Come forth Members of the Silver Crusade!

Silver Crusade

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Silver Crusade

"From the Society's perspective, we made our drive to Jormurdun, slew demon armies along the way, and I dragged Tancred Desimire back to Absalom from its very gates. Unfortunately, because of that I missed out on the excitement I heard about within the sky citadel. As for Mendev, I can't say as I haven't been back for a few months. I can't see much more of an organized push from the Society in the future, as much as it's needed."

Silver Crusade

"While it is true that the Societies presence within the Worldwound has diminished. I am sure that we will be keeping a close eye on it to make sure that its denizens do not become a significant threat to the world once more. I am also certain that we of the Silver Crusade will continue to provide our much needed support to both the Crusaders and the citizens of Mendev as they work to restore themselves and their country after such brutal assaults."

"I am currently awaiting an opportunity to make a trip to Sky Citadel Jormurdun. I can scarcely wait to see the history and treasures left by my fore bearers and to face what ever foul beasts may roam its hallowed halls. But enough about that."

"I ask that you all please feel free to join me for a good meal and better drink. I would hear tales of your adventures in this grand world of ours."

Silver Crusade

The heavily armed and armored woman comes in, having had a dip in the river to clean off most of the gore from her armor, and drops to a bench with a heavy sigh of relief. "It is so good to be back! Hello everyone, and what is this discussion? I'm just back from Nerosyn, and things seem to be holding together well there. Raids into old Sarkorian territory happen daily."

Bree has the Tapestry Fast Travel boon, and goes to Nerosyn on most days that she isn't on a mission.

She pulls aside one of the greatswords on her back to be able to face the group, and rests her vambraces on the table. "I'm glad to be back for Winter Solstice Feast, though. Inheritor's blessings to you all, and to all a Good Fight!" There's a bark of laughter and an order for drinks around.

"Rhon, you haven't been to the Sky Citadel, yet? I would have thought you would have been one of the first in the gates." She nods a little. "It was a great fight there when we opened it. Sorry to say, but we mussed the floor with hogsheads of demon blood. The throne room was a real mess."

Silver Crusade

"Alas I had duties elsewhere during the initial foray in that prevented my attendance but I assure you I will make it there before the Ten get their hands on me. Thank you for the drink by the way."

"It sounds as if you had a fun time making your way through the Sky Citadel." Rhon gives Bree-Bran a grin and a wink. "I will have to see what I can do about cleaning up some of the mess when I visit there."

Since Rhon is only two scenarios away from level 12 I have been keeping him shelved while I wait for a convention in my region to be running Legacy of the Stonelords. I really want that experience for him.

Silver Crusade

A tallish man of obious Tian descent walks in, removing a strange pair of goggles. He is talking to someone outside in Minkaian.

and he says:
Yes Masakaze, I will get you a good treat. Thank you for your continued assistance.

Looking up, he orders a plate of raw meats, as a Griffon strolls in. Beginning to feed the griffon, he shakes dust off his cloak and says: "Hello. I am Yuan Shi, Master Samurai. Ollyastra said I might be able to find some like minded people here. I am a devotee to Shizuru,though she grants me no special attention, I uphold her tenants of honor... and swordplay. I and my faithful steed (nodding at the griffon) have just returned to Absolom after an extended stay in Maginmar and Kaer Maga."

He looks to the bar keep, asking in a weary voice: "You wouldn't by chance have any Sake would you?"

At the bartender's negative reply he sighs.

Silver Crusade

A girl with a mix of kellid and minkaian features strolls in behind Yuan Shi. "Tenet! The word you were looking for was tenet."

in Minkaian:
"Unless you've recently taken up residence inside Shizuru, of course. Don't worry, I've heard Taldane is a hard language to learn."

She extends a hand to shake his."Yoshimi. I just got done with some nasty business in Magnimar myself. I dunno how I missed you on the boat, it woulda been nice to practice Minkaian and learn a little more about Shizuru. My dad wasn't always the best at teaching, but I got the basics."

She plops her katana down on a table, takes a seat, and starts absentmindedly copying spells from one spellbook to another.

Silver Crusade

"I suppose you are right... still not entirely used to common....
As far as why you didn't see me on the boat, after a nasty incident in Cassomir some years ago I try not to use them. Masa here"
He raises a hand and points at the griffon "Usually induldges me and flys me around. We have some other tricks for getting around too. Nice to meet you, by the way."

