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1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
So have you ever talked to Dagon or Jubilex if so, what are they like?

Disagreeable and self-important. I hate them both.

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Random Tiefling wrote:

Dear Mr. Treeraiser,

if the possibility arose for you to go back into the Abyss, yould you do it, or would you prefer to stay in Kyonin?

I'll get back to the Abyss some day, and when I do, I'll be taking Kyonin and as much more of this obnoxious world as I can with me.

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Lelyrin wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:
8) What is the ideal date for you?
Treerazer wrote:
8) Someone I've mind controlled.

Aww... so you are more like the dominant type. How *cute*!

If you would like to broaden your horizons, make new experiences; might I suggest I introduce you to Mistress Delvahine? I can pretty much guarantee you will not leave unsatisfied.


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Kthulhu wrote:

Heard from Demogorgon lately? What's he been up to?

Or do you not keep up with the old gang in the Abyss any more?

There's a huge army of otherworldly lawyers guarding his borders. I've not bothered to try to get in there to chat with him as a result. Plus, I heard he's dead anyway.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
If you could punch (or axe) any god in the face without fear of retribution or harm, who would it be?

Either Calistria or Cyth-V'sug. It'd be a tough choice.

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John Kretzer wrote:
Treerazer wrote:
John Kretzer wrote:

10)Who do you hate the most in the whole world (or cosmos)?

10) You.
Why don't you like me?

I don't really like anyone. Least of all the person currently asking me questions. If it makes you feel any better, I forgot mostly about my hatred of you once the next question came along.

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Midnight_Angel wrote:

Hmm... seems our favorite nascent demon lord has vanished into the depths of the forest again...


John Kretzer will be glad to know my hatred has moved on to you. He owes you!

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Who's your favorite minion?

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Does Cyth-V'sug even have a face?

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What's your favourite brand of weed-killer?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
JMD031 wrote:
Has this whole "Ask (insert fictional character) all your questions" thing gone too far or not far enough?

This concept Jumped The Demon a long time ago.

Shadow Lodge

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Treerazer wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:

Heard from Demogorgon lately? What's he been up to?

Or do you not keep up with the old gang in the Abyss any more?

There's a huge army of otherworldly lawyers guarding his borders. I've not bothered to try to get in there to chat with him as a result. Plus, I heard he's dead anyway.

AHHH! He's allied himself with Hell's Contract Devils? This is MADNESS!


*kicks Treerazer into a giant pit*

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Orthos wrote:
Who's your favorite minion?

Corrupted natural things. Because they kill noncorrupted things, and if they get killed themselves, they deserved it anyway. I also like demonic dinosaurs.

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doctor_wu wrote:
Does Cyth-V'sug even have a face?

Yes. Usually.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
What's your favourite brand of weed-killer?

Me and my defoliation power.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
LazarX wrote:
JMD031 wrote:
Has this whole "Ask (insert fictional character) all your questions" thing gone too far or not far enough?
This concept Jumped The Demon a long time ago.

Fortunately, this is not the "Ask LazarX all your questions here" thread, so your answer does not count.

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Have you ever given birth to anything?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Analysis wrote:
Have you ever given birth to anything?

Ummmm... no.

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Te rumor mill states the Runelords culd lay waste to you, is it true or were they fibbing??

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:
Te rumor mill states the Runelords culd lay waste to you, is it true or were they fibbing??

The runelords are basically dead. They're buried in tombs. I'm stomping around for real, breaking your stuff.

I'm not worried about runelords. MAYBE if they all teamed up they could concern me, but they won't.

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that would be an enteresting battle...

what would you do with the runelord of lust if you defeated and enslaved her......

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:

that would be an enteresting battle...

what would you do with the runelord of lust if you defeated and enslaved her......

Either eat her or use her as a monster incubator. Maybe both.

Of course... that kind of goes for the other six runelords as well.

thest of the runelords aint worth squat....

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Ever had celestial? If so, which kinds? How's the taste? And what's your favorite flavor?

*compiles notes for cookbook*

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What's the best use for kobolds?

Dark Archive

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ever thought of doing the starstone challenge and becoming a god?

Treerazer wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
Te rumor mill states the Runelords culd lay waste to you, is it true or were they fibbing??

The runelords are basically dead. They're buried in tombs. I'm stomping around for real, breaking your stuff.

I'm not worried about runelords. MAYBE if they all teamed up they could concern me, but they won't.

oh yeah I forgot to mention, but Cheliax's infernal magestrix already broke my stuff, so if you want revenge you'll have to make her give birth to a tiefling offspring.....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Ever had celestial? If so, which kinds? How's the taste? And what's your favorite flavor?

