Come forth Members of the Silver Crusade!

Silver Crusade

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Silver Crusade

Sure thing, iced tea or untainted water please. Alcohol limits the minds absorption of positive energy. Or its my theory as to why the drunken brawl.

Silver Crusade

"I've never had an issue with alcohol and focusing the might of Iomedae." The returning paladin shrugs her massively armored shoulders as she spins a chair and straddles it, leaning on the back. "But as Rhon there shows, drinking is really for the return from battle, and not the preparations for it."

Bree-Bran orders a round for the house, and adjusts the two greatswords on her back. "So, welcome. I've been to Across the Ocean, and met some good people there. Some of them not even mammals, as they are proud to say. Irori is a god of... improving one's self, I believe. So, anything you can do in that vein he might appreciate."

Liberty's Edge

An almost 7 foot tall snake man (nagaji), completely covered by a suit of full plate, except for the helmet resting on the table and leaving his head exposed, perks up at the mention of non-mammals.

"As Bree-Bran sssaysss, we are not all mammalsss here. And sssome of usss do not partake of alcohol. I do not underssstand the mammal preoccupation with sssuch thingsss."

"Asss for ssso called 'might of Iomedae'" the snake man practically spits the goddess's name, and even those of you who have never met a nagaji can tell he's angry as he bangs his helmet on the table beside him and yells, "I DON'T WANT ANY OF IT!!!"

Silver Crusade

"Whether in preparation for battle or to celebrate a return from battle, it does not matter. A good stout Dwarven Ale is for both those times and anytime in between." Rhon takes a long draw from his finely crafted silver tankard and then signals a server to bring him a plate of food.

Silver Crusade

"It is very quiet here in here. I trust that this is not the calm before the storm."

Silver Crusade

The gods must be taking a hit of ambrosia, too relaxed to cause trouble.

Silver Crusade

Thereus rambles in from the brightness outside. He finds a seat and leans his longbow Justice against the wall.

"Good day all, I have just returned from the torrid heat of the Garund highlands, is there any news from the World Wound?"

Silver Crusade

A young male human wearing hide armor nervously fidgets the morningstar on his belt. A longbow slung over his shoulders as he looks around for the first time in the Temple of the Shining Star.

He nervously clears his throat, probably from inexperience, "Hello, my name is Faraday Wayland, a wandering healer from a village outside of Absalom. I was told that the Silver Crusade meets here. I believe I have the same belief that good triumphs over evil."
He took a deep breath and looks for a seat and tries not to be in anyone's way.

Silver Crusade

Faraday Wayland wrote:

A young male human wearing hide armor nervously fidgets the morningstar on his belt. A longbow slung over his shoulders as he looks around for the first time in the Temple of the Shining Star.

He nervously clears his throat, probably from inexperience, "Hello, my name is Faraday Wayland, a wandering healer from a village outside of Absalom. I was told that the Silver Crusade meets here. I believe I have the same belief that good triumphs over evil."
He took a deep breath and looks for a seat and tries not to be in anyone's way.

A pretty blonde woman approaches to greet the young man.

"Welcome to the Temple, Faraday. The Silver Crusade is open to all who want to spread the light of goodness throughout Golarion and beyond."

"I'm Sister Isabella, priestess of the Dawnflower. It's always nice to meet a fellow healer. When I'm not out on missions for the Society, I spend much of my time here at the Temple, tending to the sick."

Silver Crusade

Sister Isabella wrote:

A pretty blonde woman approaches to greet the young man.

"Welcome to the Temple, Faraday. The Silver Crusade is open to all who want to spread the light of goodness throughout Golarion and beyond."

"I'm Sister Isabella, priestess of the Dawnflower. It's always nice to meet a fellow healer. When I'm not out on missions for the Society, I spend much of my time here at the Temple, tending to the sick."

Faraday blushes at the greeting, "I have yet to embark on a mission. My healing skills were learned from my mother who acted as a midwife. The village didn't need two midwife/birthhelper, so I came out to see what I could find at the temple. Thank you for your warmth, I appreciate it. Meeting new people is not something I'm very comfortable with."