Silver Crusade

Rhon looks up as the new comers step inside and glances around to the others gathered around his table to see if anyone was able to understand the odd language being spoken. See none he takes a long draw from his tankard of fine Dwarven ale and rises to greet the new comers.

Standing before you is a male Dwarf who appears to be approaching his middle years. His green eyes are sharp, appearing not to miss a single detail. His hair is black as night with rings of various metals woven throughout and his beard is intricately braided with rings of varying metals decorating it and held together with a silver beard clasp. His full plate armor is highly polished but dinged and dented from years of adventure and exploration. A pair of golden eagles are etched onto the shoulders of his armor, looking the same as those of an Andoran Eagle Knight. Rhons' shield and ax are leaning up against a nearby table allowing you to easily note the holy symbol of Torag emblazoned upon the shield. A white cloak of Iomedae is wrapped around the top of the shield. Rhon holds a silver tankard in hand that he is gesturing to you with in greeting.

"Greetings friends and welcome to the hall of the Silver Crusade. Please come sit, rest, and tell us of the good deeds you have done for the peoples of these many nations."

Silver Crusade

Click on her name for her description in her profile

Avelina claps her hands together and jumps slightly in excitement. "Oh! Tien people! How lovely. I have not yet had the pleasure." She extends a hand. "You may call me Avelina of Mendev, or Your Grace. Either is acceptable."

Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

"While I have never heard of this Shizuru goddess, I, too, worship a goddess of honor and swords." She indicates the half-dozen longsword shaped wands on her belt, her longsword shaped hairpins, the longswords on the tomes chained to her belt, and--naturally--her longsword shaped longsword.

"I imagine that we must be staunch allies in the cause of righteousness, just as our goddesses must certainly be. Though I doubt anyone could match the beauty of the Inheritor." She sighs wistfully, gazing into the distance.

Silver Crusade

In Minkaian:
"Nice to meet you as well. I look forward to more practice."

Yoshimi eyes Rhon steadily and seems to study the metal rings in his beard as if looking for something specific. She's barely out of her teens, with very dark hair loosely tied up behind her head and a line of Kellid war paint smeared under each eye. She wears a golden yellow reinforced silk coat which moves every now and then as a tiny scorpion scuttles around through it. Under the minimal armor she wears a practical outfit of linen shirt, leather pants and gaiters, and sturdy boots covered in dust. Scrolls and adventuring gear are strapped to her legs and torso by lengths of strangely smooth fabric joined by smooth metal buckles with no obvious clasps. Her katana lies on the table along with two spellbooks.

"Hello Rhon, as I told Yuan Shi here I'm Yoshimi. Hailing from Starfall. Since I joined the Society, I've mostly found myself battling the same robots that I left back home. And similar constructs, I suppose. It's work that needs doing, and it's work I'm happy to do. It keeps both mind and body strong."

She glances at Avelina but seems a bit taken aback by the lady's fiery enthusiasm. "Uh...hi."

Silver Crusade

Rhon cocks his head slightly to the side as if trying to make out the language being spoken.

Linguistics: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

"That is a most beautiful sounding language. It is a shame I have not a clue what you said though."

"What is it that you search for among the various reminders of my life thus far? Perhaps if I know I might be able to shed some light on that moment in time for you or provide you the information you seek."

Silver Crusade

"Ha, I'm sorry. The language is Minkaian, the language of my father. I spoke it in my home, but I haven't had much opportunity since then. I've just been thanking the gentleman for the language lesson."

nothing to see here:
bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

She shoots Yuan Shi a wink before considering the other question and then slides a vial of what looks like liquid rust from one of her belts and holds it up to the light. "I'm searching for Skymetals. I'm hoping to gain any advantage I can over the robots I battle. I have gathered a small amount of quickiron..." She places the vial of djezet on the table next to her sword then unsheathes the weapon slightly, revealing a dark adamantine blade with a mottled blade like flowing water. It gives off a light blue radiance. "And I trust my Numerian steel. I have commissioned a sister blade of inubrix that the smiths are reluctantly working on. It likely won't help much against the evil robots, but it should cut through the defenses of those in league with them. It's a poor metal to craft a blade from though, and those stubborn bastards outright refused when I asked them to melt down the noqual pick I turned in to fashion a third blade for the set. I may need to find an outside source for it. That still leaves three skymetals though, and they're proving to be elusive."