*compiles notes for cookbook*

Delicious, that's the flavor. My favorite is azata. SPICY!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
What's the best use for kobolds?

Below my notice. Ummm... clogging tubes that no one else can get in, I guess?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
ever thought of doing the starstone challenge and becoming a god?

Ummm... why would I do that, when I'm already a god? I mean, I grant spells to my cultists and they go out and cast those spells on my enemies.

Silly starstone is for losers, in other words.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:
Treerazer wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
Te rumor mill states the Runelords culd lay waste to you, is it true or were they fibbing??

The runelords are basically dead. They're buried in tombs. I'm stomping around for real, breaking your stuff.

I'm not worried about runelords. MAYBE if they all teamed up they could concern me, but they won't.

oh yeah I forgot to mention, but Cheliax's infernal magestrix already broke my stuff, so if you want revenge you'll have to make her give birth to a tiefling offspring.....

Ummm... that sounds like a "Your problem" not a "My problem."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Where's the most embarrassing place you've ever left Blackaxe? Elven gardners?

bu you said you were real, and was stomping around breaking my stuff.

you cant break my astuff its already broken... Thrune did it

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He could still break you >_>

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1) Did you have the occasion to speak with Tar-Baphon when he was running around?

2) If so, how'd that go?

3) How do you feel about undead in general? Keep in mind that your pet fiendish dinosaurs are still animals and vulnerable to things like a specter's unnatural aura.

4) Would I be correct in assuming the the "food or incubator" answer you had concerning the Runelords applies to nearly all of your prisoners?

5) Are you actually able to convert elves into drow?

6) Or are you working on being able to do that?

7) Do you fear death and the permanent annihilation it would bring you?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rakshaka wrote:
Where's the most embarrassing place you've ever left Blackaxe? Elven gardners?

Like I'd even ever think of answering this question.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zhangar wrote:

1) Did you have the occasion to speak with Tar-Baphon when he was running around?

2) If so, how'd that go?

3) How do you feel about undead in general? Keep in mind that your pet fiendish dinosaurs are still animals and vulnerable to things like a specter's unnatural aura.

4) Would I be correct in assuming the the "food or incubator" answer you had concerning the Runelords applies to nearly all of your prisoners?

5) Are you actually able to convert elves into drow?

6) Or are you working on being able to do that?

7) Do you fear death and the permanent annihilation it would bring you?

1) Yes.

2) Violently.

3) They're useful tools.

4) Yes.

5) I'd like to think so.

6) I'd like to think so.

7) No. Especially since death is as permanent for me as it is for anyone else.

Dark Archive

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So if you are a god why does Lashmatsu have all credit of being the only "demon" god(dess)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ulgulanoth wrote:
So if you are a god why does Lashmatsu have all credit of being the only "demon" god(dess)

Because she's a bully. And I suspect all the other demon lords would agree.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
He could still break you >_>

not if she's already done that too....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
He could still break you >_>
not if she's already done that too....

Ah, so you admit to being an infernal puppet...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Every time someone posts to this thread without asking me a question, I kill a dwarf puppy.

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Gentleman Nurn wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
He could still break you >_>
not if she's already done that too....
Ah, so you admit to being an infernal puppet...

nope. she was just being cruel while in a good mude.

anyway... what is the best recipe for Quickling kabob mr. Treerazer

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Steelfiredragon wrote:
anyway... what is the best recipe for Quickling kabob mr. Treerazer

Shiskebob. Preferably while they're still alive, using a viper that you've straightened out with stone to flesh and then once it's threaded through the quicklings, you flesh to stone the snake so it's nice and squirmy again.

This works well for most small or smaller humanoids. Works REALLY well on babies.

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What kind of (ordinary) tree do you most enjoy destroying?

Dark Archive

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Who was the most powerful adventurer you ever slew?

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Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
What kind of (ordinary) tree do you most enjoy destroying?

Ones that thinking creatures live in. And so that destroying their tree wrecks their home and, hopefully, kills their pets.

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Lord Gadigan wrote:
Who was the most powerful adventurer you ever slew?

I've slain several 20th level adventurers. They're EASY.

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Dear Mr. Treeraiser,

have you ever been forced to flee from some adventurers?

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Treerazer wrote:
Every time someone posts to this thread without asking me a question, I kill a dwarf puppy.

That is no threat!

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