OOC: Going to Gen Con in August and going to play some of the PFS games.

Silver Crusade

Ser Thereus wrote:

Thereus rambles in from the brightness outside. He finds a seat and leans his longbow Justice against the wall.

"Good day all, I have just returned from the torrid heat of the Garund highlands, is there any news from the World Wound?"

"I have heard word that the Society is beginning to finally make a concentrated push into Wound. It is about darn time we took a greater hand in helping reverse the tide of evil in that place."

Silver Crusade

Faraday Wayland wrote:

A young male human wearing hide armor nervously fidgets the morningstar on his belt. A longbow slung over his shoulders as he looks around for the first time in the Temple of the Shining Star.

He nervously clears his throat, probably from inexperience, "Hello, my name is Faraday Wayland, a wandering healer from a village outside of Absalom. I was told that the Silver Crusade meets here. I believe I have the same belief that good triumphs over evil."
He took a deep breath and looks for a seat and tries not to be in anyone's way.

"Greetings Faraday. My name is Rhon Delver. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Standing before you is a male Dwarf who appears to be approaching his middle years. His green eyes are sharp, appearing not to miss a single detail. His hair is black as night and is beard is intricately braided with a silver beard clasp holding it together. His full plate armor is highly polished but dinged and dented from years of adventure and exploration. A pair of golden eagles are etched onto the shoulders of his armor, looking the same as those of Andoran Eagle Knight. Rhon' shield and ax are leaning up against a nearby table allowing you to easily note the holy symbol of Torag emblazoned upon the shield. A white cloak of Iomedae is wrapped around the top of the shield. Rhon has a silver tankard in hand that he is gesturing to you with while greeting you.

"Please join me for a drink and allow me to introduce you to the others. Then perhaps we can share stories of the varied places we have been and what we have seen."

Silver Crusade

A young woman with features showing her as hailing from Cheliax marches into the hall, her heavy armor clanking with her movements. She surveys the scene with a smile, and gives a familiar nod to Rhon before crossing to the dwarf and clasping his arm firmly. She looks over the others present and nods in approval.

"May the Inheritor's blessing shine on all of you, and welcome to all who would make the world a better place." Her tabard has the sunburst-and-longsword symbol of the aforementioned goddess. "I can't help but have heard mentioned a push against the Worldwound? I feel I am ready for it, and demon's beware. I know we got that tower operating again, and folks up there say it is a great weapon for our cause."

She sighs a little, and moves to take a seat, adjusting both the greatswords on her back so she can fit on the bench. Her glance runs up and down Faraday, appraising the young man. "Midwivery is a noble calling, and healing those who cannot help themselves is quite blessed. I am sure you will find those who will aid you in your chosen tasks, and you can help guide pathfinders with you to righteous and good behavior. Some of them... us can be quite the handful, however. Watch your steps."

Silver Crusade

Iomedae eh, nice girl, all in plate makes little noise gliding over the floor. I saw a painting once.

Hi I'm Bo and I'm new too. Well I was a barbarian fella but long time ago I realized peace is better than war. Went out east to see the Tien guys. Ran into some monkeys, that's the plural for monk. Supposedly there's a fighting style for it.

Now Im back n ready to do good or something. I asked where all the good girls were and some one pointed me this way. Then I met this dwarven chap and here we are. Life is like a bowl of porridge, all mushed up and warm.

Silver Crusade

Bree-Bran wrote:

A young woman with features showing her as hailing from Cheliax marches into the hall, her heavy armor clanking with her movements. She surveys the scene with a smile, and gives a familiar nod to Rhon before crossing to the dwarf and clasping his arm firmly. She looks over the others present and nods in approval.