Silver Crusade

In Minkaian:
"Is your father from Minkai? I left there many years ago on the dual quest to prove my skills, and to show the pride of Minkai. I have seen many strange and wonderous things, but occasionally my thoughts turn to home and family. I may return there at some point to see the changes to my beloved land."

Knowledge: Religon: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31

"I am somewhat familiar with the worship of the Inheiritor and her devotees. Good strong companions to have at your back. Doubly so if fighting undead, or otherworldly terrors."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31

"A pleasure to meet both of you. Always nice to know the quality of people the Silver Crusade attracts."

Silver Crusade

In Minkaian:
"He was, yes. He told me that Shizuru had led him across the crown of the world to battle the hordes of the Worldwound. He...he settled in Numeria, after that. He followed my mother, I think. I was raised in the small inn our family ran."

She goes quiet for a bit, then looks over at the griffon and grins. "So you and this handsome boy fly together? That must be so amazing, so free! What's it like?"

Silver Crusade

Bree-Bran comes back into the hall after a visit to the exterior facilities. She settles both greatswords on her armored back and then moves with a particular vigor back to the table. There is a wide smile for Avelina, and what might even be a sketch of a court'sey. "Your Highness, are you alright? You seem distracted by something."

She nods to the newcomers as she turns her chair around, and sits, leaning forward with her arms on the back. There is no comprehension of the foreign tongue, but she looks puzzled. "You sound something like some people I worked for, back when Amara Li was a venture captain. Key-Rin or something like that. It was really far off; it took months by sea to get there." And then, remembering her manners, she rises and offers a hand with the gauntlet dangling on a cord.

"Hello, I'm called Bree-Bran, and I'm in service to Iomedae. Pleased to meet you, and glad to see new faces in the Silver Crusade. Getting the Society out and doing good is a blessing."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35

Silver Crusade

Yoshimi shakes Brew-Bran's hand and smiles. "Hello, I'm Yoshimi. I'm beginning to think I'm the only one around here that doesn't have a holy symbol...

under her breath, in Hallit:
..stuffed up my rear...

Silver Crusade

A crusader in full plate and a Mendevian tabard turns toward Yoshimi and in a polite whisper replies

in Hallit:
"Not the most gracious words to hear on the lips of a young lady."

Silver Crusade

In hallit:
"Eheh. Maybe not. Never been in a place with this many zealots before. I kinda wonder who here loves their goddess, and who here is in love."

Silver Crusade

Avelina jumps at Bree-Bran's words, dropping her wand as a heavy blush overtakes her complextion. "Nothing at all! I was not distracted thinking about my beloved Iomedae at all! That's not to say I think her a distraction! A-a-and that's not to say she's not capable of distracting me either! In only a very chaste, religious way, though! Stop accussing me of impure thoughts!"

She holds a hand up to her chest and fans herself her other, trying to catch her breath after her outburst. "Oh, bother."

Silver Crusade


A hand comes up to cover Bree-Bran's mouth demurely, and hardly is a chuckle to be heard. She just shakes her head once with only a hint of a smile.

Her glance goes over to the others talking in an unknown language, but that loses her interest immediately, and so she looks to her tankard. Finding it empty, she lifts it on high, as though emulating a Caydenite, and calls for another round for everyone gathered.

"Drink as much as you like, everyone. I've opened a tab for the people here. For myself, I have an appointment with the Tapestry, early, and the Master of Spells gets very cranky when travelers are not prompt."

Silver Crusade

Rhon lets loose a hardy chuckle at Avelina's reaction and rapid spew of words before slowly shaking his head and regaining his usual stoic composure.

"Many thanks for the ale Bree-Bran. It is most appreciated." Rhon lifts is tankard in salute and to catch the barkeeps attention for a refill.

"I wish you luck on your journey within the Tapestry and in not raising the Master's ire. I personally find the Tapestry to be a miserable place but then again that is to be expected after that stupid elemental shocked me right down to my skivvies." A shudder rolls through Rhon at the mere thought of that event causing him to visibly shake for a moment.

Silver Crusade

"Gwahahaha! More ale is always welcome!" Aldoz tries to pat Bree-Bran on the shoulder, but hits her elbow instead. "Yer a good lass!"

"Wait..." His face contorts in a look of confusion as he freezes mid-drink. "Tapestries give appointments?"

