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Miss Feiya, do you have a way to deal with Trolls (the monsters, not the "weird" people)?


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Failing that, acid?

Also, do those (very) long fingernails of yours ever get in the way? I imagine trying to rub something off your face is an exercise in not jabbing yourself in the eye.

Miss Freya,how did you get to be so awesome? And that fox of yours,what's its gender and how awesome is it in combat?

Dark Archive

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Ms Feiya what do you think of us incorporeal undead?

Good to see you on the boards, Miss Feiya!

1) Did you enjoy your time in Ustalav? Who was your favorite adventuring companion there?
2) As a fellow adventurer with a fox companion, I wonder if you have any entertaining stories of Daji's antics? Does he get into trouble a lot, or is he a well-behaved fox?

How do you feel about corgies?

Have you ever been a target of Merisiel's romantic advances?

Ms. Feiya, how doe other arcane casters treat witches in general?

The Exchange

Oh, great and mighty Feiya, who we all adore with all our heart, why do people mock the the Monk?

Are you going to answear any more questions?

E-Terah Deepheavy wrote:
Miss Freya,how did you get to be so awesome? And that fox of yours,what's its gender and how awesome is it in combat?


I've never checked.


ulgulanoth wrote:
Ms Feiya what do you think of us incorporeal undead?

Needs more fire.

ShadowFighter88 wrote:
Failing that, acid?

No, more fire.

ShadowFighter88 wrote:
Also, do those (very) long fingernails of yours ever get in the way? I imagine trying to rub something off your face is an exercise in not jabbing yourself in the eye.

Generally, I find them more useful than annoying. You get used to them quickly.

Feiya wrote:

If you are wondering, Merisiel forgot to mention you.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
Merisiel! How do you kill a troll? not in general, how do you kill one?

Stab stab stab stab stab stab...

Lini/Seoni/Ezren/Seltyiel/Kyra! Burn it!


Before she changes her answer.

wich song is cooler

this one


maybe this one

or this one


Goblin Yoda wrote:

Good to see you on the boards, Miss Feiya!

1) Did you enjoy your time in Ustalav? Who was your favorite adventuring companion there?
2) As a fellow adventurer with a fox companion, I wonder if you have any entertaining stories of Daji's antics? Does he get into trouble a lot, or is he a well-behaved fox?

1. Not recommended for vacation destination. Seelah.

2. Yes. Yes.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
How do you feel about corgies?

Poor man's fox.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Midnight_Angel wrote:
Have you ever been a target of Merisiel's romantic advances?

If by "romantic advances" you mean "getting stabbed", then, yes.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Ms. Feiya, how doe other arcane casters treat witches in general?

Fear and deference!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tirq wrote:
Oh, great and mighty Feiya, who we all adore with all our heart, why do people mock the the Monk?

They mock what they do not understand because they do not understand it. Their ignorance frightens them.

John Kretzer wrote:
Are you going to answear any more questions?


So what is it like communing with your patron thru your animal companion?

Do you have any idea who your patron is?

Do you care?

Did Merisiel really stab you? If so why?

Thank you for answearing all of these questions.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi Feiya!

Sorry I forgot to mention you burning things.

And sorry I stabbed you! I didn't mean to. I don't even remember stabbing you. Was it Ezren's fault? I'll make it up to you, I promise!


Putting that aside, what is your opinion on Abraxas?

How did you get to be so good at burning things? I'm a witch myself, and aside from the severely-outclassed-at-high-levels burning hands and a few wands and staves I've come across, my spell list is hopelessly devoid of incendiary tricks (hence my decision to take Arcane Blast at my next level-up). We had a halfling sorcerer who handled all the burny stuff before, but he got perma-killed by a medusa cultist of Asmodeus. Please advise.

As a Witch, you tend to have the ability to both Heal and Harm ... obviously you seem to have a fascination with setting things on fire (I find Scrags look better on fire, myself) but what is your second favourite thing to do as a Witch?

Icyshadow wrote:


Putting that aside, what is your opinion on Abraxas?

He's a spooky squirmy jerk.

Oh wait! This is Feiya's thread.

Still... my reply stands!

(wanders back over to her own thread)

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John Kretzer wrote:
So what is it like communing with your patron thru your animal companion?

I assume is different for each individual. For me it's like standing in an old growth forest, silent except for wind rustling through the leaves and someone whispering behind me but no matter how I try I never see anyone or anything but Daji and the trees.

John Kretzer wrote:

Do you have any idea who your patron is?

I have an educated guess.

John Kretzer wrote:

Do you care?

No. Sort of. It's complicated.

John Kretzer wrote:

Did Merisiel really stab you? If so why?

Yes. There are things you should not do with a rogue in the dark. Like yell "Surprise!" ... even if it's her birthday.

John Kretzer wrote:

Thank you for answearing all of these questions.