"May the Inheritor's blessing shine on all of you, and welcome to all who would make the world a better place." Her tabard has the sunburst-and-longsword symbol of the aforementioned goddess. "I can't help but have heard mentioned a push against the Worldwound? I feel I am ready for it, and demon's beware. I know we got that tower operating again, and folks up there say it is a great weapon for our cause."

She sighs a little, and moves to take a seat, adjusting both the greatswords on her back so she can fit on the bench. Her glance runs up and down Faraday, appraising the young man. "Midwivery is a noble calling, and healing those who cannot help themselves is quite blessed. I am sure you will find those who will aid you in your chosen tasks, and you can help guide pathfinders with you to righteous and good behavior. Some of them... us can be quite the handful, however. Watch your steps."

Rhon grins at Bree-Bran while returning the firm arm grasp. "It is good to see you back among us Bree-Bran. Yes, you did hear correctly that a push is on by the forces of Mendev and of those who side with all that is good in this world against the spawn of the World Wound. Would you like to come along and see what we can accomplish towards helping that push become a rout of the forces of Evil?"

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Rhon Delver wrote:

Rhon grins at Bree-Bran while returning the firm arm grasp. "It is good to see you back among us Bree-Bran. Yes, you did hear correctly that a push is on by the forces of Mendev and of those who side with all that is good in this world against the spawn of the World Wound. Would you like to come along and see what we can accomplish towards helping that push become a rout of the forces of Evil?"

"I am ever-ready to face the foul forces of the Abyss. My blades are sharp, and I am tasked by the Lady of Valor to oppose the sources of evil as best I can. I have worked to gain us allies near the Wound, folk who are used to dealing with the miasma and profaneness of the place. My magicks grow in power, and I expect the craven and vile beasts will learn to avoid me." Her grin becomes a little more feral at the prospect of facing the evil, otherworldly foes. "So, the answer to your question, Silver Crusader, is that yes, yes I am ready to see what we can accomplish! May the Society's contribution aid in the overwhelming success of the Fifth Crusade!"

Suddenly, she looks around, a little abashed at her own outburst. "Forgive me. Long have I trained to fight those particular foes, and I grow excited at the prospect. Iomedae has allowed me to conquer any fears I have, so..." she smiles a much more demure look. "I am ready."

Silver Crusade

Wow you guys are really violent. I'm more towards the invocation of peace. My last mission was to escort a fancy lady to some house. We had a nice time until the usual happened. Then I convinced one chap to take up a life of fruitful labor in the fields. He was on his back and blind when my foot found some particular soft spot. Then he got all frightened by my assertion that his life wasn't going to be all the recruiters said it was. He really just gave up ... well cried a lot then gave up. Crying is good for the soul. That's why I suggested gardening he can cry and the plants will like the water.

Silver Crusade

A blue skinned gnome with wild green hair flying out in every direction wanders in and catches the tail end of the conversation.

"Just got back from Mendev myself. I've never been somewhere so violent before." He shakes his head, sadly.

"It's not even like we were there hunting demons or anything big like that - we were mostly just interacting with the locals in a small, mostly human town. But living in a region like that, even the common folks are paranoid and surprisingly bloodthirsty in seeking justice. It's very sad."

His mood seems to lighten as he adds, "I was glad I was able to perform for them to cheer them up some while I was there, and help solve a local mystery before too many more innocents were hurt."

Silver Crusade

Bo Atlas wrote:
Wow you guys are really violent. I'm more towards the invocation of peace. My last mission was to escort a fancy lady to some house. We had a nice time until the usual happened. Then I convinced one chap to take up a life of fruitful labor in the fields. He was on his back and blind when my foot found some particular soft spot. Then he got all frightened by my assertion that his life wasn't going to be all the recruiters said it was. He really just gave up ... well cried a lot then gave up. Crying is good for the soul. That's why I suggested gardening he can cry and the plants will like the water.

"It is not that we have a tendency towards violence but that in certain cases or events that it must be used with great liberty. I myself would much prefer a peaceful end to the plight of the World Wound but have come to realize that the only way to end that threat is by driving the demons back to the abyss by liberal use of the sword. It unfortunately seems to be the only way the demons will know that we mean to end their threat to our existence."