Silver Crusade

Yoshimi orders a tankard of mead and returns. "Thank you for the drink! Are you having troubles with Master Aram? He's been a fantastic mentor to me since I came to Absalom. It helps if you go to him with informed questions. Good enough questions that he'll respect your inquiry, but then play to his ego when he starts to dump his intellect on you. Might help smooth things over if he gets cranky. It's worked for me when he's helped with my research, in any case.

Silver Crusade

Bree-Bran gives a patient smile to Aldoz and nods as her armor clanks under his pat. She shakes her head. "No, tapestries in general don't give appointments. However, this one is my transportation to Nerosyn. I don't have any assignments looming, so I am going to see if there's a patrol or something I can help with. Since the Stones went down, I know aggressive presence in the Wound is necessary."

Then she shakes her head slowly to Yoshimi. "My talents don't lie where Master Zey's respect does. I am a warrior on evil, through-and-through, and my tactics involve messy contact with the enemy. What I am doing tomorrow is something I've earned, and it adds a slight complication to his schedule, so best I just minimize the trouble I cause, and be on my way. He won't remember anything about it, that way."

She looks off a bit, not nearly so distracted as another follower of the Inheritor a few moments ago. "Now, Master Farabellus and I, we see things in a similar fashion. Skill at arms, and proper situational awareness of the enemy. Also, he's a good one to spar with. Always has some trick or move that I can learn from."

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Aldoz retrieves Avelina's wand for her. As soon as it's in her hand, she taps him on the head with it. "Aldoz, you know magic is not your forte. You will give yourself a headache again."

Avelina turns back to the others. Her face reddens again, but this time with a far different emotion. "That Master Zey is right dreadful man, full of nothing but spite. He called me a charlatan and an idiot! Worst of all, he accused me of not being blessed by the Inheritor as her priestess!" She shakes her head, frowning. "I would expect a 'Master of Spells' to have enough maturity to not lash out in jealousy. I did what any self-respecting woman would and stormed right out, then and there."

Silver Crusade

"Well, Master Aram can certainly be a bit prickly here and there, and he's not particularly patient, but I've found that we agree on quite a lot of things. He doesn't let much slip by him.

"Master Farabellus IS a particularly good sparring partner, but he has a bad habit of calling my spells "cheats." I always get my time's worth in exercise though."

Silver Crusade

"Master Farabellus is a truely gifted swordsman and most definately displays a great talent for teaching that gift to new recruits. For us old hands though there is not much left to teach us other than perhaps some humility for when our skill at arms fails us in the field." Rhon slowly looks around the room after making that last comment and takes a long draw of his ale. "You are quite right though Yoshimi. Master Farabellus does indeed provide a most strenuous workout even when I have my friend Earl with me providing most of my offensive capability."

Silver Crusade

A large earth elemental strides over and places his out stretched hand on Rhon's shoulder. The elemental begins speaking to Rhon with a voice that sounds like rocks smashing together.

In Terran:
"Friend you have be speaking of me again. If you would be so kind as to introduce me to your friends.

Silver Crusade

"Everyone I would like to introduce to you Earl. My friend and loyal companion through many a journey and the offense to my defense. Earl these are the many members of the Silver Crusade within the Pathfinder Society."

Silver Crusade

Bree rises up with some clanking, and standing tall at first, then she gives a bow to the elemental. Speaking in common, she talks slowly and clearly: "Welcome to you, Friend of Rhon's. I am sorry I do not speak your language, but my limited smarts have been working on understanding foul demonkind." She reaches for a mug, then stops, thinks a moment, and looks to the great outsider. "I don't know what, but I would like to offer you refreshment, as we are celebrating life at this time of year."

Bree-Bran is very knowledgeable on beings from other planes, but usually does not deal with elementals. (knowledge planes +13)


Greetings, fellow pathfinders! Might we together enjoy merryment and opportune entertainment for all those interested in joining this magnificent and ponderous crusade!

All those who agree upon the matter at hand is that we, the crusade, shall rejoice!! All the crusade shall knoweth that I, Carla the Profane, have once again regained my sexuality!

Hithertotherefore, we must all subdue ourselves to the beauties of desna, our fairest moon queen of giant snowballs.

Bla bla bla etc...

Silver Crusade

Swings down from the ceiling to rumble squieekily at the earth elemental

Hell your igneousness. Welcome!

The bat huhs at carla

Well thats.. odd.

