Claws, tails, and funny items.

Rules Questions

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Grand Lodge

Advanced Race Guide wrote:

Claw Blades: These subtle blades can only be used by catfolk with the cat’s claws racial trait. Bought in a set of five, they fit over the wearer’s claws on one hand. The blades grant the wearer a +1 enhancement bonus on claw attack rolls with that hand and change the weapon type from a natural weapon to a light slashing weapon. Catfolk with the cat’s claws racial trait are proficient with this weapon. The claw blades can be enhanced like a masterwork weapon for the normal costs. The listed cost of the item is for one set of five claws for one hand.
Kobold Tail Attachments: A kobold with the Tail Terror feat (see below) can slip this device over the tip of his tail to augment his natural attack. Each tail attachment provides just enough weight, balance, and striking power to increase the damage of his tail slap. It takes a full-round action to slip on a kobold tail attachment, and the kobold gains a +4 bonus against disarm attempts made to remove his tail attachment.
While a kobold is wearing a kobold tail attachment, the attack deals the tail attachment damage, and some attachments gain a special feature. Tail attachments are light weapons and can be improved by feats that can improve weapon attacks (such as Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization). All kobold tail attachments make up a kobold tail attachment weapon group that can be improved by the fighter’s weapon training class ability. Tail attachments can be constructed of special material and made into masterwork or magic items. There are five types of common tail attachments.
Long Lash: This slender cord has tiny bits of glass and stone embedded in its length.
Pounder: This squat ball is made from some sort of dull metal.
Razored: This metal wedge has a prickly edge on one of its sides.
Spiked: This narrow spike tapers to a sharp point.
Sweeper: When properly used, this sharply curved piece of metal can knock opponents off their feet. Unlike most trip weapons, you cannot drop it if you are tripped during your own trip attempt.

Tailblade: A tailblade is a small, sharp knife designed to be strapped to the tip of a wielder’s tail. It takes a full-round action to strap on or remove a tailblade. The wearer can loosely attach the tailblade (without strapping it securely in place) as a move action, but using a loosely attached tailblade gives the wielder a –4 penalty on all attack rolls made with the weapon, and other creatures get a +4 bonus on disarm combat maneuver checks to disarm the tailblade. A ratfolk wielding a tailblade can make a tail attack, adding its Strength modifier to the tailblade’s damage. Ratfolk are considered proficient with such attacks and can apply feats or effects appropriate to natural attacks to tail attacks made with a tailblade. If used as part of a full attack action, attacks with a tailblade are considered secondary attacks.

Can other creature utilize these items?

Would humans with the Racial Heritage feat, or the Adoptive Parentage alternate racial trait be able to wield them?

Can you wield the said items when polymorphed into the appropriate race?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Maybe. (See below.)


Yes and No. (In the case of the claws, you don't possess the appropriate racial trait, even when polymorphed.)

I'm pretty confident that adoptive parentage does not give extra appendages - it's a half-feat so isn't supposed to do much of anything - and I don't think the racial heritage feat ought be able to either (though I suspect some rules lawyer will justify it somehow).

Also, even normal Catfolk can't take Claw Blades unless they have paid a racial trait or feat tax to get the claws to put them on. And in the scheme of things aren't so great anyway as they stop the claws counting as natural weapons.

Grand Lodge

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For humans with the Racial Heritage feat, or the Adoptive Parentage alternate racial trait, that gain the appropriate limb and/or natural attack, are these items usable?

Grand Lodge

For example: A human with the Racial Heritage(Catfolk) feat can take the Catfolk Exemplar feat, and thus, gain the cat’s claws racial trait.

Can he now use Claw Blades?

Example 2: A human with the Racial Heritage(Kobold) feat can take the Tail Terror feat, and gain a tail slap attack, and is considered proficient with all kobold tail attachments.

Can he now use Kobold Tail Attachments?

Hmm... What kind of tail would I need to properly employ a tailblade? Would a Tiefling with Prehensile Tail be capable of using it?

If you have the prerequisites (limbs, natural attacks, feats, ..) then you can use these weapons .. thats how i would rule it.

For the claw blades you need claws, for the tail attachments you need the terror tail feat and for the tail blade you need a tail.