Silver Crusade

Don't know anything about that. It's fun to read books, but not my kind of fun. Im from the mana wastes and all that book learning magery really doesn't turn out well. Books are best left on shelves before they jump out and hurt someone.

Silver Crusade

"I have not seen or heard from many of you for some time and thought it was high time to make sure that you are all okay. So my fellow members of the Silver Crusade, how fare you?"

Silver Crusade

Im still putting a boot upside evil's nether regions, for goodness. My colleagues are still cut throats and criminals. Sigh its a long road to bring them home.

Silver Crusade

A dwarf wearing a battered breastplate and carrying a Longhammer enters. He wears a full helmet, under which can be seen a blond braided beard. He carries a heavy backpack, with a crossbow lashed to it. A well worn waraxe is at his side.

"My name is Tharien Darkhammer. I am new, both to the Society and the Crusade, but as Torag and St. Cuddy give me strength, I will stand before the tide of evil, and shall not break."

Liberty's Edge

An imposing aasimar woman passes by, and overhears Rhon's question. The words of her reply seem to tumble forth, like a bubbling brook.

"Well, I can vouch for a couple of new recruits in your Silver Crusade. I ran into them, up in Mendev, investigating some Pathfinders who got locked up in jail. Something about a murder. I was all ready to bust them out, and ride off on a fast horse. Any plan with a fast horse is a good plan, I say, but they wanted to stop and talk to folks, and figure out what happened. I figured that would be pretty boring, but they said someone needed to go to the beer garden. Keep an eye on the gnome, they said. He's only a little fellow, and if he gets too much beer in him, he'll start blabbing about how we're Pathfinders too. So, I had to drink most of the gnome's beer as well as my own, but my father didn't raise no sissies, so it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Anyway, we, I mean mostly they, figured out what was really going on and we didn't have to ride off on a fast horse. That was a bit disappointing, but they told me that the Silver Crusade isn't all about smiting, and sometimes you just need to talk some sense into people, and explain what they're doing is wrong. I'm not sure I'd want to do it that way all the time, but they seemed like decent folk. And I bought myself a fast horse when the mission was over, just in case I need one next time."

She takes a deep breath at the end of her story, and smiles at anyone who has stopped to listen.

Hopefully that's enough detail that people will recognize Scars of the Third Crusade, but not enough to be spoilery. If anyone thinks it should have had spoiler tags, I apologize.

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Rhon Delver wrote:
"I have not seen or heard from many of you for some time and thought it was high time to make sure that you are all okay. So my fellow members of the Silver Crusade, how fare you?"

"I've been fine. Thanks for asking. I haven't been on any missions for the Society or the Crusade in a while, though I believe my name's coming up soon on the duty roster. In the mean time, I've just been helping tend to the sick and poor in the Temple of the Dawnflower in Absalom."

Silver Crusade

Silver Crusader Rhon Delver wrote:
"I have not seen or heard from many of you for some time and thought it was high time to make sure that you are all okay. So my fellow members of the Silver Crusade, how fare you?"

I have recently returned from the fog mountains in southern galt to help in the recovery of the bones of an ancient sage. If you get a chance take a ride in a sled pulled by huskies after they are hasted...quite invigorating.

Silver Crusade

A female Aasimar with copper hair, emerald eyes, about average height and weight with scalemail on and a longsword on her hip enters the hall. She speaks with a thick Kelish accent

Hail Silver Crusaders, my name is Davina Neron. I am very new here and I hope to soon advance the name of this honorable hall. I thought it would be wise to introduce myself if I am going to be here.

she sits down at the closest unoccupied table. Looking around the room at all the inhabitants

Silver Crusade

Standing before you is a male Dwarf who appears to be approaching his middle years. His green eyes are sharp, appearing not to miss a single detail. His hair is black as night with rings woven throughout and his beard is intricately braided with rings of many different metals woven into it and a silver beard clasp holding it together. His full plate armor is highly polished but dinged and dented from years of adventure and exploration. A pair of golden eagles are etched onto the shoulders of his armor, looking the same as those of an Andoran Eagle Knight. Rhons' shield and ax are leaning up against a nearby table allowing you to easily note the holy symbol of Torag emblazoned upon the shield. A white cloak of Iomedae is wrapped around the top of the shield. Rhon holds a silver tankard in hand that he is gesturing to you with in greeting.

