What's the best VTT to use with Pathfinder?


Is there one paizo put out or supports?

Dark Archive

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I use D20Pro and I love it.

Im still trying to research VTTs but for me the larger problem is the maps. I have zero (and I mean zero) experience with photoshop or any similar program so my making maps is not looking promising.

Currently, Im thinking about D20Pro (not free) or Maptool (free). Im still trying to find maps for the AP Im planning on running (Rise of the Runelords) and have so far found the ones for Burnt Offerings but they are all D20Pro.

- Gauss

Dark Archive

Gauss wrote:

Im still trying to research VTTs but for me the larger problem is the maps. I have zero (and I mean zero) experience with photoshop or any similar program so my making maps is not looking promising.

Currently, Im thinking about D20Pro (not free) or Maptool (free). Im still trying to find maps for the AP Im planning on running (Rise of the Runelords) and have so far found the ones for Burnt Offerings but they are all D20Pro.

- Gauss

If you have the PDF's you copy the map directly from the PDF and put it in the VTT and go.I am currently running RotRL and we just started book 5 and almost 100% of the maps are the ones directly from the book.Send me a PM if you wanna take a peek in D20Pro and I can show you what some of the maps look like.

There are none that are officially endorsed by Paizo, but my group currently uses Maptools. You can use it to be as simple as just doodling the maps and rolling dice, or as complex as utilizing fog of war, lighting, tracking initiative, and programming macros to automatically calculate and roll your attacks, damage, skills, and other rolls.

I was trying that in Maptool but I couldnt get the grids to line up right.

- Gauss

Dark Archive

Gauss wrote:

I was trying that in Maptool but I couldnt get the grids to line up right.

- Gauss

That's the trick!!! It took me some time to get that to actually work.

Read this And this they should help.

Grand Lodge

If you're a Hero Lab user, you can try my Tokenlab utility to import characters from Hero Lab into MapTool, with all the macros built up for you. Big time saver for the working GM.

Gauss wrote:

I was trying that in Maptool but I couldnt get the grids to line up right.

- Gauss

Yeah, the basic problem is just that the images that come extracted from pdfs don't generally have perfectly square grids. I use gimp to stretch the maps to fit the grid I want.

Our group uses Maptools. The only complaints I have about it are that getting a server set up isn't 100% straightforward (but only took me a few minutes) and that some of my players are computer illiterate and simply cannot figure out how to do anything... but I don't think that's the VTT's fault.

I've been loving MapTool and it took me probably about 2-3 hours to really understand well. If you take the time to download their 'starter' image libraries (also free), you have a lot to work with and can easily get any still missing textures/tiles from a quick Google image search.

Also, remember to get tokenizer with MapTools to quickly create tokens for your monsters, npcs, and characters.

When we aren't using a battle map, I also like to throw general images onto the screen with MapTools for mood. It's great. And free. And you can even play with line-of-sight stuff.

All that said, take into account that I'm relatively computer savvy (I work as a computer programmer) so may or may not be underestimating the difficulty in getting going with MapTools.

Sovereign Court

I use the heck out of MapTool, and utilize it for both a Pathfinder and Star Wars game I run, along with Skype. I enjoy the ability to make custom tokens with the TokenTool add-on (I've created a few hundred), and I've made custom "states" (on fire, poisoned, etc.) and effect templates with paint programs and incorporated them.

The ability to make objects that block line-of-sight, and to alter visibility are perhaps some of the greatest capacities.

As for the maps... I generally make them myself via the programs "paint" and "drag and drop" features, long before I need them. Right now I'm sitting on about a hundred different maps I've constructed.

I have recently stumbled upon a new VTT called Roll20, which happens to be free. Their web site is roll20.net and there is a large community of players who are looking to meet others for game. You can download maps, use token and the program has a built in video and audio system. There are a few snags with the audio in some cases, but using skype or oovoo can take care of the audio problem. Like most other VTTs lining up grids can be a challenge, but it is a lot easier then Maptools. I tried using maptools before, but I had a hell of a time trying to figure it out to make it work, with Roll20 I was able to create a few encounters really quickly and easily.

Give it a try and you may like it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)

TriOmegaZero wrote:
After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)

PaizoCon banquet ? ? ?

TOZ refers to the fact that on PaizoCon convention that is finishing now there is a banquet where Lisa and Vic and rest of folks make various important announcements, like what will be the AP after the next AP (Irrisen AP will start on January 2013) or that Paizo is making their own free to use Virtual Table Top that will be accessible through the Paizo forum (which they have just announced).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It's all over the blog.

Dammit. I just copied the link and you had to be faster.

I wasn't aware that US Military includes ninjas :/

Shadow Lodge

I multiclassed. ;)

d20pro doesn't support Pathfinder as fully as I would like.

MapTool can be really great if you either:

a) don't want rules automation, but you do want measurement, vision, light, and fog of war (and maybe basic hit point tracking and a dice roller or

b) you are comfortable with HTML and a little scripting.