Eridan wrote:
For the claw blades you need claws, for the tail attachments you need the terror tail feat and for the tail blade you need a tail.

Ah, but tails tend to be different from one another.

(The thought of a nine-tailed kitsune, equipped with a multitude of tailblades is not something I deem reasonable, for example)

Grand Lodge

Well, IRL, some people are born with tails.

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Dude, I keep telling you... ITS NOT A TAIL... and if you keep pulling it out in public they are going to arrest you.

It would be a GM decision. Some examples are logical like lizard folks who use claw or tail blades. It can be a disadvantage if you use two claws. Two claws are primary weapons but with claw blades you have to follow the two weapon fighting (or multiattack) rules etc.

IRL tails on humans are mutations without functionality.

Grand Lodge

See here.

That is what a human tail looks like.
Now within a fantasy world, and all sorts of strange breeding going on, you can only imagine what a human with kobold blood looks like.

Grand Lodge

Eridan wrote:

It would be a GM decision. Some examples are logical like lizard folks who use claw or tail blades. It can be a disadvantage if you use two claws. Two claws are primary weapons but with claw blades you have to follow the two weapon fighting (or multiattack) rules etc.

IRL tails on humans are mutations without functionality.

Claw Blades augment claw attacks, which use the natural attack rules.

No two weapon fighting rules involved.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Eridan wrote:

It would be a GM decision. Some examples are logical like lizard folks who use claw or tail blades. It can be a disadvantage if you use two claws. Two claws are primary weapons but with claw blades you have to follow the two weapon fighting (or multiattack) rules etc.

IRL tails on humans are mutations without functionality.

Claw Blades augment claw attacks, which use the natural attack rules.

No two weapon fighting rules involved.

Re read the entry, the weapon itself states the claw attack no longer counts as a natural weapon and instead is a light slashing attack. Loss of the natural weapon status would mean you cannot make a natural weapon attack routine RAW.

Grand Lodge

Skylancer4 wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Eridan wrote:

It would be a GM decision. Some examples are logical like lizard folks who use claw or tail blades. It can be a disadvantage if you use two claws. Two claws are primary weapons but with claw blades you have to follow the two weapon fighting (or multiattack) rules etc.

IRL tails on humans are mutations without functionality.

Claw Blades augment claw attacks, which use the natural attack rules.

No two weapon fighting rules involved.
Re read the entry, the weapon itself states the claw attack no longer counts as a natural weapon and instead is a light slashing attack. Loss of the natural weapon status would mean you cannot make a natural weapon attack routine RAW.

Reread, you're right.

I was thinking of the Tailblade for some reason.

Grand Lodge

Why would a human with the Racial Heritage(kobold) not benefit from the Tail Terror feat?

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With Racial Heritage you can choose feats relating to another race. Tail terror is a kobold feat ..

On my table this would work but you will get some roleplaying disadvantages (fear, racism etc.) because your kobold heritage is always visible.

"iiihhh a monster , a bastard! Guards!"
"Mommy .. why this man has a tail? Can i have a tail too?"

Grand Lodge

Baggy pants and a long cloak does the trick.

Merits taking Pass for Human.

Grand Lodge

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Human needs a feat to look human?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Baggy pants and a long cloak does the trick.

Sure but on my table you would need a move action to reveal your tail for fighting, a free action with quickdraw :)

Grand Lodge

Move action for an Orc with a bite to smile?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Move action for an Orc with a bite to smile?

We are talking about orcs? I thought we are talking about a human kobold with a well hidden tail..

Bye the way orc who wears a heavy mask to hide his orcish face would need a move action to ready his bite attack too (on my table).

Grand Lodge

Oooh, long fluffy dress to hide tail.

BBT are you a player, GM or both ?

The natural weapon attachments could easily be adapted for other creatures, like a druid's animal companion. Well, it might be overkill to have a tiger with claw blades, its bite and a tail blade... and then it pounces you.

JiCi wrote:
The natural weapon attachments could easily be adapted for other creatures, like a druid's animal companion. Well, it might be overkill to have a tiger with claw blades, its bite and a tail blade... and then it pounces you.