Silver Crusade

Avelina jumps and nearly drops her wand again, but manages to juggle it back into her hand. "Sexuality?! Goddess! not know what I am supposed to say to that." She glances over at Carla, then abruptly turns away, blushing wildly again. "Highly inappropriate! Highly inappropriate!"

Silver Crusade

Yoshimi brings her mug over to Avelina."If you don't know what to say, maybe say something nice? Nothing to be bashful about. Congratulate her on a job well done! I'll drink to life, to love, and to a good recumbent frolic!"


Yes! And thank the gods for Elixir of Sex Shift! I always wanted to try stuff from the other side, Besma-, eh Iomedae be praised, yarr!

Carla raises her mug towards some Mendevian crusaders nearby with a wry smile:

Speaking of which, any of you lot want to come to my concert hall down the road later to enjoy some hands-down intense oratory performance by the most skilled mouths of Nerosyan! Special Jormundun discount for those who like it deep or dwarven!

She proceeds to hand out leaflets that promote "Barrenspeak Concert hall - for all your entertainment needs" while occasionally swearing and exchanging unconvincing amicalities before heading back towards the entrance.

Well, I must be going now! Take care, lose- eh fellow pathfinders! May we bathe in the glorious loot of the society untill the end of our days!

Silver Crusade

Doyle Taghaur wrote:

Swings down from the ceiling to rumble squeakily at the earth elemental

Hell your igneousness. Welcome!

In Terran:
Greetings large squeaky leather butterfly.
Earl scratches the bat on its head with one large finger.
Silver Crusade

Yuan Shi re-enters the room, obvious signs of dust and travel on him.

"Faugh... Barkeep, please get me a pot of green tea and a small meal."

A loud screech sounds as a Griffon wearily walks in to the room and drops on the floor at the foot of Yuan's table.

In Minkaian:
"Yes, little brother be calm a minute."

"And a raw rabbit too please."

Turning to the room in general, Yuan Shi pulls out a wine bottle, and takes a hefty swig.

"How are you fine folks? Doing well I take it?"

He glance off for a moment, takes another swig, the looks back around.

"Take my advice, no matter how much you want to, no matter what reasons compel you, no matter how homesick you get, never go home on business. I recently returned to my Homeland doing a favor for Venture-Captain Li. It was an un-mitigated disaster. Worse are some of the members of the Society who resort to threats or violence without understanding the situation at hand, as though yelling, threatening, and hitting things are all they understand. Let me tell you, the Silver Crusade has its' work cut out for us."

Yuan Shi has recently completed 3-15 Haunting of Hinnojai.

Silver Crusade

Yes sir, and if you act honorably and good you are suspected of being a paladin of I owe me a day instead of being a simple monkey trying to help people starving to death. This paladin thing is a kind of witch I take it?

The other guys were kinda insistent that I could be as evil as I wanted to be unless I was a pal. I said of course sure I'm friendly and cutting throats isn't my takes all kinds to be a pathfinder society I guess.

(Finished valley of the flesh eaters)

Silver Crusade

Bree-Bran shoots a glance over at Bo, raising a brow as she does. "Good Sir, I happen to be a paladin in service to the Inheritor, the goddess I-o-me-dae. Do I look like some kind of witch to you?" She rises to her full 5-foot-six, gleaming full plate still on her, with both her greatswords across her back. "I am a warrior against the dark forces of the world. Acting honorably and good are just the right things to do, if at all possible. There is no reason to descend into the depths of depravity that is Evil. So, I am glad you resisted their advances, and took a stand for yourself. I've been told that all it takes for evil to win, is for good people to do nothing. Doing good and right need to be done, and cannot be taken for granted."

Her outburst done, she sits back down, and checks to make sure everyone has something to drink.

Silver Crusade

Rhon looks over at Bree-Bran as she finishes her statement and gives a curt nod and places a gauntleted fist over his heart in a gesture of solidarity.

"Bo, I hope you took some time to try to set the others you where with straight on this subject and also try to lead them down the path of good for all. We must not just be examples of good in this world; we must be willing to both demonstrate this goodness to all peoples and be willing to lead them to a life of goodness.' Rhon looks about the room for a quick moment before continuing. "We are the light that shines in the darkness and with that light will either redeem or banish the evil and wicked from before us.

Rhon then turns back to those gathered at his table to continue the lively conversation over fine food and drink.