"Hail and welcome Davina, to the hall of the Silver Crusade. I wish you the very best in your journeys and hope that you are able to continue our simple mission of doing good works for the people of Golarion. Whether that be tending the ill, caring for the less fortunate among us, or battling evil so that it may not continue to ravage the populous."

"Will you allow me to buy you a mug of ale or perhaps a glass of wine as a simple gesture of welcome?"

Silver Crusade

Looking at the dwarf, and smiles.

"Well master dwarf, how can I refuse a friendly gesture? Please, a glass of wine would be wonderful. Then please join me so that I may hear of your deeds against evil. For it it obvious to my young eyes that you have seen some sights."

She points towards a chair next to her. You can see the look of curiosity on her face.

Silver Crusade

A disheveled man in bloody eastern garb stumbles through the door. Ragged claw marks run up and down his torso easily seen through gaping rents in his clothes.

"Peace is a noble profession, but I don't think philosophy works well on ghasts. Luckily I met a girl who's Ma was far away. She was nice enough to send me back here."

"Someone took all my shiny coins, magical gear, and other things said it was the cost of getting up. I told him about the girl and he got all quiet...strange bird. Anyway, with a few days rest ill be back in good form."

Silver Crusade

getting up from her seat, going towards the man in bloody clothes.

"By Iomedae's light, are you sure you will be fine? I have only read about such creatures in stories. Is there anything that i may do to help you?"

Silver Crusade

"Ghasts. That is some tough luck to have Bo." Rhon leans a bit closer to inspect the wounds. "They appear to have at least closed up and should heal over in time. Till then please sit, have a drink, and meet Davina."

Silver Crusade

bows towards the man,"Well met sir, I am Davina Neron paladin of Iomedae and citizen of Absalom." She then sits back down beside the dwarf and takes a sip of her wine.

Silver Crusade

Dont worry none, the blood is all mine. I have some milk here, hah those guys didn't take it. I guess they were good cause they cleaned me out of holy water. Nice to meet you Da vina N er on (he says it slow). Im Bo Atlas, monk of a Far away Ma.

I used to be all violent till the monkeys taught me the donkey art of peace. They bray a lot E or E....but it doesn't harm their peace activism style. Its simple really, when you're blind and flat on your back how much harm can you do. Then with subtle use of pressure points and footwork, combined with a short proposition of peace...evil do-ers are given the opportunity to turn their lives around. One of my Chelaxian friends recommended gardening.

It does not work on the not dead fellers. They may be immune to the peace waves of my left boot. I will have to try the right one next time.

Silver Crusade

Her outfit has much in common with the standard Iomedaean cassock. However, the yellow trim has been replaced with a more ostentatious gilding, the skirt only goes to the knee and is pleated, and the arms are sleeveless. Her leather opera gloves and thigh-high boots match the same style. An effervescent red mantlet covers her shoulders and flutters behind her. Most of her wavy golden blonde hair is back in a ponytail held by at least half-a-dozen ad hoc ties, but a few loose locks frame her face. Two engraved tomes hang from belt cords on her right, and a longsword modeled after Iomedae's holy symbol hangs in a ruby-encrusted scabbard on her left.

"Oh, so is this where all the Silver Crusaders are? Ah, such a wonderful bastion of righteousness! Greetings, common folk. I am currently traveling incognito, but you may call me Avelina of Mendev or "Your Grace" if you must address me." She holds a red wand in her left hand, tapping it against the palm of her right hand. "Now, what grand mission of good justice are we planning? With my own incomporable holy might, we cannot fail"

Silver Crusade

Next to Avelina, you see a dwarf craddling a greataxe. His beard is dyed green, and his gear is disheveled. His face is crooked, and he tends to close his right eye when he speaks.