You would need a small fortune (that was much better off being spent other ways). Also losing the natural weapons aspect leaves the animal with only having its BAB to make a "full attack" at the end of the pounce. As a 3/4 HD progression, it isn't worth the loss of attacks and damage.

Grand Lodge

Eridan wrote:
BBT are you a player, GM or both ?

Player, in a couple of campaigns, and co-DM in one.

Vanaran with a tail blade?

Grand Lodge

Well, Tieflings can have Prehensile Tails as well now.

I don't see why anything with a tail couldn't have a tail blade but I probably wouldn't allow it on animal companions. Animals use their tails for a variety of things, but not for fighting unless specifically built for it, like a porcupine whose tails are covered with quills.

Grand Lodge

I wonder if the Exotic Weapon proficiency feat would allow one to use these, if they were not the stated race.

Hmm... weren't Tailblades listed under 'Martial Weapons'?

Grand Lodge

Oh, that's right.

Yeah. They teach all Fighters how to use them in Fighter School. You know... in case they ever have a tail.

I was thinking about this myself. As long as you have the right feature (claws, tail bash, prehensile tail), I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use the attachments. The claw attachment in particular would be good with a natural weapon type with multiattack at higher levels I assume.

Point of interest, the picture posted up-thread is a photo-manipulation.

REAL human "tails" are spinal defects or abnormal growths, and not all of them grow at the base of the spine. None of them are functional and only 10% of the already rare cases have bones in them.

Grand Lodge

Well, real humans don't successfully interbreed with other species. Unlike fantasy humans, who seem to interbreed quite successfully with a great number of other species.
A human who is born with a tail due to ancestors interbreeding with Kobolds is not exactly a stretch in this fantasy setting.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, real humans don't successfully interbreed with other species. Unlike fantasy humans, who seem to interbreed quite successfully with a great number of other species.

A human who is born with a tail due to ancestors interbreeding with Kobolds is not exactly a stretch in this fantasy setting.

It's not always about sex, you know. Sometimes it's about magical infusi...

...never mind...


Grand Lodge

I am sure a great number of stranger interbreeding with seemingly incompatible species is a result of worshipers of Lamashtu, who specialize in magic items that allow you to interbreed with animals within one size category.

Lune wrote:
Yeah. They teach all Fighters how to use them in Fighter School. You know... in case they ever have a tail.

I don't know if you mean to be serious or not with that comment... but with the number of ways to be polymorphed or reincarnated I could actually see a fighter college doing that.

Looking at the Tail Terror feat, it doesn't grant a tail, it just strengthens one that is already there. So, such a human with Racial Heritage (Kobold) could take it, but it wouldn't do anything unless said human had already landed himself a tail somehow.

Grand Lodge

The Deformed trait seems good enough.

I wouldn't allow trait that gives +1 to intimidate to grant a functional tail as a side bonus, traits aren't supposed to be that good, but if your GM would then that is their prerogative.

Grand Lodge

A trait can give you a fully functional primary natural attack, but cannot give you a vestigial tail, that serves no purpose without two feats?
That's a bit harsh.

A trait written expressly to do that, sure if the books come out with one.
A trait that already gives a full traits worth of bonus being milked for more than intended, no.

Grand Lodge

GM: I noticed you have the Deformed trait, what's your deformity?
Player: I have a vestigial tail.
GM: No, that's not called out in the trait.
Player: Well, it's really not called out what the deformity is. Maybe, six fingers on one hand?
GM: No, that's not called out in the trait.
Player: Um, I have heterochromia?
GM: No, that's not called out in the trait.
Player: Um, a hairlip?
GM: No, that's not called out in the trait.
Player: Okay, I give up, you decide, it's your character now.

The deformity trait, as written, gives a mechanical benefit already. Claiming extra mechanical benefit from it is cheese.

As a side note, what trait gives you a fully functional primary natural attack? That is the sort of thing that precedent suggests costs a whole feat, not half of one.

Grand Lodge

Tusked. Gives you a primary bite attack. It's in Orcs of Golarion, page 23.

Fair enough, though that does make the Razortusk feat rather pointless (charging twice as much for the same thing).

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