Silver Crusade

Bree-Bran wrote:

Bree-Bran shoots a glance over at Bo, raising a brow as she does. "Good Sir, I happen to be a paladin in service to the Inheritor, the goddess I-o-me-dae. Do I look like some kind of witch to you?" She rises to her full 5-foot-six, gleaming full plate still on her, with both her greatswords across her back. "I am a warrior against the dark forces of the world. Acting honorably and good are just the right things to do, if at all possible. There is no reason to descend into the depths of depravity that is Evil. So, I am glad you resisted their advances, and took a stand for yourself. I've been told that all it takes for evil to win, is for good people to do nothing. Doing good and right need to be done, and cannot be taken for granted."

Her outburst done, she sits back down, and checks to make sure everyone has something to drink.

The man in the corner concealed in his Sarenite monk robes looks up from his water and adds his first contribution to the discussion.

"Indeed. One must always listen to one's conscience, especially when darker paths beckon."

Yuan Shi wrote:
A tallish man of obious Tian descent walks in, removing a strange pair of goggles. He is talking to someone outside in Minkaian.

I've never seen any sources that list more than one language from Tian Xia. What source is Minkaian from?

Silver Crusade

Vutava wrote:
Yuan Shi wrote:
A tallish man of obious Tian descent walks in, removing a strange pair of goggles. He is talking to someone outside in Minkaian.
I've never seen any sources that list more than one language from Tian Xia. What source is Minkaian from?

Dragon Empires Primer/Gazetteer feature a slew of languages from Tian Xia.

Silver Crusade

Avelina claps excitedly after Bree-Bran and Rhon finish speaking. Tears have begun to well-up in her eyes, and a wide grin reveals her dimples.

"Beautiful! Splendid! Righteous! Glorious! Truly astounding exemplars of justice and righteousness! I knew that I would find worthy heroes here."

She stiffens in an instant and turns to her dwarf companion, her head tilted up as she points at him. "Aldoz! Right down what they just said. Such heartfelt, righteous words must be preserved!"

Silver Crusade

Aldoz immediately delves into his backpack. A goblin skull, a dusty vine, and a goblet with the Blakros family crest are just a few of the items strewn about in his frenzy. He finally looks up, his shoulders slumped.

"I dinnae have anything to write with, Princess!"

Silver Crusade

Avelina taps her foot during Aldoz's search, hands on her hips. She sighs deeply as he declares his defeat, shaking her head before waving dismissively. "Never mind. The moment is lost."

Avelina turns back towards Bree-Bran and Rhon, her proud smile returning the instant she sees them. She rushes over and throws her arms around each of them. "My righteous darlings! Exalted paragons of good!" She pulls back and wipes her eyes with light caresses of her finger. "You two MUST come and visit me and Auntie next time you are in Mendev. She would absolutely LOVE to meet such wonderfully beautifully righteous persons."

Silver Crusade

Bree seems taken aback by the onrush and grapple, but steels herself and offers a hesitant pat on the back to the Mendevian noblewoman.

"Of course, Your Highness. I have met your Aunt, the Queen, and she is someone I could follow into the Wound itself, and on the the Ab... " Her words are cut off by the departure to the senior Crusader.

Silver Crusade

Rhon seems momentarily taken aback by the unexpected hug being as this level of intimacy is generally reserved for close family or lovers among Dwarves.

"But of course Avelina. I would be honored to visit with both you and the Queen of Mendev. Rhon gives a quick nod of thanks to Bree-Bran for the heads up on whom the Aunt is. "I am sure such a visit would be most enjoyable."

Silver Crusade

Bo ponders Bree Bran, do you happen to weigh the same as a duck?

Maybe my Taldane isn't good enough, the way the other pathfinders reacted to my good and honorable actions was one akin to being claimed a witch. A sense of suspicion and avoidance.

The way of peace through horizontal blindness is a hard road to travel.

Silver Crusade

Rhon, no I am a Pathfinder I offered the throat cutter my dagger in the spirit of cooperation so he could murder the helpless people in the true nature of being a hero of legend from the pathfinder chronicles. Oddly, he grew squeamish instead as I called his bluff. He seemed much more gracious when I saved him from an untimely death some minutes later.

I don't see the need to impose my will on others. I will cooperate with my colleagues, but I make it clear as a donkey speaking monkey of ee or ee, that good is a harder path to follow and laws aren't necessarily applied only while under observation.

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