xanthemann |

It's subsumed into Two-Weapon Fighting--basically, to reduce the number of feats a two-weapon wielder needs to take.
(If for some reason you want ambidexterity without two-weapon fighting, it would be balanced as a trait.)
Hmmm. That is an interesting take on the issue...Thank you.

Fleshgrinder |

I think the idea when they got rid of it is that no one is truly 100% ambidextrous.
Everyone has a slightly dominant hand.
Like I am a right-dominant ambidextrous person. I can shoot hockey, golf, baseball, pool etc with either hand, but writing is definitely cleaner with my right, and I naturally catch right handed, though I kick with my left leg.

Are |
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Didn't the Ambidexterity feat remove all penalties for TWF though? That's not the TWF feats do. They let you attack with two weapons at a smaller penalty and make more attacks.
No, it didn't. The Ambidexterity feat reduced the penalty for fighting with an off hand by 4. Here's the two-weapon fighting table on page 125 of the 3.0 Player's Handbook:
(primary hand listed first, then off hand)
Normal penalties: -6 / -10
Off-hand weapon is light: -4 / -8
Ambidexterity feat: -6 / -6
Two-Weapon Fighting feat: -4 / -8
Off-hand weapon is light and Ambidexterity feat: -4 / -4
Off-hand weapon is light and Two-Weapon Fighting feat: -2 / -6
Ambidexterity feat and Two-Weapon Fighting feat: -4 / -4
Off-hand weapon is light and (both feats): -2 / -2
As you can see, with both feats you still had a -2 penalty to all attacks, which is the same as you get in 3.5 and PF with only the TWF feat. Basically, the Ambidexterity feat was an additional feat tax for TWF-ers.
By the way, the Ambidexterity feat was not a prerequisite for the TWF feat, as the poster above me suggests. TWF had no prerequisite, while Ambidexterity had a DEX 15 prerequisite.

Chymist |
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My group always used right or left dominant for character description only, it just adds more to the character background. Of course it also affects the player if they lose a hand. We had the player roll a D6 and a D12. If the D6 rolled higher, they were left handed. If both die rolls were the same, the character is ambidexterous. This was way back before 1e, so it had no affect in the game.