free wands (well, free to use, mage can use spell points from their pool to channel a wand)
-> No armor spell failure if you have the proficiency
-> Restricted spell choice for cleric & Druid (which should be quite rare in a Elder scroll setting IMHO) (as mage but without spellbook)
-> Restricted learning of spell (new self learned spell must be able to be linked to a spell already known by the character)
-> Each spell using an energy type can be created (learned) with another energy type (AcidBall - Fire missile - Magic touch - Frost arrow - ...)

Do you have other idea that could work to transcribe the elder scroll universe?

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I'm going ahead and using the races

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