So, my DM suggested a goblin paladin...


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I think I might have something semi-functional, actually...

Hard Head, Big Teeth Goblin
20pt buy (w/ racials):

Paladin (whatever archetype)/
VMC Sorcerer (Abyssal Bloodline!)

So, we have an Abyssal Goblin Paladin... nice.

VMC Sorcerer with the Abyssal Bloodline gets us Claws at level 3 to go with our bite. Demon Resistances, which is hilarious on a Paladin. And, most importantly, a +4 Strength boost at level 15 (that increases to +6 @ 17).

Damage won't be stellar, but accuracy shouldn't be too bad with full BAB, a size bonus, and using natural attacks...


Obviously going to really need to pump up that Charisma for more rounds to use your Claws... it's not at all perfect, but it's a Goblin Paladin. Probably comes "online" too late to be effective in your campaign, though.

Liberty's Edge

Sadly most of the builds I've seen in here, are better than some of the Halfling Paladin Builds I've seen {Especially the Point buy one XD}

Halfling Paladins are super easy to make effective... Helpful, Low Blow, Underfoot... use a reach weapon...

Anyways, here's a Goblin Tortured Crusader:

20pt buy (w/ racials)

Tortured Crusader Paladin/
VMC Barbarian

... Berserker of Society

1. All is Darkness
1. Alone in the Dark
1. Aura of Good
1. Self-Sufficient
1. Torment
1. Smite Evil 1/day
1(level): Combat Reflexes

2. All is Darkness
2. Lay on Hands
2. Second Chance

3. Aura of Courage
3. Divine Health
3. Mercy
... Fatigued
3(VMC): Rage

4. Stat Bump: Str +1 (16)
4. Channel Energy
4. Smite Evil 2/day
4. Spells

5. Divine Bond
5(level): Raging Vitality

6. Mercy

7. Smite Evil 3/day
7(VMC): Uncanny Dodge

8. Stat Bump: Con +1 (16)
8. Aura of Resolve

9. Mercy
9(level): Vital Strike
*buy the EWP ioun stone and use a Butchering Axe with the Impact enchantment*

10. Smite Evil 4/day

11. Last Stand
11(VMC): Rage Power

12. Stat Bump: Con +1 (17)
12. Mercy

13. Smite Evil 5/day
13(level): Furious Finish

14. Aura of Faith

15. Mercy
15(VMC): Damage Reduction

16. Stat Bump: Con +1 (18)
16. Smite Evil 6/day

17. Aura of Righteousness

18. Mercy

19. Smite Evil 7/day
19(VMC): Greater Rage

20. Stat Bump: Dex/Int/Cha +1 (better)
20. Holy Champion

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