There are people who are in between who get by using other people's code, but it is not simple to do so.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


But I prefer minimal to no automation.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)

I honestly do not think this will be the case.

Silver Crusade

I don't know, bigkilla. The VTT looked so excellent at the con that even this old paper-and-pencil dice rolling fool might use it.


Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

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Well, it's way way too early to tell, right? Nobody can even play on Paizo Game Space yet, and it's only been seen publicly for five minutes in a brief demonstration. We're going to be working to make our VTT the best we can but there is no way we can please everybody.

And as far as we're concerned, whether you're using ours, or d20Pro, TTopRPG, roll20.net, Maptool, Fantasy Grounds or any of the dozens of others out there, as long as you're gaming, it's good for everybody. If you find something that works for you, use it!

Shadow Lodge

Going to have to speak up for Fantasy Grounds, though I am supper excited about Paizo Game Space, the biggest problem right now is that there are so many and, personally, I don't want to know or track characters through a bunch of them.

D20pro has a 30 day trial
Fantasy Grounds has different licenses; none for demo or requires Ultimage license; lite play only; full play and gm; Ultimate host unlicensed. There is a list stickied in the Guild House for the different systems.

Personally I think that Fantasy Grounds is probably best, but that's because it supports multiple systems, and its fairly easy to use and setup. I've only put in an hour or two into just figuring it out and the rest came from playing and learning what was possible.

Dark Archive

Don't get me wrong. I love VTT's and without them I would not have been playing for the past few years (cant find a group where I live). I use D20Pro religiously and will probably stick with it for running my games forever or until it becomes totally obsolete.

The biggest aspect for me will be for me to come here and find a game to PLAY in. Something that is very rare for me as a roleplayer over the last 32 years.

I've been using MapTool for my RotRL game for about a year now. We're about a third of the way through Hook Mountain Massacre. I'm planning to post a bunch of my MapTool maps for RotRL some time soon. Check the RotRL board, specifically the "community-created" thread-- I'll post there when I have them uploaded.

I'd recommend against trying to automate too much with MapTool: it uses a very weird scripting language that I've had a devil of a time trying to figure out. I use a couple of scripts I've grabbed from the MapTool forums, but none of the code I've tried to write works.

Dark Archive

I look forward to seeing the Paizo Game Space.

For those of you having trouble locating good VTT maps, we sell a number of VTT maps on Adventureaweek.com. All our adventures also include VTT maps which work well on Roll20.net, Fantasy Grounds, d20 Pro, and Maptools.

We're really looking forward to Paizo's VTT and hope they will be including 3PP in their plan! :D

Happy Gaming!


I have tried most of them, and used to swear by D20Pro, but they "improved" the Fog of War, and basically took a not-very-powerful but INCREDIBLY EASY TO USE FoW tool, and replaced with a very high power but horrific to use tool.

Worse, they say that their long-term plan is for people to be able to use either method...and yet they PULLED THE OLD COMPLETELY OUT!

So replace graceful with horrific, and then EVENTUALLY give people the easy tool.

I tend to want my utilities to actually make life EASIER for me. I'm off to try MapTools

TriOmegaZero wrote:
After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)

Hey i know this thread is long dead but i have been trying to find a way to get into that game so that me and my friends can all start playing dnd again, i was hoping you might have some information about it or somthing?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kalphazor wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)
Hey i know this thread is long dead but i have been trying to find a way to get into that game so that me and my friends can all start playing dnd again, i was hoping you might have some information about it or somthing?

At this point, it's pretty much vaporware.

magnuskn wrote:
Kalphazor wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)
Hey i know this thread is long dead but i have been trying to find a way to get into that game so that me and my friends can all start playing dnd again, i was hoping you might have some information about it or somthing?
At this point, it's pretty much vaporware.

At this point, your speculation is just that, unsubstantiated rumors.

Have evidence to the contrary? Feel free to share.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Kalphazor wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
After the PaizoCon banquet, I think the answer is "Paizo's own VTT". :)
Hey i know this thread is long dead but i have been trying to find a way to get into that game so that me and my friends can all start playing dnd again, i was hoping you might have some information about it or somthing?
At this point, it's pretty much vaporware.

At this point, your speculation is just that, unsubstantiated rumors.

Have evidence to the contrary? Feel free to share.

It has been in development for years and they also said years ago that it'd be ready in a few months. Since then... silence or "still working on it". Which meets the definition of vaporware.

Or you could just check out the correct sub-forum on this messageboard dedicated to the thing, if you don't believe me.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Think Roll20 and google hangouts has become the standard, but I don't play much PFS online. I use it mostly for my home group. I did get in on the D20Pro Kickstarter, so we'll see if it gives me a reason to switch over.

Roll20 is fairly easy to use, but it does consume time. Works great with PFS since you just nab all the images from your scenario, paste them in, resize it, and grab tokens for your players/monsters.

But magnus is right, Paizo's VTT seems pretty much lost in absentia.

Yes, unless you really enjoy waiting, I'd say go to roll20.net.

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