You're welcome.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:

Hi Feiya!

Sorry I forgot to mention you burning things.

It might be easier to list people who *dont* like burning things as I am sure that list is much, much shorter.

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
And sorry I stabbed you! I didn't mean to. I don't even remember stabbing you. Was it Ezren's fault? I'll make it up to you, I promise!

No worries. I assume it's par for the course when traveling with someone who carries more knives than I can count. And I'm totally down with blaming Ezren.

Icyshadow wrote:


Putting that aside, what is your opinion on Abraxas?

What is an "abraxas"?

Power Word Unzip wrote:
How did you get to be so good at burning things?


Power Word Unzip wrote:

I'm a witch myself, and aside from the severely-outclassed-at-high-levels burning hands and a few wands and staves I've come across, my spell list is hopelessly devoid of incendiary tricks (hence my decision to take Arcane Blast at my next level-up). We had a halfling sorcerer who handled all the burny stuff before, but he got perma-killed by a medusa cultist of Asmodeus. Please advise.

The great thing about fire is it seems so magical, but you actually don't need magic to create it! I highly recommend carrying a tinderbox, matches or alchemical fire on your person at all times.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:
As a Witch, you tend to have the ability to both Heal and Harm ... obviously you seem to have a fascination with setting things on fire (I find Scrags look better on fire, myself) but what is your second favourite thing to do as a Witch?

Hunting with Daji.

Dark Archive

As a fellow, yet less powerful witch, I must inquire: What do you think of causing people to trip over themselves in utter misfortune? (Me, I find it funny and life-saving... Like very life-saving.)

I know this guy. He's a Synthesist Summoner. I think you'd be a good influence on him.

So my question: What are your thoughts on Synthesist Summoners?

Verelle wrote:
As a fellow, yet less powerful witch, I must inquire: What do you think of causing people to trip over themselves in utter misfortune? (Me, I find it funny and life-saving... Like very life-saving.)

Not a fan unless they deserve it.

The NPC wrote:

I know this guy. He's a Synthesist Summoner. I think you'd be a good influence on him.

So my question: What are your thoughts on Synthesist Summoners?

There can be good synthesist summoners and there can be bad synthesist summoners. It really depends on the individual.

Do you like fishing?

Silver Crusade

Why don't you like Ezren...and further why do all of the Iconic's seem to dislike him, and is there anyone you know that DOES like him?

Elaine Fisher wrote:
Do you like fishing?

For fish, yes.

Dan Luckett wrote:
Why don't you like Ezren...and further why do all of the Iconic's seem to dislike him, and is there anyone you know that DOES like him?

Actually, I think we all like him, he's just a bit of a curmudgeon sometimes and an easy target to make jokes about.

do you like Allain?? hhave you threatened to turn him into a newt or kill his horse?

Having not been raised among humans* for much of your life what do you think of those who try to stop being human?

Also, what do you think of one who doesn't see the value in humans and has disdain for them but ultimately protects them because of the knowledge that gods** consider them valuable?

*Note that isn't just have to be human, it could be elven, dwarven, etc.

**Largely the good and neutral gods.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Is ther any truth to rumors that you have agreed to a bikini photo layout?

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Steelfiredragon wrote:
do you like Allain??

He's a bit full of himself, but good in a fight.

Steelfiredragon wrote:

hhave you threatened to turn him into a newt


Steelfiredragon wrote:

or kill his horse?

Never. Threatening animal companions/mounts/familiars is like threatening to cut off someone's arm, or kill their sibling. Daji means the world to me and I would be livid if someone joked that way about him.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The NPC wrote:
Having not been raised among humans* for much of your life what do you think of those who try to stop being human?

Life is precious. It is important to live it in a way that makes you happy and/or gives you purpose. If trying to be human makes someone miserable, they should try to find an alternative that makes them less miserable.

The NPC wrote:

Also, what do you think of one who doesn't see the value in humans and has disdain for them but ultimately protects them because of the knowledge that gods** consider them valuable?

Perhaps they should reexamine their definition of valuable? Or realize that just because the cant see value in a creature, doesn't mean that the creature lacks value according to the grand scheme of things.

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Ehm... what about colouring Daji green? Not that I'd ever do something like that.

*quickly sidles out of the thread*

Lord Fyre wrote:
Is ther any truth to rumors that you have agreed to a bikini photo layout?

I have no use or time for bikinis and photos don't exist in Golarion. So, no.

Lem the Halfling wrote:
Ehm... what about colouring Daji green? Not that I'd ever do something like that.

Well, as a fox he's pretty good at hiding and being camouflaged. Why would he need to be green?

dark green or grey are real good colors to wear while skulking around at night. Black stick out.

do you know of some farmer has threatened ALlain's byh urting his horse??

do you get teh feeling I cant stand Allain

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