"Gwahahaha! I told you this was the right place, Princess! I'm itching for a chance to go kill some foul evil beasties."

Silver Crusade

looking at bo

"It is a pleasure to meet you"

looking at Avelina
"Welcome... Your Grace"

she thinks to herself that she only been here for a few minutes and already meeting her first royalty

Silver Crusade

Looking back at Bo with big wide eyes,

"You really seen a ghast? The stories I have read about such creatures are adamant about how dangerous they are. Are they as ugly as the stories explain? How did you get away? Were you alone facing such abominations? Do excuse my inquiry, I am new to adventuring and the only thing I know outside Absalom so far is what I have read, so when I meet adventurers I try to learn as much as I can."

Looking at Bo with her hands underneath her chin

Silver Crusade

Why do you need a dress, looks like you have one already..

It probably doesn't translate well. I mostly spoke Hallit, till I went out east, now I speak Tea and something else.

Silver Crusade

Avelina's eyes widen and she almost jumps with excitement. "Ghasts are about? It appears that my arrival was most fortuitous indeed!" She catches herself, regaining her composure. "Of course, ghasts are nothing for one blessed such as I. Why, Aldoz and I must have slain ghasts by the hundreds--thousands even!--back in Mendev."

Silver Crusade

Aldoz, holding his greataxe like a walking stick, taps it into the ground to punctuate his words. "Gwahahahaha! Right you are, Your Grace. We must have cleaved...cloved?...clefted?...cleaveded?...." As he trails off, he begins scratching his beard. "What do ghasts look like again?"

Silver Crusade

Rhon lets out a soft chuckle as he watches those new to battling the undead abominations know as Ghasts banter amongest themselves.

"The simplest way to deal with Ghasts is to remember the training you received in dealing with the undead during your early days in the Society's Grand Lodge here in Absalom."

Rhon takes a long draw from his mug of ale and returns to watching the others in the hall.

Silver Crusade

Looking all around at all of the people talking. She takes a sip of her wine to swallow her excitement.

never would I have thought to be around such heroes!

"I hope that one day... Your Grace... I may be able to tell such stories myself."

Silver Crusade

A fairly tall woman of Chelish descent and bedecked with symbols of the Inheritor comes clanking into the room, and moves by the assembled table. What some might describe as a powerful blow slams down on Rhon's shoulder, but it is really just the palm of a gauntleted hand giving a greeting to a known comrade.

"Hello, all, and by the Goddess' Blessed Acts, it is good to be back! Things are better in Old Sarkoris, Two less to aid the foulness of the demons; things are bad enough when just the might of the Abyss..." She turns, hawks and spits on the floor behind her. "Pardon, when just the horrid forces of the Wound are arrayed against us." She smiles to the senior Crusader under her hand. "Glad you made it back, Rhon. Hope your venture was as successful as mine. What's everyone drinking?" Her other armored hand goes up in a wave to the bar.

Releasing the dwarf, she scoops up a chair, reverses it, and sits astride, with both greatswords swinging a little behind her. Her hard-bitten gaze goes over the others, quickly evaluating each, and pauses a moment at Avelina. "Highness, I hadn't expected to see you outside of Nerosyn. Greetings and well-met. Are your needs being met?" A steady gaze at the royal, steadfast and sincere, comes from the veteran of many battles of the World Wound.

Silver Crusade

Looking towards the newly arrived Chelish woman. A look of confusion on her face. Then a warm smile comes to her face. She stands and bows.

I have never heard of a Chelish follower of Iomedae... interesting

"Greetings mistress, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Davina Neron citizen of Absalom and newest member of the Crusade. I too am a follower of the Inheritor. I am eager to prove myself out in the world but as of yet have not had the opportunity."

