My organized Pathfinder Core Rulebook Table.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Here is the link to my Master feat table for Pathfinder’s Core Rulebook in response to a musing of Sean K Reynolds on his facebook page last week,

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
We need an article or set of tables grouping Core Rulebook feats into "melee feats," "ranged feats," "defensive feats," and "spellcaster feats." That would be very handy for quickly finishing up basic stat blocks.

The table is clickable and linked to the Pathfinder PRD enjoy.

Grouped Core Rulebook Feats

Any advice or feedback appreciated, the table was made in word and when I tried to paste the table here it lost its formating and structure, I found google docs to be an excellent work around. I have the feats for the other main books ready for editing and posting if the first table is useful for our awesome gamers here.


Well I noticed that a couple feats were on there twice, such as improved precise shot, but other than that the table is great!

Wow. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the feedback, I will go over the table tomorrow with fresh eyes and take out the repeated feats.

Thank you for your work. A comprehensive feat book showing all the feats from the main books would be very much appreciated.

+1 for Gerrard

Wow! Very useful. Thank you for sharing.

The Exchange

Awesome job Gerrard!

This one is on (in case some of you weren't aware that is.) wrote:

Awesome job Gerrard!

This one is on (in case some of you weren't aware that is.)

I was not actually, I mainly stick to the books and the PRD after checking you're link I love what I see and will be emailing you shortly to see where I can help out.

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