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A young human in his early twenties of extraordinary height marches into the hall dressed in gleaming mithral full plate. The hammer wrought in glimmering silver hanging around his neck matches the huge adamantine warhammer hanging by his hip. He has a long face and square jaw that looks like it has been chiseled from stone. His piercing cold blue eyes and sharp nose make him quite comely.His brown hair looks to be freshly cut and has specks of salt in it.
He walks into the hall straight backed with broad and muscled shoulders. Approaching the table he takes out his warhammer and kneels before it, his head bowed to the floor. He speaks in a solemn and humble tone.

"My sovereign lords, I am Ser Duncan, a holy knight of Torag. I have swore an oath to be brave and upright, speak the truth even if it leads to my death and protect the helpless. I have served the Silver Crusade for some time but have never been here until now. I present myself to you now in the hope that with Torag's wisdom and grace you will deem me worthy of your great order."

Silver Crusade

Avelina preens at the recognition from Bree-Bran. "Oh, I should have known it would be impossible to hide my noble lineage, especially amongst righteous men and women such as yourselves." She extends a hand to Bree-Bran, though she does not seek a kiss on the ring; her hand awaits a humble handshake. "Please, we do not stand on ceremony in Mendev, so why should we do so here? Consider me just another common Pathfinder, albeit one of uncommon beauty and virtue." She smiles brightly, a supreme, innocent confidence suffusing her whole being.

She straightens and taps her wand against her hand. "As for why I am here, I wished to pay the debt to the Society accrued during their incomparable defense of the Diamond City and their continued assistance in and about the Worldwound, as well as to take part in their heroic exploits against evil." Her smile falls ever-so-slightly. "Many crusaders have returned to the South after last years events, a large number of which have been scarred by their trials, and I wish to be present for them." Her back straightens slightly, and a proud smile appears on her face once again. "Furthermore, Auntie and the great, mythic heroes of the Fifth Crusade are demolishing the demonic hordes of the Worldwound with such ease and expedience that few challenges worthy of my own divine might remain."

Silver Crusade

Ser Duncan of Highhelm wrote:

A young human in his early twenties of extraordinary height marches into the hall dressed in gleaming mithral full plate. The hammer wrought in glimmering silver hanging around his neck matches the huge adamantine warhammer hanging by his hip. He has a long face and square jaw that looks like it has been chiseled from stone. His piercing cold blue eyes and sharp nose make him quite comely.His brown hair looks to be freshly cut and has specks of salt in it.

He walks into the hall straight backed with broad and muscled shoulders. Approaching the table he takes out his warhammer and kneels before it, his head bowed to the floor. He speaks in a solemn and humble tone.

"My sovereign lords, I am Ser Duncan, a holy knight of Torag. I have swore an oath to be brave and upright, speak the truth even if it leads to my death and protect the helpless. I have served the Silver Crusade for some time but have never been here until now. I present myself to you now in the hope that with Torag's wisdom and grace you will deem me worthy of your great order."

Rhon quickly rises from his chair and moves to the new comer.

"Rise man...There is no need for one to kneel here in this hall unless it is in prayer to your deity of choice. Torag does not require anymore of you than good works done in his name."

"if you would please come join us for a drink and good conversation I would welcome your company."

Rhon moves back to the table and retakes his seat.

Silver Crusade

Rhon turns to Bree-Bran upon retaking his seat. "It is good to be back. I found my time away refreshing and now feel a renewed sense of purpose for myself. I still wait my chance to explore the newly found Sky Citadel but know that my time will come."

Rhon looks at his tankard and realizes it is darn near empty, shakes his head, and thinks this will never do. He raises his gauntleted hand and gestures for a refill from the bartender.

Sovereign Court

Ser Duncan rises and with a court nod.

"Thank you ser."

Ser Duncan walks and takes a seat next to Rhon.

"I have not seen one of my kin for a long time. It is good to meet you." Ser Duncan speaks in Dwarven to Rhon.

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